Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1972, p. 4

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31 wan Editor Otto Merrie drummer Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited Id Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Emeritus OHC Should Lack at good public relations evld nt in the controversy between the Orv tario Iiouslng Corporation and residents 513593st maawanJm lasagna oi Marion Crescent who tear their yards may be flooded by runoii irom melting mow in the spring OIIC ls taking snow trom its properties and dune gin lowi in are near the orner Grove and uc worth streets Back ards oi Marlon Crescent homes lacot canow pile City council has also been brought into the controversy Aid Prank Ilersey said he has been geiiiny complaints Irom Marlon Crescent res dents and that he llu exhausted all avenues tor yelling the problem solved tie ieit bayor lies Cooke should lo Queens Park to see what can he one to make relations be tween the city and OIIC more amenable to local citizens lie admitted that OIIC has the right to put snow at the Grove ptreet corner but as bllc body they also have responsibili to the people In other words hlr Ilerse ta sa lng that it the apple ob ect Oil Ihoul do pomethlnga utlt eagreeThepcopie President Bhuttos decision to take Pak lstan out oi the commonwealth is mainly symbolic gesture it is In expression ot his annoyaan It the decision oi what he III the Eu an members oi the monweslth or recognize Bangladesh But more titan that It reects his Bhut Iox own hilosophy oi world alignments lie sees little as turning Iwa irom Asia and Airlca and looking ead to hhtrope and the Common Market Pakis tan on the other band he Ieeis must expect to ilnd its main support In Asia bnd Atrlca His recent vial to higher Istan and to some of the Muslim coun tes oi the Middle East and North Airlca send his Loom to Pekin this week it lustrete our thinking running viva photo has denominations to diplomatic recognitions oi the new biaio oi Bangladesh At first he threat ened to break oii relations with any coun try extending such recognition carrying but his threat against several mailer powers Butth the Soviet Union loin ed the wave oi recognitions liir Bhutto merely withdrew his ambassador from lioscow It was case oi the bigger the power the letter the reprlsai When the European Commonwealth leountrles added their recognitions tir Jamee Robb PublishermaraI Manager It McPherson Managing Editor TIJLIDAY FIBDUAIY rm BAG Not Ignore Complaints or Community ot Marion Crescent should not be obliged to accept condition they regard as detri menial to their pro cities and weilrbeing An oiticial oi 0l said drainage In the area Involved isnt the best but he could not understand how water could run uphill and present problem to hlariou Crescent Marion Crescent woman countered by pointing out that accumulated snow wovrld create lake irom which drainage would be quite In adequate It Is quite evident that It OHC retail in Its snowadumping practice Iarlon Crescent residents will become InitrIeI and city council will be contronlcd by more complaints The mayor pnd council cant ignore agitation trom any segment oi the community Obviousl something should be done It not ilC then by the Ontario gov emmcn ltseli This is not trivial mat ter communll has the right to re tcct itseli xyain the arrogance oi bun eaucracy IC is servantot govern menl and as such it Is also servant oi the public The solution in this case would be to Iind another area to dump snow Bdngladesh Here To Stay Bhutto tailored his response accordingly withdrawal from the Commonwealth continued bilateral relations with Its members Never more than 1003 case elation oi tonnes British colonies whose influence has declined with that oi Bria taln as world ower the Common wealtha chIeI Iun Ion now Is as meet Ing place tor lie statesmen to talk over roll elite Willie both India and Pakis were members at the club there was always possibility that Britain or other Commonwealth partners could use their good oIiIceI in