Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Feb 1972, p. 20

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WuWm iutuuvantvherWrcrrr Hsrn kl was ih hmhl wdamuvwwlw wtanu1 stWRMI nmnnll mammotmsutns It 1m Eu WANTED AUTOMATED TOUCH TYPING NEW COURSE WITH NEW SYSTEM CONCEPT EDUCATIONAL SPECIALIST Directory of Business services Products ANNOUNCEMENTS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Palms Beauty Bar in humor sr 726i731 Specials Inr bother to lean the Intorrtilrd Hbkmuhblwdbm DUAR COURSE Starilhloiadulebsdlr1 It 1m hipi631 Mar Rrsttcsdsy1trilnday no not Wild FM II IT0 II pm In the Autmmrd amnion Touch ying System where this IIARCII oouosu Snell IIoIIIIy March Im mditimiog technique he let the first time bout lsniitikisily programmed in leads the shill ei Iyplll the sincan resell sooo IliidelcuihanlotlhoorsoiiintnxtionAttheeod this than more the typesrues Inboard Imago bss tatrn rrm hidintbcpupllltuoil LOCATION TrI 73ml FEE IA ncoisrnnrtoy on and mail the lttnrttrd Icm trio with your cm or hwy order To Georgian College Conrming Education Division 401 Duekwvrth Sheet Barrie OnIario Name Address Telephone JOBS OF INTEREST ro MEN Moods math Wodncidzy Thtndly1m to and my him sm no 11ho litLp Generiao College IIIID Crocus II Modh 5L Barrie IIense enroll me In the Automated Touch 1ng hcbninryCourse starting Februlry 14 1872 IIucltCouIse starting March 191972 sly chequemoney order to Id is enclosed PREPARE IO TYPE YOUR OWN SCHOOL WUMEUNIVERSTIY CLUDEIC NOTIEJHNIHIB JOBS OF INTEREST TO PARTTIME SALES PERSONNEL Required by JACK FRASER STORE opening in March at BAYFIELD MALL BARRIE Etrning lnd weekend nlri work In Iirns lnd Doys Departments oi new Ilorr PIeare mull complete rooume slrtbig rcloil experience It any tie to the ltieolim oi CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE co tlr Dave Lewis 32A Dtinlop Si IV BARRIE Out MILK ROUTE SALES For chI rstlbiishrd elly milk route Excellent Opportunity Ior lmbtiious Industriotu rcilrhlo pmon Steady ycrr round work too person who enioyl outdoors and drlilng with people Della then swerlgs gusrsntrrd income with mud sddcd Incen lives and lull Irlnge benefit progrnm Appliele irnist Itlts good driving record physical condition and csplbie ll Irithrnelic Good work record with churnctrr lnd midi relercnee Ind be bondlhie Apply by telephone tor pcnoririt sppoinlmcnl TED BRENT LAKEVIEW DAIRY Excellent working ASK FOR usual niiltts its rlousrd toe srtitovil soiii wt Internet we WI Demon Ind In FII nun Mull he repertoired Iv WU Immediately Appl lit partner II the lovable DominIoli Rm Nil nlle limb Ill Illde Ivmt Ill WAIIID Ilbylltils II In riitIII bl reilllie Min Am In Cmmfl Ernst doom Tllllm MAXI Imlm rhinos tor rsorn lnd munIIIlinn hill Mllth In IslIIl plylbl Inllrhtm viiMb Iol ills sr um my rtI miultt Ixmiemd tor write lowers Mniol ninir room Alto with It Ipr irllnlrig IIIWM NIH ioss or INTEREST TO CONSIDERT UNITED LEI IERS WOMEN BANKING AND TELLER EXPERIENCE Position OIIcri conditions OSlIary commensurate with experience Telephone tor appointment T2CIIOO iR ARDOTI REPRINTS It you would like to hate red prints oi any ncul pictures listen by our list photogrnphorl rinse rlil li our business OII er We are sorry we cannot accept phone onion JOBS OF INTEREST T0 SALES HELP AGENTS Vlwy lthlt Iiiroirir Ilul osposioniiy I0 will nth bottom tonylnlhm wins and alumni tsIIioe bImIiII Melt person nudists ot Irwi ms II mil lnd yiri Amerlteo honour to Idl isi Dltloo outs Itiol mt SALES HELP AGENTS HISCAREER REAL ESTATE SCHOOL The Sales Trninlng given to United Initt