cmr SOLIClTOR AT ANNUAL MEETING the and Alan tlarthatl ol Namlltpn the presld eat ol the condo Much More than me IaIyerI tram OntarioMt In Tomb hit Rona QC ol Earrla tIeIl th Iltb John Farris QC ol Vamurer pruldtol at tba cIaIdlsra Ear Anotla Warner Temperatures Forecast rAs arrival Weekend Nears Istlphtly rumor trrnperslqu GeorIIau Ely III tnnIllur Ire toreeut Is Earrle Winter Carnival mteod ars lho IeIIber oITI er bIIb oI brlrreoo to In dame mday tow tonight em to to above urht root In Ioma are later MI term rt tonight IyImIa blIla pressure ystem mllaulnt over Ontulo Illl Magmmalmum reading Ihe low under mainly Iunay Ities to southern Ontario There yrlltbe misth oI cloud runtn Northern Ontario Itth lrht arrow to some lotalltler thla Illemooa Ind tool ht trend torrard sllrbly milder Iy hul rnIxtratmr tamperao ror Illlremoln btlwr needs throu hour the prortnee Clo on the lnrreus aloor radium LI Indicated tor rv rlu our Lake Huron today etb Clear rlods TrIA rlods Friday to no law toarht rero lo belorr ltlrh III Illsh Radar to Sands so to St Thomas id London tlounl Forest io lAlnIhsm Doro Sound hlushotI llamllton St Catherine Toronto Trenton Klnuton Peterborouph Nillaloe North Buy 10 Sudbury Earllon rrldIy 0on tlnulnI roltl both da to lo ton toarht zero all Ibure ndaaa LII II roll my Inllk anvil Ia thlr tnxrhlot No hllllt ouoiss are con stdrrrd to be taplrIl asset and are not taxable Slmllurly tr you huy someone elsea ml ouola you could not rlIlna tho purrhare Is In expense it sell grain to Irhtn oompony and request lhsl pay rnrnl be deterred until the nut your in uhlrh year do report the sale tnromo on my tax Iormt You reportll In the year It was laid to the company Th lIrt lhst you request tho rpm any to hold payment unlll eer does not rhtnro the dell at IIIO llowerrr It you placed the rroln ln rlorsre re reirtd aleraro tickets and tlld not surrender thorn unlll lat er year at whlrh time you Ire Mfg OOLO CASH Wlnler Carnlral Draw TleltelI IllahlI II the CIrplyIl Trailer Indtram Earrla Merchant 11min Kapuatastnp Marlo chaplqu olthltollluer re to cauldron IMO cash ltrlrel you uould report lhe sale In lho year the cash ticket was Irrurd have armed to work In lhe Upllut states or my on ployer tor period II years can Canada Temloa roo lrlbtttlonl be eonllnued on my beholtr Under rrrtaln rlrrumsuao es employmnt oulslda OTCITI odI try Canadian employer can be retired Your employer should contact the ntsreat Iu Itlon ntllce wlth tho lull partic tllIrs Tor further lnlormstloa reorlved tho Iuaranteod Iedrtor Iblrhilaeluded seminar ea In andmlo Itoralront lmers Special EIInUaer Today Toulsht TrI TO lnromo rupplernenl In addlllorr to the old are pension to tilt Ilusl report the Iupplement on my lot rcturnr rs but you detect your fuaronlred Income Implement Irrlra at your tIxahlo promo Pancaho Sausage BREAKFAST Borrle Armoury Sunday Feb lith The only rtnrlat EIrolel llrraltlaat Ilut your IratrIt Day with hearty happy brrallarl tor lhI Iholr IIIally Its only SI 00 Sorrle Irom 800 mm to 30 am Sah Feb l2th Dorrie Arena eormrrc MEDALISl oou JACKSON SPARKLINO NEW FIOURE SKATING ROUTINE OIRLS GYMNASTICS DISPLAY GUARD AND BAND RAMESES PRECISION PATROL COLOR THE DIAMONDS FUNTASTIC SKATINO COMEDY AIEOION MINOR HOCKEY PM PLUS OTHER SKATINO STARS ACTIVITIES GET YOUR TICKETS NOW FOR THE BEST ENA SHOW VET srrowrrsrru rsrrrlrrorr arcrsrrwArrrrrrsr