Simone County stileeldy Itiuide ol the countys Stiles BEEle cow is RESERVE CHAMPION Ind Iieo It the Eostdxrllral helped provide the Golden lions Ontario championship thaw Ii shoe limit with the lineal rIc Peterboroopli Owned by Cermll oi Beetm Dettdale Starlet Lynn has been rboIen reerne all Canadian axed cow champion of the turnout IloIIleln show We The row won merve mad rhampion honor II the lloyal llinlrr Fair at Tomato Tbn rm this Ihirh about auto IttrIct North Itiner IlfII otnltnndinr were and trot trrI to Greenwood Hobart and vOIrdenutyJubeenrelemd hydireetdrotradntldaredtaste tr lion IIle schedule at Minted tertnp carries to III at $611530 in Idded money and commutes with the Willow ttaie Peeing Stakea at Toronto Ittrch II in ml the moderate IeIdlnI trailer and prom oI each rail and oer converted on Gdden Ilorenhoe Omit lor met It the Important tutu datum Iolne at which already are roteth in importance rixh tidiehonored duller Is the Gren Reynolds and Itatron IIIIes Names liteAibairma lrreh Yankee Super Wlhe Strike Out and So Bowl who earned hora theIr honora In thrir respective riIlonI la ml lony atih are perlorrrterr like Kentucky Rum customer Key Iione PIl Grandpa dim With Pride Silent IlIlorlty ltob Ron IIrlos Ind Commander Dell III In Iriyaherelast tlh Euper IlarI lika themes and thallrmlllmlrlarhl Pill tnlmIteItIeeonl equipmth by not one other North American pm the tut relenrr Rum Outomer who eats the Canadian Pacin Drr by here In 1903 Im IIL Allhotltll moot the but In and threoyearold raring tIIeoi routine their ItsIolu on Green woode winnera their to the Ilourishiu Grand mull Reek here In July rookler can coin le in il Ilahu events IlllL IlllI the CInndlIn Juvenile tales In July In Three yearolds also liItIkeI pmlllm buried by the oxen my PIdny Stakes durlnl GrInd Omit Week at Green wood and tile CallAnt Pate May it II Garden City CInIdII rkheit irottinr event the mono added ltIple Ital Tllilnl CIIsiIc Lt Iheduled tor Auruit it while the preitlrtotls moot added CInIdlIa PIdnx Derhy lot poolMid Aunlst yearold and upward Ind imitated It Greean to iioth races are tor three pect Omlhlnll Iidurtrnoeerbmtoracrv the Canadian Ind us turn ntIrkete Ftlrd Itoter rompsny to expand its tractor and laatIlRomN ldlrh by noon than 14W Innate leet IlInulIrlllrlor and Internth at tractors and Indurtrill with meal are done It the Des ltoln ea Iowa Ind Highland Park Romeo and RoyII Oat llirh pirate will be eonaoiidated In tho expanded ltotneo plant Ralph Oldnoore neutral manner tractor and equip ment operaltoot Iaid With the eroanrio will Irooler base to veer our Canadian IIrrn market still the bIrIbone oi otlnbual nusand wIeIlibeIhlItoyIro date In one location lull III ol tIrrn tractora Incinth the bin loopiua borarpoaer unity Ell Galinan added the Home plIiiI trill rive us the base to expand our production at industriIl eoliipmeet tor the IIth Ameiirln marlet We em Iiuliiieaol Inriease In the rate at Indtntrlel equi meritd Ill tho llIIIne nl decad New larntJuhrIthel lust all by Prime va deIu lar bor producers and other Ilmioeh larIMII hIII been re retrial attention horn Slime en lo Ononty prodlxert Itoit lumen spot cy Indeed the announcement the pma hue Ilalltd linthrr detailI The prime minirtrr quot ed at ruin the Men aviato rmnl IIJ Pll HP in $10 eIeh hoe produeer tn eomllm rate or ml hol pried which tell to dlsutroua iereh In the aim Ilanirral speech hir Trudeau Innouneed the Can adian livestock teed bond has been authorllei to mean It Inbrldles lor transport nl red paint to retrain region at East ern Canada starting April and werrlusi prepare now to take Idveolare ot this and be In position to ex our lands ot oilcrlnys Iii market rer irtent rate Irortl various parts IIrIo are expected to Itte ltth annual lately shirt the 5k tine Hotel Inme three Willi till Feta tndrrtltehoeaube the Iyrlradtun SAFETY CONFERENCE PLIIVALE tStIlil IIID nl lerenee on to be held rural alternator STROUD iStIlIi notuiII or delete Breedere Association hold III annual meetinr It In Courtrllatlon Iiotel Ill Torn on Mam1h ll error to notloe reeeived here IIIIii Strike hit will attempt to erase the hnpollnr records which their North iSimcoe Class stance harrinp Incidents It It sin veIrI eertulii that Albatrnta till ctriln Issociariou trauma in II Annual 1es arm 111011095 mm on ultimo Anzur Cattle BreaderI Manda Ilotl wu Irheduled tor today It the Holiday Inn It OIkvllle army ll acorr eel ran barrow Also It the In duetiori tor tho yearf or to rIllt teml rItI II Wt per cent and rotate the number oi head In ummwm the hodiil II ll rod txl ill ll ly mum WP yeIIrllyllmilledame loan lid produrtvi liar 0t mm Dow lgmghmlnhm Will Ipreed lll it years then the course one hot to thin begin lrgglmgmmnfngexggni meordmitdii did iirihiiimldliiiilii rm ion rm to d1 had mm lledce