men rel In Ragga jIl ohlldlllIecIlld wormed work ous nenIrIl mIIuer III IIan II no IlllIIblI link lt III he III In NerIIurnborIIIld omu Si neunwmror III III II My IleIdy leer reed Illl medlum rom my rIlldren Inr work on Urn IND unrlr done mun bI reel qINIVI oll llllleh theirn MK earl IllovrInee II ruelrerIIle Ier IIII be our III In urn Ill uni mum um rum IraI Sunny Through Ian Inn Ioroeul Ier Imle MI CIIIIIII mind lAUl Ior beleuernnlumm rum Ind II IlnlIIIInl mint IIlleo III IIIIIIIII III BIrrII Im Inmerrnw MIA be many Ind ennllnuln told In Ion rem lo be In TI our lb drmu lyIIIIII In IlnlII Iulllee Illl enII nuI ow much ol the province low Im ernoen rudlnp Iln rInle IreIn our on on when Mellon Io Irolrnd 1o Ibon Rm III nerII IIerI Ill bI IllIlI hero In IbI oumnI Irma leIIIn Darnell III rImIlnder II All IIIL IIIII no IlnlIloInl pml lIllon Ind lemmleru rem belon IrIIenIl nor null In Sunny bud Toroe III WMI Ind mnIlnulnI eele ledIy Ind mind IDII belh dIyI nut 10 LO IonlrII Imnd IIII Ibo WindIII IIInIlllen LIII SI CIIlr LIII OnlIrln LIII Bit NlrurI Sunny Idlb cloudy rtedI Ind NeUn eolI III IIundoy Ill belb dIyI II In re Low lenlrIl me lo lloI IberI IIoepI Iln below In II bolero In romI rurIl IreII Inndon IIII Iluren roulIern Geerlen ItIypAlznrnI III llurrln ane the GreIl LIIII led Ind IIurIrlIyolIorIlII ntu our one told Rm belb due Injd III Innl zero In IlrI ban IIan II Io II below In the IluIIeII IrrI NerIb Dry Sudbory nenIern Friday OurIlu an mom IIIlnlyImy Ind mtlnulu rm Iain uni namely rune II In II III led lIrIbelawInIIbelew Western June IIIy Wu RIM Mane Iernnwnl VIrIIbII elnudlntu lrIdIy Ind Thundlr III II InnI II Ilon III bed In Io II WIII lIIr below In Ida Ilenlml OIIIII TodIyled IIundIy molly runny wlnny lodIy llixI why anr In more low leellhl rm II III Ibelr IDLI TIurIdIy In 13 T33 LII IIIII IN WledIoI no SIIIIII II no 5L IInmu Ill zo Inndcn II In IlllrIener II Ilnunl Forerl II II WIIILIIm 11 Gun Sound II II ureter IS llImlllnn II SI CIIIIIIIII III IO Ibronln II II Melon II Kinuldn II II Pelorboreurh II I0 II IIIUIIdd IO 15 Romney II on 15 ml Mbury ll 10 IS Eullm ID TImmlnI II 15 ll XIWIIIIII 10 15 II IIS IIIrlI II II ImIoleIu IO II MINI Riler IO 15 IO GerIldIen lo 15 re more II II WlldBeerLHunllng Preserves Cannot Be Prevenlerl By Govl TORONTO CPI III pro vlnclIl lIndI Ind IereIII deoIrl menl IIyI II II VIIIuIlly newer lru to mourn emllen II III INCbolt Iunlln murvu de Icrlbed by In One IluoIInI Beelely Ir outdoor IIIUADIE IouIeL In lellrr In Torn lluxbor WIlrlen dlrIclor II III deput rnenlr IllnlllI IrInII III IlonIeI rnIIIIIIlIImInlol VII bIrIuII III in non lndlnIanrIn 0n Ebl nmerveo III owned by BeDevIIlo Ind RIllor Lllr Ilelloe Ont brulneIImIn wIn Inner In IlIrI one on lIrrn neIr Prolon SlIllon II mllu whom Owen Sound III Ioelol IIndI lIe wIele ore II III ely repugnnnl II III llurIro II In no In Illlullen II won Ind an be cemnIrId III In our door IlIurIlerIouIe Mn lIIuIL llIerrold lo becee IIrmee Irom DrlIl Ilnl IIlI III OIIS IMI IlorlI Ire III xernled III me In II IlrnIIlI II bnm IperII nun Int III Inlmlblevcr Ind Iddtd lhII III OIIS