Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1972, p. 7

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CHUCK thltSltN und yrer riudtnt ilndr ollhrrrd ladies Seclions girrs hldytr III netting me drum to woe in lie thorn 0i City Clubs Announce Weeks Curling Activities the itdies tertiuns at tho Iirrrio Curling Ind BIrrtn Culut by Clubs here busy week lln up At the tirrrio curling Ciu ittssr ith pieyoiis rirtietl yes ietdny Ind will eoollnue Thee dry Thutrdr Ind tridry It ternooru itin rnmpellng will be shipped by Ilertorto Amos Itotlyn hrrtrum tiny Borrevirh Connlo litrrirnt Doris Denney Nation lrrlter tiny hnltrl hlIy blrtlartin Shells rtstnw lilnrr inn truly not Nurtrrr irlrb Vice rlrlpr will compete tor the Kolmsr trophy commenting nu stun Ily IIIANI DIXON Arlrr lhlIrrh 1erer It Itrpslrs Iro likely to be more costly than rtrttlng both on brandnew equipment Ship tho hrnvy chores tr list and promise wherever you ran TItrrur April tbhlry this Ive on Idvonro ill cumr reels the highest most eonsrrvntlvo lrlrndt sit Ilird tltstlitn lion lieitx torrght with tr eom pirio switch to thoroughly un ronvrtrtlnnui sublerts tendnt thlry tIJuor toll tuu tont prt Iwny with tlirnsy eteuses nowyour ossoelnler idenr may be more ellertlvn IlItIItL trot nod proceed It learn tnurer lunn tirer tilt brr rious listening should be your main Idea even though you may be trying enough or perhaps too tunrh yourrrll Iili evrry idle IllOllltDt with nnnlhrr luurh ol Itlcntlnn Leo July 23Aul ltll Polish up your promotional rrhrntrt tnotr tnolor eliurt to improve your public lrnago Sell or any whllo elrplldnl possessions lrge ling zlSrpt ulr uu euu udvtrnto your Interests and learn touch by provoking debate between we linlnrmrd nsso elnlrs Libra Sept uOrt good titty lur iurlhrr trotting assucluivh haro Ittlti something Illtho tvtrrlts tor nulls Ilnrrr ttbouI truly Ferritin nnd tin rooprrnte may volunteer titlil ruol eneourugrrnent Scorpio Uri ttvNuv llll Soot rt hurgnin ltrlnglpy butl trrrs rotttarts ulung writ you but youve done rt lirli ttruugh ti quit niiogelhrr ill lurvr est turot interests tirrttirrlur thv ttDrr tilt You nttd your mule tlo ltt tntul tlun lntpltullun orut Impulse nrr tho only likely motto to ob low lot it whiio to some tnptlrotn titer IrJrn tllr llulr your time both iur uarttr ellott and lot play ouvo not only got too Itruth to do tuu lttuth tlrttrsttd upon you tullite thing you rtuily until in pursuit llruwr up this ovenittg Aegnrrlur Urn zolrb itlt TM lillrlrr you lolowrd inri ViteIr doesnt quite tit neither do trrlrrduyn rtprtitmnts Kory trying Iirrrr Irb ItIlwrrh tult Continue teslorrloyt upbrstt ri inri nrrnngs lttlrrvirwt trttrrl Irrrrtl ttlth nrir totttlrittnllnns Ilomattllr trtttnrrr bring put tlrs Intrigue tOllNSllIl dUiiVlJI ilOCK thirltNli Qur tCli questionnaire nurtured by tutti rtritlunts oi the lZutlrrn lltttttrlrlpr rttunly ul lvtrtploll rotuturtl lttiiitt tltri tut trltl rgtrlttrt Ibrtrilutt utt drututttl tout titre ugrtintl legriituilun ul rltuyt grid but wrist or tho tvltlru ut the titnth ptnrity thd weetlot Irb It timbers It reminded to rign up lot out rehedulo on Feb it It tptn COUNTRY CLUII lot lnvltotlottrl Trillium lionr rpell will beheld It the llorrII thruntry Club on Irb rod to The riubr tpeil torrent is Itrr tlodtr Jensen and hits hIrrlIn