mnmnwzmzmtvvhffrrv MapleLeai Games Are APremier Event The veteran Italian indoor enuoaigaer Iha clotted 1014 in tho mill at the Illllnt Games in New York last year oadlaorttatvsrantdosomgm up against the like WWW Three Are Tied In Hawaiian Open TORONTO CF lies pmnles mat on the tortoise ears Tsiu has Impressive roster eulL oI Ilhletu to support at beltll that II mg one at the beat Indoor track meets in North Alwltn but hes hIrInI thing LIVUNI Iliadiag local bellerers Sula tho Americana reeognui the MENU ml ItIlurI at our meet nor read Mh mw ilythan CIIIdlIns said Iahiiah as II the number one ms mam LTMIINLI resort mailer in il or it is Ilar Purses In Thing For Footballers tho Issoclailoo Is Athieio at tho Year or Itll was beam Llg over the Iwoyeor baseball contract he signed recently tor two years at 9000 start mlesy ol mirage Orbs ol Iic Nstiml league situate oi astham minor osebsll Tanks Jeaan revealed ha and his Iriio his adopted son Is In Idiiitilm to their totally at two boy and threo girls Montreal EIpoa Illist Stsub sdmiltrd he is seeLlitg substantial Increase in his baseball salary but ho dc clliiul to mention Iizlm Among numerous other cc lebrillas were Carlos Ortll TI is eteran oi it years in the boxing ring who Is on the comeback trail Joe Theta SALESIII the club to negotiate tor Notre wwvv Damc wide receiver Torn DISCOUNI Kerry OBrien oi Australia and funk Shorter oi the Us The oriiy Canadian in the threonsliis l1 tiruithttIJreaool Mme tern is Au mm ml iiouoiuw lAPI Thats marl what the people want am tartu Ibis won isolate eierit ldlomomufilspi All allele Emu ll In Philadelphia in manila our Ionian rood ruminants om no Lat11mm W7 lb limo at am Canadian rial Ooh iiurohl alum mot itllds 32 dihliiffmhm mat Tmoi lor Hi mlivf itll in is that It lb Willie till Allowl it IM llwm mwum liaismail can ogllttYleroaacnt on should tnls Err three site it hero to Tomato min to on way to enter the three mm in 34 millmg lhb ma Me WAYm mlth Elks thng alilrphy In Old ItLlI Dale ray Hell can do that and Im mm Mm IJehelhrrger and vGrier Jones gs ollaod play mcuhrre alter the that mail In tho LIst Slay quaori edged Jim mm um um My TIE COOIJY Ryan in 35lo lath and tut mm am pm Tied Ill dey ms Leg Iosod that up with limo at my mum my on Eider Lilith Stilt Jim Ts mm In the NCAA outdoor the will 0mm cm rtell llsrl Fitchman and New championships In June mm any mm In Zeaianils Julll Uster The tilianuia Irackrrian met lrootolaaotherhaiidoren oiayt Arnold Palmer mating only Simpson shamotan AMI lastlm headed lay llasters choirs his second start at tho realms July in Milan and lJouort won plan mules Coody bids IT by step with time at MI in there was some spectacularly hilly Caper hadI Beam TORONTO cm the two mrim low rearing Is the strongest Archrrand tIek Nicklaus Tho MWM Others to the mile include Iicld nllllu your took advantage Will hachpin the has won cm ll Alutraiiaii champion Chris at nilld iemucraturvs and ocar Toronto players Illa hero with ruler John llunn oi the U5 period conditions will the llrld 72 ml Gary Uttwclmhn woo lag ning Ind Dole Bailey at Toronto Tl playersbroil par 71 It lIIhloaIII lha OntIrio Sponswrlters and Sp ortr casters Associations mail room celebrities dinner It the Royal York Hotels black was reierriog to lIrgI lets bigbeg plrdon pinsho worI slung orer one ahouldcr Drusacd modality in checkered Jacket Itaclr lil Itstrd ha has rcra purse over silica ha tett school used to hnla so many thinltl to my pocket was busting out all over laid the motto linebacker NW been my pockets clear Thornton attired in salon did creation designed by Ills other At player Dale