widen they nut modes in Fluid Tm hm trIIIII LA Grim ARGO mill1mm will It t3 plchrmotn It sum humourtumour hwthIAthonnl ItharIItIrI IItIIhlI WI Ia hm returned hem Ittrr lrr It it party Moment my nation It Pondru IIIIIA II chicoomuuldotorrt In mum tom Iioior elm It no Im in cm ouurlr NW rt mm lrlfrutidltr III Ilrr liIrItI IIAIthII the tint tom Mod to per mt It Ann Curry mired the IIIhLiI rim tor the mint II rim um um to Ier by ruin NeurBridge In Essa To Honor Louis Truax the uphill two bl hoIcrId IW they Ito till Hm run tr rm IItt mill Ina my In dud II utd oddity LII comment do brilm to hair Ingrown AM they no dud hill to Iitkh better on do Io IrIIilI they Ire living the written Iotood thImrI STRICT NEWS In more mittu trtosrsnir rLIItIIr nun1 garage IIrlo It IIIP cl DIEM Ill1 invited to III III nith tII my Indra ladmt Item Mr Ind othtn it Iilt DI the cotterli io deride or drum to aid ADOPTED II COUNCIL Reeve oor to III plotted with thud It mil to unit the protect tII Im Ir Iridrolohooorolthotm MEL reed multiracial Thl It tool maple ruIdIIi II lortnr not Ind Iron boostrr Ii the our the non rpoh to term It tho idu Willi RSI put utd rrpoiilo than III much IIIIIIIIIrI r1mo tounelllorr Doll Plhlttslde Ind ItIurlrI lul Irr moved the motion IhlrIt III pIIird without thin II III qur rd IAII people WI Al Thornton Nears 70 Your lTIORaIIDN sum Thom lIIr Womenr lotitirrle III rIIrt Ito 10th notirtttry on Pri dIy lin It III then by in Illluio MAI Plrtt mutiny It the bunch hell to buttan iAIII known It Iorn titer hItl with thrCootItotm orntor thetltrttr tlrI rpouar monotone it the oldul unit Ihlth hIr been can then retire to the county tiny orrIItiId the pur ouI yur The lVrIedrtnulr history oi the Iomtoo iortlluiI retorded the lumen oi the oitIrlIt nitrate They lMlttdId Nrr Ino Iot lire butcher Iirr It Item lirt Ollllil tin lchIiI lirr lit ttttrrl Ilrt ll ltlrdto irr itnun llrI Addimt Ilo IxII It Tungsten so to It TAIID IImIIIoI tonirntr III lirmlr Min lloIliI IAIII Goodwill no IiiuNrIIIIy ili Indlnltllrtittll Lilo onlh Irtntvt thodlrrtiri Ilon iopi Plato 30Day Ben OnSuIIryDrlver TORONTO iCPi IlIrtttu lrIIrrerdrlvrr Iilll Wrilwood oi Citrttoo Ont VIII IIIIJNMM liondIy lot to do In lined 500 by Iudter Greenwood llIrrwar Wrtivood Ilortrntln oi the You on the Drink Jockey Club rtIrrdIrdhred olrruit tor the int thtoo yr wu rut pended II will punitive dntr tut on tho rltltt urold trottor Ell DIrrr Illor rid tnt won the third CI III II The iirdsrr rt llid the rub Iltrrco III the norm oi rttltno tlrr rut cotton routed all by In riiot piIIlIlrIloltlio crime III liortetnrnr Atrorlatlo Id the MlOtiliiOA Ir hrhl Hellwood lilo prr mu Wrtinood It won III rrcil hit your out till North Amer Irr Ind titttli In pum memoirlt it the lirri time ho ho been outprndrd tar post itvo mi The IIIanan and line come under CInIdlIn trailirit lino clttluo rule it rerilon which heidt trIiner rrtponttola let hit home It Iii llmrl Woltwood until no It tppertlnt the rut option which canto lnlo ritesi ondty niuht Ind IIItI until Mom II 911th minor to the title romeo II All lrqu TO ADI WONT The council IIIo lttlAdtltld Tin utter Eul moribund oi thorn Aim to out tho mourn Ir rIorcnentI to prorIdI IdrotulI teleptm