medietlny diiierences be tween the two powers to the Indian sub continent Now that possibility no longer exists in the some iorum Pakistans withdrawal then is regret table but signiilcant mainly in that II Eng tlwllldlillgwletortho Com monwcallh The growing acceptance oi Dan iadesh as separate state would seem to cstrov any Iingerln ho that Mr Bhutto still may have res bring some kind oi po liiical link with Pakistans former eastern province The relative miidnest oi his reaction to the Commonwealth recogni tlon Indicates that be Is beginning to come to grips with the fact that Bangla desh to here to stay Christian Science Monitor DOWN MEMORY IJiIlE its YEARS arc in TOWN Barrie Examiner Feb 1057 Fire ghtlng course oi 22 weeks concluded In ante Among those taking art was Chietltoiand Irwin Pres entJohn Gladstone Currie QC presided Ior an nuai meetiny Stmcoo County Law Assocn Con tuiat one extended to Ileber Smith oi ante and William Moore oi Ortilla on award oi Queens Counsel Delegates to Canadian Bar Asaocn are Gordon hie llurit Charles Seagrnm Osmond dtowe Donald Iiiaciarcn and Mr Curt rte Gra don Kohl Mayor oi Coll Jngwood Wil am Campbell Elmvaie Jtardware merchant and Ilaiph Snot grove Barrie leradio executive an irvounced they would be candidates inr iedcrai Liberal nomination liarrie Curiln Club will be re resented in On Itario anknrd trials at oronto by rinks oi Vern Adamv skip Johnny Johnson iitnlph iicive lllll Drowning arrv Arm pirony skip Larry liart llaiph Ila tcr Iac IacAul Ilcathcr Mci nbb liarrie Centre won best actress awar jattlcor lanDaydramaicsilvai lira vi IiacLaren rellrcd irom liarrie Lib aary lioord alter serving 13 years She pips succeeded by lilrs Arthur McLean iormcr Slmcoe County librarian blrl Charles Parsons oiilciated for ninth time at installation oiilccrs Wom cne Auxiliary to Darrin liiwanie Club Illrv Nose Stephens is new president nuc ccetling lire icorge Caldwell Ilnp Ilanms instructed Mayor Willard Klnale Iii IIOIV to hold hockey atlclt preparatory to opening liarrie Winter Carnival Orotvp Capt it iPclel West harden llCAi C0 tnvpeclcd liarrie Air Cadets wmmondcd by Flt Lt it John Oates Spccial proscn alien to Wayne MeKcever slur to saving made by Charles Lawrence Zui St John Ambulance More than 10 diamond rings stolen Irom lteevrs WINE WOMEN SONO tliamilionSpeciatory Aynung pursornrtchcr rte tor Epurt date In Vancouver said hed been relayed In llexlcan tall plied with ibooac with wild women and restaurant Hood The Mexicans wouldnt release him until hed spent all his money on one relinomontv he explained The Vancouver court is to becompll Jewelera Joe llcNellile directed Darrin Citizens Band in Sunday concert at Itoxy Theatre Robert Delaney IIarry Livingston and George Cairns icaturcd in immpet trio Speaklnty at North Simcoc conference illss liyrte Stewart deplored lack oI coo oration by liarrie television station In icld oi rlculture At Barrie Armoury GE social and athletic club presented lloward Caa bio and Toronto orchestra along vviih trumpeter Bobby Glmbv anvl vocal star Iilylllsliarshali Jaclt Hamilton named principal Borrier new North Col legiatc lunernieurvlrcsiorClay ton Fox largely attended lie was prom inent In Lions Club Corinthian Lodge Irlncc oi Wales Home It School Sea Ca dets served as aceountln olilcer with Unemployment insttrance ommirslon liarrie Curling Club by heating Orillla will play in OCA ilnals tor Governor Generals Trophy Itinks Iierh Shannon ship Art lowcil lliii Dyment lion Volis leer Dangerileld ip Fred Norris Itay ivlngston Emerson Webb Mr Justice Stewart Supreme Court at Ontario was nest of honor at annual Vardene bantuet County oi Simeoe hosted by his or Canton oi licdonte Judge Stewart then Darrin rccve was warden in list second youngest in his iury Judge James llarvic was chair man Classes in English storied tor 2i Iiungarlan retugees by teacher lthoda Youny at Central Collegiate Presi deal lilac Maclcod accepted chara tor for liarrie cha ter of Preservation and llncoviragernen oi ilarber Shop Open tet hinylny in America irom