Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Feb 1972, p. 1

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DWAan TELEPHONE turmoil Admtielle restart Ilouciieputroeau mu dire Barrie list Barrie Ontario Conadl Wednoldly February ma Neillm Than lDo Pee Copy Prose no veer No as Cognado Given us Assurance at lASittitGmN CPI Presl hlxaa and hardcau met here mtmuhuaaauumroetlnmatruruu Ia Doom an iorci lenmcctianhuenheldwlrhhrw gale mom that aitrd or state iollowiag the Aug noted it dries doills leter to his art on it it our sends the ct tva subunit roeoilan with allied nancI minhlcrrlm the leaders In Dumber and Jane rnlchccrnber to aaymg they laid the politi monetary system abuhiofleamaiopera mentlncmngtbe VI Idiiltim In us in stars ombth ribcn in one at the law ape atone annals Lime ditemratiooaolcanedaiatbe CauldagetlimlIIrbricim new dourment he added lion in the presidents last such was able to assure Prime iorcign policy menus but blinisiecituduuotcanadIleonnotcd iodIyibIISlIta our meal ImportIltt trading Secretary William Rosen bannerthat we understood the tertbcolniog saaall report will strong in oi our new coo dacribe In detail we trillion nonlic pa cy on Canada and with individual corrairiu and were eager to reiniorcewur aetiorthibeouioclblicdoeo close Irieodship with Canada meatailmt oi our Disruption Day Hqs Little Effect BELFAST AP Northern lrsiaoda lbtonliimlpiioa my tIhovr campaion planned by civil rtrbts leaders to cause civic chaos append to have tilde ctlcei this new in Beilait Ind ooderry promised pootelte on relate elixir did outmodeniifakitesl we reboots cor has attends two senior eormeil Ii itll absolute diruicrh The Day of lion wee called by the Rotate thtirolictlril iii his Anode tion to nial lorthern ire ianda po at literals lira peered mmen without Both the government end so culity torces bld braced tor Civil Richie Associations cans align which was aimed at close lag lecturicl and schools tarn huge Catholic support of the the lrrtrntlai inndoltd all leader hiiebaei rord raring telephone communication and liloctiag mda AirtTroffic Han P08 rnerciel air iretiic ll ailllll An omit resident oi lateral Brotherhood all aaldtodey to VIncoiIVIr mister and other lhliW ioceiI have agreed not to cross picket itoos let up by local at numbers at Vsrcou var international Airport He said the unions iicrltrcal and NMio tuillI hvill in all oblbiiiiy be mailbag the lame Ego oi Irrerlsemeni as soon II can it probab Wild varied to sit rnaior aosdian Dilu wtra union membera ranuiag Vsacouvsr agreement were mainly service unions ME rrnrnbereol the candles trounced mung which and to labor leaders Isbing their members not to more the local iota pistettirtcs to Ottawa tails were to re sume at 1pm Est today be the DEW and irsu board The were to met yet mcdistor rot Cordon him vnons at Queen University Kingston Ont Irvings Refuse To Testify Report NEW YORK AP Ciillord litlii Iodhiswile Bdlthalc husLIrrrl at to dodhtobaverc macs ill IIIDCII lederal arldwlury iavcetlgai In poell rated in the all thoc toward litigth auto btcgr but they presume conr lied ileidsy withe iodcrai ss order to give the try andvriting samples loco there wss no evidence oi coer tsmpt proceedings tiring pre sent srlloli them th New liorir Timer duoics sources all in that lrvlallo voted the ith Amendment Iuareatce salnei eclilocrlrnl nation Ind will used either the lame gusrsnice or the prtvt lore et will not to reality Itliltlt her husband in roturing to answer questions It wu thlllilt tIry eppesr ancc tor lire lrer the an inevirdled ilclgl llvglios who do eltod ill Swiss bank llirll sorrel toiolilll MM litiertdod ior iiughol ell later Iiilidrcw the money third key witness lrvlnga llterer researcher Richard also appeer brlcihr beioroihafrandluryeodwonI date null Thursday to allow his lwtcr chance ollmiiler lso himself with the eonqu case Says Clergy Have Key Role Willillll Ont tCPl clon Iymen play lay role on corals munity mental health trams bo catue they have access to the borne and lentil oi psychiatric patients Dr lvrs director oi lb pzytihhllllggllorlpcl brsnc at latent oi health slid luesdey Dr lvel spoalln to Whitby Psychiatric iospltal coniclcoce on the role at the church In menill hostile told its clersymen they can brln their lnowiodge of the aliens lentil place oi cmpoymoot arid lormatlon about commun lay