LIVE cm ll mm on new IhI the Dom It Prun tttntxter but tho Rod Comm MII oI preIIotII bull rIlIlnI phllaophr II mndonotthn tund nun Nod by III on uu Ind Senator Althull Although tho WIND tutu In IIIII Io wtdtly ex rd to In In electlan Lat lundt Itmd elm In the moon to In no no tIItI turd InIIotIIn tho Ian Irtlrttlu between It DonI Tho lhm me our re tho on In llth lIIt mail money ortve under Tor who ntlnlntu lutrr Inon In llth tool In Input by Emnr Jon Nichol then my pmtdenl Ituttd thlI INTI tthln II lunh Ippul tor moneytor tho Llhml Party III Candi SenItor NlrhotI oneporn lllltf coollnund You III rmlre no pln no lnrmhmhlo IIId no yrnon Illxcd Elite In short on IITBI thuduusunhtry om alone did not IhIt tho Hood ITHI lornllosIhnt ton Itllntton weetumhty IIIl not rod urnIIIon It mm IhIt they hm donItod WELCOME hnntor Nlchole letter led Intchan tor Ito but added thIt It Out In too nold Irnd ltII RICHARD HANIUIIY poxttlon to do IHM lhII II tlruly utulentood There no lntlunI to th lhuduusunoory nm It Itun that then llll III In uncut Iomuhm not he Iota to coetnoote Whrn Iuttmcd lender Ihln ol the UNTIL Potty of mono ooo et my notecdm tn enrounn otrtldnn tlon In our puty by CInIdl IM to Ill notion at tho eon try Ind hrnndeo tho llnInclIl hm th uluto ouotrd Ilr mduu lhls new nrounm It be dlnctld to thouIndI oI Cur dlIns wlth tho Inttnllon oI do Veloplnl Atrthu cltlxtn lnlt volvomont Ind Iddtttonel mum at Ilneoclel Ittynott trom IIII IInk Ind Illt hlttt llnrrln of Toronto yumld pruldrnt at IIIrIII lllTl Son Ltd Ilttl IIlut utlny mom on bun In rd Iny nod lIhtIIlI Illl Iuttohenhutllll not be In LIndians Professor AhIlLION ICE CIIIIdIIn untlnl you thnhunotthrtcdtnt ov ernmont In OIIootII lIIll Iw Intosol IItd Moooylglnhl PM Itwperlo Ioem Ir onwun rllhlo thIt vrhllI nIlrd SIIIII otommettt ovldlnl It bllllon tn tomorn lllon to Aluhen EIkIntoe tor Tod Iott to on lllll mlntnn ln ntrtu llll cInInInn novrrn Int ll Itytnn my ltnd lllllt mt mo cnnIultlnn the MRI lSpuItltIx II lllohnwh Coltro Iomlnnr Ipontornt by ndlnnlohtmo AnoclaIIon nt tnIdI Ind tho Mollle Col lm Ilttdenu utotlntlon III Hooper Ield than ll good Ir mtnt to be mod for romocn IItlon to CInIdII IodlInI In Film tor lInd Tool to them tlu IIId mIny IndIInI lmt loot through trutlrt wllh Irdtrnt norernmmt Ind were on that tho Irdml do nn it wonto onus IDTAANO GLOW IITIITA ltownll IAI Gtow 1m trom ltllIuIn tolrnno ntlnue to th lorth wtth no Ilnn ot Irlttp llln Inn on llllod not ttInh mter mt Itnrted to All Inothtr the eruvtlon hmn Brldny Ind the on no Do Icon to to Tllll Iwny III nu rruptrd lost In Show who ortuu tnunn IIONH KONG Itlrulort TLnrrollrI Igtntn tountl cylnm Ind Innrnltlnn worth more than ALI mtlllon on the blunt mortal nookrtl under tho ltoor boonln nI lhrto wooden ltltll Itrro 1hr on ltoon Kong non one ot the orldI wmt llIIIL ntollzrnn tth II Tout onn Wm In no Itlnndruo ltlltDVElI ANttthl tor runs tltetttrrl Pollen Hold ttmtttty they hove In gorrrnl lite onlntlont done on an dutlnn tram tho Icront ntolury AU and stolen trout tho Iutlrlt Archeolonlcol lmlltule loot Number ltvyrnreld NIrII mnn Wlll Irmttd nttnr thrlnnlnn tho ttye pnlntlnu tnl mod It lotooo lltl donu In Ilypl to doolrr horn murmur