II BI lrt It ltlj LI ht or LOSER WINS CROWN hlrn Elnlnn Iinlheno ot RR lireteotone wnI crowned ueen It the nnnuni tnItIlln on dinner meeting at the ten Idlnn Court to Cunt Cnlorln Counter on Tuotdny even In Ilrn Ilnlhcwe won her II when nho that In Icpomdn Humane Societys Features Guest Speakers The limo societyn Izrnnnl nlii hdode Bert Schmuck dam meeting will he held It nbonvno Iadeountn the hut irredyelinrinhltlltm Illa Rnxh lh Drolwuhip Atenue thin eveninl Sponherl mum pro The noclety who the cup It tout eruenn In rapport Bake Sale Tea my cell It ieo menu It Planned By UCW mt err unentn tor tho hitch RETAIN at We rst tim ey ome The ten V111 be held in the tin mmm mm mm Durtnl the huntrun union TOTE mm urtotu committee reppru Im Ilemhtrlmldonvotnotthnnln gown ilernhen pnehlnx lo Suzhou Ogden Ind Ilr Eb de Severn thnnh you note me WW read in Ippmtntlno tor colit The IuIlllIry nu reoponslhte mu honu Ind plnntn rent hy tor purrhnnlnl nnd hnvlnx epo thtn emit Anyone Inlrmlrd In Ikhett Plnu nu dimmed to hold dinner Im II It the In ntternooo ten nod om uie New or 16le lied Church hnii Anyue iron In IL at rlrnn turd nintrr cloth hue been In immune to help htrthuinl the work at the proud to needy Ind nick per rlnliy tailored new unilormn toe nun In tho oommurdty tho tenor mnidI It the wetetyn home tor tho Iehrunrly1 meeting Itrn Betty Poll he to ehnryo ot devotion The Innunry meetin III held nl the home at Wut with hirn llelen mchnnrth nt in tho at the devotion within rlx mm Mn Not rlod It the theme In in tin Sell Ihovo otliclntes It Pd tho cronntogucxeremony held It the Barrie Box Uuh the lid In hlyhli oI the tilth nnnuni lnntn Illno dine nor Imminer Photo TAKES CHARGE BRISBANE AtIItrnlln ertIv tert ISYHMld womnn uhn In cinch pintol nhot Ind htdn expert hu been Ippolnted nlllcertnrhnrne at police nin tlon ln Queemilnd Comtnhir North American Office Managers amountsnoon Pass Judgment On Stall Apparel TORONTO ICP The no In look In out In tho mnlorlty not II inr out no hot pnntl yponIeI to The many were ex ertly even lAILlI those to the oi North Amerlcnn ollltu hut US tlrot womnn ptven Iurh poti Iion In this ItIIc Ind believed to he the It in Auxtrnlin She will titre ehIrro oi onemnn Itntlon It loody Iolnt Ipopuln tlon coon It rotten north at Hrhhene Iiort oitlco mnonrrrn do not iohlcct to hooLo tor women hut dupprove ot Iudnls lui men It nurvoy hy the Admlrtlsrn ttlvo Itnourment Society at Ilhnt It per nt do not Iliow III olch mm crI thawed not Ilimt One ottice mnnnror reported companyn gouty up the It Ind henen wnruprnctlled one word mlt We an thlntln at not per Itttny it enother re red hot Ire hnutny ditticuty ro ltlnr tho checkup nnpie lint pnntn not 61 per cent oi the ottiou Ind nIItoIed tn the rut OBJECT TO SANDALS Ono ottleo mnnnrer told the Ioder that his prenent ottlco policy out An rlrl comlny to wort mode will rent home liter lunch Almont It per cent at the ot mnnnyrrn no men rlnl Inndnlo llo It per fl ent Ipprovcd hoot tor women gt In root the int time the nocl did survey on ottth oominx Ii prr cent opposed on women At that time rent in the moxt recent Iurvey cl cent or lens at the otitre dinnpprovod ot Irdi mounlnchen Ildcbum on hnlr or hell bottom trouncre omen The noclcty nurvey covered in unlneom lnIllIullOllJ nod ov rntnrntI In Cnnetlo the tin tcd eocloty raid Conndlen re nl oped to LOOK EATONS now have colon top to artist you on purchqu OTIIIIIM oppti oncon