agencies to hoepliai eat no COUPLE von YES UOR AllOT Prise intrinsic or rrA thWA had and housing ccata omilnnad to go up leltnroatbbrtthsrisctnnvsr rim or salary thing statistics Canada re ported today iho bureau laid ltI consumer Killed Inde role by less it an Index point to lit in January irom ltd Ia Decent IRII Desr RM OBrien Fierl ro yoorrscenr brick Frogmen Search For Snowmobiles liONlIlliAi CPI Fro men were called into the scare ibresday tor two young snowmo biierl when hole with snow mobile tracts leading to it was wind by searchers In the ice on the Richelieu lllvcr ti miles south at Montreal illrbel Savantll and Rich ard liillllioo at both or St Paul do Iille aux Noll north at the Quebeon ort border have been missing since haiurdly night till vsl eelsrstedthrorgh the tall tblnottlel nus rice do in months sodinboeemhcrnlada cl its biIgesi recaliny biocigaga iotercat rails and we er tor household help Eng ml Index lll salary as year iha dealt lacrosse tble Eclrwllsbou averlgsior this roe ot year andle the index apelporcsntuomayrarean tier iiolt economists bellow nice aherld sot rile more than coat er Ior reuonw his galls elabillti January martrd some min at the pressures that heat bull up since last teptlmbsr when the damn Iodls last showed drop The at tncmae ao Veieran Sllier GivenDcadllne lo Give Evidence SAPPDRO Japln IAP lilrc iiodier Eroltdent oi the leiernattonel ti Federation said today veteran itth still Annie Ferric had been rul peeded and given deldlinc to present wttdsbca she did not co gage in commercial activity it shecaaooilultviy such prootlbs will remain ave pa dad ladeliaiiciv Ilodlcr said The time limit Is torn ibursdaEsJepln time tmidaigbi tonight II the other eLlcr who wu in vosii lied bi the IId llodlar was irellch Ice Pat rich littlxel lba cues start both be laid remit roni Idvcrttle recall in French Iowepaprra that the would wort ior radio so tslevielon station don the Sapporo Gaines iodicr said one reason why no decision would be made here In the cm at Russel tell the absence oi the liter irom the ilamcl ltusscl broke leg in glent slalom rare in West Ger msrry law woell ego Agriculture Federation Wants To Answer Price Questions thlONlDN tCPi liow hould iarmar receive rid oi butler bulhet gallon ei mittor putter Those are rivcsiiona the Cool dlsn trdoraton or Augrirultllio wanlltnboinapcsl saloon Iver Iind thats what the corn llrnt organisation at he is lonuel meetings Atllr earl reports on Will it the lederetIool mm Mills Monday or dis llaaaciai returns trons till ml or toba able to recommend modill operations the more than the die tel moved to let rdmhllttae which would the orgarlsailon to will how it much Iarmer atlou get tor redo hrtgb cIdnmhllolMellon ell hit sulolslled lied oi what it costs to produce venous cont as resolution slid the CPA It the time when psvttacial and led erli varxmglyi Irhlkhltltblrlg er um tilyllltgdld be retired and which ilcleat it tell rittr me more ci to establish pertinent lIrmalncornI Iniorrno ones bet to on The resolution aald lniornta Lloo ls laciin on how much all income dll able tor iaxnlcrl will return on investment lltetild be considered necessary and what return should ac cruo to the armor and his iam tty in their Iebor and manage rial ability the study will iurther roe ommcnd to lubrc lent small contention price evell tbet Ll should give the iarmcr roa lonlbta and equitable return on lngslmcnt management and to in the meantime there Is lolld cue tor continued govern ment tlaanclal support lor agri culture the meeting was told Charles llunro at Ottawa CiA prrsldenlsaid In his In auai report that the rice ion Illy depressed situation not term income provides an lio answorable case or solid gov ernment support and assist ance swam WM one strides is lit years JUMP MULLER in ptrmllgl term he Jea nary increase at tourtenths at In odes point wu tbrcoicnihe iono per cent This comng with lump oi levrntca at one per cent In December Prices rose iourienibs oi one per cent in January lest you Ihe rlaa In prices over it months Ibo slowed bit last month January ricer were II for rent bllhcr an in January est car but December prices had ca bail ilva cent Milli than ycar earl or eat try and prices were highlll last man liters cost at printing the MR AND MR5 HAROLD FRANKLAND PAC TELEVISION lNIlRVIhWIR ciiael lor ed the housing index up er