Rui nioyt sore brown leather north Is an accessory to what he described as an Edwardian lllltlllcsl at block satin with pants to match The vest eairnclcd to Despite Iha stress on detehce below his Inecs and it was Johnston has become somewhat held by bell msdo oi llllile at In oiierilivo threat this yearlacll ballets lining together assisting on threo goats llls Islt Vertically Ills whiteoawhita lullt on bishnnyloughswgoalmls glittlllls toglched oil with sec or oru asto Dlhnvcumr pg Illggsrepchrlditoragssislsghy Ferglo Jenkins selected by go no at cr gmlxeihlhgvien ille Parent then with lPhiladel coateatloa tor the Vedas lro Zhlimwlmwdcfm pit The mills roe to the Johnston was hidded about goalies ot tho NIIL learn who Ivlog bonus clause to his In km In contract tor scoring curtain AdduotIIUIIITHUIIII could lam ii god solid Ibo up Iirst perlolotlhuroday nights use In Philadelphia to GUY mIRRoN at oi the rctereo llnice ltood Detroit Red Wins gets shard pears to want no part oi the check Irvm lilll Flott till oI conict Action came In tho the Then as be slides Into Boston Deience Leaves Minnesota StarryEyed ll we let in tour or two the out day douaiia iiirias alter trrlag temaio athletes Dehhh Van KlelebtlL Nancy Robert son and Betsy ClllloriL By THE CANADIAN PRESS thirlng UII last lcw seasons Dalton Brutal hava been stated Ior their high scoring sod hard hitting This year theyve added now rippledetencoaod It can become lsalitoaabls Ln Doo Ion tor years hence For the second consecutiio light Iilureday tho Rnliaa dos tears was near pcrtect as they beat Illsinesaa North Stars trt and maintained an eightpoint lead otter New York Rangers in tho National Hockey tnguos East Division WHILE THEY LAST 50 ONLY ADULTS 1500 on Muslims elvsr goalie liogotlca VIchun sultrrcd Loco lnAiry It was great deieaslus amt raid Bruins coach Tom ohmon Everybody uut titers gave ill test game The Radar began stressing dcleoeo in training camp They halo been working Ii It ever Gatewood and Canadas glll BOMBSHELL NBA Warriors Down Atlanta OAKLAND ATI Canto lllnsclt scored as points in tho tirsl llslt sad to tor the game in leading Guidcri Stata Wanton lo will victor oler Atlanta Hawks in Natl It Boshelliall Association poms Monday night The Warriors made it It vic tories to their list to and taaleised their lead pines Seattle siperSoolcs to its some to tho PIcltlc Division oi the NDA Russell rtsrtcd his hot streak tale in the Ilrrt quarter with three llctd goals In 43 seconds to gilo Warriors sirpoint load Ito oooocclod on it at 18 shots lions tho floor in the tint halt The Warriors got balanced scoring with centre Nate Thur mood scoring 25 pdan and ll boil into II tips no night batore goalie Gerry dimer and hit learnl it Brides hsvslallowed tVI numb by mm Ihilt out the Rangers in New uh 3mm m1 NlIL players Aigauhffwl Escolcacohmlsets who IL wwetlm Ell Mdmnnmmm Tahirtmtolwevcly point alter the Home Thump The Bruins Iranethurtlnr in Rangers beatDuIlaioSabm 0titsmlltdwlmmnldmt It didnt Into lirlllhs long piI er rtlilmillo board Allen little Hump mm may trailing only tho Haulers in Mr mm all yummy dim itlgo mm Wm mm goals scorelltszul mm Nam stars rred round draitchoiie Stanlleid tipped to hobby Orr lloustoa Oiicra owner Bud Pea his downed St wtlears1doollillom Elwin ml mm hm mg slap shot alter ll seconds at Adams said Thursday his team LN mum lan lay and lIyno Cashman maria would gcl Dcnsun it the tormer mg mm Dr ll ID less than minute later Maryland Stuto player dccllitd Redskins Plan To Sign Donson WASHINGTON lilii Coach George Allen expects musing hach Moses Dcrisoo to play tol DlJ Wuhlngton lledshlm