Ihollld recon mmllrnI Joelle Inn mleclrd In lersrocx emcee TORONTO CPI IIIdLnl In Ill elIIIII Ind II II IlIu III lull II III OnlIrlo nub Rockyrd Iodey VIII eIlI prlIII Irro Icllvely IIeIrly In nrlreI llrm Ind lIrnb prim loner ElIIIIlIr IIIIII noon moire IloerI AMI Illh IIIII lo Sm lood IIMIII medlum INI rernrnnn IIIIIA cIolII Iellern renoqu wlllr IIleI lo IMI moo Ind mIdIllrn emu Rrolrrernenl IIIIII IIII ood Hill rlocIIrI and leodru MI pod nuv rIerIIerp IIIKIIII INI Rock ulcer eIlvrI me good rlork holler cIlvrI IND common Ind medlllln Iloekm Ind letderl IIII IIlm III Ihnlre IIIlcrI rue wllll lop eInlre Il mo reed leII medlum IIII com mon MI More IIII IIoII llII Duo prieI Ame 8m eurmrlly Il Toronln me my not been IIII shun IIII Good Inndywrelnhl lImlII area llnhl yeIrIInI IImbI INT limp 115 YOUR INCOME TAX WIII meI rlIlm on my lncomr III lorm In mm In mm Ilrrchlly you my olIlm In Imeunl III III III In your wIlclr would IIVI olberwlre re oulrrd III Imleyrnrnl ol Ilrrd Irly Alto III Imounl led murl be In llne IIII IIII would IIVI been led In IlrInrier ed lo lIrrn lnremo Ind lIo ony mrrrlI In your children rnuII be properly voucIIred III IIrm oplrIlI lr loeII ed Ieven nLIIII lrorn loIn Due In III rummor monIhI II II on III IIrm IIen move In lown Ior III wlnlrmnorlllu CIn Ilelm on my Income III men In Inch II IIIII Ind repnlrl on llrI lawn heuIe lur III pen llon II III yIIe Olllllll whlcb wI llve In In Hrperuor nIld lor lhe mIln lenInco ol your lawn house All eenildIrMI II or nrrronIl mm and Ire IIrroloro nol Illowrble II deducllon from Income When llllnr lIr relurnr Ire rnnmerclel rererm Ind riovr lor doduullom lo rInorled Ir Income III Are you Ihoy were lllld vol II lrrmrrl Normlly IIIrI wlll Illll Ieen renrrle II III me when crrdllrd Ie III Ieeounl Ind would lherIlorI nol bI Include II II Mme memo when IoluIlly II comp III III ol blrllrllnxn whlrh In real Iully rlooreclIloll Cell eonllnue lo rillm II All real IIIOWIRII un IIII lnrl VIII or would II ro IlulrIl lo Illlln under lIrI Xll uA Your olelm lor eIollIl eorl eounnre on Illn Iorm bulldlan MW II rnIllI under Rm II III RIKlIIIlIonI CIollIl bnrlr lo mom loll on dll oIIl ol IrrelI lrllI lncluder II oworleeI elnlr nor Purl llvll1N vmmll an My Imbrnj III mm In lvlny III In do lnmllnI Ind lllllI leulnl Ind ellorllann el llrewoed Im In tIIIIn Iny do nercIIllon on IIII IITIII lrIelorl ll your Iunbnnd II Inrrrl er Ind II reperIln III Income lrom Inrmlny or on In II would be nble lo elelm eyroIII Ilon on In lrIeler llouevor II II III ne Income lrom lnrm lrrn or lonelny III III lrIrloe II Ilol Iolnl uIed lor IIe purpose ol produelnn lneemo ho would be mm In elnlm Iny depre clIIIon nnoe IrlIlI loeIII IIrrII Schooln Rlnler CIrnlIIl encod IIIllII MIIII look olIeI II III BIrrlI IIreeI yummy TORONTO CPI The In Mr ForrneeI Sprlnn Irene cry IE enman lolo enllonIl beer If NonnIn IIIWrIIII II II Eon meIII Iblrduxmldenl IIIII ll III pureII by Brneon IIII lledru lCIdIdI III III mo III In moleebr IndIoIlIlnlII proeeu oI rnevlnr lo III III ohoowohmebotyeor Ilnl our IT Fermnor In Illnod pro vIanIl mo Ilon Ilurlnn