district dir rctur ugv iainler Leon tiar rlck joined sales etati llulioclt litotors third DarriatlyertbeaiStMich aele College Majors whose big star Irrnh Mnhovllch was held scoreless by check ing oi Dale Itolle avid Cord lovedry OTHER EDITORS VIEWS menierl on Its humane handiin oi the case The judge hnsscntence tho un grateiui young icilow to two cars in Canadian tall ihue sparing lllm those Elii thi ovng young ieiiow ou hi to be gretctui For all their lrults Clan adian prisons dont use winc woman song or continental cuisine to super ale mon lrynt their money GET RID OFTHATTHING JOHN vou wour FIND coon roan IN THIS orplca lvmnuhaunmaanam it uvec tummy swimsuit QUEENS PARK Davis Will Appoint Woman To Cabinet By DON ODEABN Queens Park Bureau Oi The Ermine TORONTO One widespread criticism oi the Davis cabinet reorganisation ha been that no new laces were brought In This Is not too Illoughliui There would be out one or two oi the PO mem re who were In the teat house who might possibly be considered oi Wilkinsv Av And It would be It the least rash to bring new member Into the evbbtet It Lilla point These new people to date have hId live days actual expca rteucI In the legislatureat IIst Iulls short aesslon Some oi them Is yet barely know when to sit down and stand up It would be lust too much to expect them to be able to de lhey would havsto do It they were brought into the cabinet Another point being aired Is an accusation that Premier Davis didnt lice his election promise bl bringIng women into the cabinet This also Ia not sound Mr DIvls did mIke the pledge but he didnt say Just when he would Iuiilll it There certnlnly will be yypmpn the cnblnet And per Ips in soon pmaibly when the tent Iilge at the reorgxnl notion is completed ll hu been aomewhat even looked that the premier aliii has to name some parliamentary assistants At least one or two tor DArcy liciterugh minister at linance Ind inlergovem mental Iitalvs And possibly some ior other ministers With these appointments we oi new blood into the povcru tnent There Is one other stage oI lop reorganization still to come This Is the ahullling ei deputy rrdnlstrrs and other oilirlals It thetr level or but below it Speculation Is that this could be almost Is drastic the cab inct reshaping Most likelyIlowever it wont happen tor while yet Fret priority must be for the new ministers to quickly get In WIHEII newt departntenta And only the present deputies can brlel them Once the truioetrlnatirn period is over however the big ahltt will lxke place Which means thtlc It still certain unrcst down through the civil service it kilows or at least senses that changes Ire coming and the unrest wont rctilc until It lead pertirlio In the house as will tee tile start oi the Interior knows what they are US SeekinanvsTo Cope With The Drunken Driver NEW tottlt IAPI lzducn taken live course since It began lion ls causing them to turn to lion and rehabilitation are tc In September has been back to drinking then meyhe divorce placing punishment In many parts oi the United States as court The iaukcsha program is one the answer we point out that tta better than killing them law eniorcernenl oIIlcluIs ecclt at many ovnilobie In more litanecives and others more eiieelive ways to cope with drunken driving The pure penalty program hasnt solved the drinking driver problem says it Ws convln Judge who helped orrune lie series oi classroom res lions tor convicth drunken drivers What we are attempting to do Is to get at the Modem letems and attempt to change these patterns by chI aualyais The ludge William Culluw oi Wlliiltetlta County court says none oi the t1 persons who have an lip Dorrie Examiner it llayilcld Strict liarrie Ouillllu Tallphone Itbtsti Second Class ilali Iltglrirailon TIDJIXI Int iIcurn postage guarantord Dally Sundays Incl Simutory linllduva rtvcptcd bubscriptlou ratrr daily by rIrrIcr we weekly Dido yearv Iy Single copies 10c by mail liarrie tater yearly Slmroe County Itth yearly balance at Canada 12000 learly All other vuvnirlrs taunt yrurlv lielor throw all