Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Feb 1972, p. 4

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dittolitmus Examiner Published by Canadian Newspaperstempsny kindled l6 Bayllald Street Barrie Ontario James Itebb Foblishsronassl Manager It Walls can Emsrllus It Melme Managing Editor HON nosr MUN PM QBcIrie Needs AssiSldnce In Financing The City oi Banie has good case or tedera and provincial iinsucisi sup port towards the cost at ludscale phos phorour removal system this plant which would torrn part otth citys row disposal iadilttea must be In opera on by Dec 31 1013 The city has slresd spent 0000 on spilotproleat Coup ibeileveditwouid receive subsidy under the CanadaOar tario aireemeni but was advised that linancla assistance applied not to mun lclpalltics on the lower Great ker and not to places on upper Great Lakes in land waters This is toms ot discrimination that in hard to understand Pollution is bad wherever it occurs especially in water ways Admittedly the lower Great La or have much greater pollution prob term than many other parts ol Canada However this should not be used as an srgrrrnent to deny subsidies to commun ttles like Barrie In stronglywordod resolution to both the Ontario and icderal governments city council stressed thatl phosphor our removal program has been burden on Barrie taxpayers The motion also Sewagernit engrossed the view that limitation oI ru idles to lower Great lakes plants Ia Inequtlabie in an discussion oi coats one tact cannot ignored the cit is being lorcedinto these programs the On tario Water Resources Commission There can be no reasonable argument gainat OWIIC demands PoUutIon threat ens our way of tile even our lives ard It must be controlled liut In making demands the two are tor overnments have Iinsncial rosponsh bill es too Subsidies for sewage apes al snd treatment taciiitles are must tor municipalities with limited taxingp ers The cost at lighting linden is ur den that everyone ouid share not merely the owners at real estate Cities on the lower Great Lakes do not have to have nutrient removal system in operation until lllld almost two years alter the Barrie plant must he ettectlve tiers again there is term oi dLmlm inaiion In spite ot the possibility that communities in the tower Lakes areas may have more complex pollution prob lems than are being experienced In liar rie and district The Londonderry Thirteen With the deaths oi the unlortunate ll demonstrators in londonderr low days ego the British now have th own Kent State attalril Or hit the British Cblcagot lly Lat redraw the irish call it liioody Sundaybut the name does not really make much dit term not to the dead anyway who will never know how theyd been used Illicit people who lost their lives on the streets at tondonderrydied oi Brit in bullet wounds but they were not ready the victims oi tho brltish soldiers Mg had the bad luck to be sent there are these who instigate the terror tactics and who systematically whip tension among alreadyexcited enoup people so that their actions will prove law onl iorcemsnt agencies into creating martyrg bloat responsible tor the tragedy rare the agitators who excite and Instruct pee in to out on the street nd rice is an property then there are the assassins who are well trained to shoot at or blow up sol dices and policemen preiorsbiy irom behind and unscenlby the victim There are the onerlwho then run away stble tor thiskind ot tragedy gt my Eire and leave the unarmed excited crowd whleh Incidentally is very dangerous to lurther provoke soldiers an pose as innocent crowd Experience shows that the most pescolt tut mob can cause unbelievable damage and destroy many lives it excited Scores ot ordinary loothsll or hockey games ended In tragedy when excited mobs started stsm eding What can expected when the mobs simts to deliberately threaten destroy burst or kill And when the mob Is sup ported by eharpshootcss Irom behind No one who has ever laced such mur derous excited mob armed with every thing trons matches to clubs to chains and to atones and to table legs which combined has the ciloct ot tank and destroys eve The deaths or in people Is tragedy claliy when their deaths was unnec carary Butstiergivtn the dead what Is due them We shoud perhaps start looking at these mob notions and put the blame on those who start It not on those who try to stop it Foierborough Examiner DOWN muonv LANE 10 YEARS AGO lN TOWN Barrie Esandnor Feb that Feature srttdle by George Storey sports editor on liarrlealiempentclt tiny colony oi tithing huts populated by about 1000 Ingierrdurlng winter lloward Drap er ill regional hydro employee killed at Big Bay Point when struck by telling Irco rOnlarlo Municipal tloard rule against Darrick annexation pants at We Era lvp as premature nntng elm tang and llarry Livingston pic Lured with line catch oi whiteiiah Irom