sin rennin armn at the Ontarh liurnaoe Society cor ducted iLI Tint mutual dinner medal test rdth room The Society bedowel ills nthcrohlpa on two utetnherl wharnieedmoreihanmiarv Gloverment Funds For Animal DistressWork WymIn Jquues president at the Barrie branch oi the On larlu ilumnne Society summon II bresy sucresatnt new but vsmsthere is In overlies revuins need iuriihansIIl from government to Insist the society In its animaldistress wort hlr Jacques made his rcrnIrhs last night at the Ilrst annual dinner meeting at the bond at directors at the Barrie Branch liis request ior IddilionIl support was prompted by re port submitted by Otto inspec tor lea De Groot who sold thIt ll prosecutions had been Inltlat ed by the society in Stmeue County in mi The prosecutions resulted to lie convictions and eight dlsrniuah No at the charges were withdrawn at the advice at the Crown attorney and the three renuiniag Ire await Ing trial The Humane Society is en iorrlng the governments laws It our expense be said Tho government has provided more cacooo tor all inspector through out Ontario in the last tour years Ind something should he done about the situation Mr De Groots report also in dicIted that no investigations the society by selling Ilawrrs IiBarIiasnpermarllts Mm ieill Kathleen Hittite Dorothy Fletcher tin Desi rrli seeker Manager as raw Bert Sehttmaeber owner had been carried out in addition resulting in re aepa mIls bids were bein by owabmjgly iTIe doanelat nport muted hat the society operated lIst year It ml oi tenor and through membership iees dona tions tag daysnhd booths It the Barrie Fair and the Sports meor Show it was able to raise rllalty over 000 Anthony itcene secretary told the members that with the ex ception oi the societys partici pation in the Sportsrrtenl Show the moneyerslelag ventures were vcr racemsiut IT society paid special recog nition to Dorothy and Kathleen Fletcher in the iorm oi lite memberships Oicr the aattwotununers the two sister raised lust aver W30 by growing owers on their prop my end selling them at local supemtartets in Barrie Ior iii cents dozen liarlon Fell shelter manta er presented the Ilaters all their memberships and thanked them Ior their unstlnting labor Following the meeting the members at the board heard short talk by llertSchamacbcr oI thI Lilli Duiinlo much was the guest speaker at the dinner mecun irom tell WymIo lacuna president hiss and lir Schumaciter tr Photos IOlthTO tCPl Thrill lawysr IIyI indeni govern ment has turned den tar grant under in reatiru prom in am commuter is int barrio Ind m0 its at re iron the govern ment its Siedeora grotto wanted one to operate one trslo to Toronto each morning sod car back to herein about bit miles north each evening lie said his group had expected the service wotdd return revenue at moon to Ottawa spokesman tor the depart ment at manpower and launch nation which is responsible tor the hut incentives promo said the was turn down becsuse it would dupllcste CMrsnslt busrn Association Preparing Fund Drive The parts srd District Asse elation tor the Mentally Marci ed will receive $56M irosniha Federal local initiatives Pro gram tor the construction or their sheltered Workshop on Baytield BL aquarium oi the tattoo braiding Ls protruding Ind pres Ident Ron iiaughton said the ndliiorl is hell beginning to prepare promo oi convul ng private citizens or durations it MINI DIM incentive program grants this IrcI include $395 to Ililicsrot lodge Ltd In Oriliia ior conninth oi connecting link between two btdldlarl tlo lot to the Township oI Tecqu ecth ior motion at park in subdivision Ind WJTS to tire Needed owncrvsssd mm at the Lilli aarrno he in On Township umacher rprIlned his tor creatin such ranc nary vtl lite such as bacilli pm Iorl eltr can mm Iraa ills talh was allowed by mole turned on the ranch last year The board or directors tor rm was Ippuinted without any chIngcs They are thyman lIc ques Gary Palmer John Gilbert MN bloody hits Gilbert Westbrook lirs ii liadigsn lioy hlachlcm Anthony liecnc lilss DIrbsrn Lia Steven 0g dtrl birs it girl Bert IIIli Rush aodlllss Collin mage$l000 In Angus Mishap twocar collision last night in An