Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Feb 1972, p. 15

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ltmrauiwad IlIobIoeoI II Allhe Mme tlmeDuIIedId be with III nu om mm llr men mu My IoLazaIzIn mmulr mint Imam IImIlIr II in Inn Eu Inll be plInl will be IIIin II IuluIIII III Slum lmy Bun ol mu along IIIII IurrnpcnI Mnlien lIsl nixhl Ioproml dimly III1 bus IIdr Ilirr Ieme bum proposal lot Imularu mIny Itudrou Itudenl ErIdIonI leh khoul Irum punuinxlhelIILIulmw Iur templrdon In MI or Ihlch ith Inlemu and Al lhI Iama ume Ibo bum INqu Iuiied Ibo purl mg IIIIIIlbe mlIlIJIerI ol IIIII LIIIIur quIIII InIormIlIon Ibout lhr iorunlo Btu0mm mm IrQ mm II III IIINIouyh ul Ihu Ill IiIl Illrel the Innmen Iru oI mm We ny bulli oin loIremJIn empty utmumhI mum duelupmrol rI Lre um John lIcQuIen Irnnr hm larlhmnxm Barrie rIlInn IIId new mm hanl pm mlmlg mu III trmire IIIII 50 home had been II mm 1m ll sum County IlnrnIn cumin mly Arthur mg IIC wa Ihn oz ulutnl Ior amount in Ion ileleae etmlmto nonun error SeIIIIla School Board Lloyd Simeon Central Ind IIIon to but Imnlia In lhe mam III mm non ea olIaI Ind lIlE hoot Pee Sou Duo Pram Iudm oI me In Cook IEleIncr Photo on mm mm norm Mull animalimmunisath ml MIWBL sum buml rm comm 53 nun aIlrI his mum III the rrrnnl Iboul lho orIorIly II 71 Ind II emfmot tun ooIlity Can IIea out Iohnollnr IIIIILIIIIL News IN III mum SPECIAL APPROVAL IIII IIIMIIMWI II In Orll Nldhrd ror or IonIneIlaI In II aoIeIrrI rt Ienlelnlihelr ml llIIdIord to oruIlJI Ienice WM 1001 Ill WM nu Mm IIIe pub um enmmll in lla reII uI Slime County Ily or buylnI7 adoration Irom III II WW II III III MIAMI lppmVII IhI llrm reoomd neon ro Yul Cw llmdll um Kl Um IoprIIcIoInIqummIIu urodIalIILIndIIrIoIIhazx Io Hermann I111 mm lo be used lllbu lhI pm 11 Imam ol Nurailuu IIIJ ILIIIILIMI III unIII elly IrnlcrI III ulrndd rinse lied WllbluwIlo NW gafigg hmduomcmhmm Wm lt overIll nlmlny IndInoIld not Maybe the NM and chr may lilo Item IIaarIiI wu orl counry IJIII ll Iouid no pull be II lhe tool It doinx my wlth ILI ryeat more than tth Ire ImooI be Ibvlllhed and who No MONUMENT lunng moot sludenu In undo eed Wedneme Ioul evenlan llylnx II II LhIcounly beundIrImIsed WInonI uwtlohurkla mom mm Slmfoe Couniy SlIIIrniI public Iehool board men In iIIlI board he IIIII uno um lhm nlleIIIILng Irhool Idiot pruponl In Newmaxloi we allowed In ln lhrlr rpmhm uylnlnul by PrlthInuoIIlned The bunrdr bul IrlIIIenl ol alurnilon cwllnuz ISN IWM lr IrlthIII IIIth Ihwlht II In IhiI aI LulumI lmmlovrhmmrntshoullarru IIIIInriIouanIIIImLIIIIpIIIrllcuIIr 1e IUIIIIIIM GI mm mm III II Ierrn III are lluVnee IF mm In Cooln II Burle mam lent IlIyorCoolIIalII and guy Immenl iIII young mum and IpprauIl belon Inylhlnz lurlher II Arthur Emu llOSlIneoI emmeni