Representoiivrr Is the TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS but In the world Footurtsl In our course are guest lecturers rind Audlpvtruul instnsclionol training We promise you eicsr under ltnnding oI the Real Ilslllo Business old will teach you Ibo know how ol selling Itcul Eliot to ensure your IIMKIIIuIc succcse TRUST Fm TO FEB 15 mus Denna for 815 Reg 315 tor $10 Reg 510 tor 3750 rsrlstott BIRTHS coLlouItslm Ind Sumn was emu oil or mil or um stolen any llblrlILmPobrvlryl when or Amy lnd any or Alas Instill with Dr Welthvrllovi 0M in sun it wont virtuil Noliiill st DEATHS hoboW4 II Aquil mi Rossini on sanitary it Moon in Ivvvtoii pl trouble In on IIid mt IIioyId snow is helm to heroism or Imus pl an ion Ilpl on lines both or ethnic Home or tube MIN rows no Jean In rumt or nipr1 Alwll UNI III III II III slim ll tom rmul Norrie Em II CWIHII Wk AM mmvniiill In the Most my htsz it It sun Lions rm sum mommy II on wiooiwsow Irel limitAtth loyal rvteiosll tsotoliti suits or Itsonly retro1 ten runs in IN beloved hossonn oi rrri Illooie ins Apps lovingly runmom by non uranium IrdIrtlv oi lhl rm IlIIi Olldyl IM run run IIIMI tut union II to mull rwri worm III breathed smi lime to unit on him II pin iniumi Anfi UAIM Clmlily LDL IIMU not be held 7n wodmdly mm It rm Maroon smir Meters emintniin Loops Thtdl moire It 111 mmni mMilMl aonllilo Iliad revnuisn would or Ibptlrirlii CARDS OF THANKS CNALMlllWl with to lhlnlt roil lIvdL winds and Miqhbwll sci lion in rlrns lnd osnliioru to the new Sorters in iris oi Ilodrrit mm Donne Fllllli INC norm Inssirii the Ami Viruil Nodplipt you end ttnrnr crir Mia much terrestri 4m Cosimo us from newtonm trinity st Nasty new Wit with In with their Itlnil to gmlotl no tioul wiouiu during our more ow our our IN MEMORIAM MeMAITlIin Isvlno mrmory our MbInd ind tllhel tint Drip its Memo who pelted my so sorry to trip Eirv remembered rod oioiy minis by wiil Ewiyn sno Ilmlly rto MdGeoeVlrs tor inliiy loll dl liodrwii words or In HOME REPAIRS ANTENNA SERVICE KELLYS TVTOWER ANTENNA SERVICE Instlistless and Repairs Ducted by run experience PHONE APPLIANCE SERVICE mill lo III on II no rI IOVIIAIIIIIWRVIMI Tl mnih IIIAIII to liI 51an worms mm rluoos Mimosa Irons rte ltt Items anytime DRESSMAKING LADII Itwlbll plnlllwitl diet its air your own rnIlsrlll have us Illlonsbis CIil mrtu new time Ml DIIIIMAKINI rid liiultin rm and women mu llIA too II itsmi TF DIIIIMKIND IM AIIIIIIM byldvrnilida dilml IIIwMAII All put mini sii FURNITURE REFINISHINO ALI KIND wood Mnliwn rlpdir td Inn rrririmd Eormin Illiiw nillt Irlsnnihio IIIII For tr rslh msis rtii ptlnl li mull Mtllrril no your roawtsulr mom lnd In istiniinino IW rltss rlil FIT AIAI TAILORINO watvll Colitis vstoin Isitor Lsdiu no CMIIIINIL Alia situ liicnl III INDIA II Elli IIINM MI Earner CLEANING Illlll cAIPlr Iielm running too only is ium wry so Sold and resiosniili out luv PLASTERINO mtrlllwu Ind Drywall sporirl III livery Flbewy Fm till mltiI iii wtrtiom lIlIIII no lo title LAID clinlin perusal to our Md Tunisp honorm in no sin PIIONH ilhIiit it will mtmoninin donningi FII III HINDI RIDING INSTRUCTION linitsl illuiol testsl boost terminals Indwllmllilh tun worn lune mom Isvtl TV RADIO REPAIRS III lurid IV In hlsitll WI CARPENTRY lxrniluelo cumin In Ililllipsl swim nun WEI Mutton Iml II loanus son IIIm rrssulsI CHILI summon Miles horn rsmoiisnl rsuuitnn rooivir romp es gurus on em rimsI wot min MI Vllll RIC ION custom hm Kettler no room Ambl Ives estimates MI clavlsirll not so one rm VIM mm ammo on Ilb learnt in em naml IF llFllIIICID In ubIoII mall