hlrphrns will rontnnn tbn rperlrl bonsplrl this week Among the euloletly riuhs partlrllurtlog will he rInlts irnnt ortvlle Toronto 0riilir hrrth tlsy Ind Kitchener this terms will be competing iur thotrophy dortnird by itrr iteno Ihtrrry Tho troplt will bu presented Iltrr the lirtals on Thursday ttlrrnoon ILlN ErtTEltlAlNhithI Illghllghtr ol the twodry event will include lunehenns hosted by club president hire Lorna tlel et hrt Sunntbrio iIilIti residence liirr hinrg titty will entertain At her Vine Cresrenl horns Ind tire lrrno Emery will open her epItiult home on shanty dry ltnsd On Wednesday evening women members will pruvldo entertrlrr tnrnt lorj uuloitown curlers whrn lhry htesent rtit ond 1h othrr entertainment in the eve hint 0n Thurrdsy rlirmoon trr will be held ioilowlng the earn pieihtn ol amen end in rort nelt lion with ptesentIlitn the trophy llIANtilI UltllitIILiN OIIANIIY Que tt2l yuebeor 7W IIrnt Wentenr rubs Ito revrmylng their ditto tion my item glottlled trit tlttg groups toward lnrums tor deuilng with problems at in ctrsslnply urbanized poltule tlonr discussing the royu nom nslsslon on the sirius oi women consumer protection lows the eroiutlon oi Igrlcultttro In thn ruvlnre Ind orgrnltlng rsirt ol nndlrrrltt ANN LANDEliS shore sin the its rod Mahmud President Given Life Membership trio membership was pre rented to tire Irrd outgo lng president at Grrre United Churrlr Women in recognition ol her years ol lIilhtial rervtro Ind her title hrlrllrn exrmplr The membership wIs prrrenlrd by hire It Ioxrtoll uni tlrr hletlrsler on hehoil oi UCW memberet hitmhers Iisn married the ltth Innlvertrry oi the loutrding at here tinted Churrh ltnmen lirr tluir lountllng president tend the rerlpluro onsi hlrr It ilrEorhrrn the groups lrrt oer reie tend rnltrulrs oi the iirsl meelnr Olhrr iuunding members were rpeoiri guests rt its meeting htltl tithe home ttl hlrt hit Ilrster in trotting with this or with the lunch eetttntitleo run tenrd by IlrtA llsdlry Ind tlrr Spirit provided birth dry eats herring to undue Nudisis Enioy Winter Swim EDMONTON Itl Ilrtr wottdrr what nudists sin in win trr whrn they runl use the treat outdoors breniuo oi the rrrugrt ol wintrrt The ilrttdon thrIr Nudist So clriy has unwind in Irrp some helivltlrs going In spito oi nubrrro wrnlhrr alert and rnow Etrry rrrond Sundry they To twlmmingsltinrtv dip plng high school pooi And we soon boon to got sritrdulo going isrr tlry und litlttt sauna rruiottt suyn tho rotisiyr teerrtnry Ar tar as swltnrnlnu In this node Is eonrernrd thrror grrut lrellng ul ltrtdnm Youre not hilliI In tr wtl bathing suit that sit elurrtttty whenfnu rt outu tho wotrr Nudty raid euusiirrs lhinrs Onto your rloihrs tire till lho ruetliciriity oi material lhingt rlintlnolrel hllll AhN hlohmll lhlrdyenuludrnt has been Interested In eerr She travels lrorn Newmartrt dai IBI ls rhown Ibo de II piste At GEORGIAN COLLEGE working OffHand Glas New And Exciting Medium PHOTOS AND TEXT Dy EILEEN DIXON The lost time new rumeonei blowing gloss on more than dnrodn Igo and it runs It lsrgI tily exhibition iourtd It lust Is errliing to watch when viritnt Georgina tuilogr last ml at did away baek vhrn Glut blowing is reparuie rnliiy ltom eerrsmirr so dis covered during on lotrrrtrstr with Ills Nuten Smith with Ind rltllrmItt oi Ittt tnd