romrnttoieItioa III II no llrtmeo Sir Idditioul trtI ptrooes Imhorlxed The tIntlttp tire IIil hr hen lorrird It Thornton tor yIIrI AdditionIl equipment IlII III been piIcod It will Ind III is temportu II VI IirIiIr terI Iran until new tire iiIil lI manned Angus Resident Loses Mother 95 ANGUS istIIil Word In been melird hm oi the duth in Vucouvrr oi ItrI IoIIIII Nordinr It III III oi oi Widow Ii John Nordtnrwhlrr NordIII In the mother ol lire Doom CurrIII oi Atom lIrI Guertlt visited her mother In Vtotottvrr tail April Noltlinr united by Inolhrr dIurhtrr In Sudan Ind IIrI roor Ind dIuthlerI in mev QC DISTRICT BRIEFS DANCE AI DUNIROON DUhlltOON lstolir itrii IItlI orchcttu will provide the mute lor donor Ii hItlIvI rrfr Immunity MIL hero on SI urdty events It EXHIBIT Ol DRAIIINII ORILUA lSiIlIi lIrrim III rrprodtirtlonr oi drIertu oi NichoInano will be on exhibit to tho Iri lliltry ol the Grillit public History until Monday Feb It In announced Ilitt liItlrerlII AltKilllldlli rirl Il irIrIIn UNITED APPEAL COLLINGIIOOD SIIIIt Artl IuII mutiny oi the Oellht ood Ind Dlotilol United Ap IIII beholden ltirIdI or who in the etoIl Militia Irtloo ol diroriau trme Ind plum tor the rmr bl tuned rorrtmn PUIuttrrrt ELMVALE lSlIlil C6110 Illnr Alex Iteitttlo III lor nior pithilthor all Him III ior to your tie told the poprr to Andrew Martin llvo Kilt no to June Counrillor lgiuiey on Nunty wuch lo FIRSTYEAR CHAIRMAN MIDLAND ISIIIII John lir Cullouttt ol llldtInd not rleolrd the tint chtlrmtrr oi Slmtoo County boIrd oi cdurrtlon Iittr the innovator board took our Ithooi IdrnlIIIirIllorr truth It bountr in the county In itnutry tits Ilorit iord oi Colitint wood tho Irl rrrved It Inter lnr rhIIrnttn lor prrlimlntiy motion not them vlmhIlr mln IOIINIIIII AEIIVICE STAVNEII lSlIill III II County wrrdon in lite Arnold VttneltI term to run on Nol lIvItIttI township council to loro rrtirIII iront munlri II It llco Iltrr the mo trrm innum Irent my Edtor 0min III tel IrIruo at Mr Vanclte on room rounril lor turn your litere rriI it now may chIlrrIIn oi roIiIt Itll DIIADLRD CInIdiImoorn Iolor Itry mond Burr ItIr ol IVI Irorv Ildo drIrnI rerlel Iiu toiuo torrid All lime to mttr to rrcond trttvtrlon iilrn to pro male The Ability Fund II tlonIl oIranIyn torrdurlod Irt mm on oohtti It phytchily dilIoiod CInrdlInt Mothrr II Irrnily It to tr will 100 COTTON SHEETS our 199 249 996 it 75 lo I00 Stock up and true on Imported while eoltohthotierndrrtu Lenowetting 130 thiard count oliorr Pillow CItII PILLOWSI lORiRlLIIIRIFIILMIninInItn roll Ind drythlr nonIiierorrie pilidwl with dttnty iiorIl cover In pint or hlua Awaitnutty 20 20 II 17 000 FEATHER AND DOWN incrtrd In In Iltrottivr cotton irItnrrpratl ticlino prurlntitlyZOtll II III CHICKENGOO ATM Plump Ilurdy oiliowr with lIIthrproIt trotting Approximetriy 10 it 76 Ml CHIP FOAM FILLED rl iuretwnilrutin ouillld eovrr Aoorotlntlely 10 id II ROSLYN BIANIIETS SUBS snohtly ruhtttndrtd bland bltnitti In trialled decorator colourr Double trod IltITZIM FLANNELETTE SHEETS to 90 lint 349 d0xl00 liIt ro Chooto tiom retortld colourr In pretty printed tlotrl lollbtltl design BEDSPHEAD SPECIALSI lAliIOU MAKER CLEARANCE drroniinuod Ilylll in With Ihir norhon