oewa Iiviodotltoo we titlon surround Fm minion mun ru MASONRY 00 MIDI consular Fliu smirity Irom no no hmL JVII FIREPLACES llllutll mulled In out me ltlsonlbo Pm our III III Dill FIIIthII built and stIIsId tyinur stirs In yurt Mildth IIIIle so mam FII CATERING wlooiwot limit rotor ll limits MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT DIIC JOCK tor III cartoon dlw courndcrons lwllnp Illniinwr vsIII lit CID Iltl and Do on rectors rmnsf Croutons Cid dash ttoort Med is root his new In otiinirils liio INSULATION SHINE ZOJNOIIY INSULATION Ihe blowing MM mil experiment Rs lpccisltzo tn electric heeled horned unscented wort estimch soorr hIUIIL IIINLSLW mm ALUMINUM ALCAN Siding Anton Windows Donn WITH AND PACIA Telephone ant to pro hlondly to Sllurdly SPURLINO TIIIII BUILDING PRODUCTS LTD Barrie Calt rotizct Inr Irse estimates PAINTING IIIIDIIVIAL AND 1p lnd Imll tens bl errstem Worm Abolition lit Iiu mm mm Mom litsriitn inisitnv and Edwin so Illlinlrn rn err in lienlrdsertltyhilllhn theories to my Deoepe Islrsltl rswnrm nodlIALW rnx Tirrunris TAX PRINT prlIlIld llsps rum mtlo isles room INCOMI Ill turns and boot Alrylrll sllsonltil its pull Ind OIIIVIVIC ml IIIMU SNOWPLOWINO siiowroowiwo ii II II tilt it lion IIIVICI Wriowilip Nuoihiyrsnlisctl vomime Im MIT IRONINO IIDNING but III IhIi Phone WIN Idyiteld nlIIil AUI mu inn Celine nuns Try Examiner Want Ads Now is the time to make Touristictruths ltuAWltole New World Iti IOIIS OF INTEREST TO Supplies rcrdy balm lnd rrIIois Ptyt nlI odvortts ng You entry in outdoor position ti olilces In the Province ol Ontario to serve you end your clients torrinnny In whirls lhe IIIZIllIIY oi eutiioyicl urn thurriiulders llhs lorgo ciwlcc oi properties svnlinbis IIInnsgers do not sell they help you Indrpsndrnco end unlimited commission ind bonus Annunl exotic titration or WE HAVE OPENINGS IN RAIUUE OIIILIJA SURROUNDING TOWNSHIPS IOH INTERVIEWS PLEASE CALL kill VIGGERS 1288800 UNITED TRUST REALTOR 1055 OF INTEREST T0 MEN SALES OPPORTUNITY BISCUITS AND CONFEUIIONERY We require an aggressive exper lenrcd tales representntlie On with proven record oi IIKCCII In tho loud industry to roll on tho Groecry Trade In Centrist Orttnrlo Boiory commensurate lo experi rnee Bonus pInn pnid expenses cnr provided medical and pro lion plin Reply In cortttdence giving coin tItte drinils or to pull 1er ence ll lrtd marital slsl etc to box Itih DARRIE AIIINEII Fats or INTEREST TO lytorpl Imliely to riiiIII llm lino in uniii pt twin lIII Would envision warm with nnl or ins rollovsn Apply Io Xit rm sxirntm month at siovtoos liporwnu II lypiti loll irisi IIIMNIDMI bootromr hm inioiuiino IIIIthpIilp luv you Pinup Illl Merino Iuliml Writ st leliid Ii IIIIIII IIIIIII wilruwl wllllm isoviisn puiillno onus nonim It snow in min II on too win Duriiimnt ti It Ils the secure Iccllitg you go when you like the way you look FULL AND PARTTIME HELP WANTED FOR NEW DRUG STORE Merchandiser 7t COSMETlCI AN Flgurmogicls where the action Sales Clerks maul News Your Wart iIuii or llrltirriel mOIIUH COUIIISI Come Experience reiorred In today Please write Dox X7 Darrin Exortiiner utilill iro dio or Apply In sum to or MIMW Ily IBM Molar Noili mm Dunlap FII wliulttls Milli be our philln Io niewi ill In In in so All WOMEN SALES PERSONNEL for THE LOFT An exciting Lsdics sportswear boutique ivlliitn tho bcruillul new JACK FRASER STORE WANT CHANCE TO RIZALLY GET OUT OI THAT RUTI WIIY ALWAYB THE OTHER GUYI Your post does not determine your Inlure We utter DR uncom PARTTIMI Iniusiswin It mlshoi rrulirii An lisii viii end In people In slnnlillt