near the inlersccllzn oi hill Street and liigbway to caused ooo damage to the ve hlelae involved Unool the drivers Eric ii Nowell oi Anglia snitcrcd whiplash Damage to his vehicle was estimated at sooo The driver oi the other ve hicle was Gertrude hire Union also oi Angus Damage to her vehicle was estimated It woo Jr Teen Queistontst Cundles Thirteen young ladies wcli other It Candles Heights pub school Thursday nlg tor the crowning oi the hunter lecn queen and her two princesses The girls representing the el sehooi hursday it out The lodging will begin It ml and the crowning cinchtary schools in harrie wlli te lodged on their poise appear ance personality dress contri bution within ihclr school arrd participation and interest to sooth They will also be requir ed to give onemlnulo speech on why they ealoy the Winter Carnival Six Teams Will During Carnival There is lot at tan in store In Feb litre sir very diverse trams take to the Ice Ior tho 1m ilarrln Winter Carnival hoc iay night Sponsored by the Canadian Progreu Club at Barrie all pro cards iiam tha hoctey night at tho iiarria Arena startlnp at ii pm will go to the etered Workshop tor the mentally rn tnrdud building land In mince lather action the barrio Nova1 will play the Collingoood Nova Who the tintqu lroiinclai Pollso tram will then do battle utth term oi Barrie school teachers Finally the CKVltCKIJB No dance will begin It rot or III students In the participating schools and will continue until he Competing Hockey Night Stars will meet the ore Flycr sites learn Mttpoaed at is from Oro Tyvp Steve Douglas sports dimgar at Cittltwlll gveapsy yr cummenary oithls ame should prove Inlerestng Door prices will be awarded and the Itlclytsinncr at the clubs Arctic Cat snowmobile draw wil be nomad There tic trcts aro stalll avallahlo Irorn members at the lrogressClub endaga all trovccdv will go to ill bilciicr Workshop Advance th clv tar octcy night are available now lions Coedemoudt iteai Estate on tiny iield St scheduled tor pint Jlre eight lodges will be tiny or Lee Cooke Ind Ilirs Cooke Angus hiclisy superintendent ol academic alialrs or the time County Board oi Education and his ie Chiei oi Ppllco Edward Tschlrhsrt and his wile and Dave Vismer oi the illitth Club and his wile All contestants will receive winter carnival cereals and car nlval button The princesses will receive carnival toque and the queen will receive carnival toque and react The queen and princesses will also receive lowers end gills irom Detllbits Ltd Steeles China Shop Wooworth depart ruent store Katmai oi Canada Ltd and licDunnids restaurant The parents at the contestants have beenlnvlted to attend the dance which has been organiz ed by Constable Bob Thompson and the city solely patrollers Four saicty patrol girls will be present to lCiAl hostesses Carnival Ittlrc will be worn at the dance Tho lutdor lcvn ouccn will take an active part in the carnival iarl at her duties wlu Include presentinfn the swords tor the school gette and breenrbail competitions ali Town at lishene Ior extension at part isciiitles Children Deserve The Same Rights TORONTO tC laws should be abnnged to lttnrlntbe every child Myer to protect him iron his parents maybe evennto sue them ilsmlilon rhetily court judge said Thursday David Sielnberg said and provincial laws tend to larger that children are peo They deserve It least the same rigth ot protection beiora the ins as adults and probIbiy ntoro Io he told the Ontario branch oi the Canadian Bar As sociation nan annual mid tcr meeting There seams to be In under lying acting in the legal syr torn and perhaps In society at large that children In reality have no righu In relation to up parean or guardians he an Judge Steinherg said there also is also hellci that turn lip court lodges have by value is their supposed expercuce in these matters superior Insights into the problems at children which generally does not re cable the intervention or Nun se can assure you that quite the opposite is true Judge Stelnberg chiseled to the inlermai and closed set ting at any Juvenile and child wcliIro courts tis can be very dangerous People In each settings alien rail to appreciate