Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Feb 1972, p. 4

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yxkv5 Prohibited by Canadian Newsprpars Company Limited 16 Bayilold Strut Barrie0ntsvio Kerry errtbls PubilrltarCsnerrl Marrqu WIN Waits Editor Emeritus McPherson Managing Editor IIIDAY mausar rm PAG4 our betterment gt Eirtns Ready To invest iliillions In The City live imaginative plans tor redevelop sire space in the new complex Other meat oi the southwest corner oi Collier professional men including dentists and Ilnlcssier streets were presented to would be interested too special meeting et Barrie city council Councils responsibility will be to de this week The submissions were made termine the needs at the community jg private tirms with the understanding But it will also have to relate the corn at the land would be retried treat the plea to devel cuts 01 the luture Un doubtedly Co or will become one oi the mrin streets oi the city The develop meat ultimately seth the city will have an impact on commcicirl construe tion ot the tuture Sigdcspu otmtbe submissions iitbe mm mm MUM go readincsro dove erste mestm ens he eiit rvli icaster re sieres Ind bachelor apartments diil3higklllugmgz Camila wlmim in tiremrin the Implants was on space Maud 01 my mg up one you new are on an mam only lymmm mum the Prime need Md sum md Fa other mm of ma dy city Certainly no lud moot could be made by the city It this as the plans must die sludltd and related to the needs oi the community Pro selr ranged trim is sixsth bttiidiag lSsterey otilce in mi cdnii tor cha er the cit re teas irom lls xind Srhspigigmrndli raritnr role thye cgnieoi irrrn and govenunent dcprrlmenis isnyiaw community to the local nt tor an ex rr Itlrms new renting oiilcer in ancient pending commercial an industrial die TWO WiVES buildlugs or homes would probably de riot bi tie oi attire and rrtment no horse and buggy days is located at Col rm ii We Em lier Ind hiulcaster its demolition in Obviously there is need tor oiiice make wrp tor scomplex will be major in ofce one Another tell that The iorrner tire mu in BIrrlcs mummies surge ems nwan in raner nk AuL bmuwx iLe Dnin Report On Drugs When the earlier in Data repo publirhed one et was the lenien dirplayedieward users report secured to sag gest that this tian as yet totally on be gslised lot marijuana proved should ihebueaodcrytnthe sndrlesi and clearl in other obiectlortal ha This tisb system by dodora surge iin Britain where cont heroin that ive to sell the siuit Another teature covers the use oi meth resa was loud ted that an besides alcohol rndtebaeco use should detinitely not be sanctioned by the auihoriil portion at the rape pharlt on the use the possible treatment and the cure oi the heroin addict llerottt appears to be the villain oi the Zpiece and would at course demrnd the ggreatest possible ettert to eradicate TheIADainr rt brings em centres on the Bri addlcts could attend or clinic and receive controiied inject one of the drug This has not been ulte so succesqu ed addicts still rupplcment the legal doses they get with bonus doves they acquire on the black msrkti There is no mention oi imposing Zruch revere penalties on the dealers oi would be totally unattract es oi the In dlans consumed linear liquor every day Death rate tor alcoho lics both male and tomato had increased to an alarming number in recent years and would demand thorough oiienslve against addiction to alcohol liore volumes are anticipated Now all there is to do about the present re ris six were some oi the dreadtui eitectr oi the drug the main criticism it replaces Another se err the users at called speed which leaves the tract with suicidal tendencies and exposes him to the dread disease hepatitis or lntl tlon ot the liver caused mostly the use oi unclean hypodermic needles The whole report teo iully with this momentous problem liowevcr in the restricted space at its disposal it stresses the prevention better than cure technique to eradicate their nciaribus habits irorn our civilization Prevention we suggest should include the ultimate lepl penellp tor stealing1 in drugs mostly oi ciiOn oi the 175 pages cov Imphetamtnes rise ama through could hardly deal deadlest oi the heroin Alcoholism howcicr bore the brunt Dain reports attache port disclosed that over 617000 Cans ihe re dour amount at is to act on them and not leave em Eldon habit iermlng drug which lacks DOWN MEMORY LiiNE 25 YEARS A60 Barrie Examiner Felt 1047 Paul iii Fisher inrtalled as president oi Barrie gathering dust on ministerial shelves Chatham Daily News Canada liaurice Hines elected presi dent oi youn mens section Chamber oi oi barrio mmesee llrs hisy