uosr worms issue your tool It the ma thought oi me In the borne but the winnbsg tint oi Willi Club eIrriu siteettonIIer turn ironies II trim Where It IIII on dutyI Ilse insider outlelm In ev II Iodtwouldnerer bond home only no clothes Ind get grorer tlhtr men the to buy their tood when on duty otn by use six months It the Ind sick with pneurnnnll other children users there Ireilsnes when hear the sirens led my heart Antone Mfrs 1h bowl Kl Wilderth tensity end not It vd presdlnl toIn entire och Sometime those storms eIn someones tiretighter bIndIs shout to step totes lisp set by deranged mentII no line happened Ilse Nsuontt suer Connois tgy Inn tire lighting Is the ost dInrerous pretesilon In countrysnore dIngerous mining Iongshore work or olieo service In the back at mind Is the everpresent eIr thIt one night on phone will say am he didnt mate It this me so the next time you as the unit at lire enslns thsnk God tht the men snnnnlng thIt rlg Ire ted proletsionnls who will gs they hero to protect you Ind your loved ones And say little my or them will yout Fire bier UNA Due 141 You bet will And thsnhs tor enIblng It pooslv his or millions oi Americans to see the picture through the eyes oi tirollghters wits 112T TIER KNOW Deli Ann unden him It yes old Ind In the tth grsde iy problem Is my English tescher There sin in kids In our etnss so lhl his to soak crowrs or line It Ines SUPPER MEETING The mood pot luck to per tor ower Womens ins lute will be held tuesdsy Feb It arm The hostess will It to tiniest rill roll mlriske hsve msde In rooting motto Mini Struhsn Guest speak er Will be ihe Dhtrlet resident Nrs itsx Cralr trsimurst llr Ind lire Doug Ness Ind trinity Bertie were recent vlsl tote with its end Itri Norman ShInahen tseonoto IODIIWII VIII IAllIl llllbtlllll Illll IV PIIIII with my Pluml III sun mans III timer or my order term slums III the lime Irswslw Home Di llrlit VIM Ii Ilth Well UM Mlmlghll It little and This leather mode In lrnnt ol tnw PEOPLE AND PLACES Couple To Show Slides Of Round The World Tour New Yrsrs ere Itit Dish Ind party It Isiende Ind relatives tuned mum at revellers to ring In the new year In Pie rsdtiy Cums While in lnndon tin DthI Itteodod the nod tnn eI two members at the MAC our rsnrr 0n Soturdny evening htr Ind hire John Oint sted out show slides oi highlights oi their tour Iround the world The show will Into place It hildhurst Community 1an It pnt his Ind hire Olmsted the tormer Donetdn Nssh oi liidhurrt returned to ConIdI in time tor Christ nnn sites to months travelling The roupie Iett CInIdI on Aug it IMO In time oit ier their teaching pthIIlIORI at South lollegltle in IlIirtlIion Ind Ontario indies College Whit Tbe purpose oi their tour was to visit eoun tries ey itld been Inching about Ind to discover first hand Ilia many wonders oi the world outlined iboots DonnIds tnveliod the Allsnttc III John and eI nd nd the hide lstsnds lsIIndte Air lines to it Isles hum hetore srriviu In the British extensive tour ey sailed trorn Newcastle to Bergen Romy Alter seeing snow storms In the horwegun In terior In inldSe ember they journeyed south through Sweden nmnrk West Ind East Germnny France to Spain Ind then on to it it died umsn lslangils tor the winter months Here they Sottitstl tum will sponsor door It the Ivy Orsnge ilsII northtttromtprrstolsm PIIIooI Orrheotro