Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1972, p. 9

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IIONIIIEJL iCPl The but John trIaa Hon see lril win Itochsy ternre IadIyl 8tstlrtles lewd or the term Deadly shore It is net the Phil Elwin at Boston lamina nor Jenn ltstello It New testltsagrrs but rim Illm Nklty Redmond at Detroit lied Winn Since each at the It lutne passed In Name hellup marks tor the swan Redmond hrs pictod up It points In it shank at IL John tl olher player DIIrolI acquired Redmond Internet nilhtamrdr Dill Collins and Go harm Irons IiontrrII as In er chInle tar lrrnh Itshorlich in his last errors Rad mood hrs Icorod raIis Ind sdded nIaI shirts Only Rich Ird htrrtla Dullrlo SIhres motto lelt slam has stored Is my goals in the some stretch Itsdnsnrrdr outburst hrs brmlrhl his sum total to It points on It rolls and It state hlrholiieh also ion 51 points ESPOSITO ON TOP Es Ito mesnrhiio condo or lesd III scorers lsith his equal distribution II II sorla so at urirtl in harem Itlolr II ports two more In te that week the III Dorian centre you able to erase only our III In tour names lhlls Redmond Icsdlnr pointrrtlrr tor the creek hrd rlrht includ lugi thanEarl Isms Sunday at Esposto hu to posts In the Bruins iIrt It corner III and NI Yorks Rod Gilbert Ira ltInItOIlttp to Itrdmoad In points tor tho second hr with NHL STRIIDINGS ly run mourns raw EIlDirillII IV APII 31 IIIIIIHI Tlltlr 220 hint Prt Itrth Deon Iro share Iliclt Na team III Boston New York liontresl Detroit Toronto Vancouver lilattrlo III III II httnnrsoia Celliorair ht lords IhliI All Pltltbttuh lilo Will 35 Games MIW It St totals leL won three more then any Prrl butts In lhl Holland MICKEY REDIIOND Delemmnu Debby Orr at Boston Is third in the scarier IIee with TI palm and lends In assists Ilth so one more than itslelle Gilbert is lourth with It points one more than linemrte Vic llIdeld Bobby Hull el Chicea Birch Ilrrls he to points Ior sixth place nine points more than Ilrrtin who Is tied with Hall or runaerellp to Espodto in costs rule with at Chlesra Birch Ilrrts mrsn rhlle condone to mslntrln etranr tract to tho roslleaders Iul tor the Vedas Trophy Tray Etporlto recorded his sor enlh rhutout ol ttn reason and his Irrrsxs at LIIlossesl prr ronrl mark to lhl lunecollar blnsd with Gary Smiths ltd lru Ontario LII overall so true SCORING LEADER Toyoda tier RIrllr NV Orr Des Gllbrrit NY DA Ptrltrn It It 315 also llIdIleld NY dt II It Iluil Chi Ilrrtln But liodlaland Del IT 82 IT IT IIishoriirh II so Penesuli hut Btsntlcld Dos Ilrrtln Chi Illhill Chi title liar NY LImIlre hill Dettnsnn Dot Cournoysr hill tlayer 51 Hall Chi II 30 It II it 53 ID Id 5d 20 23 II III 11 TI TI II to hours TI TI I9 DJ II II II II II Henley hlrnirro III iilernlrr Giecorrtia NJ lll Dryden hlyre Delordy Dachau III III IIrrat Pirate Tor Ill IIlrtl Gamble Phil II Daley Smith Dot Ill It Edwards Blahisy Rutheer Ilttr It Caron titteod Wrtrl NeDuIa Strphanron BL Ill itllaau Gardner Dyct rr til 10th Carter Kurt Ill ta Crusler Dryden DI ill Edwards Vrchon Detroit 101 LA ill mom rut mo am run on our tnur our mo Slit can so out as rs our on moo ruous sen rats rut ms so our arrears ms rm or not till sr ram sandman rsoa rs saw are or use until lhll so as our use or asrr not It asst strata sets so or area too or am use 11 ran an to Ian roa our nature not rmrao taro IDII II out no our aoooler rm ootrrt ran at so our one or am more ms Mil I51 It sea as our mam rm res rr tut rsrolor rotor on or