Ohamber ed Commerce County lres Agnew and llrr Margaret Gorrell were iaurer it Coleman celebrated his TOlh convoners wieldtime dance sponsored blribdsy Jan it Town Council by the Order oi Eastern Star hello Quebec in belellr Will the air traitlc caniroilerr strike pm the way tor the institu lieu oi binding arbitration Ora may well wander alias its return to work by the con 1troliers tires the work stop page did not give the strikers what they expected and since lira controllers have agreed to accept arbitration and the Ir biirsiiart will he enterceshie Whatever the case this ll day war will surely leave rc quell as much tor the airlines II the genersl public jburihg strike American Iirportr close to the border rrueb II It butiaio hurling lion Syracuse llochelter etc were overowing ii it Zrerved II takenii inr Euro pesn slr liners which not on brthsrirke The traveller was able to go anywhere it be had to it he didnt he could wait Other tranlpartrtion companies did tbrivirt business while Csv nrdlre rlinex were tempov rartly shut dawn The bus and liraln were great help to the travellug public Illti we saw that pressure was exerted tor the permmenl Ircrlahilslr ment at rsme train runs which have been closed dawn Sitcb strikes out their thumb urt the problem at the exriu vrlveoeu at services such to sign liveyear contract with nald Tomlinroa ior collecting oi garb irge liarrie and district roads blocked lziy snow tor third time in winter ellers new store on Owen Street was to be opened Feb 11 Flora itasr won iirst prize oi are in oralorical contest at vBarrie Collegiate Second prlra went tn Dorothy Carton Burton and Currie appointed to board oi gov ernors oi Victorian Order oi Nurses tor Wmsmma THE QUEBECVPRESS says Flyors as rirlitter and in other iirlds aucb II rsdla and television the public is trustrated by ex oluxva contracts granted to public companies sliected by general or relating striker Although in the cars at transportation the problem at private companiu lost pressing Crnwn corporations are everybndys business Air Canada says it lost it million daily throughout the strike not to mention what the H000 or so employees laid oil have lost indeed what can an airline do when liaan are not llylngt What can airport empinyrcsrla or those oi pub lic rcrvlrcr tied to the airline industry lvlrsi can holvla and its at cell which liva oil thl dustry dot it would be surprising It Air Canada can eniny better ear ilnrneltlly this you than est in tact Air Canrda has already announced llveper cent rtcrrare In isres Llsl year according to statistics at the international Air Trans port Association nlriinrs whether public or private last more than $300 million on North Atlantic routes alone Pruiort ed work stoppages will surey not add an cement oi prutprrlly in negotiations with the air Warnira elected loveliest lady on the campus at the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph Simone County Council autgmizleid expeadlipre gringo more negro cum it re And TownsitlpThebl Si lilltes line PM Fleming hisckell Leslie Costello ran wild against Barrie st Mikes won it Bergman and ltobert Montgomery tes tured in iirge in Heaven at boxy dlo Sandimd and ingrld uni the lateral mediator tram Vlrlbrll mull resolve salarln and beurl ei work but the mIlIiIs has not ended They say other technla clans may soon strike pars lyring sumo airports vrlplt pling others it is ie be hoped that the strike by one will serve as lesson to utiren il tint airika had to be settled by binding arbitration it would he lagiral it other un iarrs Ikipptd the costly are llmlnary strike and proceeded directly in binding arbitration Ail pIrtles involved would thus be winners not to sunny that the publicA ivenrhtay tlart all liONDN COMPOSER Les Grands Ballets Canadiertr at Montreal pay homage to computer lgor Stravinsky with An Evening at Stravinsky lbs iirst at their itll ballot Ierlas Dances have been treated tor the company to lbs music at three Stravinsky works Fire blrd lets do Carter and Symv phony ei Palms POPULAR EONO Close in 75 dltlercnl versions oi the song SnowbirdI written by Canadian tlcne llarLellen have trsiilc roatrelleralrel Noel Inlar beenrrcarded QUEENS PARK More MuScle AU aged For Hotspitai Boards liy DON OITEARN Queens lIrl linrraa Oi The Examiner TORONTO strengthening oi the public or laymen control over heap expected lreru the report oi Orange committeetbs ml lerr committed el inquiry to bar ital privileges in Ontario resin purport oi the study This Is recemmeadstlort which almost certainly will be accepted by th government in at least some tents sad in some degree The apparent lnlercnce item Willi the report in last is that the ii