educational blelnim Adds Illeolwrip number In In is or XII lurid Interim VII ltCIO not re tilled Inirri do II Apply Iipolnllduult Inn ne IIIlpMM Hill ill Opening in March at BAYFIELD MALL EARRIE Required PULLIIIIE Sales erici IAIITTIIIE Soles Litilict moo onin to the WWII roan wth on established com pony expanding In the Ilnrrto area positions open Excellent Income tor the right people must be willing to Icecot responsIhIl tiles lot the beneili oloihrrt Telephone libido to pm IIh MANUFACTURING AND IIIIIIIIIICID hIIi ll il is It wooosis Neil who swim UNI FII COOK llhll 06 tor helllllil only WII tiliil While TpMII Mal Teioptone mom Flt LEGION WINTER CARNIVAL lVItIlEHOUSING PERSONNEL Required Iur Intensive reisiiInIng tor rnunugcmtnt and supervisory positions Income reiirto limb to 5000 tritium Interviews will he bed Februtry to end II Apply only It you on ambitious nod olihnc to necept responsi bility Wriin giving Ieirphono number etc to Her XII Dorrie bromine PIil EXPERIENCED SHORT ORDER COOK Mary Wickott trimmed Irom hor bust 10 from bar waist 13irom her abdomen 10 Irom her hips 2V2 from her thighs V2 all her onions all her arms and she lost 19 lbs 09 III lbi days week Iiion Io FILI It Snturdny bun PAN Ill this interesting units ivork III hlcli Ioiliiiiit Itiiiieo iiiurlswenr you must IIIIIL youilitol Itiipttiittiitt IliilI approach to Iodnyr tntblons lrttluut rrintl rrriuricncs noccsrnry in rreiirtl to the toll time positions Please irirwiird complete resume rioting our experience phone number Inlnry requireiticnls rind lttltls to CANADA IIANIOWIJI CENTRE co Ir Iinvc Lewis itdl Duniop St West liAlllilll Int BINGO Thurs Feb IO pm wow LDGION IIAIL ST VINCENT ST to Games 115 each Shore tho ilenith Onmcs Irond Jnetpot him 00 tor cords IRIIII DUS WIIII Li VALLEY TAXI AT 115 III If you want to lose weight we are the professionals that can help Figurmagio can on help with personalized BOOKKEEPER SPAINTIME Required by gt JACK FRASER STORES LIMITED opening In March or RAYFIELD MALL BARRIE go pioneering oi dolly soles reports posting ul chnrpu recounts pnrttlms position with Flexible work tulirdolr tinornlng or slternoont epproximutely do heutl pct uteri Ircieiciirn will be given to None with previous olllcc cslurlcnur rrlull store exttrrlcnrr Iirciihduwn lil crisis recitiri ltqirs cIt Ichse lotword complete ICIIIIIII Including iddrm illbtlc Illilil berylgrpexprrlenco IhlIiiIlICIPIIiII expected etc To CANADA IIANIOWEII CENTRE co Iir linvc Idols 32A IIttrtIOll Si IV IIAIIIIIII Ont program to trim and slim you required by local rctlnuronl lur eicnlng worir SALARY $200 PER HOUII Apply In person POINTS IIILITAIIIIANT ill TIILEIIIONE IZdIIOIII TI IIAIR STYIISI wired in llInll In lipid MIII for IHIIIYIIW III hone Ii II ply tin II on Collier Oi III llpiiel build FII Friday Feb tile Int IVY ORANGE HALL Ioxlons Orchestra SponwmI by IVY GIIIIS SOIIIiAIL TIIAII DUFtIYI LUNCH to con to mm as not the EXAMINER WANT ADS DONT cosr THEY PAY Exluslvely for women enropiioii in iguimloz IrinIlin it mi CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE TOUR AND FIGURE ANALYSIS AURORA YONGE ST 7273l25 DARItiE cos MAPLE AVE 7262922 RICHMOND HILL 85 YONGE ST SOUTH no to wlrirroi Person with Imillllwl ind Williill It All lurilttlsrily lubri rihiiiiin this Ildli out have the opportunity to Illri up In undo month so more Tiliptnp woollen sir iriinviovr riii irlios rii NAIIOII EIbsiiIistlorwovo trio uiuir ion eiit Murli IIHIIII III TIIY EXAMINER WANT ADI NOW OVER 40LOCATIONS IN CANADA TO SERVE YOU

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