Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1972, p. 5

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or to or it ll It tor re It Is Is cit 11 Eh eat lands and ivrcsis Muplo district COUNCILLORS STUDY BUDGET REQUESTS Dinette County council will be dealing with thigct vtcorrv rncovtailons shortly Ihen I371 county tax requisitions will be restricted ilreve Norm Cook oi kaatoon Ileltl and lime IPriel Oehm oi Stayrsrr Ire shown as they Iilkiled bud get requests Irvin varloua do partmenls There was rrrvcrai lrnism levies can be held one to last years levels IE amines lbotnl Waples Driving Feat PIeasesArea Friends ELMVALE iStaIII Sulky tore horse Ioiiewcrs In this area noted with pride that Wuplcs mm the driving recard at the current Greenwood meet Ing withtlve winners on one ninerace program The biplaroivt lkarbam reins man Iho has driven at Elrnvxle Coldvvulrr and other area Ialrv achieved his record last Tbutsv day night No drove horro named Ilovl gen Dilly In Idcati hell Ilrst with Celtic Saber In the opening event Then he brought home liuv ltun Abe In tho Iourth won with Guy Stone In the llith Ind guided Mikes Donunion to top purse in the sixth Tho im xpcclulurs then not rhcd the terms ores driver win with hone named Dr Jones In the seventh Irr win No tor the current Intel It is tar Irvnt record or tlnples Keith once drove eevcn winners on In Friends here said It was some Keith years ago but remembered it was given considerable publicity ing sully drivers Neilb has driv Icy has started his inurth year Is cl rk treasurer ei Essa township nlkhi at Grcenw race he Ilnlshvvi lust head he hind the winner Gypsyv lien or with his entry more dam evI Dorothea Wick horse namrvl Passion Fruit was guided to victory by Naples in the H150 purse lcnl ured ninth race on Friday Essa celmcll at special ncct warden to me was Essa rceve SEVEN WINNERS IS the time oi the appointment While this is the best record or lpbtrace prongrn II Montreal One at North Amcrlua Icad Starts 4th Year As Essal Clerk DAAIEII tStIlll Brian Gnu llr Gauley was up irvtnl to succeed the atellaro hell by tag in January loco liciore that ho was with Barrie Ilrm native oi iinxtrr Mr Cooley has lived In Essa all his his Ocorge Dnvts ul Ivy the county th intern Smith ul Utopia deputy recve while councillors were Frnl lloes lien Blanchard and it Murphy be all season Last year he gave considerable at his time to training not had his rovisin Nun Naples do much at his driving lie dd manage to drive 159 wiavncrs to rank lllh In the North American list TILLSED Bk HEAD Iapies came close to driving xix winners durln his record In the Last nights progrern ltrith started his sviky racing vnrvur when lad at it when Sundridgo tall he drove at the tart Archaeologists Plan Area Park Activities lIIDIIUllhI llnlcr opera tions within the department oi will be greatly increased because oi oi additional pretensions and technical employers hi under the Ontario governments ulntvr wortv program As at result ul this prugraln tor slullcd unemployed mingle ical and historical studies will be undrrtakcn at right yruvinv rial parks in Magic district tidying some in imcoo County doing the nail three months Audiovisual prngrumrrs have bccn hired to produce nature erirnlcd materials which will be shown during the summer In provincial park btnphttheutres PROVINCIAL lAiIIll One aspect vi the program which could pruln ul great in Ittthl to park visitors Is vom pvvhcnvlvc documentation uI iivvon Indian activities by tram nl proicsrlvnnl urchacoiorlsis Ille Ilurvrt study wlilcuvcr the stem uI Methodist Point provins tltrl park reserve bass Lake Sprincuntrr and Manage Beach provincial poring Also iii In lrrprrtive naturalist will be trav rilnlu rnuwnvnblie dtrails rIn lits district to tiring ttttlplyn vrluus bullets oi the trails ivr Iriluvv snoulnobilers An artist but brcn outplayed Field Crops Boob Is Now Available ilLlllAld The tilt Ilclvl at rccoulllwmlltiuns tor Orr ltliiO Publication 296 vauevl by the Ontario department at egrl cvrlturc IITILL loud Is nowioveia nblc iivu urpnpv publiiatiun tub the corn hybrids