Totemnarration titrn count Site team roared no Winnl ohll mm on room expedition the to be in hlarcol tCI Photol term he or to Seven Snowmobilers Hope To Reach Russia Their destination to Iiorcow gtIl the end ol circuitous route Inning halt the world and in them through the polar ice pact Greenland and Scandinarta liIhNIPEG ttPI rer errman term at American trrtdmnmen led by till Cooper attire Canadian roared into lithi lhurr day in llurty rm and lolluwint rmmdahout route have travelled about 500 miles to date The seven men Ind rlx ma chinesair man resinIto to head north throurh blInilnba detritus ver napoud PCs Favor periodicals developme corporation to alliPllll Ir nutIncI tow tho estahl moot oi new Canadian Itl IIWI no tantrums or to ward thI expander oi ulIb liIhed oner meatyaim per cent oi tilt in thlt lhlll tho remainder were undo aided or did not reply Now Secretaries OTTAWA lCll PItrlck Ilriioney newlyIppnlotcd min rtIr at note has been mined to work on continuing review at tax policy with Finance Min liter John Turner the prime minulerr altch arid lbtrrrday Also Innounced war mint rltulilo ol parliamentary repro tariea toiiowlog iIrt Fridayr cabinet shuttle Parllrnrentary Alma Questioned TORONN it The aim oi thI Committee tor In lode pendent CanIda were once tinned lhurrdar by Candie itInher llllll committe member termed the ham part at th eat irnrn Iltitln to Carrad economic rovereltnty It It hiacinloeh deptin chlel general manager oi the Bank at Nova Scotti Ind irch tin Cielland loundinl member oi the committee and ymidcnt Ind publisher oi Ilcaei and and Sleert Ltd were tiny It an Empire duh user To Testify NEW YotlK tAPI Jacque llrra Onwir will testity at the ovt PETER WUGHIED Guest Speaker notionto ttPl Primlir Peter lougheoi oi Alberta out addreu the annual draw at hirnm rumor mm at Found Guilty WINDSOR Ont CPI Whirl WWW unmtmwnmuunr Itadanngtulnxmm on an the FullPaymenl stunr run at tiealth uiaiuu iii de Potter rald ihnrrda doctorl should receive ion ml ottha OnlIrio licdierl militant in will rm Urge limits TORONTO rm lmmltrutl nl1 it it mily Md own the Iianrdiaov III told thorn population tor lit Ind Iliow to be reached natorri Increau ll rm BUILD MAD m3 DIN companies Nova scotl mm than to mill at My mu WdiandI Irrry inspirations The rersotu tor the tenture are thrreloid and the big too uro is commerciri the men In to plant movie write and promote tnowrnobtia rates The men rangiay in age train it to It and occupa tion lrom construction worker to bartender ielt northern lrIl bllmhola ltooday Ind aimed their orangecolored me th general oi Russia the Trrusttortd Enormo hha Brpetltlion arrived corn pchI with pumiaty agents earrrtu crow hnnrrs ilags we and local police er ean The hardy teren to push north horn per today gIlacueed Guards Deny Assault NAPANEE Ont lCPl tough at Kingston Each bu OAS Gives Canada Oiasre itharycn penitentiary prisoner deal assaulting Haste rver lift it but ill Dr Donald Worlrnro prison Stat dtduring his transfer there phyriclarr lurid Wetland wowWillem new mm at touud small ibrrsioar on bop don the Oililtllibn nl $2 hufmmn neibtu tinder pm mlilyhbhllles ill accord per not It In erusad men secret doing dairy WESTI by my III was hailed lltre Thurst erreron orp lilurrI Dllnard nostril mum likely to to olicer It ilillhaten raid oll Allllkillllt Cmtda it John linnre who teItllled mum mm iith Wilt Wkly mm show ilnnco com lained county he rullcrcd brutser headache on Aprilpii Ind Altitll The ion we later by the imiillllthl ZI 0A5 normrnent council in iiiguards ru it made no ilanca has told that rlsonerr MilliKW Whitetail gtgili Iaikorlniuv lnhurange were notI owed In The external Illalrs depart mm an aprisoa Ioeadoctortrpullsdtyggtley mmllisuldhllhiemenlnylng it tin Illegtd heritagr ocuirred till Canadian permanent ob on your romp may on The prisoners were lranrlerrerl mission to he headed by nnow assault charges Ir the institution by bus lnllnw Iyerson oi rmhastadortat rtnlr Ir It it oi Odessa Grant Sni The 095 It liretent embraces ff Mimi Amarldlhllasiiglliei as not limlhm ism bar that and Fdgar prom mm be Winomaul cInaiors and lltrce tom Swee ll both oi Nspanee midweuth countries at the car rtlards or threaten tAll tire accused have been litreslrorri convtcll mm mm cubl mm technically still ma ho cliledtothewttnessrtmih Guard Bernard lilrlrneau to bee in ndi mi mm 1mm 5mm my id In turn adlltriiiu or the organization tar bout to any his V1 yeIrr became oi its proSthet push prunner orientation Suggests Schools For Day Nurseries to the nttbwest 1hrritorlea batua touch the Arctic ir lIodr Ind then go straight Iorosr Greenland chartered plane will late them lrnm Greenland ta Notv war the only portion at the trip dependan an emitter lorrrr of transportation 1hr group boner to male iloatow by April but ilr trooper rIyr thI itwuirns arent to sure they dont think well gel as tar In Finland IDIIONID tCPI Day care pentres and nurseries should be not up in high schools with rtn denls havinga hand in operat lng them an Ontario legislation committee was told Thursday lira Scull Anthony told the governments select committee no the use at educational inciti Jreo that space in existing school hutidings could he used tor heeded daycare centres Site raid the tilt million prov tiled by the government to mu uctpalitlcs who want to build day school cattle wont really Illl the gap It might be natural sort at thing to involve students in itourses in child development in by including clay care gcentres in laid schools sold him Anthony an oluctal ol the Association tor Early Childhood Education group at all gripe picschool teachint one are Natural Gas home warmer So Quretly Clean lMany Bathtubs EStiii Missing When winter winds blow and th itESPELEiI tint rcr di mom ps your homo can ho 351$ gyname Imam yourturnaoelruptolt amcozyoass Now it to main ply ear to at Natu naam gm today quiet clean oconotlrlcal eating ml mum gives anugaaarbug comlort all winter long Either by converting your present turnaco or by Installing complete now Natural Gas system you get lowcost protoction and security Thousands ol homoownerr goaciuio thoyrr onloylnagrETlia Prioiili one Gaalormmmlg bout now using Natural COMPETITIVE RATES N0 BROKERAGE FEES Our Corporation can also provide builders with short tenn and NIIA nancing aswoiiao mmummmgre For tree honlo estimate call today THE ii HOME intimidation WARM illt Toronto area cuntornera call 8590299 no toll clogged consumersnan 1266553 it in an inventory chcclr Pollta recovered ton tubs and charged employee hon nard Daschams at ail with titelt uner Isl and stop at Itolen goods in ovemhcr but the theft char was dltmisred in provincial court Thursday byiudge It It liltkptl ctr Itntnhamps pleaded humility to tha chrrge at possession at ttoton ponds The company raid Thurs day it has tighttned up It purchasing controls The other lJII bathtubs IrIetlii nuttinr POBor147hhDuniopSlJlnot Barrio 0n maturity at trinityt Brnim Corporatinn unlit liltilliillt CANADA DEPOSIT tNSURANCll CORPORATION