IIII pro side music Ior dsneing bullet lunch Itil be sorted dulng the phone 11 or CIWI NAME UROPPED Uri Edna Illghlon lu In itIIled vlee president ol the Burris It the Ienunl dinner meeting Tuesday eentng llrx hightmI oIrnI one snLusng horn th tnt at others then tine oi type III omitted Co were olned by tlrs Olmsteds mother hire B059 snows nnsnon sun Winner oi Jennt DuplieIII NIsb tor the Christmas sesson lWII Club on Wednesdny ere trom Ville de hisdrldtheohn Luring stalling Intriguing Mr um um sleds IIIIed book in Storm Ind islenbul they beIdrd sntn eut high through the Slrsitn oi Cthrst trn Nthhyupltt Ill ArrIrI to mm Mn In Auto entering Europe Tthssn rspttol ni lrIn From mm Lamva they unveiled to Switrrrlnnd hers they unveiled too miles Mr mun will Sam AIIIIIII lad south through Yugo south Into the desert to th In dull to Greece Ind Turkey sirnt RIM ol Persopotu Irene Itounnv Lu VERMONT eipilel 2500 mm Ign Mr Mm Mk Fm Ind hiss Robert Serielnt oi Atghsnlsisn the most WW in mm mm my shanty nsy rnyoytti stung hol mv Ham by war Pntsun iday In store Vermont They Ind Indi were nest It the Alpine bioteL Mm Trsvelling viI ltontresl Que bee they spent two dIyI In din Ian III In hiutnhml ItIrIshl sad the III my bean returesnI to their ShInty hsy horns Seychelles Islands Ind tlnsily In to Items Ugsndn TIntInII Zsmbld to Rboduis Ind Rnllly lss 1tiet end lrs Nosmsn Cnmpbell oi Guthrie will be in South Alvin lrmliing lrorn Copetown Io tervtewcd shoot the loundtng oi the Womens Institute on CKVR Freemnnlle ttntralin by ship the couple toured AustrIliI New TVs Time out Ladies Monday titemoon It hit Zeund Ptjt Samoa Ind stIII The pmngm wlII deII with the bslnre Irrivrog bsck in bonds thth Innlvetsry oi thI inundtng li Ilt III interesting linerl once supplying the young touple oi the Institute It Stoney Crock hln Joan Osborne lend The Distikt itnIIs wound on yer tesdoy Itirrnoon It the Bar rle Country Club tlhsmtner Photo Stein In Its good tool ohm ltsIInsssloryboithemuI wIs dress to the mien hi timer tesrnmstel Stilts Clerk who now resides In Myrtle both th rooting tor her borne elub Itluvs moss Lln AIS tin Ulty Webb slip list Enter CIIIII vice hits turns its Ieeond Ind Barrie Curling Club Wins Title In Division The hirsiI irliog tlub ills ll ml migrant Iilth tilts Ier pnyois tor the Southern Ontario bodies yd WWW FOR FUN microphone it It Ives new Hello EDMONTON CPI PM body em The IhI 1an hrs ed II the home Country Club hymen Ire Isleep II Ill nIeraIIIs between her teeth to on Feb Ind Feb Tie tiss when they do not mer In my up mm iIe rinltt hill is on to rompers dimers so sexy rnys m1 mmumt my my ii In the Dirt on Us Willi Alberu depnrtmenc II II gsttesoosre bodysneriee NWmlhl ll ii uIlure mm The Rude women bent out gepnmmi quoted you will to keep their collective one Heinleinn1 slurry hiildsed nut nutritionist mouths Ibut Ind put up with WNW WI with the Genrgis Eng Come ihlI displny It horrible mun OINUI NWWA Mil Elm mission who we six rteton error we would Ippreclste IlP mini 31 15 tor ronslderlog eggs tor thtlr solution to our problemeon 31 mill nd BIWNCWD sex IppeII entities that Illl notset us sspetted Grubs Miss Iiuii nid egts pro ping youka Inners oi the InoleIm eons Me My nu petytlnn wsre lirs Lilly Webb 4mm to due DeIr ethos First let me slip Ilrs EIIlne Collie VII9 eompleslon st to behslt oi the