recommended Ivr 1m und recommendations tor Ivruge ttupy groin crops peas nod tlrivl beam and soybean There in also vliuptcr at on oral inlurmnilon on ertjp uc tlun covering such topics its soil nvunugcnvcnt nnvi Irviiiicrr use use at pertitldvl relativeltrx Irity or pesllrldtd dclcrnnnlng sprayer uulput per acre uiso welchls mttitliitt and routing mics and estimating slcrogo vllpucliy There are no malur changes In tilv crvvv ltrortvmvndalinnt tor the rotating year However there are some new recommended var ivlies as well as some deletions Item the previous Ivvt Copier oi tsra IIrlvl trvp lire nrnvncnthvtiunr run he obtained Ironl the local county oiiltu oi the Ontario llrpattnvcnt at tlvullure and loud it titrvnlgh the tniurnuvlion llrunvh Ontario llrpartmcnt cl Agriculture and bitter and other buildings pro mi vbling the public with an tlrtlalt in otrd by an exhibit vlcslgncr Ill weighted prices quoted to create scrivs oi Inntletillvl paintings vl Earl Ilqu Park In Toeorontlo west at it late at These will be hung in the parks hvlcrprttailon ol the park and pictorial record oi its develop ment chctai provincial parka will be enhanced by displays and VIP torial trait marks being me wili Ilso help to plan display centre at Carl Iiowr Eleven resource technicians will be working within Ilmbrr brunch ussthIng with woodland surveys as wcli as the prepar ation oi maps and icdgrrs ul local areas They will also be responsibilo tor mtnpiiutlon vl resource rnannyemrnt plant tor various pmpvrtcs In the Angus arrn Within the Ilsh null wildliic brnnch graduate biologists are carrying out crth census and other Investigations oi the Lake Simcoo Ice tiahury Another gravi unte biologist in assessing ro glon lorrsls ior wildlllo improve ments while two others are none outing data on brown and rain bow trwrt lrom the Credit and Nuttnwusage illvcrs An artist but been hlrcdto create display signs or some Ilsh and wildllie lvtanatcmcnt areas FIELD STUDIES Inndscnpe hrrhltvcla varieg raphers Iuclxl ltltlilllla geog FARM PRICES TORONTO itl Wholesale lu retail carton eggs average by the dcpatlmrnl oi agriculture us at Monday large the me dium rev email all extra large to nun thlcsaic prtecs to country stations Ilbrc cases quoted by committee at wholesale egg dealersv Extra large at large to medium it rrnuli id aura to Ilutirr prirral Canadian Dairy Commission tendccablv cariots buying to more it buy tngtllxcore srillnglt DEATHS Dy Tilt CANADIAN Iltlbtt NomeSteiano Pirnndello 7t playwright and winner oi the coveted Vieregcio Prize In title or his novel It lturo di Case The Iiousea llall MiamiJoseph Cultb ti labor union lender and gvrcvidvnt rinco tool at local all at the ln Iexnulionul Union uI North Alnericnn Lnbcrrrs shot to death by unknown assailants In ltInI lurllntntni iiullvlingl Tor unto in yv lhvse lands poses district director IIIUIT Tillill partmcnt oi parking lot so more than hm shvnvrs dur lug hcctic career Belore he moved to Durham levr years ago be trained horses at the Culdwaicr lair groundsduring rnnhtrs and resource technicians will be conducting Ilcid studies at properties under the depart tnrnls Jurisdiction Iiirsu riud as will he great raid in plan ning ItilIIIc tlcttldpltlttlt ol budgeted and have been lined to hire iIiIi gretluaics oi commercial mounting course to assist in the administration program Their addition to the present atoll ulil expedite the clerical Iuntllvns arising irum this atld scasonal employment programs in Magic district as well as searching and compiling accounts data Iur report pur DlSllllCl BRIEFS SET MEETING MIDLAND lStaIII Annqu meeting at District to llorticule lural Societies will he held at liidlanvl on Wednesday Oct It vlivs announced here Alnlstul Crnwtovd uI Oru Station is the DATE liltOIJl lllleALIl ISIaIit Ivestvlll Ontario lrult Trot Association will hurt at the llidvctuwn Col lege oi Agriculturui Technology on llvdnrsdvy Feb starting at pro pm according to no the received at the Ontario do culture niilcd Iui utlh Static which Is locat HELD ovrt 3rd WEEK Diamonds threcdav commie and in dustrlal development reurae will open at