re tcdlnibahousl index there were gcatr ly lower prices reported In one llcld clothing as the result oi post Cliriltmsl Isles This Is usually January occurrence in its price index The bureau laid the price changes last month wcro insulit cient to balance to plate In noticeable change in the pun chasing power at the coruurner dollar it remained at it cents in terms oi the reel dollar un changed irom December in ilnusry last year however it was worth 11 cents Pulp Industry Requests QUEBEC CPI rbe belea guered pulp and paper industry as appealed to the Quebec gov ernment tor tea and other rclict totalling ill million and trail to mushroomla weliero pro grants in an atrrnpt to boost ue industry out oi an eccentric mp The request was contained in an tiraga brlrl released nice day news conicrrrtre by Paul MohIth prcsldcat oi the Council or Pulp and PI er Pro ducers which gravpsmuebecl ltmesi Int rtaat and paper contour cl Students Relief llr ilchanco laid the bricl was prcaerticd earlier to Pro or ruler Robert itcurassa and he promised to give full attention to the industrys re cats and to Inlorm them oi govern rncntl attitude ancr cabinet study Iir LachInco laid the re outsis made to the govcntmerrt In the brief would rut prsduo tlon cells by about it ton and would encouragethe companch to try to reduce costs by an other id too to loop the lndun lry competitive Refuse To CollOff Strike llAillirtOll tCP Graduate atudenla who work as tcscbin assistants end merit pepcraa Mcbilstrr University rciused to edit oil thclr atritc Igblnsiihl Institution It mullet merrily it til lolly iiadal president at the Emma student Unionaim the studrntaI lirltl wordina lion countries to call oil the IrItI because he tell aallsiao tory progress had becn made during tourhour mcclng with university adrnirsllireiorc ear ilcrirrtba th corn tics made up oi graduate raprcsrntativrs at each oi the universitys ti do imrall voted It to to con ethoslrlto dents want raise to bring their mill to the level they were at belors the intro duction It ledch legislation Jen which made the grlnie taxable iho new tax laws mean an income loss at tltt In grants whirh average about moo yror Consensus Sees June Election OTTAWA Cll iurllamrni llilia consensus is that there will be general election In June That would be four run to the month since lrlmo lllnlstrr lrulicsu gave Canada Its first maioritytgotrramcnt In six years liberal party alretegllis raid thirsday they are inclined to rule out sudden election col whra the new session oi Parlin foodi Higher postal ratcs also were liarrte today bad its tint arcr lob per cent turnout and the per cool yes vote on how piehbldll ilmid and Ann Iranhland tuned up at city hall lor the MI II has tbLl moroth mart cd their ballots and history had been made The couple had to vote on the dght liquor questions because the blow Deena Art wradd not permit change irom dry to wst without the vote Bob bcailcy director of corpocv ate Illalrs tor Formosa Sprln have saidva item bad tri it could to avoid the Iulaanee pt twoperstal billet but said the act would not pen mlt it Perhaps the haallallds will be the authors el en Irrtclad meat tie the Liqtm licence Act to prevent this type at facade irom happening again can NH City clerk Bra straupban act ed Ia returning olilcer and he laid the It would the in oil The other aspench wcrs absoer Into aoranl oldca routine be said its aald many ol the normal coats were eliminated with the mascot st Roderick lIwis chief election ellltcr Ioc Ontario We dldni have to ad varttse didnt have to print voters list and vs were allow ed to close the poll rilbt alter the couple aotcd be laid hlr and hire mahland have become moistened la the crush of television Ind aiill photo Ipb unbutaaitthlyitbeg dio get aw treat it all bits vote but the and you have tom blr hullltd held since the land was laser by the citv The in the township age borne horn their old turn on to vote against this IAlNtJ TRIP Lils huddled aald shell be happy to get away irom the hub bu We rw tatlag trip which opportunlt ar the money urn it we lo the term to Formosa brewery CBC Reports Sale cats at Jaina series to iiriilsh tralrta commission save at next month IIAIIILmN In to more inicatnscnt in the United ilnivcrsit by tho lllton was rccelicd today to th irallon at liaoclvllla General in ncwrpa icrcsievl Cilllcnl Committee