II the mood moxi In the dullrs ot lha rouncil III he be dona LL mono IIIIIII Munr Ile ml Crnlrel llyIIIId mpr no I1 variant level that Imuu mlmlnlnlrlllon ll would be IN MI Irhwl It In WNW Ilh Ill hlPIIor Perl Saulh Lloyd IIIII this Issue Int level III olelmnrnt II in MY livnnn explained the proI mm Imam Io Ilium WWI thrmiulei 11 hm IIIIIIIWIW IIlthm Wudou Show coo nuluu bums ll home he run eeduro ln owlnl am In tho mowing or mun In Me II In It WW In In Id be Inc mum Ina Funk InomuI Immime movrd loo Iu too ML Wm WM Itlllllllult Ind Inld um um mnwmw III III WW II WIN WI WNW Iuperlniendeni ol the Sim lul ll IeIreI woolen 9mm mum In V3 member oI Ibo lr lsulure mm In upon lo III Mani SIII 10 nmembtrihnlhe Inolonlyre Owens IuperlnlrmIInt III lInn Iouldthrnbeusru II In IlrmInI em XII ilhI trIlIerIlIlrh will more onIoIh 0m Rum va1 IIIng mu III III Mk III 0mm II In new one NIIIIIIIIIIhI pig othlsrdlt Iain Iemndary enIImen onbIrmI Ind and ill III III II IIIIIIIIIII my In meInllnIe lilo band uh ice IurIIeI or em II School Bond und II 9qu Ieh Hum mm mu Ill III III Cb pell luld el lhI orurl ml WWW and III IIIIIIlIon tn Teeum rInIn wmuo II only dlllrrenee my mw Emu lo Ill IIveLIIII Iorernmenl II no do In IIWIUWIMIMWII ML tommednllun between the nu It the III whlzn lolloeed ihelr mm the warm we held mlmmmhmlm lxanlheu becauso there Is no denls liudlunl hluh Iehuo In roaches llIyor us Coola um III ICI roent Io moon 51mm cm um on cause tormtoba reeleeird as lhnklI Inooa Ind llIIIlI lower Ian wlll bone II beer ml nylonal government on the Itll provlnelIl II mm cm on matter or art am Irlurlunt IlemorlIl lush Inhool In In 10 IN WWI dam In Slmeoe County bIeIuIa eellon compared In the other In mm to reelectnl an In mm my cat ever lhlo rho lilo buslnesm lwu Iarilto Ilo Iallol pylrmrIly Ibuul the mm MI 23 new Brndlo tilts Llllll dilierent peraonallllcs In loo Iod out more man III plInne wounl eunIlIIIcl ll cimrooms riltln Tru SiudonII in lhu ilrolloro Iru Iour laboulonrs Iwo hon oc onumlel rooms muolc room we mum ulll hold in In oloIdIIv In MIIIIIII Ind mm II mm II III In mm Mudhislall nIlInoaI oral guietnmonl IM II II In III MD who want ier um comm llilou lloem whlrh Ireemroodv In on ImIImI III Emma agrerul but Iald iliey want ha IIId th ihrromllo llrnll IIoau ellremely lnl III III morI money do lho dunno ItuIIrIIl Ind oulrlwlliod ham to be to led by llrIl CIouettI II lion per mm In on room ma leehnlrel Ihool Iwa Ines lor woollen IiIIIrotI ld bu bl Eyllougynltlslnn II douhla mnnaslum Illb than Blngo Tlckels Avulloblo ooh IIIIIIII Iv IlrnI or III ovenln el Iohooi mm Ind llIIrI ImlIlt IleIeLI IvallablI with Muller IIelw oi two know tht In do II mm mla Illlmllmwhl III eomluded hII mum II rum 5me II In min In noun nu Iour lllhs or the men In cum