majority oi doctors themselves arent too happy about clique lam The best illustration at this could he that the llvernsn corn ia spiel so much importance to mines whichvmadq titers rose up livvirs ttpbiavadptinaldaliy because at complaints by some doctors that they couldnt get appointments to hospitals in their communities This meant they couldnt get their patients admitted and the iniercnce that clipuer oi dacorr tended to con the hospitals and ran ciaieri Ihnps iiawaver there liltlibhl tendrd to ba preliy we can tined to the metropolitan Iresl oi the province DOCTORS DOhiiNAfE but along with It iladinIr on this paint the study dldbrlng out rams sirrrlilrance to the whole has its structure and all communit cs in the province And the most pertinent one at titers was that the boards at trustees the groups principally layman who have the top re sponsibility tor the hospitals rould have stronger ray in the medlcli practices it reported in etlcct it not in precise words that medical Id vlsory committees or the harpi tsla tools aver on all matters including Idmltirrtse and lpx pslnirnertll should be tempered and the boards be given the muscle Ind encouragementtar the top control they supposedly should be enlayiag Precisely il slid about the hoards it is our beilel that their rela should his strength ened that they should be rh caursged to act inert decisively in the administration oi their has lists and given the power an authority to do so I721 mammaler iihe burl Eynmttur ts Brylleid Street barrie Ontario Telephone liddill Second Class llsii Registration liutvber th Tieurn poatsga guaranteed DIliy sundaya and statutory lialidsyI excepted Subscription rates daily by rrrrlrr bile weekly lib yern ly Single copies iOt ily mall iiarrie title yearly Simcoe County iztou yearly balance at Canada liniitl yearly All other countries Alibi yearly hlulor throw all 100 yearly National Advertising Oiilvcs at Queen St West Toronto eat me on Cstbcart St binntreair lienrbrr at the Canadian Preir and Audit bureau oi Circula dons The Canadian Press is exclus ively entitled to the use tar re pub lcstlon el all news dispatch es in this paper arcdliei to it or The Associated Press or heater and also the local news puhllrh ed therein The harrts Examiner claims Co yrlgbi in all original sdver tls and adllerisl msicrlsl cro sled by its employees and re produced in tblr newspaper Copyright Registration Num ber iutlll vagislrr It sum mnm rvevgtHWIAt4t wt nonrandom Settlers Concerned entrncndrilonr was made up at titres medical men and two lay men tone woman Doctors had the deciding rry Thur tlteu there may be bit at critic at the re rt perhaps some at it even rill this as it seems new is re otten the case with media mslierr today probably should not so taken as representative at the retention but at the more poll cal lattices in it WiihMukingMenay Hy loll BOWMAN at the United States and ads The pepple trons England who termed it thus to stay They wanted timing to their homeland Tbsp built solid communities whic grew rapidly who came to Clhldh wanted ter tlte most part to make money in lbr tur trads and then return to France That was Olin at the reasons why Canada developed more slowly liltto rlaar estimate that only lbw pen to item France actually re ms ed in Canada Cbam lainwr exception Altbou be we great an plorer who opened up territory or the tar trsde Champlain worked butt to establish crmsv neat communities its ocsled the land lar settlers iu the Quebec area and insisted on re quired termlilies Io they were solemnly swars oi their impor urg plattermln tblruirtmugtlillui as mat vaur Within OETl EDUC to There wu an important dii the early Iettlerr established by lerence in the early settlement Champ Mg cm in Canada Louis ltebert who Wm an was given raisrrlouryd Feb Id Atlantic Coast oi the lib went EBACEEHINEI ygozginygggcynifm cause he wanted to get away in lid Willi Will the intrigues ol the royal which goes to eu ville letter lilcha veteran Charles liacNIughton BIBLE THOUGHT Veriiy vrrtLv say unto you lie ibIt believeth on are the works that do shall be do my and greater workr then shall he dot because go train my Father And whatsoever ye rhIli salt in my name that will do that the Father may he gloried in the lee lebn lltll it What challenge to anyone court in Paris lilr lather ha been physician to Catherine bl tiedch when she was blunted 0n the other band the French by ghosts alter iniiigstlng the massacre at St Eartholcmtw llebert arrived at Quebec in tall but the merchants made llie dlitlcult tar him They did not want to see people get into iIrmlng which was liuberis hobby its supported his irmlly item the produce at the land and alien