IIII OnlIrle beer mm on II In my urnped lrnm IIVIIII Elm III In number one relurned In lul plm Illa III IIrlII Iln errIl IdverIIIlnx Ind InIrlrellnn Ill plIy Iey role In III menu plan he Irlnln lblI yeIrl IhIre II III OnlIrlo bur mIrIII new per ml lII brIIrry III In presto llIIlI II lmIlIOoIII brewe Ilueb In lAmILb Inn Ill be Ilrnrd II III youlb mIrIIl Ibloh Mr erIII nyn llu beeerno meler mmrnl ol IRILMIIIUVI muIel We Imlered HeI Fined $150 llor Moon Renee II III lIl Illll Ilnrd I100 Ith II Ip nIIrrd In ProvlnclIl Conn mu dIy Ind nlurlod gdlly lo rIIrrI eI IIvlnr me or erol II melee veIIclI IbllI Hall IbIlIIy In drive III Impr Woolen wII Iourld Illllnr In Me In on BIyIlIld sum on July no IeyI Ir III III were on III IeIl Irulnrlym IrrI IIVMIIII rendlnn II 30 per II blood II who 08 Charge rlnel $l50 John Lien ol IlIrrlI III lined III or In II Infrared In Provlnrlrl CourI Nos Ind leodrd ullly lo drlvlny IllI lood Ilcelle cenlInI In men II II per II On Dec ll Lyon wu obInrvrd drlvlnn eulbeund on Klnl Slrecl ln ARENA In In IrrIllc lesblnn member III 0nlIrle Pro vlnclII Pellee lollowod Lyon In Irulm Irul obnrvrd Ilnl lIrow llolllI el beer nuI III wlndew Lyon wu lIOpflI And brIIIIIlnyr Ierl would reohdllnr oI ll oer ml blood Il ee qurnllly el borr Ind wIlIIy mu conllrIIlrd Irorn Lyonr vell CHE UE SA ACCOUNT FREE CHEQUING OPEN SATURDAY Ferlnlorm MRI Ilnl phone PIu ellen on even hlnherreles on our Bonus SIvlan Ieeounle Ind Dobonlure InveIlment Cerllllenles lAbboll 705 7267200 the munlclnal savings loan corporallnn IO11or rem Donle Bl Dart Derrlo OnlIrlo ruoolrllnry ol Merllrlpol IlIn IIrI Corporellerr IDJII Ilnlllrd uuuuuo cANllDA IIIIOIII IllsUlIlllch CORPORATION eel ol OnlIrlnI ImIllIIl ll mIrIeu two malned In produdlnn TII corr Illnnen II III Ienlee bnyn AIIII IIleb II III Iunien rem Eele EROS LEFT Bud TIIII lyn II SleelI SWIIM IIIII been Iptnnlnx III II III IeeIlIIn Ind mm In men neoplI eumlnlru lIzlr lIIIIIIouIInlurnIII In Ilnl IIIIlo IyIlem Ind Lllclr Ioneern ever IoeIII Issues WI III olnl lo new we Ire pIrl II III ooolmurllly Ind IIrI In IIIrenIII ol IIII II IN The oerpanle Ilnm Forml trying to eeeIlI plmd now ENROIIING in euur ON HATFIELD STREET AT CUNDLEI ROAD Ilnl In Ilnl IeIl IeI Con Inn Ire In IlnlIeII erl IIrrnIy IrIneI oI IIler Ilnl In remand IrIl inctnl ruler role III III dereloomonl II III mmoInyI ll lIcilIlleI II IIIriI Iourvlzd In II III remoIny prrvleurly Ind III breurry II Emma VILIII ol IbouI I00 no new brIery will rmoee worlI eI nnllullen Ibelernrnl equipmem bullI on IOOIHI wooded rlle ne company InyI ll plInI lu lurn Economical Phase CHARTER WNIM you ml In lone or nlln nrlnnr Ir IVII ll yul lxoluolre Iv MIR Irolrulonel VII IInny rum II em on you IIIIIIO your III you eIlr Ion re re IOII we more on Iln AND rulnm III I0 ININII WAIIILINI I3 mm vrllu wnn VIC mew VI IxcLuove rIooIIMI new on let em you men mu conflu me Lemme more one mm or more Iroolul lernmlnn IoIIIIlly duland VII rm elu Ioo Indle mehlm room room memo orle bIlI my Ioulae IIIMIIIIIII nunI mm Wolmlwll III drylll rmm Loam IoulIA IM Weill towlI TUIII IOUITID TIINIIS SALON