William Itinnlkln tuneral dir or located on diary St south since rota retired but remains active as real tor Illehael liarltway llliC corre spondent at Washington addressed liar re Womens Canadian Club with lira Otto Ilawson presiding at Library llati Barrie Collegiate hand directed by Allen Fisher and Glee Club led by Archie Nora wmhlned tn concert En tire proceeds went to Iioyal Victoria llosa ital turnishings tund lire Charles owlon elected president Collier Si United WA At st Andrews Church Rev James Ferguson ottielatcd at wed ding oi Kenneth Anderson hell and Viv ian lots bicQusy Simcoe County eer Ialn to have Increased tax rate duo to carryover $126000 and many new grants Darries oldest resident Lemuel Ed ward little at Kempenlcit lirive leatured on Clllll radio program iatriarcttr sponsored by Cities Service Oil Co local mans er Bill Sporting damci tart lteeve ot Barrie Installed es warden Simcoe County lrank Ernest Maxwell no veterinary surgeon Insurv anca agent and hockey execu lve died tn Toronto at heart attack lie was mem ber ot liento Arena Commission when lco plant Installed in 1045 John lilt chinson general manager llsrrio GE giant announced reduction work hours 10 to save work on automatic toast ers Emerson Creed native ot Barrie rated 10th amateur by Ontario loll Ar socistlon ltCAF veteran ot World War No he is now iinancial editor London Free Press bliss Jean Cochrane re elected preaidrnt lvy Junior Fermere lrsnk orlright oi Toronto and Shanty llay addressed liarric lions Club on Con servation Ito Kightiey portmaeter installed as prerl onl Kiwanis Club suc ceeding Fred Smith photographer Geolt Glenn elected president liarrle Gun tiiub with tilobbietltobinson vice president and lit Wt secretorytres suror Directors are lleroid Smith Don Emery lack llsmilion lrank ltt ersen Ilnroid lieNnbh Ilonti lirad general atoro no longer her name tlip well alter 70 years II Tod llipwcll sold business to Shaw Oshawa Previous owners were Teds lather liar chill and grandluihcr iosoph llipwoll Noel ti Stephenson president and Allan Cook part president on hehell ot lions Club presented oxygen tent to lloya at Victoria llospitel mom sexism Verse From Bible Gave Idea For Name lly ltllll liOllbiAll lsctetl partly on the grounds should he Dominion oi Canada this Is the snnlvcrssry at one that It might Iruuss snlargunlsm Although tuntidn line not at the snort important events in in the United btetee any at tirai liritlvh lenders ex Gsnsdisn history On leb Premier ltiiry or New ilruns pcctcd iltnt liunntln would he tell llritlsh Colonial Secretary wick one at the leading llth rnmc independent In the luluro lord Camorm presented tlrn gsica arrived the problem at on When pvrnrnllng the sci tn the llrllish North America Act to eporoprlntn name its read the llouae ul lords Csrnarvon theilousset lords The act cre lllhis every morning and aside We are trying the rer elod the Dominion at Canada vcrsn irom lssltu it nllrn ted lhm ls ballet in Canada his attention duri the discus hope one which at luture dsy ihst the word Dominion had sierra It rcldlt shall have may even overshadow this coun eonneiIUon el briesiorlly to dominion also item are to sea Ir llul cone what rats are britslathla was not tha can and learn the river unto the shynll rolnlrsllhsl we all cued The original hatcntlnn wan to ends it the earth this was neither indltlcrencc to their crests the Kingdom oi Can peslc description oi Conn wishes roe eds but that nemewssjrs snd he suggested thntd snarl pirations Jealousyol their as thin In Its way can Ipan lylameihssol tersAor 1i ililtlilii ltlillll gt The fate of mygovernmentwiIIbe decided in the legislature Premier Moores mmmmm uterus Pilltlt Secyecplyls Threat To Our Democracy though even ths proprtsly oi lnerlllbly will see the legisla this can be questioned because turs lrow more and moss halo as new entrants Osms Park duress Ill The Examiner the biggest threat la healthy and visits democracy Is secrecy ery Iuthorllsrlsn regime hII operated behind screen Ibst It wanted it is know and the bile has not been Udtlliir best test system lhcrelors drill to accrue hers must be viewed wit Ilsrrn ullln thetrt praises bile rucl th wnonorntsnthellaolnrtmldv vi the hid the public then cant know why an and how the Itnsl recommends gerrhy the one really extraordinary time have been arrived at or ml or this is that the mm the personal vim oi III URN bers themselves have been com representatives not It hII been plslnlng more and more In to accepted by the pressas reD rent years about the downItll lescnlstlve in this case oi the WWW WW public bilerertbeesuss It pee slIsly can mean more tree dh better reaaoned mornm lions reserves burr nxcerrsors that never has committee tried to hear witnesses in closed sessions the single exception when the committes on privi they have had much id ssy cusalon and thersleruesrangs