Inter lur Design It harriet Georgian College campus ltr nostlbe tor student in Artond interior Design to motor in either glrss or eerrmlcr hittr tlio hours may be rpenl In the plus rludlo or rrrrmirswhth etrr tho rttltirnl tools he ttrells ltllrlt Iltll ELISA There urn two main rutegor Irs in glass rno Is reid rod on is hot Cold glass is rhrels rods or tubes molding bending gttlli eIrwlhlusllnyI IIttt glass Lt Iuoiltrt glass ltt turnout plrit ed up item blow pipe and hirttrt Into thnpo thrn lorrttrd and cured in kiln nvtmlght ltr losclrtrllny Ind rreatitr nrrdia to work in tilass blowing tsnt lnlnxiurrd to the wrsocunlrulum this year they more rpneo war to gutted wt tho Idttiilrn oi new tying duslgnrd rsunlully in bursts the various ttudlus Cernrnlrr havo been taught It the rollsgo Ilnre lritl hits Smith has been on riull hi the rullrge Iur tour yrurs bhu Itrriittti hrr uiuroliun In art In Colgnr Alberto rittniprg Itanllo and Cullrgn nt All In Toronto lhrn hlrr Smith hrgntt ttath lnu rt tho rullrgo hrte there we to students enrolled In tho lnltrlur tirsiyln totretn wirirh It lvvosnd treeyenr eotrse STIJIIENT IIOIJI Iitdny lhrro are lit studrnin rututied in tho tiny rinster r4 Get Second Doctors View Problem May Be Emotional Itrnr Artie Lnndetrt have been reading your eolumn lot long limo hop up amount would write with tho remo problem have but no one hrs sndt rm polling tlrtprrule Im lean ogur who cant tht In minut not or ot nnynnrs homo withqu vnrttitlny There Is nohing wrong with tho lood in me no tried eot Ind lightlylitre roltugo thititl uttd lruit plain or lunn nnltdbut its this same story gtt the dry heater and then must excuse myselt its to em brrrorslny eould die lm lttle oterwright Ind lulo nty mothers roohlny but this is ridiculous our smin durtor rays nothlny Ir wrong with me hat wil outgrew It llui Ill be going my to college In two HT and need to get ovrr lhr thing new iiento ttli me whrt to dutpthurted to Film ilrIr Ur tin lo nnulhtr tiuttot int tr Ulllliitit physlrnl It lllOiltI durtor tells you there is ntihint nttnrg wil dil ttli hint Muir do not vomit lot no reason it there it no orttnle problem it hunt on emotional whirh ease urge or to rt rtmu tuiivttrlllng and earn it you rnmtoi tulerutu onyouor ruukittg except your muihvtr itvll tutlts Ilrar rtors lotrdrtrr ntvr hlyh prIIIe tor good psythlsirle raunttlling prompted lhr letter boring the tutor wIs hospital ANN LANDEILI Itod revert tlrnrt ilto rltryr woro ts short Ir tour days and Ir long It the months birth time went home my btyrlrly trtsi rnhl Youll have It do It youmii didnt tnow what wns tuppustd to do No trirxl lo mule it ulnar but didnt unv drrriutwl Three yrnts ogre irlrtrd tug period is new npproath tie eided hnd nothing to lose to went to meeting oi ltrtuvrry inc suddenly understood thut Itry doctor hrul hrrn ouyiny this it it truly rrtrtuttttho gruupalul true to nttvurtr vvhu uttttts to go tho peopls met ond listened to porn me hope Ilwi tourngo hit the meeting with renewed spirit turn could malts It lve heroine regulur and tho gtoyy hot 11th murh let me it it ditlleull to rxyrrst my gratitude without bound up like innrtiu Will you pirqu tell olitrrs about iireuvtty inn in your roi umn Ann They have to truth to utter and so runny nervous nnd omotionnily ill people nerd hrip iheso