Start Planning Cookrtown Fair MmthM fteenth rm Mien Angus To Keep Recreation Plan WWW the huddle oi Sspumber are cur ANGUS stall rollshag Then is Iiso hemmed isr Id really being given Iiismiien by nteettsg at which parents pied tuba tha as executive WW Wm huatutmuaa tor taut is Don Elise she has roe ma hawk dvee no Tuesday evening All reeded ltsn Cook ll president mum Km classesmrttbsbimstreei lsbcsdatrbtny group Ihlsh mil in murmur school The arwa lacllitlre Ire Iiii Iclrome prsrtrri augm mm open tor other cnmnrtntty pro tth tea tree attractions II verspiersed tee alaspmlwu twghuglm Silky bursa $313 liming mm mm In on Thurode strain tram to hel prurnlsrd lhI commie ebievameet days and indoor dar ML pilyl oi tum predict lint tee tell it could my on said George Williams pubiicrelaiieas ltr Williams said ruiticirai ert sewing baking and other materials are some oi the oiilces ile dJimt par valasteers were received to airspeed to Issume weenie carry one the recreations prep Iiirrctioa my duties on various nights rant until the end oi April Alter my The recreation rogrrrn Ibish that outdoor recreation has to mm mde includes liner bor ry volleyble be combined Ind it was indie hm imam iude and other sports is carried sled there Inll be rough voi on ttaoday Wednesday and better supervisors to get this Thursday evening tor children my in good start Oppose Dividing Tecumseth Areas army Stall Terumseth The recommended plan amid ternspr council which is besd hstI part el Tecunrstth in an NEWS run IAIN EXAMINER lliDAY JIM iNNiSiIl NOTES zrhuuanutur Reeve Burton Makes Trip To Florida DISCUSS REPLACEMENT OF OLD JAIL Irtisbul are staying in bylaws that will provide lar Replacement at norm live that plan in ma Sims nests Earl Elliott at rras hm nasty in new under imm itit to that with painting prrty thlilman Ind Arthur umpyvrhlcb loerledsznllnuis thiatiiigmeib xiiii provincili trainier bu been or bailout Jul News Evans biPP member toe Cut My to the out at hlexieo The may limit mmng ed by metc issues next has ms with the tart oi Allistob we lanthanum avarice es ll In In lira main land Alli mhNd Quin film planning arts as recommended Another prrt oi the township renal by riot mamas treasurer tshe lItrndused bin unit 1le UNION Data at the annual meeuaxei the Credit Union nl Shroud been set ler Wednesday is With mimherINp oi revere lGJ Reeve OrergI buried Ind his vile vaI been In hriel vacation in Florida the hetd nitheiaaisilimdilimsiebe back irt tithe tor limdhya mural on Feb its made trip to Fluids Iitb auriaaa brother and than seed and assets oi tam Ii traveling by binmobile and ran millions its directors vehicle The trip to Florida re bave decided to pay dividend quirrd txro days and they can at seven per rent on members at the third nighl in mob shares tar mt borne Ibere bir and hits than attending the meeting birslonr oi Streud and the lilch Iul be asked to vote on rhsnru irzrrsursrur naive OiilLLiA ISlIiii William liurne is membership chairman er the Orilita branch at St John Ambulance Ibicb ls brad Nlrbols Yth the board are deservtng oi con grrtuirtions tor their work and the rervtee rendered We illi pride in having been one ot the original members marshal presented to counriib DANCE HALL imrhliiviiiwdi mdmalmnd mwirnldu Contain only it wipe mama or mm mm my mum PLAN corvvarmort STAYNER lStIill The ma belan county council it III convention ol Dislrki it at the slated that some suggested hours business has grown rtcrdtly IotClsi report would be pared lnan em with itid iiiii hiss Fortrhle reservatidnt thtn the lrpert vat pissed Ontario lierttcultursl Association daries wrre rublect to gdyuyt vlll be held Ii Iildisnd en lcd meat and turtber lepruenllliens up an my mg my my or recurrent township nl Viral Is Placed At $481225 three hill time mra plus the ran across mm mmm bipolrltnalpgm Wm the township txpiltncd and parts oi lsu OOHJNOWOOD Oaiii budgeted ior salaries The sum vineial government Inuarnled to dgyuomy murmur mg budget at Whilst bra been at Wood rm