the come quences at these hearings He Got lite Won Acquittal IIAhllLION CF Dunn ville Ont man was acquitted thursday at noncapitai mur der conviction or which he was sentenced to hie Imprisonment last year Gary Staples it was loved not guilty in connection with the shooting death or Gerald Dorie it at lismiitoo Dec tool The Ontario Supreme Court Jury was not aware it was retrial Staples was convicted at his ilrst trlIl early last year but lawyer Arthur hiaioney oi To ronto took the case to the On tarlo ourt oi Appeal and new trial was granted on the basis oi new evidence Testimony oi two teenage witnesses whose mothers had lorbiddrn them it tell what they knew proved vital to Steplrs appeal and deleoee It the retrial TOLD OF CONFESSION The toy Crown us use its Conlrln so at Donnilllc ics iicvl that Staples cooicsstvl tilt lag ilurtc cab driver to her on the alibi at the crime She said Slopes wrapped hand run to plastic and electrical la and told her he hId to get ii at it Slipch dented ttlcit contes nion to bits Coniiin Although he admitted sexual relation ship with her he said Ito had not visited her on Dec this sionnraorur Norways population on Jan this lil increase oi noon dur Iho previous year CARNIVAL JUNIOR TEEN QUEEN CONTETANTS llrrs are nine oi the con iutauts in the luoior teen queen contest that will talc place Thursday at Cradles iielghts school They Ire idsn ditto devote Examiner CITY NEWS tilled tram tail in three rows irnrn IronL rim ltOtt Nan cy Scott Codrlngian Street school Ernms Li Maple Grove Kathy dumb to FRIDAY FEURUARY rm Heat Pump Systems Approved For Midland Separate School The Slmcoe Colmli Rim 377 mm mm lnation unless sick Catholic SepIrItc School Bond has voted to Install psrhagrd heat pump systems or IiTU dilioning Ind heating in the now Monsignor Cuiex school in tild land lloanl chairman Lloyd Lu Plume broke lie when he vat ed In Iavor at the new system The system is decentralis ed design IpproIch using num erous oath in the school with heat pumps that act Is both beaten and sircundltloners hot water coil ud controls are within tbs unit llsioieaancs oi the new Iy tem is much easier than maln tensnca at other heItIng and In ventilating systarru The system an Uri advantage oi consulate Iiiy Any unit can be re moved Ind minced by spare while be other unit is being sent to Toronto or repair John Dick oi laterp consulting engineers old board there are law such Iyse tor the Monsignor Carth school said the unit oi the system would be 0000 morn than emcr sys tems oi heating and ventilating but there would be saving at itsooo because at school design chIages OriginIily the real over the library resource centre was to have been raised live test to Iliow ior ventilation but it SIR Street SECOND ROW Elisabeth Aliens ii Oakley Part laurie iopc Lt Ilill ere lcggy Stebbins isling Edward nliRD Ill Jane illliar Johnson Street larrrie Green it hauling lictghts Shirley Ruuhos Dr Prince oi Wales tExImlncr Ihulal PreSchool Check The Simeon County Iirulllt Unit will introduce new health clinic For County Kids isicn taxis and hearing haemoglobin to ice that program next reel to screen the child is not anemic children who will he registering ior rchool in the tall denial interview to beta the child and the parent to plan Dr Nancy yummy ymyuy tor the childs dental health Oliiccr oi licoltli said that meat pro school children visually do not receive In ext lye exam in the past the unit has coh Iluclcd similar clinic on the opening day at school but in an attempt to learn the ob In which usually occurs on regis tration day clinics will be specs ed out over the coming months physical rumination by nurse who has been trained by physician on the health units suit as test at the uid drch opmcnt according to his age The health unit will sand cr plonntory latter to parents at preschoolers in the near tutors Iae Iirst blinlc will In It titre llnrrlc schools on Friday Feb it pmicssienal development Dr Armbrusl ttllirtlles that day pm mam lhcre Irctuuu preschool rh The Unit Isis that at least one now be lowered to the rum dren who could tale IdvantagovmMN wmmm dawn level In the rest at the octh oi the tree clinics