FLOOR IENGTH STYLES willde nvordtrn bl look in Tier mot evening not run oration women will min bisontied In Ooortmrth duo Natalie mibointramleitihow AUG BENITO thrill Idol penis Ind by htnritgomery Weill the polls dot tor spring In bluk Ind Ihlto MIMI Add the new the urinal look In orients CinnoinonScented Pie Fills fEKitchen With Spicy Aroma Inhlespoons qttlolrmllng tlpiou lI teaspoon ground Iron man salt Ipolupoonr butter or iMI urine un rrsdyiobske ere cent mils Includednr moo lures or roots thitheth molmnI QUICK mentors Sing eons ounees Inclit sliced Ipplu VYRAGRANI Cinnamon An rolls over ennnid apple Ille plo Cobbler It quickly made with readylotion eresrent Princess Quite Itsrn Ipplu Into Io eighiby Cover bring to boiling point elditrbyiwotneh pan Combine boil the minutes Remove tiorn sprln best IndstsIIn nut tour In edientl sod kII over Top with amt rolls hall on degree Bshe Iddlllmnl lb minder home until rolls tha cooked under In oath listen III to eight por lions CINNAIIION RASPIIERTIY PUDDING pIeIrIges IO ounees etehl trosen supberrlss IA ctle ruler Itlelu cinnamon Inoltu Contented In Role As Homemaker Wife TORONTO CPI Just say nm hourawlte and happy in be In this marvelous eornitry where am lelt In pence ihe hausewlta was Prinmt hlarln Iodine 37yearold Ito ter oi King Simeon it pro tender to the Bulgarian throne that Iholishcd Ilter the Strand World literv sho Is msrrled in Toronto busi nesirnan and lives quietly In welltodn ruhurhnn neighbor hood Primers llarlo ls among group at members at Euro pean nobility inursd In To main Star iuruey to be living in the metropolitan Irea Olhe err on prince tour counts Ind twebrronl The Cotmt oi Cloth whose tsmlty ones owned soon II it notes Ind tom In hodopest tied to Condo alter the tire unher IIn revolution New to he unwsurso HAIR RImovsd by ELECTROLYSIS is on not in ll new experience 7y Corrine MthoIIInd TIE654 worksr In on automobile plsnt Ino nonspn or does not Identity the prince the other three counts or the harbor Dollith butter Inch sugnr 30 minqu or until th toll gredienti Bring to boiling point or sur Ind took one to In mirt Itsspless notion with bodice Ind deep hem In nary Ind IIIIII shocked ginr bliss Itl Photo slices lemon tablespoons which it nip sugar ls teaspoon IIII II sup llin Whipped rmm oplIoml Combine ruphrrrlos two cups oi the Inter clnnInton Ind Innon In saucepan Combine coron Iod salt not so to wIIer nus mnlrttng bolt to liquid the smooth Ines or until thickened smooth Ind clear Pour Into serving dishes Cool and chill Servo to with whipped cream II it red heroes nine hPICED FRESH PRUNEI cup light bravo Iugnr trio water Ii sup elder vlnrgne kghetto doorman ends es 1st whols IIIJpIoI Vs tenspoon whole eloveI pounds trrth pntnet Flues tIrII tour Ingredients In threequnrt ssueepsn IIe III rm Ind times In eheese ling and Idd lltx well and bring to boiling point holl tlve minutes Prick mm with tart Idd to mind syrup Slnv msr ltI minutes Remove irom heat and tool In syrup Should be chilled at lesst It hour be torn serving Store in covered lnr Ind serve nordsd Recipe yields approslmsiely live will work bsrd pursue romantic geneni means It the tiny cm Gob oi home on held on his It the home oi In Irving Impulse SE iie President um lino Irultsn us In the dais The meeting opened with re ports trons hire Forster Kin Tod Bug II osvu White mommies seo Min md Idler oi thereto to The mtw now Whuhli lhIlily gifoteeut lor the nn $3 mm View We no letter Irons or mum is immunities lecturer on ereitisity Ind Isnm twp or moo Dr Utolloeo herein gm you more Director Wornenl WI The letter ItItrd thni all the Onlsrio Depnstntent oi boys Ire enrottid In the Ytt Ind lsshlnn soon designed tor at pmgsrm Ind are winning thI business perm by PIIridl them hilt II Jettenon the White at Toronto president and eenrensr oi tbs Till IIARRII BXAIRNERLFRIDAI FEBRUARY THE STARS SAY Iy JEANS DIXON hogttIIrins Nev twee Ills Anymtng you work or play It re to make dell or Iaiee Iltrselr guests onlookers Inissuewithsrival PIthIrd rloelly Toke Iesdenhip Ind In mole the mt oi It mists vltmulr Capricorn Dee touts mi IIIrnI Avril Mill It This Is good lily tor signing lrellng oi tsInstormItIon Is in my mu duh dam the sir Re unity to rules you counts mining thisth to proper shsre Think ot ideas tor redo any In many my eornllng your home bresk Gentl tins 114 tilt Anurtnn In sores Ill Silt on lntelleelust stimulus Irom every ouch ours Interwoven IIde chromium the tiny noon Ind slim WNW Itueh oi the InlormItIon veritth CInerr Inns 14va it toh mm more mm amt low no recent meetings with mg mm trash its at lieu llrlnt PtIeeI FIO sInmI mt Itlehdl Itll Your public relations In lively idiil ones It hit on mil WWW TAN remeour ere your most IIIIKIIVO IltIre best humor Ind chsrm your wsy through In my in PJIIIIIIIII business eonIIeII