limo yearly Notional AdvortisnlI Oiliecs OJ Queen St West Toronto Ml illb lit Cdlltcitll SI Montreal Mctnbcr vi the Canadian Press and Audit iiurrnu ol Circula tivna the Canadian Press Is exclus ively entitled to the use tor re publication al all new dispatch er in this paper credited to it or The Assoc bled Press or ltcuirr and also the local vewa publish ed therein The liarrie Examiner clIlmI ytight In III original adver tla ng and editorial material ere Ited by Its employees and re produced In thir newspaper Copyriyht IlrgtstrItion Nunv ber rovers register It me mm hall or the atom PROGRAM BACKED The US department oi irons portntlen spent ell million In hacking ti alcohol solely action programs In it states and iurrio lllcu through June iVII Nine oi the protects started In 1070 and to more In 1711 Nine more are scheduled to get under way rariy thla year bcnrtxiiy tho prugramscitnr riaaaeroonl studies at IrIIIlc ruler and behaviorI lclirblitllyti oil the convicted drunken river who can avoid licence suspensions lines and tail terms by taking the courscs liegnrding the tellanalysis port oi the count Ceilow Iayv oi the program in his area the cardinal rule oi the course It to get people to examine the it hours mmediatei lpreceding their arrest then ktrI taround in an analysis at their wa oi lite and oi the irusitaiionl bah Its or loneliness which lead to litrlr drinking problems Most oi the programs are pat terned alter the Phoenix piv oncrrtng Ilrohol research Ind recduration protect and tea lure tour ltihour evening viruernom sessions spread over tour weeks IllW IIIIAIIIIEITED Dr Ernest Stewart direc tor oi the Phoenix program says more than new persona hm gotte throth it and low groduatca huvr been real rested hiewari lays the program to volvrs around the theme we cant do anything Ior you unless you want to help yourselves lie says the program It divs ldcd into tour classes each cove rrlng diiirrrnl area but de signed in make the students re uiitr thu dungcra oi druttkcn driving In the that period rays hlcw art he try to have vtudenlr unulylu themselves ond where they aloud to regard to alcohol in essence we realiae this Is drinking society It the drink Its their business but it they drive Ind drink it becomes Utn business oi III at us We try to show them that were genuinely interested In them and that who Interested in helping them In Oregon leiore meaty cow vlcted drunken drivers Ito reo trrced social workers psychol ogttta and psychiatrists em them and their itmliles Somelinwx we even talk In their bartenders vaye Blii larr the protect director vim LETTERS TO DAY CARE CENTRE Dear lilr Editor there have been two occasions recently where Inaccurate out oidate Ind ndaleadlux lniovniav lion has been given to the public an the question oi dIy rIre inr children the tint occurred In The Emviner oi Jan It In an IrtIrIe entitled Day Care Too Expensive Some Barrio hiothcra Say and the second on TV CllInnrl during In later view on Jan to May use the good oiilces oi your column to corrch and update some at the points raised as Ieri the pcr acnt beth interviewed Iholiitll undoubtedly sincere in their In tentlons smutv have not kept abreast at recent events In tier rle In this ticid STUDY NEEDS Under the auspices oi the Ilere rte Social IItlnlllh Council committee elualrcdb Ilyn Emma has spent more than year etudylng the need lot day care centre owned and ob crntcd by the all oi Bale As part oi this sin question nairn was acnt in Ill Industrial commercial and retail business csn Barrie to determine how many mothers would use such utility and how many children would be Involved Mrs Emma atIlcs the is dis Ippolnlctl In the Industrial res ponse end so tar the prelimin ary Ilgurcs Indicate to to chil dren may attend The establish ment at municipal centre la very expensive capitol expen dlture tColiingwood converted In older house at on initial cost ei taproot and even though the province pays to per cent and the ct to per cent we must not lose rig tel the tart that this money is All raised through taxes