dayslurng Deto tee In have printrd letttrs to yottrr but its limo iur anuthrt Thank you in providing It llltONtr ItllIItIAIII Drur Ann Irnttent our roi unrn it on luttttlon ll ptoplo rtrtl not only the lrllorr Iud your answers but also the hid drn mtnnlnys between the lion they would thin great drui rein to tho teller irorrt the nntthrt tho wet rurlettnrrl be cause hrr hurhnnd Ittvislrd that their yortttgrult Item to light Any male who teaches his uid to mull to phyrlrol vul rlttu ht yruvu his nitlltlliittily must have trtluus doubts nhout his own tnoienett tlur vulture does not need try more men who run prune thrtnsrltts only through brutality We Ira txultl enough history it three wars in this lost 30 yrrrs IltIrt mute Irtlittnmy It the damning uil kitIlLth Athuutett or Us Drrr Athrntetlr How true irnr Inhumtttlly to man tnstrt couoliorr tnilllont mourn Itlryte are also errrtlng cunts estnnd to leather on risii Along with hits Snulh JIII rrs Irn tlrr lut Ilnrt who cont router ironr Toronto Gory ilril Anthony Crrswrildunrt Irler on erehwilr Tuny tttlsrnun on loan lrum held at trrhnolrtryr trtrr Dennis who is rtulplor and raduniu rli tho Onlutiu tollrgl ol Art hlrr Nomrilo tlrttsrrs who holds bach elor degree In interior do rign ironr tho llnltersily ot tinnr itoba ltoman tlarttiw traits ate at Ontario College oi Art loined the rlrli this yrnr unrt works In rrrantlrt rtan gin as well Is slay Ilubln llouprt ioln rd tho tiali or an instructor in rrrnmlrs lost your The new witty also houses textile urea whuh new this your 1hr lishtyrr rlurirtt it the urn building will proiidu on outdoor court whrte tiudrtrit ho to have srulplurst display urirg tho runtntrr months lllNlAtUllti LILLIZRY tlo hope to set up this build lng us it tttinitluro gallrry said tits Smith Thr public trill ho invited to iew thu torrent not brlrtr dune ut titr tviiegr and not just at lt open home ocrusiuns tl hopr tho public will motor the rut tho lariitiirr wo huvrt hrrn Ort tnirrlttg the tour ul tho PETER DENNIS ltlthrt llnt year students the Irt oi mate ing art tn the group are In transiurrnt piartirr Innis Grant shown on hir tell and Poul blender new It building their is nu tlll pttssito display ot rrtrrrrtirs hlltd elhllillt IrltlT tires Clrtttr who it nothing on wont ol udvirn to tits tltrtr Students Have Entries in Ceramic Exhibit ittur grrunrlrr stutlrnit ironl Georglsn Coiirgo nro yarilriptt Int In the tlrtl natitnrai ttudrttls ttlttmit erhlhlt lhIt year into tiuriiutet John irrt ridgr lltnd tuner and tierhart Ilritsrtit hii rrrtmbrts oi tho Art rud lnirriur litti progruni ut tirn tollegr hovo iulntd with studnutr ironr the hunt with Culirpo ul Alt Shvritlun College in lltntnytun tho Ontario college nl All lnlvrrrlly trl Snshuirhr won and tho Ahrtto Ooilrgr oi Art to rodure the lolnl exhibit truth in rulrntiitltl ctrumlcw to be iurlutird tn the tltuw whith still trawl lrum huvr Soothe ttt Albrtin in tho nrrt nino months out dune ity llutttan Iitrihiw nnd llubtn llupprr Tltr rollrgo hos alto ruilrrirtl irw prlrrd posrrtsltnr In it prltrto roiirr lion works ul wriivtnown putts around the world Along tilt walls ore hrrn tut orlul yetirrs uttrl pulnitngr work Nhilt TECHNIQUES lltr Sltliiil rats lhrro urn some ltrtorrrttng things happen irtr In ltlltnlqttrs ttith the tliilon trl rtuil tnrttthrr lrltr