Virgo IA IIOeot till good time Ior explstnln your when to those people Ire needed on complete thI tinder tstionsnd spotteItlon Uhu tdept 1ch it lIiI by grim tn Intenstt Ind Ilg nltlesnee ll you through the hourseecordinl to what ouve put into your dolly llvlnl tely Ktblplh tOrL IlNor Illt Sudden Ineldentsl Idvsntsges come Ind go swiftly to dsy lull oi tsiendly persussivs din tusslon Arlen IMIrrls IIrApril till your wits about you he Alcohol Safer Than Salt Works Magic 0n Grease Ry WIN PACRER While we have Ilways used pulp ol IuIIerI earth or come Itrch mixed ullh cleaning uid In remove grease stains lrnin wIlesper this suligelilon tram Ilrn It Is worth trying hirs it writes thnuuit your readers would welcome this good hint on how to eaves most with on wallpaper out dots oi liquid while shoe polish over the shirt and litre magicthorn Is no grenne spot hsve clennrd several grease spots this way so know It works This sounds like quick rents edy Indwoll worth trying so think you llrr III TIIAIIING TURKEY Fresh trosen turkey mny lhswed at room temperature In Its original unopened hng Allow approximately one hour per Solution TORONTO tCIt Atrobe II rates than strong IIII solution to Induce Ibortion Iller lI weeks at pregnancy Vancouver door tor nyl Suction wthplng Is the retest Ind most elllelrnt method up to it usrlcr not shot that the lotus must he removed surglellly or the uterus Induced to contract and expel It Zopereent salt solution can some death or Illness it It little lItas In the blood itrenm by mtstnto Dr Vltlor Gomel oi the University at Ilrillsh Colum bls said but It nltohol enter the bloodstream it would only be equal to drinking Ibout tour ounces oi liquor Iie told the Royal College oi Ihyslelustt Ind Surgeons Selur try Ihui 12 mothers aborted by alcohol varied trnm 20 hours to be to days In the time It look them to go Into labor and short the lotus They returned home and carried on normally uhile vInll John gas Eris ro 322325 535 President Ind ench oi the II other ItIy Court clubs Mu living In exehsn et Inlnrnntinn Ind Ideas lire Roger densn mo rener reported thIt there will be In open meeting In North tor vohinteern oi the Udtdrens Aid Society to work wllh wetst wortrn lire Welsrnen will also Illrnd the Annual Dinner oi the CAS II the Roy court rrpmentntire tire tlIrenscrott eon rener reported tor the John hose on home protect the new sitshinr msehlno Ind dryer given by the lily Court Club Irs Installed Ind wortln Mil tisrensrrott more one the boys Ind ehI Isted members with teseblnl etpalenee to rot False Teeth Must Fit Well And Feel Good CALGARY tCPl False teeth should be titted tor Iuno lion well Ippesrlnee stI Dr Allen tee psolessor nt den iieiry II University It Alhertn Doritoses should preserve the heItth ot the mouth he told the Cslgsry Dents Soeleiy Its not uncommon In Red dent lures which dont This on heroine snort peo ple wInt replacements lor up peerInee lint ol III The sec and concern too alien to they wont to eat with them Thats oontuilng priorities Style 06 Two featured bridal gowns by Atari Bride See these styles In Oreonwoods Bridal gorgeous bridal motions Mens or Lodios Style I706 Sntnpesu skirt Lato sppllquos sleeve Allno Empire Ratchet Isee with high neclt and listening msntills tor In Perri trim on bodice and Bishop totaltook is noisier sister WEST stints Pm members Ior their cooperation discuss the GAS ni In elderly me In need IpedIl help Members soled to are thIt help Belting Convener hlsI Tom Bigetow mount that the III All driving er tom III Igrnelee Ind thanked this Um problems It hersister him Inert Britltnl poitiknl shill Iroro Conserved to LIbor Ind hock IgItn the British Igsee mi to enter the mouth Common listleL She Is the mother oi tour ehii dreo Ind bIlI Ind beIrty It It Ieus doubt shell reign too Uml The loneliness ot the on to Errhsps the Queens blggest arden She Is Ioibidden In oomlnsting rommlttre Im the eleetion oi ottieers WIS ehnv en Ind consists It ttn Rising rhnlnlllll hi Robert Suiennt Plseement Ilrr Dou ill IniI htn1hm nlgetnw Ind ltrs Andrew Riltmsn POTLUCK PARTY The membertht eonsmlitre III vote at sets to Its Ind hiss Forster who Iem bosIIodhostess tor the mount potlurk dinner party held tor membm Ind Ltelr hue limits The only on held It the Forsters harm in shme Boy on Jess Is merit In red Iesthtr boxes do timed to her dIILY Ior Ilgrtl Servtre Ltd THINK OF OUR NAME WHEN YOU NEED PRESCRIPTION 68C MAPLE AVE BARRIE 7264452 Delivery Free Parking so be cumlslent Slyle I705 the iron the spring Issue oi ttorlern Aisle along with many other St to 1105 Iuypolyestei sheer organdy Venieo lice trim Rollie nook end cult rulilo tront snot lllsho sleeve Iino Empire body with delaihshlo trolni $l30 lTIIe llEEllNllll III IIIAIan lbw IltISIOS Iton Ehurrhtlhnho Insulinlr show her nIn husband the doete