IrI IderIIcIlel Ind bardworthy rune to IIII them In III III II In II mm ol his in can Ioenl wllh lsmvmmouallon IIr LIIsIItu III II ourel eealrl II wont each Ex Inn gum wlII cents and there II llmll It Wm Usm Pro erl SIEIEIIIINUIIUVIM IIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIL IIIL In Ihrrocarlllioward lholhm or our Ihlrelheuulih Ilmrr wlil IIIII IO eeIIII As mm mm nmoeardslor II mm IIIIIIIIIIIII IN II mm Thm wer chur ea aI nnn monthx errmmo on ln ooIrIIuIIIayIIntnInn nun In Irovlnelnleuull IIIIlgfdlflhtlhkbg gt v30er Ire unlnz pIopeIIy en yoltlalloklnaln Lbil uwhenlhe bl uonuicllun on the SI Ilneenl SI out to IIllowlnil II mil Im III IIIle loll Judue II $400 In PIIIes For Slackers No iru htea and two In yrlII All llre eon Irom the hem IIIeIr way with rliy VIIIIIIQIS L59 mmI momy wl bu Ierded to ho wlll then be rllxlblI In enirr The IanI In WIND 13 WW III lluliiy lunchnrge oI lralIItI um um IN II Mm Indurlul W1 Km In In marllquII and won Ien Um cl um mm WWII 5W lenml lo III mom in run IIIII In mom was nmmmII lth ilIo l5 sentence MrI om poinltd out lhIt wllilltll ol tho Ilorl ear mer the ear wrceIInI rIeethehoI prooolo in mono lbe Inn lo mm Morrow um um III II Ionlo tho drug LSDIS oresirIIInI IlruI Sunday al the lm BIrIle Wlnler III IIMIIIII rlII CoIrIIlIol IIIIWIIIIII III IITM eaIIblIII Ii IIIceIIIIIIui II II III ororuw II III IIIIII cinmuI no Iva carnmeroo an hauls lwo Irmlllnal and one window Ind run hIII ether WW Im Imam in oliywtdo pol re linen ls oelt Mom mrot overll Idlnummber dangerous mil lion evidence had IInorIquolmlm mo lhnlllorruwwnllrnllr umwnruuwa LII tlIIIl Ilariln II v21 Iluds or elIIlIu on LII Um rend In monlnz uIIy IIIIIILIlrlI II bolrneo eounsal Nuul uniI III mm III MIMI Broke lIIlo Three Buslnessos II MIMI nin on In or II Id lmm rnirnynronl II industrial InnII In the oily IIII pm In Mm mm In In nmlfynlh ml llIrrlo may Ihurlly huyo to II undercover IquIi or iho llnrrlo 27I Mn rm ultt Wm 29 Kmulx lo Drover in IIIth lilo Barrie Man Gets Two Yours gln plan or Iervkln new In luslrlol mu labllshed mun show elruuinutuners Iilnd uul lhnl um lroIIIInd LnleIIcw IIIlry In llee one no em Ir ovroximlely mo war um Boml member III Tnomlw and on Iyxourag Mr Inumm Wm mmmlal dev WW lymnu Inn been lrnrililunally noI eloomtnt In Lhul Iron LI loll Ne 11 drugs In him mm by II mum II dun IIIIII IIer III ocnltonllIry lolIowlII Ird Irom lIllnx rahlnet In tho Ll mm mm Consluble Ilreier leolllloIl lhul Iorloua lyoo Iklion In ornvlnoiol tour oudoy on three eounlI ul breIl liI ollIrI Ilurln the IIIIthInlrr II DeeIllothInwIIIielenlrom mum II twinsunantiit itIIiIlIIIIII we newInntztiwinlni II guilty alter Crown Allorney the olitImBI In Iulolnlnnmm IIIIIIIIoIhIIr In uSIIIIII III Im IIICHWIIIIIII III MI RIB IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MIMI xedIIIrthquuIm MElg lhIII ubmymnwt II licenuIoticuYuonIlnn WIVIIIEIIIIIIlynx Ourllelin the LIIIIvIow DIII on Iy arnnl yon doanilunitmllhullhollx if Tm llruuor lulII the amt but an month lenu run LuncuIronIiy mm mm HI Uri ho punhnud twu lIhsoIIIonieIwo Iur lIuIlIekiny In no lhreu hour win horned Itirr breakIII Ii Icei gnI ee Ie EIIIIIIImWE en qu II 23 Jayrmmlo $1331 hits ol the hulIuclnqunie druu IrnIIk NelleI tleol Inlnie III III done lo IeverIl olllceI Iuriber rumpllcnilne III II enetheIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAIII Con WI the noillieutlnn mm the Iron Frank HIggInson CHARSMA Ilwg3lygIIIIlILI Sold CuIs IIIlhoulI licence ll won menu llnfwun In mom OIIIIIII Resrdent ned $200 II the monihr Areordlnylolhonrlptlhli handonould beltIenauI CIIolI llrheorolnx Iho to learn Noel iIItes loll Illt rIlledSirlnIrleilowI III we e0 It Vmlm IcrIlrhlny hII hood wonderlnl lIIteI l4 teamed no wi auditorium on WW III 5I mm mm Illw tlrIiiiI uracilti turn Ilunu whri IlII lI Ioln Io hovoen band ol lire Peter IlodIrI Ind lExIminrr Ilwlul wnu fitted Im IIdmmlny ohm ot Anni Ind llny 1911 whtln lIGUI Iniali FunIrIl Iv IIurlnl the lInIverIly Woman Slollnri lull mumi lruvlnelul Cour my III II IIINIIN Illumln will be lild tomorrow In MN II lqu n1 guitly to soiling In llnnlo uml our dealer llr Goldman hue oIIereIl to glue who mm um Wm 1h John Murphy rnwn IlluIIwy Judge MN Illownl luldthuwurtihntIIImuIoiuslx iloion LII dnyI to ply tho Ilnd alienoun It Ihe Jennelt Fun lIIIHDIIIB In IlrIIrrle IorIIrIIIIlI moon ormer IIII Inc In mg or III III III be II told ihlI mailer II Thowelilmwn Anzurmldenl may btlol dlscuurd by tho IdleiII NflsIlwaII IIIII IIIoIolIIw developrrn II on II olpta Ir rI Illowln Illncrl Iller Li In III III 10w mum John Iowanw 1mm It III II not rozrr II 21m IIIII IIIEINIIIIEI Iqunuuu mmqu hildrrn Ir usIIthtIIIlIhibo menu In ull oiong gwffmml Iitn In In Irraln IInmIlIock 11095 III loin to permit human to rhlcleoiurnlnl Mm III The memberr IIIU IIIIcuIsoIl oorimcni unlb Mord on MI leImoIA Milaholtolllllluw mzn IIxilhzligrcriIbeIrdth Ir mm mm II noorovIl II monln appliooI told aouIlIuentI In tho Irra It in Ilulowas ruimotedallloc when Noth ootleooio wI conIIIuct callooloerlnloooonos Inltho III or land near lha new LL would bo lucomontlblo III III II IIIIII II In In colilnlnn wilh In Id rlly nlInolnl boIrd mm mum ion IlIll or nurllnn home olhrr uII operatqu in low Corr mum Iguh th mmh They bod given Iypxnyl euro Time II In untlotr in lhumlon1he nocldontugeurrd Moron mambeIoISlmm width mm Iolllrnlollnrn runwayr nunno WWW NW INMMMM coextolrezonln II fund horondwny meaning VHF ll Iho lIIIiIiuiionIl II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Iowa noIorIIII IrIIIIIEIII II II