lbw mm Mum civil service becoming rinsed gmpaysavutt hicsa pplIcAI slit shops which have had less rc apact has them and tend to view their psrUclpstion more as concession rather than right Now hers they are doing the some thing themselves to the Ill it Mill logos and elections has been In public on MIMIC MUWUW quiring Into chsrgrs against this mcrnber ol the house And the where the Iunclion oi the prcsl vcnpd at present and Is one at those occasions gm will VIEWED Pl nationalism committee he been is allimportant in our system olding some oi Ils meetings to earners lhe practice at recent years has been ihlt when committee gets down to writing its report It does this behind cored doors doing this llopeluily this will be slogde lnuncdlete it until will are to be iought For not only Is It had in Itsell It is setting prercdent which iilTIiiiPitETlllG me wrote Vietnam Is Big Issue Again In US Election Campaign Ily llOD CUltltll WASIIINOION lLIi At most year ago President Nikon pllered Irlervlly bit at advice to his licrnocrsdc chnl lengere Dont count on tha VietnIm war II on issue in tha itll presidential election Those who did he said In el Iecl would Ian the was tied be come nonrlssue they would have the rug icrted Irorh under them saunterzrxczrursm2mm litre Norrie Examiner ll llsyllslti ltrcet tlsrris Ontario Telephone meter Secured lsssllati tiedstralion Number one lieurn poatsgs guaranteed Dallyt butdays and Statutory lloildsya excepted Subscription rstes daily by carrier soc werkii Nile year Single copies too by mail srrle tame yesrlpt lilrncoe County trace yesry balance oi Canada Item yrsrly All ether llitllllti new ycertr ltotor throw all new year National Advertlrtng nillcrlr er Queen Ill West Toronto Nil lilo till htlhrsrt 5i ltontrcul llernbvr ot tlto Cnnurlinn Press and Audit llurcau ul Clreulo does the Canadian Press is richer tvriv entitled tn the use tor ro publication at all news dispatch es in this paper credited In it or Tlsa Assoc rAed Press or Ilcuter and also the local news publish ed therein the lisrrta tixsmlncr claims Copyright In all original adverv its ng and editorial material cre ated by Its employees and re produced in tblv stewspspsr Cnnlrighl ltcglrtratton Num 203m Miller 91 With President Nguyen lsn Ilricu asleiy rssiected pres drnt at South Vietnam int Otto her ihecontlnuln steady march home at Unit Sieles troops Ind American casualties down to one week at times the advice at the master pnlitl or ohm sppearod sound but although the war Issue cooled tor while the Deme crsiic contenders tor their perv Ys presidential nomination ln tested they were not con vtnccd Now In the wake ol the so cent temporary renewal ol lid bombing at North Vietnam and Nixons sensational disclosure oi so mortise ot secret negotia tions the war Is as much at troutpage Issua as it ever was the Democratic candidates have been with to embrace it anew with leading contender Senator Edmund lluskio oi lialns chIr lng leens latest eightpoint isl oi pence plopdlt all was simply rearrangement oi selected at err An im receive lineup at top Nixon Inhirstlon cttlclsls including state Secretary Wil llsm llo era end Delenea necra tsry litevin Lairdnutter ter wsrd to attempt to uli the rug out trout under itus to be her It hasnt worked the nubile debris was enllva encrl during the weekend when Xuen thuy Ncih Vlelnmna chiel delegate to the Paris urn lniks said In as television ntrrview that his side will nm glvs up American retrener oi war In return lot at thdrswsl at sit up lurcrs ilo said how etcr ttnnoi would have rersl in such dealInd nlltswrd llr Nixon in get out at the war vor honorshly ier to Thintrs roelectinn lls October llowevcr Ilogsrs said In reply that the North has always said It wont return the loWs unless tha Ul throws out the Truth governrnent their demands would mean total detest tor the linited states Under Nixons latest plan the its great and most valuable aim In when responsibility is to whats wilsmeni ltseli la oilenslvs And this is one oi those ocea starts lhlclt govrrnmcnl would resign one month In advance oi new ei ectlons but llnnol observers sufgerl doll that the third pov lllcui machine would be at work In such circumstances thus virtually assuring his reel li liusitias simple twovol nl plan called tor the WI alter withdrawal dule In return tor the prisoners and ms Saigon in work out poitiral settle ment with the Communists or riskl loss oi all American rep or it goes one step beyond what all Ilctuettstlc prcsldcntlol hopeiuls until now had prepared simply spccitic withdrawal date conltn out only on the astrty nl il troops as they move out and release at the was prisoners lingers mild and dlploluulio man surprlscd runny by the harshness oi his crtitlsm oi ltuskle charging the rennin had Jeupttrdiscd the prospects tor sicgtrltatrd police by rem citing the Nixon schema in ad vance