Fern Resort on lake Coaehtcbing on Tuesday Marsh II In aanotrnred rent the Midland ctliee at the Georyxn Bay Regional Development coun IL The course has been designs to provide Iorrnai training in trl dustrtai development practices Ind methods it was explained It will enable participants to It use their communriyl rraeurr es uni lo dcnlliy and under stand the Inuences that lilka its present and lulurI It raid EtcCounty Boxer III In Hospital OIIIIJaIA ISIIIII well knovn Slmvuc County loner oi the too Graham Jenkins ti is reported to be making tavornble gross In Quecnvway hospital Toronto liter an operation tor lung concer Jenkins boxed In Dattlr Misl Iarul Invl other county centres as well as Toronto Hamilton and elsewhere when he was light weight boxer during the sea in more recent years he has been prominent goiter at Lake St George and other clubs Two years ago Icnlilnv made an extended trip to India lie also has trnvcllvvi in most ports at the US Ind Canada Jrnkins condition was te rted ns srrious tor time Hit he Is now said to be much better Grains The plustutu being carried by the ngln trader vertical Inle graiors and low nusvrtlortn Iarmrrv to remove the Canadian inter rovinclai movement oi Iced gran Is bl threat to On tario torn growers ucvordutg to Blake Saniorvl coordinator tor region Ontario National lar mcsl Union llr Sonlonl re vied this upln Ion was shared Iarmrrs rap vescntin NlU locals from the heart oi the southwestern On lnrio corn bclt who were at trnding workshops ontho oper Illuns vi the Canadian whcat board The workshops at ltidgrtvwn and Mitchell were conducted by Doug Vance Saskatchewan ixrnvcr and NFU tustllitul per drrsiantilltg oi the orderly nrur kctlng Iysiellv tor western grulnt In the minds at those nllcndvnc Ontario delegates recently ntr tending the annual NtU mltbtll lion in Winnipeg unttnllttutlsly approved the grnlnv policy which called Inc all grains produced in Canada to come under the Illttv diction oi the Colltvviiun wivvat board llr Saniunl said The workshops were luv the purpose at dlsrusslny the invpiv rations at this dcrison larucia punu rccognitnl rcttaln limrla lens are to be expected but grccil the advantages hit out weighed the disadvnniavvs Those nltrndinn realitva runny oi the needs oi the ruin grow err in Ontario could llivt un dcr the Jurisdiction oi the Wheat Delhi 071 student hockey learn VIIII pay In Toronto leb IL and Montreal Feb en to to the iltlcrnaa Ilonal univers winter thurtlpla motion at to IIacid the Canadian lnicrcoti Athletic Union so llund Torunlo the Soviet team play Toronto Varsity lJlut that years collegiate champions It will mcvt Quebec Untvrrsvty Athletic ibsoriatiun nllvstnr team In Montreal the next night NOW PLAYING 7PM dv 910PM tvvtvlvinivvovi only allow wheat boards control over the po Ivn created much clearer un NEWS fill IARRII CHAIN WILD INCA lmJ Plan Course At Fern Resort 0n Industrial Development The announcement continued ll prutidu prIrtIrII LIIlDiTlIL iron to the knowledge and vkdir required Iur successlut Indust nat development work ant Ilii give participants mhstic no demanding oI this blth ape ciallmi Iictd so that they may play more manlngiui part in the development ot their rom munily The Ontath department oi trade and development ml the dcparimdnt oi terrorist and econ omic expansion are cox era oi the MM along Ith the Georgian Bay development return all The course rrsornmndcci It mrmberv ut atIiI oi In Indus trial rommnslon business do vriopment oliirers at public uuilly transportation company or bank accountant or Lawyer with imiustrial clients members at local development commit ltca stsII oi dcvcio rrvcnt branch at gnvrnvmrnt mu nicipsi council members Topics Include Ilole ol the Community Organltatiun tor industrial Development Etn spring Industrial Development Intrrnal Promotion and in dustrial lrorpcelln Ilim entitled Theyre Put ting Us oil the llap also will be shown Among session leaders will Dr ear dean of Canadl Memorial Chive raetle coilegg Dunn uslrlai commis slonvr iur IIIilvl Ialwnrd Coun ty II twlr linanelal research llrddlnglon plann nnai rvlrtsullnnt