IWdlII In ueelIIcIlI Coulil munell III IIIIIInM Iren Ill mmlihelnn orcyrrllu ellnIrI Irul hullrllnlzl III lumld duItriul um II he ho run nIIiero ttlItJLIY neIrl IIII lhroo IIIII IIIII Irtova durIn Numiog homoI memorable election In January rlIIla club are Ilrrndy pro tor leolotodlrcmthIPWIMhl Wm om IfichhfanildIIIIcI IIWIIWTIIIIWM mm 1th won iho wtly iIeDuuotII unanimemlur Iiullumloun wnni Io Ito thebourd potting own II in III oio IIIlII old Inch AIII IIIIINIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIISON Ioeommrnded Itll mm min Iho motion would my otuiaolrI in lilo way at rl bmni In rm mognveillelu MWmwl III dude Inwthluwlsmmnl IV nIId Collier IlrrelIJlthirol yohi Thu drlvon um lrrn I2 by Gerald IleinI Knuvu nI Male and Gory olhor Ileotlen uII eIIled In now IIIer Ilnlle Inmlly um he mm mm min WI IIIIIIIIIIII mum to rule iho Ioeullon InulhIIeonn no Ilyo tool that mm mm In Km III mum WI MI llr lIIIIlIIIz won la 3IIIIIIIIMIIIIIMM IIIcldIlyonIomlnIIIrvlvedIy ImmIIInIIIcnwnIIIIIIIuIImIII II III II III IheeiioIIIIlelIIIcIIhnhny InlLSIwIIIlildIIh II II II II renown eul Io onrouver earn nellllere ure on It ore on on com in Ir Iyo won ueIyI to II III Im to IItlnlll no IIIIIIII Anon III Inn morgueupoxuiorionowyror IliumIornuninunamemn lilo land or mm lorrnrd Inra IAIIIIIID III II VlrluIIa lluvptiol bowl 1031 III Ulooin daughter MI Me In In rezonlnn llln boiho IIIIIIIIIII province ir uri mrbllnui amounl and war IIIIIIIIII toI nor IIIwnetl III LyrIIIHSIwuA rntflllukrmlmnlm hoonI mini IIuhtIy altltly ih III III llIuI wlwlrr the pIeI gxrlflmlllf 91 UIIII MM III It li Pygm II mgmehl lnmm Mm iumllwnl UN IorlIl need lur lmilullom In rntrynteinlhrollyIlorwIleIon Imf lljhprII IIIIIIII ecnt lly Town IIIIIIIII II MIAMI hm II nl OIIIIIo Ilgdle IIo nlw WI remoter Iuilowln Igtrloa llmul mm mm mm am ml mm mm 0mm deplored ltIo pol lg mg MIMEWmwwrr ernied Iy loul II llnker ol Imam membmumimn gegwgsmnkmll Im IIIIIII ix mm IbllIlt IIIIIIIIIIIII the lltIIIlVIIIILlI hllIaIIIlItoIId was ioIld in olt IoIIrloIIlraIlIyeolrrdnyonululo II on no usneunn In can on III Iir llnlo wlll la hold thll evenlnl by MIIEIIlIYIWlmmhm new InItItutloIIal noorntlull with piannln would oh my untenonlls al Ilr StoliIrI The IIIIry chooser would not llt Into IeIldentlIl mm mg ml the In woman Ieetire lrnmerllnlely huvn netllu III The nrd rorommerwled III II III the Ileynllmont orrro tn rontl Inner ll nIlIIo ol II ltltl lIInI Ill MI tllo In tho Angus CurlnlhlnnlndyeJtln Mn AI eelal L01 nerlco IlIo uIr wroundIlollormnmnl iilln IIeII but Id In lelt the III taper may Buldenhhwmtbolarmer Ir II onoyowr MWIIIN rm Ilwuld be lrlt Ier lnIlrulmIII reorlethvororlnre ll tu rrIuwI Inm II uuhgQIn4nlhthlugtu4niwqowwnaamhirne YMIH

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