irom one source or another bearing in mind the high cost at estab lishing and operating nvunlc Ipui cclllrv Darrin city council wisely decided to enter Into an ngrrcmcni with the two licensed privaIchow nevi and operated day care centres lnrburrir This ugvecmcut rune lnlu ri tcct lulu In toll turd at tho thne oi writing there are seven or eight iamllles hbuse children bcnrlit under the plan The city at Dorrie you all or part at the lens at located day rare ren ployed by the states alcohol int 317d stately action oralch talk tor YWMMHMHMAD yiirants Ivr this aid rhuulvl cen uci the day care committee at city hall tithtlivl during regu lrar business hours and each case will be considered on Its merits ZIELYIKLIJJ mxuaummwmv IT HAPPENED IN CANADA ANEIEIIIANI Blunrltrvouluou nvhwnouroroo vsruseotoooour Mlumnm untessnewrs WEARINOAEWIKEI COAT LAP Alto WHO lira Evr LItxt Km THE cotton The CA5 public health nurses wriiaro department etcI report that there use cases to needy children at alnglo parent tut Iilrt underprivileged children children oi Parents who III per manently Iii or disabled chil drrn oi mothere aliensnee toeliaro recipients lur whom the city should provide adequate dli eare tarlllllrv It Is certainly nel ther logical nor practical tor the city to provide true Iaciiltiex tor lonviiics where the viio elects supplement her husbands tn cotno to rovlde the accord third amt car color TV swim mlng tor vacation in Ilewoli The lya obligation should sure ly be to the needy not the greedy NOT AWAIIE Tish artswrrx casrs rr rled In the article where hand are obviously not aware thII they me be clicihlo tor assistance on lira Emma and her cont mlltre would do well to rpenri some time to loionn the public oi this important development rather than tact as then they had never heard at the tee Inr acrvico program the scheme hnv not received the publicity deserves Illlloukb there was email announcement In the new paper and ndswerded In nouncernenl on channel TV lire Emma reported num ber oi mothers had complaints about the quality oI care their children receive at the hands at some private blbyslltlrl who prlvldo ltlle except iood Ind shelter by contrast the two consist day tare centres to liar rte employ trained ttaii have special equipment Ind ixcliities tor Indoor Ind outdoor supervis cvl play educational programs tor the preschool set and cou nal wgtigvdntmorphcre cap cvelo ment iIh highest order Reliable everyday service always available It these can tres eliminating the worry when babysitter becomes Iii or de cides to take lntltlon The unlicensed babysitters aroundth city charge Ittywbcrs trrm it to ill per child per week The Ices tor the licensed propcrIy xupervlsrd educational centres are tit per Week and tie babies ilccclpts tor bacomo tax purposes are available on quest lluscd on an em to pm live day week this works out to more this cents per hour and indicates that the char pet Mn certainly not too high tor the iinevt iucllltlcs provided CHECKED certath that opcrutrd centre could not dlieyr core tor less than these rate charged by private operators and this iact has been check ed at centres to Thronto and oth er Ontario locations It may well be that In yelrl to come Barrlevltlcruses in opuiation the need till muntchat centre may be more apparent than It now but in the meantime the enjoying bergaln thal la red their needy children are well yto wrrvollldluitltlcl Watercolorlitre vtllllbileIOR uwaru use our main III lIt nu Intolerable home ailus vldtd or at purelynemnei charge to the tax as the private rateprayrrlncholi tlnus to roll eroomi children 2m program used to its latest adVIntage Yours truly IION HOWARD lid Wellington St Bertie BIBLE THOUGHT New tram the sixth ltd three va datum Iver Iii Iund units the ninth hour lllab may nrti enunvl now whcntho it at the world Is turned violin and turned oil by man darkness tilts the earth taus said am the Ii ol the world lie at lolovellv alter me shall no wall In darkness but vhali have light at tile

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