our sroorosr srr Ailtlll IAIISTY RULES IIALIIAX lCl Tho ann dlan Std Anoclrlion will cnlorro new saiety rruuialluns tor all events sanctioned try the nr tIoosI rtltnr body Arthur train Isrociallan tile Tlid ltons chairman rs hlondsy The new rulcl reoulro Ill shirts to our solely rtrone Ior slalom Ind riaat slalom crrntr Corn lilarI must also we ran minds In all Ian la om Illil tut rm to llI tlIIN DlIIDIZN poaile Ior llantrerl CInadleoa holds the Lilr Srrrr at the Im Irrrrd hr received In New York lion Is Hottest Point Getter dry Tho photo in the truck rround shown Dryden Is layer on tho Ilumbcr ullry lllorncls In Tomato AP Phatol Dryden To Work In Law NEW YOIIH lCIl Its an rnlironmrnlalisl tlrlr Drydrn is better Inoan Is aalis who lrlrs to Iran tho space britnd lirr uoal tltlttl uncolltnnrlnrttd Iry ihc uullnllldlls purl And In an amino rrnro at the word he has lrccn ratrm IuI Ilnwurrr as law rtudrat he has been sausin urlllr Iarrtly unitlluwrt to rywuls Inns From now on tho Itryrnrold llonlrcrl anndicn poalio ti arts to be imporant in hot areas at rnrltonmrntul control ilcro to accept the Lilo Enter at the rrr sports award tlry dcn snid damn own runlcr cnco liondry th he plans to vrtnrnrral In Iatcrrtt rlcrr In Canada othrr than and ti Id Or lllllrtlelr alter his llnal Inn on Hockey Inllnailtrla It llriirll Ualmsiiy In hluntrrrl nrrt Christmas The LInadirns supmlor oi the rut Stanley than rrrirs in lrlrlrh he played in olrry rt ate at the at nature It took the Ienadirns to uln lhrlr Ilttl Ihhnlpinlthlp won the error sports curIn the basis at that pcrlorrrlanre The Hamilton nrlilu uho mods his mark as llrrtyrar tanndicoa roulic spent last summer working with consumer adlurato Ilrlph Naderr ulun lrcr lath Iorre In the United Stairs lIa raid that It Is unllhrly he will become member at the snmro rm rm Silurian has an Ihi once my amen gold medal nus lser hlIriI Theron Nadir Ind Called berm bsrldinr one In hurts Keelsen el Tinnitus Ont Both are tart l1 ItIrIs Tum moored Ind sppIrheehed upland unions Nancy urnson Is the ml sat rhinos rhrmploaa resin rainstorm mtlrr retoollira tho pounder nished Iourth Ste Island bums menial by ttothr al sound Only not other Canadian had sler done bettrrNrnry no the riis oi Crasdsn roach It Itstae rho rsan her old rnedsl tour your son in the giant atrium and cum in the Itstaal It Grenoble throes Virular locolest elurrr ior lath Ilirr Nadir burst deals the serpentine taturrrlrn course on Haunt Tclae lad awlessly stirtsd ltr It ratrs In one man ule ma seconds to ruin hrst out Annrrnsrte Proell oI Attalrin Iust Is she had done In the open downhill rats Satrxday ltIIt Drrrrl at Altailla IN the bronze CFI Meeting To Discuss Expansion MONTREAL ltPl The CI nadlrn Football unrurr Irr naal meeting hrrirrntnn today deIII rrilh expansion Irllure Grey Dip alter and the annual drnl at Cansdiso rollers play rrs Imonn the Items an the lrnrthy Inrnda Aprrt Irurn the college drstl Ilslrd Ior tonight murh ol the tint two days will be tnhrn up by dlsctLuiorl and mummrndn lions II the central manrprr total with the Iinrl decisions on must rublccts tumlna atom the rnllm rrrctltlsn arts toorthcr In Thursday sessions Ilhetlrcr or not the CIL do aides to expand to New tort or other Canadian cities it it on yrstn the medium will lrrinu orth lullllulrrd rxparulon committeen map that would called on to study any luiltrs rxpnnslon bids plus to not and terms at rrlerrncc cl lit ll ra Iranrhirrs includiny drIit procedures The prime candidate