next season lie was the best toolbail WHILE may olscouui roulswrii ONLY ItlISSES ASSORTED BLOllSES olscouwi Iowoswlil 100 ONLY CHILDRENS CHARLIE BROWN PllLLOYERS Canadians stsltvl to 11 do with to An eies Kiosk when he hanged in rebound in play lnthe National Football did out happy slith loo con IWlllIl Montreals Terry liorper went also and Die lime would end up ITS RAD NIOIIT 14 or II ls year when wo it was costly night at NliL yet ttve or claims lcad Irtioa as the Bruins lost Ken thats oillhiy gelOno goal Hodge with traclurcd antic Sure woro aware were in contention tor the Yeltsin but out with cut hand and Kings Sequin Stores Three Goals As Rochester Upsets NS HALIFAX tCll Dan So ter goalie Scrgc Aubrey with it auto scored three goals hero shots throughout the game but Thursday night to lead lioelico were beaten alter Winning to tcr Americans to stunning TI cunsecuillc homo games victory ovrr Nova Sculls Voya lloh Walton was another geurs lI American Ituckry standout tor Rochester picking league action up Mammals andI asslfgs boioro allows llalilas Forum othur Rochester scorers were John tunnlti and Ken Diocll The Voyageurs wero paced by tho twogual pertormanre oi Chuck Arnason Singles went to Murray litsun arid Murray All dcrsori Nova Siotla duniiaatcd the second and third periods but couldnt put the puck In tho not They outshot Rochester zoo in the llllld The lost Rochester goal was Into an empty net Eleven penalties were handed out In the game seven to Roch ester and tour to Nova Scotia Harper Surgery ls Successful LOS ANGELES AP Nautical Canadians dciuaro mail Torry Italper underwoot aurgcry cnrly today to rcpalr tendons In his right hand In lurcd when he risiashcd Into the gloss over the boards during game against Los Angeics Kings Doctors in suburban Inglo ilood said tho ouollour opera tlon was an apparent success They did not say when lIIrpor would be rolclacd or how loll it TIIY llhhhltNlttt WANT ADS EIIONH mZtlt MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVE HUMAN RELATION cmirsc nil how to wort Imib ctttvrlivcly with pronto on tho lob BTAIITS TUESDAY ILDIIUARY 1m TRIO GEORGIAN COLLEGE lllAlN CAMPUS For chutratlon llslt the Coiipoabelow Call lubllil ht Tltior liitormatioo lluoion Ilrlattons NATIIL ADDRESS TELEPHONE mm EMPLOYER AlItI tot Purl Georgian College Ill Duclwortis street IlIrrlo scored on war play but the Bruins add two goals In calll ol the last two periods as they every limo somebody mcatiolis glflldgmgfll mm Argue next season Benson was ruled cligiivic or this years dratt but we think we can document that he too longs to us it to plays In the Minnesotas Danny Grant guard iii Darnell adding HARLESS Silulul little no external ears but tune in on sound waves NFL Ariana said with their tongues SL 292 Reg $9t9 SAT ONLY vessyyom SAVE BIG DURINGTHIS ONEDAY ON FAMOUS YAMAHAl SNOWMOBILES Cams on out and bring the tomilyi Tealdrill the exciting Yamaha on our big lOoero lost ground Thoros also troo calloo and donuts Iorovoryono l00ll AT THESE SAVINGS $725 OP643 SAT ONLY Big Models To Choose From ALSO tall ulod Yamohol still in stock CYCLE SPORT IOpon Mon IoThull to Fri to Sat to 430 lat YONGE ST AEAEAQAA Reg$l599$1299 TZGSTTI 200 ON SALE IATURDAY ONLY 300 otscouui oouuswtil WHILE THEY LAST so ONLY 300 ov sitar suruaohr ONLY Small Modium Large fv olscou wt IOMISNIII WLIILE 1th LAST Ll ONLY WILL THE utscouui 51 oowuswrtt 50 ONLY MENS DRESS SHIRTS Sim Its to WI 3000 ON SALE SATURDAY ONLY Isis olseoual BOMiiSttEtl hIlSSES 1W3 NYLON HOUSECOATS 400 ON SALE SATURDAY ONLY WHILE THEY LAST 25 ONLY STEPON AN 400 ON SALE IATlDAY ONLY DAYHILD STREET Nl out 27