nrvd odvleer COIIDC and Wilton vIustrlal development oliircr olicv DeiendedBy NFU it live National grains pulley iv going to be developed to mch ed the needs at the Canadian man he must strengthen Ontario mm growers Ire Mr Sanivrvl Hid at Canada udiun pork producers Hill said Last year they trrch badly under extremely Tiic Itvlerei governments grant will put tit million in rockcts oi the nations rk ltvtctl in itll grading in as or higher This payment will ply to ntnvimum ol producer ers and their organisations said It roves without at uvv ut uubt that Inrmcrs lniiurrwn governments ii are organised to do so Last year the Ontario porlt duccrs marketing board pruarhtvl OIA rcoucstlnu ACADEMY lIIlillllSI IMVO mUHNlDIrtum vunvvwrs itvvnuvdtulmot Iinllldbmtl lnnurtxuuln WT TIME TO Threesome Flowers For Virgin The siiion oi the Canadian Wheat board and not allow their posh lion to be eroded The Iuture oi the corn industry is at stake and prepamt in lose their induslry Iio said in Iddltion to grain policy It need lur unltorm uil sucds policy setting Ill areas tivvtvivvu IilII president at the Ontario Federation nl Agriculture has writouted Prime Minister Pierre Irudrnua announcement at stabilisation payments to Call Iurlt pmtlllmn nerd thiv prices prices well below the cost duress lnymcnts will made on the balls oi II be men hogs This nnnuuncymrnt represents tremendous vvclory tor idlillr havi port tor rcvlstvi stabilisation ilNEOllHEMtlSI BEAUTIFUL MOVIES EVER MADE liie Magazine ulvltttrll DAVID LEANS FILM or own muons DOCTOR ZHIVAGO lVlDlliEllVHIN JULIE DINSIIE Illil AIRWAY AililllllllIM WWI lltllilllll Wit ROW gmrnmmuvwvmmvww ROBERT UULI DAVID LEAN vvrrruusvenavouvtvoctvon BRADFORD Staiil Yth 51mm manure Mem trve Association will hold none Inatm rating at Iiuron heights secondary school Inyhewrrurttt this lnarscJyt Ivcnng Ircunb but to notace mflutl here mldmt oi Aug tnvvrnhvp Iue nearly Ii years Sinclair Stevens barrister has announc ed blx Inlmlrvrt ul Mkiul the nomination The Map Is now held by John ltahcrts lll Lab erai Ibo delealei the late Sen Ittx Waiter licCulrhron in me oi the upsth vi the Metal election Others him are earnint to be nominated but it Is not yet rcv tale whether there udl be Nil tht Trd Noun oi Oak ilidgvs ls campaign ehatrrnvn tur Ir Stevens Il SERVICE The YouShame Conservattv Association has tirade arrange menu to provide but rcrvvre tor delegates irons outlying term to ensure large turnout tormcr reporter tor the Toronto Star Inr scvcn years ai ler graduating item the Cnlvrr ally oi leaicrn Ontario In Im tir Stevens enrolled at nguvvvlr Hail and in tall cavtuntvvl at barrivlcrrntIaw llc martini Nora ten haricbols who was in the same graduating Ivar at goalie ilail illv wile later Ivnn ed the Toronto ilrm now known av Stevens Charichoir amt Stev ens On Jan this yrar Ir Stev ms wu nnpuinivd Oucvvvs vaunsel He has been active In number at development and llnanrlal corporstions in vast his tvrst vertwnntvnn tilil Construction Limitvd IIXJII hradcd mater lputtlllcvli vir clopment In North York met in i961 he Iurmtsi syndicate lhut Introduced the Idea oI rrduvrla aging the Toronto uatrrirunt Mr Stevens also It nrnlar shareholder and director vvt tara dill Construction Company Ilnv be an to in Pork Producers Reorganized NEWTON IIOUINSOA lbltalll South St Inc Inrk produc ers have been rvurvanlml tor the ensuing year with ten urlcr presialcnt in rhnrgr has six rullnctlmcvt representatives to tile provincial organisation At the mectinlt here derson outlined the proposal in surnnco program which will he Votnl on later It the optimal meeting In Toronto Closing oi the liarle unearthly brvis was discussed by tlub Ivoh Lcr and views or given tnr rr establishing lite Ilot Federation LcaudeI New Perk Policy lurvnuln or hugs the lvvlrrn tiun agreed to NC Iur tinc change and their live prupuvul to the semiannual nvcutin ollhc Canadian Federation uI darnuh turr Delegates thvru also ap proved the ytuptrill In August last year tullen bi Iurmcrs rcuruxvvvlnr the Ontario tvvrk LIDIIII Oi nnvl FA rvscntrd prulxrvul tor is cad subsidy on hugs to the