polntrd nItlonIl thnlrrntn ot the Fund Cheated Says uIrlntrnt ot northern dlttlolE In Ind Kohlmot btln Inrnt now In Itvln my dr and out at thelr heredlury rlrht on tho huntln Month ol tho mlmoo Itth wlttt them em ntIollnllnn or hurdnlnn Itlh them mourn nzwomzm the U5 ltu monnlztd tho ll Ihorlllnnl II II ohthttr Indl ITIJ Ind Est mo Tuthnlrllted Ind rIrlonI hand1 hlvt thu In ntlIIlonI ot dolIItI otrompen IItloII ho TILL Ilut tho CITIUILLATI deput mrnt ot northern letItome II DlMlttlollllltlllltlll II to lmporIIl on Ind IhI rund tncnt ol Intllen ItlIIrI Ilu ntnde no llllmpl to hot thrro molt to noon to JIIDllJlI lhelr Ih Ollllllll Ilnhtl to tho lInd llth Sntlhrrnttt loutldrr ot the Itrltlsh Columbll AuoeII tlnn ot Non SlllUJ lndltnl told tnI Iemlnnr thnl hmutn tome norrrntnrl ot OntIIIoI lnllldlu llro below tho potrrty llnn Ihelr rlntttl Irn compro nllnnl every day He Illtl thrlr tend to tIIrn lhrtr IlIltlnl mm In poltulrd end thry Ito IIlIrIItItlnIlnl now In Itooolnl Imployrnent Ind clvlt rlnhll LAIIGNBT IULEVHON IN THE AREA ROOM GROUPINGS IIHCIIH ITIOM 59995 to 99995 law Lrrdll Tum AVIIIIDII livzd ll Aonolnlrnrntl Around ADAMS FURNITURE Tho NItlooI MIDI Ilumllurntthtrl II llnnlon IT Th 12M our locotlonx ller II tron Toronto ht February to lit ttlIlItitinn tuL ItthIlIIt not tnmlm mIm In HERETIB SAY tTWlTHA SWISS WATDN Thte anontlnoo Day glue your Ipnctnl someone Stolen Watch Theroo wldo vnrtoty ot nylon to ohoou tram Including tunky It Hm no REDUDED ylen Ledlno wotcheo dim and calendar watch plue tnIny morn unnIWoR HAND It Show your loved not that you really care wltlt dtettngulthod lndlytdunlly boxed EAOH PRETTY PDIIY PARTIES Shut nylon mutt 00 penttoow th rlbbnd or donlollo Home It varnlotLenld logo Slltill nttlvlduo mo hoxodJWo STYLES BRA BIKINI SETS Antron Im bro bllttnl Into neuorted em poloutl LadlustmzaMl SET LADIES BIKINI BRIEFS Molttprtnt hrlot tn nylon wlth IIIIIle wIItt Ind log Lodlu III SML hIIuItTuIh Illlt ntIllId 12025WEETHEAHTSPECIAL MTotrI httnge you choc lllll In mother Id nt todrthhon Ind trtmmod Iltn lm Ind pluttollomm 11oz BOX 12 OZ BOX JENNY LIND CHOCOLATES ohm ntth Ion Iprey dutnn Rod cotton 11oz phmmppod BOX 602 BOX ASSORTED CHOCOLATES Anlnqed ln tIIlrlImnllnn elyln In no toll hIIrtIhennd box LInyllqun Im prlntnd to gold on com Prntty Icellonod Idnn Cello mepnnd tor treoonm Chocottlu hound In rod toll nenrt TIIlll CAM ROI NONOOIID Ttt IILIOOLWOITH ITO ACID CIIAITA if SILEX AUTOMATIC TOASTER 887 Inclunn onlyIdluet cotourcontroltor ortoct tout Nlokot romI ttntohtnonltnolonttor ltI Ilnhlwetqht wtllt In IerteIdtnIII cdtntunlrror tlnlrh contour hondlo Ind vluthlelerel tltl to mold Ipltttnn HIGH SPEED KETTLE sturdy Itolllo tllll mmotnble ox ltnslon cord Attractlvo rhrnmn ttn lsh not block handle Ono you unrrnnty USU ALLY To 297 LADIES PANTYHOSE won gumt nude orrngulertormlnl or mldl lenntho Oront ne Iorlmnnt oI cotouro Onollxn NI 90155 tho PR LONG PEIGNOIR SETS Nylon trlwl not wtth ombroldorotl rat dost on sleeves clotllc ton Llld wolstgnnd threebutton trout wldn nuortmont ot Iqueoxnohly Iolt anon tlnu Leto your dnttlng hold your thought clone 50 EACH IADIES touttntntnn Four lovely Ityln Iottn ALI normal women GBEDIT loans now nocEIEn