Ior lrIllchire liobcrt Srhnscrtr oi Latrwuod NI will not al trnd the attention Srhmertr hrs Illrd the iirrl IurrnIl Ivniicsllon lrnr roan because at his boctu Oll MOONITONI srtrooo Home NEW 300 all 15 HP $54900 new 335 our 520 HP 5649 NEW 335 ll 20 no $74900 new 399 all 24 an atro00 lllrw 440 llollolc NEW 292 TNT arw3ro TNT new 440 TM $87500 arouse 839oo $94500 wan STOCKS LAST orra rota EWEEKDAY to rams bcluro the TL since British Columbia Lions dutnnt the learnt in ltlt ltariemsststdylhssee andnmsalelhtIootmoze nxdna in Alone lhlIt eDrstdsoblIIurnerusAn drra tired turner at Dr Lldlnd Shin lhotoohtbosu hmsndnisalrinloctialhetm nance The ransom hrohs drain runs at the unseeded girls XIII Knitter In lhl morn reed hId learInI IeILrrr ll her test Iler periormnce III by Irr the best no In by Cran an alien Czechs SAPPUITD Japan ILPl rehosiarahla Irrrrrlirr tram or lose to the Unit States took Its sum not on Finland Ilaniu In Lto only horlry lama rrbrduIrd today It the Winter Olympics The No ranlrd trrrhs stored six goals In the second and third periods They took our lint Plan In the champion shin sinterm round rubirr The trrchs hate tour rulnts on too wins and loss and are tailored by llllssla Ind Swoicn corn with hill and tic tor thrtu paints Finland now lol la and tar IIONTIIEAL ltIll It doesnt hale lhr ring at prb Ious nrrdlctloru Irut manaxrr icnr htnuch at Montreal Expos llttthu il rnlrht dsr liarsh hcre hlundry Ior his annual prorpriny Irrinlnr rur liu torlure the National lacunae tluh nathcrs later the month In West Ilalm Ilrach Iia said he durrnt that conic ulll trite much start his predictions nilrrlntl reason tlrlr rant Is to not an elrn trrms with the root at the lunar he said What we didnt not done in II hell do in that was his rcnly to adore llon rcrhinr hlr anourl predic tlon lor the club In part yrars Mauch had some up with To In no and la la il Swiss Have Ski Queen Canada Has Budding One hill Nedll Ilarthll MD slid ll mama wane Nrmlhtku she Ill by manta at then hdl be en la udovn In the salsrxrlasnlshe postrdn Izlln Dealers by the samnshlryitlulildln up lrIdrr tanned her back to ths rouna todny Ihen the Salsa champion are do Take Hockey Lead lnurth with the United States rhirhrptit its two wars thus tar Poland In pointless alter tee Hm Sweden rarelr Poland sod the Russians are scheduled to onset the U5 Wednesday while the lhrrhs Ind lino hIrI day all Concolrllen becth plIy re rumre Wednesday with huoslr lLs pIIyinr lrprn and West Gtrv nrsay mcelinr Norway The trrchs lled up to lead belare Flatao mIaIrsd to score It Ira when lleiitt lacrn blastnl home coter Ilth trcrh roalro IIdirnir DrurtIlI Icil screened Mauch Predicts New Expo Goal The assrbrll rluh rurgrtsed me one Includlu IIsue hy mat seer on or him and winning his prediction Ior In by winnina nmrs But his stunts use hit hlrh last Isn Ian and his prsdlctlon Irrrrrs lril to 500 when the tram tia tsnrd to short at the It Victories he callrd tor Gator latn sorinn lrrlniny or here our homework to do hlrttclr rsltl whrn nslrd il lts thounht tho Erpor could better their llllhplree IInish II III rum in the datum East Div lalon hiaurls said the is must stslro to cattle up to rams lcvti so the top team rather than play Sad hell by the lord rrs Irlllnr lldtlt to ho Itxorrs ltlt DIAL 8352113 REGULAR BOMBARDIER srrrooo surrs SUGOESTEOLIST PRICE 5495 WHILE STOCK LASTS Issue OTHER CLOTHING AT SIMILAR DISCOUNT OPEN TllES THURS Till NIGHTS

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