MAKES IOUI IAOOAAM ION ANII IAIY OPEN TDAYS WEEK FOR MEN WOMEN Call 7263411 lor eonII II In our InlonnIIlon Cenlre on OIIMII one VJ Im II ullrl modem OIIIT OIV III MIMI IOOMI UR VIII Ill SENIOR SPEEDSKATINQ HEAT WINNERS Ieulrnl ll SI lnInI new mood Iocond IeIl TII InIlI IIII pIIeI ll II Men lIlIrnlIy Illnlnlner Pbolol Formosa wan Aim At Youth Market III lInd renoundlnr III olInl Inlo nIlurIl Em complelr win new IrIl lrwl peed Ind Inlrrule One II III problem III hm rry Ineeunlrred II III olI lIellI III III III lIuIlllly Ie cenlrnl eemlslenrieo III III IreI The new meIry III modern laberrlory wlll rruII roubl ency warble Boyileld Slreel ol CundlesReud IJUST NORTH OF TIIII HATFIELD MAIL III III prmo on nroIIllnn lee ArIIurBrianelneIrbv dIy presnml dead LI III Iln IAII dutruyrd ELI III In rm borne OnlIrln In mIIlI nlllco Inund IlIrnIn remln In III 51 II III IIoIIeny bull TTIY EXAMINER WANT AN Gets Probation For Disturbance Rammmenumlhn MMMN remakede Home Deslroyed Man 68 Missing ERICERRIDGE OIL CPI IIenIInnIdumbnneIIII dIrnIn III dune Jud Cum IInIId III Ien IIII mln II mm In ollem IIIII union prnbnllon II VIIInu II III rnuLrx Tu Ind manned In III mm Pollen Ind IlllelIlI Iroen III public mud PHONE mue IIOICE HUMP CANADA GRADE Ilnlb II lib All CHICKENS lb 39 TENDER JUICY HINDI lb 59 lEGS BREASTS 75 lb LEAN HEATH PORK RI TIIE PIE SPARERIBS 33 Hr bVIIIl PREMIUM 02 HQ BOLOGNA SDIII PREMIUM COOKED HAM ESSEX FULLY COOKED HIOKEI PICNICS IURNS LINK SAUSAGE FREEZER IPECIALI WHOLE LOIN OF PORK 19clb CIIRISTIEI PREMIUM ILB RIO CRACKERS 38c IIIIIIRIII IIAJIIEI INSTANT I107 PRO POTATOES 49c CUTTER LEAF IIIOL TIN SOCKEYE SALMON INSTANT COFFEE NESCAFE IUIRR IAVERl 55 lb lbs $100 101 JAB $169 IVIIIIIIIIIIrnedIIIIIwnI TO IILI AW Wilson Irrulzd nn TED IIrrtI muurInllnILchm JE Iaiee 21241 59 66c not rule PREMIUNCHMEAT 2Iorll9e IEAIIIREI ICEAITRIIIIACLE Ill SALAD DRESSING CHICKEN NOODLE 67 PACE noun urrou sour MIX 4fer99e FEATUIIEI CANADIAN PROCESS Ml PKOI SUNSPDN CHEESE SIICES 45c IRAWIIEI AKIJIIER RASPBERRY WIII PKIII OI All STRAWBERRYJAMS 49c SUNill GMTSIM IIONAIICII ASSORTED IOUCII PACK CAKE MIXES SUIEII IAIElll CIII OWN IlrII Ir IlnIrene IIII ll SPAGHETII SAUCES Tier 69c IUPIIII IAIERI IIVIIT PREMIUM IliII TN CANNED RAMS SI 49 IUIEB IAIIII KRAFT MILD ll EDGE CRACKER BARREL CHEESE 69c SUIEII IAVERI ROASTED ILl BAO RED ROSE COFFEE 89c BUIISII MVRIII UIOPIA IIOE TIN CHOICE TOMATOES 29c SUPER IAIIZIII HOUSEHOLD KLEENEXTOWELS Troll puck 55 EUINII DAVE IIITII POIIIT IIOT TIN VAN CAMP BEANS 2for49l IUIHR MVERI RATIIROOII IINCIJI ILY WONDERSOFT TISSUE 2ros 29c IUII2II RAVIill OZ BOTTLE LUXLIUUID 59c PAII CANDYN III 10 CULIO TEA BAGS 69c PROUCEESEFTUIT30 IllOlIIN IOOO THAIUREII IlIlerom rollI lhr PM UMI EarlDough 45 IIIlnrbnre Coupon IIekl rl ShelII 59 Ilunl Irmlrnn lIII My French Tom 55 Report llIodorI IIIII Ill 33 em ChlpI 19 III Len Blueberry er Prod ELM in No IIoI Slu Cherry Pie I9e Celery 39cm SUPERSAVE Tomeloer 39 out No Cnrrelr Ior 37o Crllnlube II Iu IIII III RRMMARKETLTD re DUNLOP or NEAR run our romre nnwrrw senvrce AVAILABLE com 10 Ilon rues wen III re more III