mostly at 2th to attend pub LONDON AP The lirltl emergency today and tools on MONTREAL CPI Ono aallarrd said she itan our Iw pen umwhm thL he voted wet lit the idoltill plebiscite now live in new build across iligbway too We have beer in the house and drink beer Ital had no reas is something ilsrold always want ed to do but we cover had the lrlclty supplier lrorn coliluclltd coal miners ttrllto now in its illib week has sharply rut stocks Woman Killed in Apartmentllre lbe cvrple Iili silt lira Frlnhlaada rclILttzs ill the It lilm ailIE the recall lg wee Iy in ngisnd ice mom When we get back we might think or bu another term ilrs than said its this irsslrisadl has always been larmrr and alnyl will be lit mntland rooted to the term In lstt and says he would not rule out the possibility of buying another term in this am again It dcpcnis on Ihai tbd sound lada interests are only three new but bciore ll tell the latch hed go down to the barn with me and burp out thI calves midi get Imtbet tame it its what he wants The collptc have to acres now and said they may decide to sell the new house and back to taming its good1 lite blr traahlaod said But hes glad to be all the old term In this weather lie laid winter they were Ilwlya ll lag the anew In the lanewar would olirn rot aaowrd In it was tight all the time R06 AT DREARIAST Photographers wen not allots ed to late ompba in the tin station thirdndhirt andlpeatsornalirnawalh let in and out at the room to give tiirrt crm chance to cops lure the moment litr heavily was host at brIILissi ioliowlng the vote to be interviewed It the flirts ems captured the comments at everyone lavolvrd gut beI lad who 11 all clans gs gou era heartland aald vet to it trill to New BMW mo wherever they Youwslhlaioabxahand manager waus and attain halide News is ople come up and lay ileiio retreats lead itr Radiant and have to ash lieloid who they are Ind he doesnt thew ltr neatlend slid they wont law or spam if out wet the mono they havent born on television put and are looting iorwarti to see the programs Theyve res gaed themselves to Jubllclt hut ILIR dont lite that on Illt at much Ill be glad to gel to New linrnswlck to pick up myboy trtayirrg with relatives ihcrol WI dont thou what sire is going to happcn berc mmm wev CAPSULE NEWS of Series NMNN CPI the one said today It has sold lle Mito trlevlslon and et the little time has colomlttcd itsell to prodtlciion oi Inothcr li heurrlepg episodes Railways Ordered To Continue OTIAWA tCPi Canadian lacitic and Canadian National Railwaye have bccn ordcnd to continua Niitllll iwrcn Montreal and tho ltsritima prov rIIiwayl era eligible tor lrdrral subsidies oi up to no per cent amuai losses on the uneconomic lines the Canadian transport all asscnger I7iiui tits Pollution Agreement Reached OTTAWA tCIi Canadian and United States negotiators have reached tentative agreement on mammoth Ihlcmaiiooai pro gram to belt pollution ol the tom Inst lakes Sourccsl are good prospects iinll agreement will be achieved by cudl there Predicts More Canadian investmth neat to your Canada will have Statcs than the US will have In CorlliiI Alvin llIrnlliort turnlca Conservative agriculture itillle later aald tircrdly As result he said in lecture at ilcltnstcr Canada nerd not worry about any economic takeover Carrier Recalled To Tonkln Gulf saloon tint the United States aircraft renter Constel Tonltln lull raisin the possi blllly oi intensive air striicl on North Vietnam ehcud the oath munisi romrnlnd launch on allout oilrrrslvcyinlomiante laid Lack of Confidence Expressed In Ad liitOCitVlirlali CPI Lech oi contidcnco in the adminis liospilat was cxgrossod Tuesday sci Idvrrtivcnlrnt signed by it oi alnlt the vcriiscrucnt was armored by tho nrviylurmrd In iris or ad ciiiscns In this conl It doctors to lie meet tonight at the hospital UK Govt Declares Emergency sh lotcrnnlcnt declared lltlo oi sweeping powers to retlon clco grntrailrig piania nailnnli woman was ltiilcd and it other out were alerted irom balcoolca by llrcancn earlyniodsy when ire bit downtown lrtmclrt bioclr Firemen ext tissues In the second oor aplnrncnt in so minuth spread through the upper floors oi the lounetorey building tore tog other tenants oole balconies shed the emoiI moi bclinl Feb 11 man thomntlahdsslltodtbclrlutl the aald WithIm

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