trottrrr Mtny modIin drroteter tnrdtt In the trlrrton Twill not 399 tour littrrl 299 to rid rimu In 399 WAIIIAILI HOMICPUN IIOIPRIADI Mltlllll NIH oulpn with rovndrd tornetr Ind Iiinptd odor Avolldo Introut geld IdllulbiullhlllilDIIIIlnallVINitltililoitlldDOOOIIIIIIINI103 IIIEIIINAo SUITING ill Machine worhthle 100 TtIyltI polyester tuition In Ittoiltd mens Ind IIrIiIt doripne lloity hluo nonlrvwinundmodIbiownlntitonoup 60 wide atthosrtnsuctrni yrl Marhlna wathrble polyottot Ind cotton blond in colouriul now Spring 72 plIIde Ind mulli rlupor IIJE wide lilldelr 58962 wide in uteri on In PRINTED LENO 50 Tortrol polyester and 5076 AtIii rayon mlcirino wotltublo prints In variety It oxriltttit now Sprint colours GAwlde POLYESTER CHIMPKNITS Chootsliomnwldorrloriionolliittourluynnechins wnthablo crimpinili in ossoited popular lstinen rrotueiusooniiots Special Purchase if Use Your Handy Walkers Option Charge Account CANNON TOWELS llrnd Tomlr u49 Tm CIotM llior99l Ictptinnll ponnm ol irrl ourth oirronlinurd primer to wide Iirortmtnt ol doeotrttl IIIdrI Sottdr1tourionndponirIntlrntrtron BATH TOWEL SUBS it tinoer to toe SpryIII Tell your ptrt tiorn ItrIrtrI tightly ruottrndtid hrlh tomli rn wide verirry II ititiM rnd put IOIYESTEHIVISCOII luturleul rendinto role to rot ill pInL Ivoudo gold Ind Irrnoe tlitdu 299 POLYESTERVON lullywlt NI with nanriio booting 20 rittrurirn tutti PLACE MATS Coiouriut Ind ottyiruI loom hacked vinyl ploco ntIlIln Istortod tlottlt Ind plains Approximtto tire 12 18 VINYL TABLECLOTHS nan outta vinyl irbltclolhideemtlive IndIItylolIeprlunl FourcoloutIquIttIrnl to choose Irorn In Itsonrd Ailldll 52 it 70 tire 129 within lid rout tloid troitt pink Ind eiivr 399 4099 299 SALE NEW SPRING FASHION FABICS PRINTED JERSEY Parlort lot airmotoua riiniy Ilylot IIIan wrtln title IcotIiI ran polyotirr hlrnri in new lllldil design too 72 Purple rod navy Ind block rotti 199 trinrtiont 44 wide 369 SCREEN PRINTED KNITS 399 lDOH polyesterIniteitrucliintrvrshnhioundIvttll nine in nrw 1572 otiolt and designs Rail oioon hitck Ind turouoito in the intention tonte vloo 1699 4x0 SHAO RUOS 1499 II Mrnulariurotuparltll Lururiourdotpnyionehro rottulor omit cut title titer It bin envious Good looting hrrd onrinp Ind very piarllcol Assorted popular Illatldl to charm Irom 2199 Width 95 to Eleotnt lookino Ind artycert Icryiidlooit fibri plndtepor TittyItoluliywtrltthlodripdiyiho roiltiant Ind will intulato Intlntt heat and role TIkIyoutpicktrompopuiatdocoratoiIhrdoeolnold blunptoonotrtnd Zwidllir it 95 In DRAPERY REMNANTSdI 59c tluy now Ind em on wide Ittonntoni oi tlyior colourr ltbtict Ind that IhiptIrII II PICA Dttr to tho rprrIII II thrlrlrnrr WI lure Iott lrIrlrld Color Perthir lrlevlrl Ion prtrrl Ihlrll titre It ItIIIrrI tr orro uIIhIr lit Irrp tlrm tuition to IIrir Irlt will or IIldIt lltI unto rm Ion prior Linter ilupply ltto elm ItIllIIir ltelure model with Aoroteler Illlil rhntlt Blltkrliltr Aroutlot Automrtlo ilIr tuntiry ll onion uonrinttt liner to sown roirrinte mat illumination million or Ii mint so ouutot ST $318VL2IOI EIOIOO ORE 0m DRAPERI themes 79 Mon to Set mm to 530 not Wide toleclion oi Iotnirt in otteiiod ceiouriui IIIIIIIIII 126022I Tlturl Frl9 mm to pm rri