gave loud to the needy The merchratr triad to compel him to sell hlr annual harvests to them and paid him the lowest prices llleberg 11sltirllriibrv aurne varlrev ho rbell tha beta the that rats in Can 121ch ads to use blew drawn bl word it lieavent cc Mr Davis admitted at much my when he told reporterr It newt centerence that new blood would glvs blur the crbiurt rtI blllly and espcricnrs quires during the dliilcult pe Ilod ei reorganisation lbereiera tbera are no new trees in the Ilvvvembcr isbintl For example Geese Kerr leaves environment rre be established solid reputation tor the department at colleges and universities Fern Ouiadsa Cornwall businessman still an tvlcd sites calm yerr as tool ism utiaitter moves tough labor petunia the bilingual into the Thomas Wells moved the health mbtlriry by Davis year age to social Ind tamin services lien the bigger government spender The mater thin or are seen to be in three part ullusbesiib ken Belle otler tbs ITO Stability Sought By Premier Davis ByJOE DUPUTS TORONTO it Premiti William Daviss rIbioet resbuir lla Wednesday appears to be cautious interim step in the malor reorganlullen taking lace in the structure oi the the trio government Ind civil Im at chrirmln et themrua Carton at minister oi irrarper board at crblntt and tattoo and communications dcpuly slerr herr liver and site lies burn time pal or tears it lipuily while he crrri complete his pm It process item eruau cnarvoss urinal lrted sad the lines oi educaa can be expect melee changes in external lactors more elbow room provincial re Stewart rgrlctiltu titles attorneygeneral There is no the shuttle oxen in laid the year ieliowlng chock waiting to be tilled in by llaberta death var tram roucu Prizes For Dumbness Goes To The Ostrich by AL BOYLE NEW YORK Thing mlunullsi might never know it he didnt open his mail No man Lt as brIInlesr It bird The brain at rrta birds weighs less than titer two eyes but the prize too dumb ness probably be to the use tricb end where est weigltr more than its brain hlayhs thats why it is re Wlttd to hide its head in the land when danger up prescher lt reasons Ir some people do that what it cant see cant hurt it Drivers rbautd irks rtlcu lar cars is watch out ahead Approximately 00 per cent al whiplash injuries are caused by reanend collisions lluve the stars on bright night evyr tell to class to you that you could reach out and touch themt Wall youd have to take pretty good stretch The sun only as million miles trout you but tlte visit nearest star it it trilliont miles tsrther away in spots international prosperity note Tulrye new accumulates tsooe tons oi garbage daily by lili however ispans capital expects to accumulate ilOWgtinlbl day The border the garbage man workr the hldtarths eoplellvel it heueyht your mama ies you have to be Eraleiu that beer to buzz ursvburs all day bed has to visit about soot owers In order to produce teblsspoon iui oi honey llauseheeping nole lilies wax polish on furniture be comes streak ila time in re move the ol wax because it has become mixed with rur lece dull Change nl value Why were most guests at the unborn iury banquets oi Frcnch Ern perur inuls Napoleon given gold knives lurks Ind spoon to eat with and only select taw riven utensils made at aluminuml The trlerl view were being Ipcriniiy honored Aluminum at that time was ltlare expensive than gold men at tallhl behave it and it will bll lia is no respecbar oi persons LAND ThiPOTl goods worth truss Weva 1r anaemia iii CANADA igllURulolilARitltti Nueastntati gyviiw WEONiAAiOr blimllllltllttlwtli Garry trvuu irvti wwuar urisuru ENGLAND starts truuonwuu outlay maintains all IlWit shorts martian Ribiltlulbile Orars intern5r 6W lW stucco MOWMai Monastery AWWA There still is no clear lieu at how deparintenlr spunribiiliiel may shill me oi cooler secretriots do committees and bet under the govsrnrrtentr bid ier what it calls rnodernls tag at government operations tiy rllylag with virtually same cabinet in achieves two immediate Lit bbsrti Ihsquriilcailoni Mina although some at the rhl la aura pg mm glacied prised many seasoned obserV mufn pmulugig the new di not appoint womsnt cabinet because the women NFPI are newcomers it provides period it auessnttut oi the best uniting the an gevtrnrata Once restnicturing Ility are dellned llr ed to make his this time not tereed ex Lthrl you some ihr veteran retire within the years Davis lids which would give the to his cabinet Among the in cabinet are John mialrtar parlieiio at result cbangu ilr Davis not yet decided ll be such post lie also gotten about his hope new rvrlnlxler though one was not in till Australia

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