ItnlI bother lllm pt from pm mm mm Wk Ie ayment rIlher IthI the to Tm 1mm hngmm yw In mm hm tatp arriouol oi money borrowed in mm WEN hm be mllvnlulli iii In midi th lihlmld at Imaaiaivrnaon Inm at it Beat School at 7W doubt In mi in at Div Rotunda ivituitiiriilih diiidrriiiliiii hid II mum mum vital and Intereetliirlnlornutlon at CanadlIa turret in be its the tint tvloweeha at February time may The will be In Hull Ilite worhod Ihrouah will an hum mat the thin ereek oi February mil peoples to show how one II theoiolnoIylvudditionaiweekr Inll tire rheti hreltltevru CAN IDB SERVE YOU relied at making eomnloata and albumin lucid epur Iddiitd to the discarded on case or man animals Stout riddles and example IIIuItlllol the annual debt repayment and On Monday Feb 10th 1972 and on tho second Thursday ol each allceodlng month MM Rmmmm $1500 tor iIiIdly livinr Ind we One at Our RIprIIInIIIlvel ROAD ltullllilt Mitt For inside orioulslde your home ll Ill VII ll mm 1mm and atriaotdllruooilibe loan marl wtth not soon This equation call us ll to pay toward prineipai Iynd liltor retaliate the dollar value oipro Pork Marketing To Be Discussed ElrllVALE Istalil moot The discussion will centre lap to dhmiaa pork marketing round the need lot local mar will be held at the Continental ketlnp yard laid llr loner Inn Barrie on Wednesday Feb Intention oi Barrie marketing at 515 pm it war announe yard Indthodnyawhariltaltouid ed by lion loner watery oi beopealor operation lilsu ltlirt the North Simeon Pork Produn ed on the Irenda era Association All opportunity will he provided llr JorlEI raid in announcing kW5 Mllldull limit the mtrtlil that an Invitation lamalnreiaidtonwltrtlnrmd extend to all Sirrtcoe arid million it hail lluitrtlrl rottrlly pork produoors Speakers will be Robert Kolt 3200 board It division at the Ontario rk logo ah 81 IOOOhourdIt In Votiinx throulh its coltes ta about eht repayv mm we Bud mm cIlelllate the debt repIyment ea MD arid Elllll price we llacityotItIrmburIneetDebt my my iirw Stout III Hum Mm Mwm ummmm ACIIIIIII MIIIII will Mm cmmmu uh IIIIMIIIIIIIIIWI Im IIIIIIIII olrmtvrdehlrnwmlln mam were lhe mm by me um BISWIIVIIIIIII PmIIIIIII IIId In um mum and IhmIIlhIm medulla debt repllmenl mill and rm In practiced all pl mm Imwmmwhm VALUE OF onumu Arrlcllltttre Construction Manutectt till IliSltIll wishes III It lIIIa lth and In his Inrreale or decrease Protomional aerviooe Tourist and mm em llmlmm WM Romaiioml Bushman Ihanaporlnlion vantage by anyone utlm by will the Inilowmp lormtilh Valua oI Production now may pater llynuoonaldnrthatlDannbaolaervloeyou are invited to arrange an appointment with BmleI Ont gym or in advance by writing to CUPBOARDS Dashwood Windows 250 Unioorsily Avenue Toronto Ontario mlll mummd leaf Random 00 lengths PINE SHIPIAP ment the that week and tired ttrmo divtdod by lttb head or Eyelid Ind Inbtroetliiz trolll be um um the Continental lnri on It wnlllltllil mil farmers nearly income it Its In Intareailnn exercise and It the come that we can com Whole Ed mu Tm en es ermine aniline inventory ml Development Eanktnanqulru tend hummer Indnta tolnnreaae chinery working capital IIIIIIISIDIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIOIIICE III Telephone ddtiliih per Random moo Random CLEAR REDWOOD liawliripa mIriazur oI the tales diviilon at tho Ihmn hhard ohripsrou Ily llltlt MARLEY Ill and hire Pete Rutledge oi Kirkland Lake and lira Gourde lltdwell ol Dorrie viritnd irlenda hero last week lit and hiya Dale Iltornat no son Ilene Ill and tin Peter Ilariey ulvloronto Ipenl weekend ot lap on with hire Ilarloy aim to couaoa presentation tor newlynods Ill llild IIrI Prior iilarley war lteitlln tlietohoolhall Saturday etctiinz They were mlplenii oi hoaulllul lamp and dine luueiul pitta lid KING 5T STAYNER Milo Owned and Operated by Plotter Garnet nghlhIrI SPECIAI 0N MASSEYFERGUSON TRACTORS COMOINES AT SPECIAL PRICES REAL GOOD INVENTORY 0F USEDITRACTORS OMASSEYJERGUSON MIXMILLS OMASSIEYFERGUSON SKIWHIZ SNOWMOBILES CONTRACTORS GOOD UhEDIMANURE SPREADERS WANTED IN TRADE FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY ON ALL MAJOR OVERNAULS SEE US FOR INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT rare Itudy to IiIuaIrItn how to around lilo per Inimal between NIIIMIIHIIIIIIIM IIIIIIIII trail need more animals to eov Km mm mm IIIIIIIIIIMHIIIHUI mam name tell tor Iemlly lldns mllnllnllltill III Eusy Io lime riding cmwmmawmmm WM mm mm oils whirl can be tired to ad him Inventory and cash trans hm ohm tom Mum In nale WIIIM IIIII III III New IIIIII IMIIIIIIII Iinrl new buatnom and for other purpoaoe nu ma pmhuu by ukpmm II MAL I00 El length board Ion the BEVEI SIDING II 1260254 IIIIIIIul TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PIIONE 7mm it wnve aquamuu oar1 re 4mlutaerrL44MXAwotvuddl$a44MlHt