MAHOGANY moon Ions MIME Iwm murmur ml CY NEWS III who miners mum mlUAlY re Ipnisllls error Delegate Unhappy With Value Resolved Jame Rm txdttrl Tone Intify the condom ulstern abtpr reprthttre II the re ol Iurh ML rent eminent edema ed the Gun Ear Reliant De epmea tmrlbas mm err he or mum to meat elIriOcIUon M7 oIJellnI partI ot the reports alum 27 he comidered became IOmO rd Tar tea memberside $433M other regommndttm rausnl cvsuril Impled ran Itkh we contained In Iour pmmm upwmlm plu nwrtlo lull CW1 thlthltquce eornrnitturtudy ednesday UIIIIIILE appoiat pm eopy at the report int rowan Mmmullrr nu be seat is sum County to the rouxll It the trmp Wm the OERDC III termed In tied to promote Iii ohms at mount Iotan tn the Georr lIn Bay rrploa ll roaalatx ot reelpgoentiu renth rey nee roea hl IerIa and the municipahtles at that res experience st the ma gmm pm more Isa In eternal to utility and tnutratlon and said he could renal Ia obvioua air at motility to rrpreseolotlrea oI Iona three Storm County end to this munltlpsllly In portlru For limited time only save hundreds of dollars on yournew home HALLIUAY UNIES 53111 CHOOSE NOWItem tIallidays New Showcm II Tim Home CItalog 35 models over 50 oor In Including 14 brand MW designs All built to NRA and specifications ORDER NOWSave upro BAwirh Rallidey Early Bird Early Euild discouan plus another all on 000 crden SAVE NOW Vuiryour Nellidey Daelortoday team how you our build better homo lor less The Halliday Wayl First mortpspes Ivailhble to all qualied buyers HAUJDAY HOMES LTD oudmoteru Onlsrlo LINDENRAEHOMES LT BRECNIN mops Imsso Mu tam Cmfluu the moat meetlop Ind Imli7 IIIIlrs hora tta called panel diaruslon on rrrlonsl development mn no sex or 2x48s ECONOMY GRADE SPRUCE Ol Ir PIT nit eemletla Fioture Value Fomouo Redtop Glen Fiber rreueurrs sure 98 For15 Centres 4x8 first floutrsy Mnda lnCurrmlu SAVE 31 OIII Pelhtl lIkIOI all kaIrdT in Irmhln OI Vlrlln an IWIIIMII III TO rm lmerilutonsl Iter Alarm aaanrrry oer b1 Vamlum sIuIII YAID INDOOR CARPET am prov nwu HIM II manna csrrrurrrtssrrcrntrr ChlphoerdCoroIITld IolsrtvMunviIlu Thrust UouIsIuroul While III IMMUNE SNTET mm torsosaoooporsroor or Imported Gold lore 0n reer RAISE WhitoPlatlchaminuto rhdrdrr mUNEEEENIGIIIIIIIIIII iiiiiii rowrrergrs and $26 STICK Raversalrop Enemellrdsrrrl rortsrs sietrrrrue s2 5493 run up Orllphluxadlrohnlwf TUB ENCLOSURE $2988 NewAtlho Prire OIo OOISital SEMI $45 Complete WIIh NerlIarI Nlmr laalaltell Our MAHOOAN IPANIL OORS In lOFr tenplhtl For LOUITALII Both Not Cold Waterl litlIOAElTTNI rc vc re urea surea window 12 user euros 5191 IlllllSlllllIIRSrrlrsas WEEKOAYS 030 AM PM SATURDA Famousbrond Voluel REYNOLDS HORIZONTAL WHITE ALUMINUM SIOING worn $3 95 FLOOR TILES Igttlll rrrrhwrrurru OHIO I00 my all nAll tttlttltt WEVE rirrlnor OUT NOW TON SPRING AT OUR SAIE PRII Rugpolehh Ciulrhl JUST 29 ET In 12h tonerhrt Typeltlerd ll rrrrrrrrrsrrrorturts 4x8 WAS $388 lupllr IUSTRO IT JUST 247 ETA GoldenOlitIorOn WhilelPorlFormed PANLI IIIOI YOU SAVEI Ulltlhllltl rrrlotrsturr Ioosrt nets lslrll eraser wells ane IralIIIlst Mr Olh Anlelllts Your Oarhway MInIpIr Serving Barrio Orllllo and your area From Our Location Junction wa ll Nort Old No Ill Hwy Highway 93 Barrio rite Eon Earrls Onllrle Extra Shopping Houri Frlday until pm PHONE TZBAOIOO Utility Grodo Nolurel ReodyToflnlrh MAHOGANY 66 $249 VuoGlOOVO lauon rrrru