tests because the public health He sold the school with would The tests will be conducted by nurse will discuss the results harllttblrliWi it COW public health nurses who have Any test which is not within biockta lrlve room In tho tril received special million with the normal range will be re preschoulcrs Fame at these pcatcd bcIorI the parent will ha lirDleh told the board that he tests Ire letter Areal Protect tiled ing tor the min had visited schools in Penn vnnla where the Iyriem is In use lie said he tell the mate in the Barrie Irea III that much diiirrent tlisn Pennsyl vania and he icit the system would work in Canada The new heating Ind Ilrcon ditionlag system up be includ Idlwiilhdin the budget lir Nes The plans tor phase one at the new luclrey urns complex are in the ilnal stages and work is expected to begin on the ten in Ontario at present llr ich raid the syoicrn could mum Wm End of rm the Simcoe County Board at easily be cIlcndcd inr iulurc rnary ucnilon has agreed to have them additions All it requires In The up ppm 111 include Installed in tour or its new schools ttttrisian to the pumping more units Iaycees lapel Pin Campaign Will Help Our Olympic Teams nationwide carnpnign to raise money tor Canadas Olym pic tearrts will soon be launched Barrie in the iorm oi lapcl pins given local residents iollaw ing donation at it cents more Sponsored by Canada Jay Ncs the campaign was ailicialiy started at recent dinner at the Joycch and the Canadian Olym pic Association Gov cn Roland llichcncr special guest at the din ne hleh signliled the tires time tht comprehensive campaign has ever been developed to reach the general public on be bnli at Canadian Olympic teams The LDA estimates that It will cost upwards at it million to tlnIncr Canadas participation in the recently completed games in Call Colombia the winter games now being held in Sapporo la pan and the rm summer Olym pic llamas to beheld in llunlcb Germany The roll includes provision ior all supporting services such as medical and parannrdlcal trams unlinrms administration trach and accommodation oneslorey change Muse wash Mats equipment rooms and storage rooms laruslii Township iawy are in the process at changig over the deed ol the lclroy park to the tuwmlup under the terms Had No Right To Use Beaches TORONTO if hutir Americans with collage prop erty an the Ontario side at late Eric own the land down to the waters edge the Ontario Cuurt nl Appeal ruled Thursda The court upheld wing by Mr Justice Alcsandcr Start at the Suprcmc Courts trial divi sion Aug two Oat the pub lli had no right to use the benches The appeal court said the itAitltiE illiciillmembcr an Opportunities For Youth let to and Barry Proph Bob wells trlahtl looks over mi ilui oil and mom Despito the do young people gathered at the ViiYWCA to discuss plans tori registration iorm with it trounced later this small at the youth courin youth rotated is their ilrst activity to lie in corllnuc on yrarrunnd liner into at thclr prime cont weather and They were eathuslsatlciull at was organising hair cells ms was no rsilriiaied road conditions Thursday night positive ideas on how is per that they aid appeal to Thursday night at iocolionio Idvised to rousralt physician ExpociadMTo Start Tins Month oi the Community Centres Act Two men have already been hired through Canada ilanpnn er and arc now cleaning up the site and rcmovlng snub brush while uruothcr is supervising the running ol the outdoor rlnlr which is available Ior open shale ing an hockey practices Canvassing tor lands is con llnulng lan Johnston spokes nun said trolley that almost 0000 In cash and pledges has nlreniy beenaccumulated beaches are not Crown land and literature are not available to the public Thu Crown had ap pooled The cottage owners whose properties are in the Thunder Iioarh area are William ii Valhtt Ruth Stockton Itub crt Stockton and llary Eliza belh Lctchworlh all oi lluiiainI IOSI ARE V0 setcn per cent at the sled coon iarmcrs in Al ports are more than To years oi one Examiner lbolol it would not bvcome pa pctuale the council to it will all aspects oi youth and the be decided latcr ii Barrie Youth Council Estcdslished