Mural guvernnvcni This is the proposal tivv lhc icderul guvcrnuwnt adopted Apylllcntlon terms or ivvicrai ttlbl tnllnn ptvyvnvlrts are now available at the Ontario pork sut low pro the our 100 III lcctlon yards across Ontario Next Job tor the Ivvlurai gov IIiIl can they said Iiill anti to provide them with rviiet tun PW it sup Ill ll TIMIII iAla MAID Itlvll IMOOOI Ibutt littntalnutnv Wed Ind Thurs One Ehowing pmt Irt end But pm and N10 producera marketing boards cui ctnrtlcnl is to recognise the pivcht oi egg producers who have va been laced with disnvirultv prth rttv EXAMINER wer vnsi lled which speculum in dent open and owning properties In Canola In late Lhe Stevens gtwp iorrrwd Iirilash Intrrusuceet Il trance ltanacial Lirrilrd Itcleit built tansdaan rvanplex ct tt pantlat Institutions Inltludlng trust and loan companies Ind bank The latter was the Bank rt Western Canada Iblrh us the Irnt bank to be termed by Canadian group In Canada In so tears Control at British Interna tional thm var later soil to Montreal Ivnanrvrr Foilming the tale the banks new boners duaailnl Dre corporation dis tribu its assets to Its share hcidm IILNSIIEL In llbl til at Iarnt Lti Irvvvvv punhas ng townsh weekly rub prise simply clip Ih star you believed giI le Michael Ctaulunl Avlo Body Repairs Discourtl Gas Export Service 7Il97I Dorrie Tovroee Cornet Gas Ber tilt Shanty lay lived to In Toiel Incl Iva Iill Duiqrt llutst ol libLIANI stuns VI HIV Tim ltd Collins St mull ltml 7295173 BUY LOCAL BUY FRESH Smiths Farm Doiry ti lrnrtang St Come Try Us At RIVER GARDEN RESTAURANT Dining Room CoItIe Shop OPEN DAILY nlllu North at llarvle llwy II the Ilnrrvntion MOO Mauvroswvvwsa iluwrrs orc lvr kilIY OCCASION ill TilMI MURIELS FLOWERS Ii llayllrlvl BI UNITED VAN LINN itInIdIl Limited The people who will Ivolv Itlrr your moving needs All DUNLUI OT WHITE cttt CAL NICHOLS Iovurt Ind bluruge InllIttI TEXII Firlllm Tim vaur Tim Ollll III II Mt III iltditu Meloods Tosoco II MIIII II Illlll tthuur Tuxlug Service Coming Soon HOT HEROES Jamcs Garner JOHNS GRILL Jl COLLIER BT Darcie thcnv Imtll Your be For and send your entries to Star Editor The tint correct some drIwI each week IIII the LAST WEEKS DLtNtllt ln Itrbbltt Slab vaiL like Denie Wulinphnuve Color TV Black White AGS Stereo teempivlo line llAltitli rv saves same court presence YorkSimcoe Tories Will Pick Candidate ohm they perv Lil amlopc hillsth sheep lam with sheep Air Stereos hm hm deb gate to vacuum lateral an vuarial conventions Incl laI icderal convention bchl L1 Ot lawn last December One the mt Immiwg planks In hit platlorrn Idl m7 plumth pt nniern Nmrr er train service to serve it Yorkstmcoe Inn Ildrb IIII rhes Irorn Richmond Itlll to latl ctrile blames the leak at such lacillty ml on the ihlv eral governments lack oi lnlcrv est In the area Marleen has the tlurd Iniml commuter train senlee whxhla vun matter lateral Iuihtxitv with no subsidy Irnrn any viral ity or Inn Grebcc provincial gov Imml Mr Stevens poln out Ire Irl yan arcinle to patch mic tar II wellherd movie The movie to shown below and the In at the IdvevtlsetnrnLv II tbls texture aunt agesrah be eligible in dverttsem ItalIII III II II IIITLLO DOLLY The battle Emilee NI nab Trig it DDL run EH Ind Chin Anywhere Joe Flynn HENRYS FISH AND Clllls The Bush PinI TIMI MARSH GARAGE SERVICE 0VIL Stiltllti tiionr Tulle lheue TIAInt realm MI GIrIgI Itrplln Ainlablv BIG OR SMALL EXAMINER WANT ADS SELL THEM ALL SKIFIIS AND SKDIYAIOIIIIEIISI lliIOl tN run tvu ctvunvt run run LASTntliNUTI nlrocvntv SitOIllhti Open than Iluvrd Ilrtl DALSTON General Store Ilwy st resstir largest artvrtlon ul Ilrighnm Iipct lomplrte rrpolr service on all tanks at pipcv MIDWAY nrirty and tulire Alton Ill IlrIvliord nelson liarrlrs Ilrnvlooartcrs Ivr GAMES AND JIGSAW IUZIIMS IvIIIIhtc new It GARNETS HOBBIES iLI Dunlap St Tillmi Ilarrlrs Meal tIsvlnatlvvg Store Car Sundries BREAD luv SIDS Janlcs Gregory BARBIE BORDEN SHELL llwynu OpenlInatoIIpm Expert Servch Reesonahio Price instill Lokeview Fried Chicken Iteatauronl lit Dunlap kinst ll NAPIER IT

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