Iiinw my my my in or on ma ihrougblhsyravswltbitxprrseni mmmcilion did not so it Bntord ill the tassrhlp sad also provide Phone omen order rel million are lndtca rI to us Irtioen ravis tb but obleo palitloe venue ppbieutlhelllneIi last election merit only ttrt at can out hir way it ler reer it cold avl 0th cabinet on him bl will Ilt trtialsil next twt conded proud revllsilrr veteran Yarvmro withers at the net said be her will abolisi had not tor to etc oi haunt included lmpertst asted tor operation oi Stinsel Manor out home tor the elderly by social services coanmittee lherum Inkedlslhaiarrettoi the three oettnly hunter but the net anticipated animal to raised trerntpreperty taxes Ill itsit would be the studied The tilt bundlet tor Sunset hisaor umrnt to pressure and ash val revenue was Clam The anticipated revenues in eludes WM irony hill pry residents up trorn outposts Ici utl tor int and suits irons partpay residents raven Wild The provincial government so crating subsidy was placed at Item in comparison to ill mes actual stt ear and In other taboo ssplt subsidy lace ol Jim Irtusl in till was mud ether munic teentrlbule We test burnteeathenvumuot oao erosion by ans chimeric We are gird to report ltrs ll liartunsl is home again liter couple at weeks in Soldierr Memorial Hospital and bin it lies is home alter two weeks to Western liospltai lbrortia lira iesppb Erupts is patient in iteyal lstorlr Nolpiill We wish her speedy recovery Douglas iiutcblnrun spent lay dsyr in Orlitlr with lit and lira Nelsen lebastene re cenily lire OlennAopicbp rad hirr Orvri liutcblosoa It ended the tligliulng school In OrliliI re sen PlilllNTl TO COUPLE retenteiiee tor Dr Gerald and rs lieaeywood was bald in the Community Centre when the tang who had abivarted Pat and trryseme timea decld ed on altogether or them lira Paul arisen was muier oi ceremonies and led in lively slngaoag lirr iirrry bats gave monologue bliser phlao Wiggins and Ruth irna Gilchrist ean toms numbers birellurrap ooragsveabum ereul menongue ilrr Norman tel and bin Howard Orsw io did talking act Oariield marten brought greetian irorn all to the young couple and lira thigh read she made up about the Oil the ahivaree gang went to call on Pat Ind Gerr Tbscouplawers resent ib swag lamp sure erry thanked every rat is the tables and related delirium lung Names Email brought rec player and aoverri took part in room dancing OliOlViNil MOUNT hit Etna more tallest Ind most active volcano has grown tie loci in it years to bet at H208 leei Tvaurldvnoua NiliiiNlhii ADVENTURE lVIlilil his crimes tussle vars our stuvrrt lid bll mmwifsslltiwa MlliilMliil lihiliNS tutneed lsvsm be whim more than the ttteatrsq meet stasis toward ratios in pay truism rd tor doc le05 bill pay residents were low ices vronoe tor healing tit ed at contributing team and and tilt tor household supp part pay residents mete Oui iles with long list oi smaller side municipalities were expect llervu ed to pry nope leaving nuts The rm actual spendina was to be raised by the county Minimal the report showed througblla property tax levies The illgest item at Iulielpst sued Receipts vaults tb edexpenditurul Georgian ura tvuiy tor in were placed It or gram or yum wetness leaving the my rm mu my mm min PW the emit the three havlag lilicoz MANOR but been opened three yeIra For Sliocoe Manor It hasten ago The original parrot nirncoe Inllclpsled revenues were plan hlsnor Ii beaten was construe ed at Mm under budget rub led in use milled tor rm with the countys share only $101 Goventment subsidies would costs plus H500 cspltr while tuii pry residents were expected to contribute MA and plti at at uusu tor suite is wu the largest item at ex penditan listed For manualnormal Paa olsuguirhene budget at use see was submitted Anticipated operating subsidy from the pro Warminsler Barks Centre Proieci WARMINSTEN Striti WIr Minster community centre asso ciaiiart has been any consider irrg ways Ind means el raising money tor the building fund Dave Cordon heads the