Urnni ilr llrnrtir who Is rrrytttr tits utnl ttttltllt iomlue llt grulriyirtg to too what UC ron bu titltilillett Itt tr riusiont it who is ambitious and wrll moll itl lbu utrlsiunt ehu rt llrtr ttlllli it lost wiry end on still hutrr lung rtuy go the third lhrn asked about the grud nltr mti yinrrtttrttlt in the ant pluytttrttt llrirl tho assistant rhnlrntntr proudly ttolrtl th gruduatut limit tltr ilrrt tltllII gitittlully utrtyluyul To is rttrn but it itll the hush liuttt our It tietlgttlttu tor Cutttdtmt utilitysr rorultun one it wottittg It rlttpl mitt traritlrtr rttnl nrtniher ilitti by lot in Vitrtttlrrt And thats prutty ltutd record to heal tryyti Tilt EXAIIINEII VANI ADS IllDNI lZMllt one by iirslyear studrnts III in oil it tustrs it most inirr esllng Illii tolorlul atmosphere tttlutur it hrlyurg stu dents hurting Ill mutulr plas ltren vi The February tuorllrtd rt Gturu Inlied titurtlt tlantrtt not held at tho Itdllld ul tits sir II Neieortltrritrn ltrtirs vrtrr ltl uiirndnttrr lrrtlritui llrs Vi lithium ruiird the hunting to order with uurds oi ttrruurugo ltltlli ironr tlr tlutlottsld Viililil he drillsrid til the rrruu Irrshylerial strutting In drrst Dr tlrtlortaiti stres ml tho thought thut one must in never utuiemuouuo tit powrr ul rtrrt lbu sltrrlltst group sin ti stun Ira ill the Lrtr irn drroliurssl toting or her llterrtr the Church Ilrr Ilrdy oi thrlsi the disbursed her tubltxt lllltlsl lhrre httlctlr irt natttulys rthul Christ but done what titrtrt ls doing and whtti Christ hill do or tho churrh lerNti liJIllLliTtili Duurtttg the business session sorlnl euntrnrr lire tiurrrtt hirhlnstrr wittplrttd plant lot catering lur tho barrio Trnnrty nrtnusl tutoting hltii also tur thr llrd Crust nrertrhtrt llur to run iliuling thitrrtLt the Fashion Show has been yurltlrnrtl unitl lltu lull ltt tin pm lhrtu bill to Spring NearlyNun Stir tlurrh it truth in ptrt anti Saturdry tinrrir It lrrrtrr in rm to put ibrrtrtrrrs tor tilt tlrrrstrtrtt thrust to in lrtlrt tilt Ni till were tppoirtitrt rts litilottsl Urtrrrnl tonvtttrr ith tell duwihy Contourrs Forum and tits It run Knitting tunvtntr hits lnt ton and Dtrorutlntts touirtrtr bltr Dukes hlithlllllltd DIZILITI Irs ll Chuptrrli titttml halo whirh resultrd livul sudrgirrns onus MAItT lIE Milli EKMIINIIIL IIESIJ FEOIIUAIII TI7 FEBRUARY MEETING Grace UCW Toke inspiration From Speakers Message rise at drugs Arguing tor the II tttmaiirn wrrr lirs it Itotve and him It Iortrott while Ills Font and hits it Ioanon supyotltd the trrgritte livid All tlylttl dinruttlrn inviting all trtrttrlrrrs tuliuursi tile tlshtiu It Aurtionrrr hits Epittl rosy tititttrl it my rurrrsstul may Audion oi Irtlrlrl brought to tho ntrrtlng by tntrrtbcrl trllonlrtg tho trio iiilltil trtr strum Airs Iord Ind tilt Cobb served it Illrntlne httrth tits lttldrnan thnntrd lhn honlrtr lrr tho uso ol her htttrtr turd tho tttrellrtg odiouso3 To Show Slides Al Guthrie Hail the ire lilsirtiral lt be itstll tt tlulhr Irtl errtring Irb It pm by stutl Shunty hay Ind irvttlt ilrll eottvntunilirs are in lirvl titr shutting wrtt lorttrrely trituiuirtl tut last Friday IIIIII pie lures Ilall ott tlrrtmrttntntnr DELICIOUS Suprr huh Irutu CAPTAIN SUBMARINE It Dunlap It TIIY ONE T0ltll Ill5429 DriveII LoeIIIoI

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