at lormsi reply trorn Ilunol however what will count in the November Uti election Iv lust how the average voter to lpnntil to this rather Iuiilllsil cared debate Nixon backers ine llne toward the view that most will he lnlIuenrwi mainly by Nixons roront In Vielrnmlm tlonthe pessln oI the wor over to the tors peoples with the mulling decrease In tilt mtlttar presence and declining casual es crate rnouour its still and know that list tludt will he suited among the heathen will be suited In the mill Psalms lllld Noihin can take the place oi the nuts time lsus now In lnrdisllansnd tnh pl ti rpm the star Dr gh rod and will draw nigh tepid you GUN ECONOMY Govt Wcriying About inection ll FRANK FLAIIEIIIT Examiner lpecisl Itrpsrl OltAwA Decision makers in government and business ara startlngtoworr more spoutin lIIlion than unemploy rlnmltltelr main concern rs thit year the vernmenl with the cooperated olvths lisnk oi Canada tired as starlet policies sawn ellorllo moderate success In stimulating stores but lsllrd to rcdueI un mployntent to what must pelltlv flanls considered an acceptable are this was at least In part the result oi circumstances be end nes control Clrlal at are big Increase in the rate at epnalon oi the labor trace The number oi lob applicants rose at an abnormal rs Even with stimulation lhs number at job openings didnt lncrrssa It corresponding rate The children oi Uil large number at poalvwsr marriages were coming into the labor man hat in the other hand Imiue tries had been increasing their roduelivlty heat output In the shor lorrs rose hylour per cent Irons tilt to tilt In car iicryesrs the lumen In pro illlltlllll was two per cent or We reasontbll to expect there two trcndstslrlyrspld growth in the labor iorco due in new era trInIs who Ire Canadianborn end Incresrlnl productivity oi industrywill continue LEAD TO lllltlLUl One way at keeping yourse lrrs out the labor Ierco is to keep them in school topper that is happening as tacilties or university education dkplnd lirpcrlrncs In the United StItrI however indicates this room leads to surplus at ucetcd pronto looking or highcrpeylnr whilecellar lobe As at now the lots outlook lnr college graduates ll sluggish its opt to become more an ile torts indicated decline ln are Iva oncsmrur recruiting throughout the township lcmele ILW nUt be as Iollows Iemsle avoo Phone Ntunhera Anlmsl shelter Kennel Lirsnco Alter the list day at March owners or herbourerl oi doll without ms tags which must be securely attached to days at all times will be charged under the provisions It sw No not Alter the list my oi Male or Spaysd lcmsle tree Kennel litcm trace an unions Animal tsllrel otttcsr Graduatedrum here on will Krobably have to out led out tor lobe limp you wont le looking Ier them liemsnd tor technical people engineers and others may canl lines Ime brisk Graduates businus administration will in lahly high demand tor lobe such II Iccountlng nlor Inla sgsrnenlsnd msrket or areas nations at Ilslsanesnf when nu or shilldhwly Irvrn encoursal youngsters to stay in school gthmh university llsl luv ighly trsned er ev moderately educated workers will grow taster than the mend ier workers who leave school earl Jli lust means that the dents tor people with vsncrd scademc and rape rlsIIy technical training will row taster than Ull mean or the untrained and unskilled reruns replication 9de ON lllllltll Dear Sit in regards to the Inowktotln would lllta to lva opinion on the use at as on areets and highways Beytiald firesi pln ihlelgvlnrtl culslr lllon ngwss mpols up in the salt mired wIU anew which Is like grease Its obvious our public works department hunt on much the ball but trust they should know better than put salt the streets when it snowing like that as the traction ts better when It is dry would like to sea group band togeth er in llsrrie to scream and er till we put an end to this iculous rs ling oi streets every tlmotherolss cl din the is there no sandpts in the rie met It not they could some term the city oi Orilils understand they use sand on their streets this ear snk IIFATINO Lilarris counter or mm 1972 one mos lAKi NMlCii that the int dog Isis are now available the lluniclpet oltlce Strand end the Iotlowtng locations tilUltClllLl lsc sons Gciwral Store LIZIIIIOY Alexa ers Variety store tiltblr EWAltl Trombleys Eupcrtcsl nlllddc Alilll Downtown llslle Airs AwONA llEACll Alrons Variety lltJN arzcouna DllACll ilunlera Groceries EANOY COVE log cabin bunch tier rAlNSWlCK Campbells General Store MINI IOINI Conninga Orocery CIIAWFOIII Dorlnns irocsrlea lltlllll HWY 27 Illll Top Sirocco services lIIOllNTON crs Ienerat ntora llll llll NATlill All AS liOlalDVsllrl little or Spaycd Female use Colin Shop canoe bisrch the the rates Animal Control Oillcer this some llssldem taller heursl Gdim llbllll

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