Wan minrter Issorlrtlon with Ken hicCrea vice president Peggy Fox secretary and Ally Orr and lioriey inl building directors is was decided to have months ly open meetings to Ilirnulrte lit ierest in the community centre 0R0 SilDES Slides at historic places in Ore will be shown It liurby ball on Tuesdag averting Feb it by hi colt el iirrrls retired school inspector llucb interest was shown in In ease ller showing at these slides at Hawkeslono hall stratum stwlihstie true it is not ltieiy all the veccrrr mendstions will be adopted but it hall are acted art it will male tire prolcctlon requirements mtg it is part or the cost at considerable growth in the lies Paintings at old county build lrtgs turned ever to the coiaty property committee recently were the verb oi hire hiargrrat Chlidr resident at bilaetr Point lire child has also done many beautltul paint ings at historic laces in this ttlaadairotce cvlewr Congratulation are in order tor lira Cbiids in her work The paintings at the county bulid tags were shown to the county llTiiDltAll APPEAL lnnlslrl council has decided to withdraw its appeal regarding method oi Inersog et homes in the Sandy Oove mobile home camp The provincial assessment department to assessing the borne as residential Prvvlorly titles lypts or bonus had been licensed Alter lietroe experience they were advised that the assess ment depriiment bed authority to mess in the way iollowrd and so the appsi III dropped CANADIAN CLUE Tbs Csaadlrn club at St lat errlttrg lla new has more than too registered members Last week the riub held picnic Itinke his ie This is is shit that lormtr vaiouhtllsnd premier loo Sptrlle lbtt lax Plan Bonrptois Sins was visiting AT Base Borden Geerwater It the time at grit hi aasabonnsrt i5tIil in gulch harden triallifiuill will aacenee ercenr peppygag will Award Midland Corners mens open boruplsl is wme V13 LL Diversion on Ip illtWlthiua tunrsuo Sirtli liesid mpletlon by Wednesday Feb lhn mp aIauouncemca cone 1lbebtitrrotiay lid Wil lrlrt has been awarded tor oel rim on in It work on the llldisnd diversion and mtg on with Feb trons tourtenths pt mile west itllmbziliinn ibybiteI Coming It triflth gm Oenyrslsplsydewarlsslrtedlor ag may go it or emsor Ins cu nxero rauspo competition is scheduled tor ties and cornmurtleallons chm granulation by Wednesday Feb les biltNllleTOOraglli ilk cep rsc was The Eli bonspiel will be held heamlsli Construction in the on Friday and Saturday Feb amount at tuinstne tor grid and 20 and Junior senior lug drainage granular bare and beaspiel on Sunday Feb it hot nth paving nrsdsy Oct bin bro Dvrgrn were invited oi Strynar is an ambient dirc tor along with hits Doris Scott oi Midland The diretter ls Ala rlIir thIloid oi Oro Station RING FLOWER SilOlI CllEEhiOitE Istaiil Cree nters llertlcuiiurrl Society will sponsor bus trip in the spring tlowcr Ibuw It the Olicete the ire in Toronto on Thursday Feb vtv it us it leaving Creemoro It Olin vs am it use announced by olile ere thumbscarom couxrrr or worms ontttra tststil no or MWWWTWWMWW WXMMWWEmmnmwm Li CO ii iirb ll be Int alligator the burial MMMLMMWWW iiiOW Ham Council oi Womens meeting which is to be held here in thy eI ADDED FEATURE fmNQUihlA eves eat hire hlIcDertald herds the sirhtArsIt ran Orlth group with hire ll ll it OUNLOP saw sauna our TbiSioryoiaGiririhve aBeysCoursgcanda RoguevitedtiessDtriag ltrth in charge oi pubifiiy llTY BANNER WANT AD PUUNE Mild IMPERIAi THEATRE presents live on our stagethe crowning oi Winter Carnival Oueenoi 72 Come On Out Cheat On Your Favorite liot Punilurilieouly and do your hit to Help Kick Oii Winter Carnival Week iiilERl RliiiilCUiii Jud HARRY ShiiZMllN pruni Jponu eon vii STJOHNirnwusrCHARiESGNN Nviiibn atmwuimwoutuutuur Mauviiiiilhiibtltlvvihbitilltiitrm tuuauui yum huntertutti lllill Inhibit Wcimtngllmmlmdmmnmmw xiiiiriarusurr mwmuateosuruernawn munitions Sunday Admission Price Adults $250 Children Si 00 Fer Movie Winter Carnival Queen Contest Diamonds Ara Forever shown at 630 is 930 Sundey