teethint JIW Wu Md Nl liltnrnln eomotex in run leel very sorryntor some who 50 Other ld ll one become less nervous pm No Shestn hstslnvv slip bits lisr 4mm mm is in wonder shes nervous li It Kl sen vltsmin thIt prevents ThIn donnot iustlty bsd mso Brown record Ind lies Bren sterility nen however Ind suggest Niles Ited im in pnvent tIrcdntsn that you students writ letter In essenllII in nneI love tile Ind tell her whet Is theihtr Protein Ins tonglsslsng with mlerophoes It term you it Is not neeessIry to be strength like the Is nervous wreck rude orieststtlstg simply outhno Few eateries In In cut your grievsnees Ind sign your so the body LI slim Ind beIu the etnss wtthbIg vi buttered romeo it my be ml the tltul Inotber essential trio llinster Church du Ill kklng mile mine teacher II uanIre that sit tits chrirtmss loosen Ind popcorn yI ole the torn loin hri IrrI tin her etuden mos eve attended evening serv mug Into the neat to told lee It Westminster Abbey 0n AN EGG DAY niur enough memories in hot lilellrne RETURN FROM CALIFORNIA ltr Ind blrs Fred Nelson at Nelson 5t hale returned in dis ABORTION RATIO iity titre nrotioning or month III SsniI AnnI CIIttornIs rust in mm ties In Enrlsnd Ind Wllcs end HOLIDAY 1N ENGLAND In Mrs Drske oi Port St re turned to the city in JInunry Ilier sprinting seven weeks he tdIy tn Ind trotted tendon Eng lend The Barrie troteller IIIQN drd enrol service It York CUSHION NEEDEII rug cushion Lt most Import tent on rough or uneven itoan door silk with their hIIIInddnte prots on no edge at Iuir add mom brunt 40E Itslrwsy sorcmt rtrrircunnnncr use our out AT use PRICE outuorusi FREE our It villi CHOKE 0F iorvui PATTERNS restore lNtWOSIIES AND receive ANOTHER WHILE THEY List sisters Bros pattern DISCONTINUED PATTERNS FAB SERVING TRAYS BUY ONE IS TRAY osrronrt tsso oe more THE TRAYS bElNG OFFEREDARE FIRST QUALITY l9ll PATTERNS BUY NOW FOR LATER OCCASIONS ON SALE AT THE uncoiuMou roucu 55 DUNLOP ST AT THE CROSSWALKI II or llll or IW II DUNLOP 51 EAST the Idviie oi experts htembm oi the by Gills evening For intormstiors trio UNIQUE POST btrs Humphrey It Ir er i1 otOtIIthss bun appointed In the CInIdtIn 1ksnsport Conunissiun the tint lumm nImrd In tho poeL lhe Ippoiolment brin the trnnsport mmmisslon lull strength oi to mention ICI lhotnt CHURCHILL AXAMU SINGERS Next Sundry Pete there will be no service It StPeteel the muegstion will meet with St PIuls Ibrn the Iillnmtl Singers oi AurorI ltll be pre sent This group II II dedieIied teenIsa singers use their III ents Iith voioe drums Ind gulle In to the glory oi God PRESENTATION Friends Ind notgltbon wlth ed Ssturdny night In Chusdiilt Community Iisll In honor It and hire ltownrd Perrier neon Words ntelonlliIOII oi liteVINO rnrtI table set IV tsblts Ind In electric can open er win mIde by llIlIIeI tutu Thompson Ind Tin III ConstIhle on beholl oi the group Georgo turns reId he morons poetic ltIdISt Eavesdr live toll were on hnnd Io otter eongretulstsoni Ind weleodt lesion to the community lriendly inne oi ruthre wuId yoysd IbOIIlOII International 1847 Rogers revival Some pattern favourites oi the past 50 years oliered once more Fill in Addon and update your service in the pattern favourite chosen so proudly years ago courtice toss THE lNTERNATlONAL SILVER COMPANY OF CANADA UNITED El It less costly then the ntlstnkes oi Imeteurs