TVI Stereo Furniture end Iummnr nondo Phone or come In and Ink for MEL ARNIEI at EATONS Solon OIIIco 80 Dunlop St 1237622 Inc who Ron our open her mind Itrlter PIlltrm Rd Annual Protect pinned tnr tum hind rnininy Include In men tLne md pnrty nhdt llll ho hold It Georron Perla ilniL in Dne III be mouse ed lntrr Iry membern nrn nloo IILIJX tirtetn on rotor telertnlnn Proceed tram tlrtet nnlen Illl help with prnrrnl err prone oi the toolety MY TAPES request In mode to iorcl midrnu to we Dominm Store tnpen nhkh my be liven In my member oi the IuniIIry or the hrnneh moiety Ilrt Philhu Iloody Iill be next We rr It the Tehrunry meetnr on Ich It Itrn Iioody will Ihow IlIC at her writ trnyclu Thonuxlltn intentiny toe our member to etp numb Iho rlntoot help thernIelIeI to motion mny he ohtntned by In hlro hionn Itrl It no tut or hlrn stern il on It T3 TravelvTo Toronto coupe Irro Ilro Brent hippo Guides Brownies And Leaders Tourtyeict hrvnnlen Add Ind lendern Third Bnrrte Bronte Pork nod Guido corn nn trnIeJeJ to Toronto on Set Danny the BATTLE the ruin Ibiled Ihl ilhyIl Ontnno Ittty eun Ind tn the ohm Imel ltd to Inpie tent Gudeu to no the ten Folliec tendon mmpnnyinr the Mn PII Writ Ills Nnney Cordon Ills leIono Portia Iirr BnrhEmen IIrI Joyce Sudan Ind Iilcn Ilnurreo WIIL rpcclni thnnh moo he ex tended to the Ironderiui hon drit er nho undo the Hip my cot onnble Third Bertie Guide In ore nently hntiny very tntereotiny rouno tor their emerreory Iieiper Badge ihentn or ten chlny thin mum Ihould he ex tended to Lrn Amine Iur hldte Ind ItrL Ilerion Selnood NOW EXTINCI Dodo IurIlIed unttl lItl RZIIOIES POUSII Knit polish remur in nit lndory spot remoIer tor nnil It Ilnry dam III BARRII EXAMINER mum TEL It not me commie pulh uplied on rupet IX trtzu The thu Delve MIKE Drinrln button No down payment no monthly payments and no carrying charges till May 1972 on any Viking hous hold appliance purchased from your catalogue beiore March 41972 trusttron rctrigerator Moor hoot hoe M19 ntntothotlIINJJout pintlho Imenr one II to town mm moon Ieeturu no deity com panmtnmihot pot rolnln rrnpm lrttotn on too thorium amountcycle automatic Illhupuityrihluhm THEIHIHIHIIHI min mountain not htph mldulmlort Ipnd dtIl two raced omhtnoo v1 trounmlottnllcltrpulnn pottnnnrviptelhdrlutd Indnupetmitlollltll limelomn tweet top with tho remaining nurnrnut mixture IIIlto In II oven tor Ledlol ho cure to tied to Ibout to mlnulen WI WWI Chant rule to run uosrn when REEVES IEWELLEIIS will etnmlno lg Time out lel end otonn your ltihtis treootchnrrn ltthm nre nny reunlro Solon Dumonp iiidilhihllloihlh iriuilllllulllrtti htittlilmiliinld Til KNIT INTERiltiiiiiiltiyiil iiihiililiiii rt Ind Iirn IIoon Stnooy Ind tom JEWELLERY rearm them In nttmtlvo VALENTINE Iitilt which in nice pttt wrapped on mmlnl nLIo II oncnawooo ny hills ncnnu Mr and tin lnomnr Iterheri ont the weekend with Mr nod re itnndr Ilnmlllon end in Dorothy ilorhcrt Toronto Ind Ilrn Front Ilcdnnrolt and math vIIltcd Mr and In IIIcGropor nt Iurllnytnn and tin Dourlu Dny it rolled on htr Ind irn John flinrlhnlomcw hllnulny lInI Well herol nm heck ernln Iiter cpcndlnx my holldnyl In Toronto and New York ILIo nddtd nomo tntercsllnp mclpce to my colitaton one ot which Im giving you today in drtiotwi Ind easy to motto nnd lI roiled CAIIIIonNIn cornea CARP lphclthto ot yellow rnlre ml cup chap null ii cup brown nurnr iteupoon nnnmon Prepare onto II directed on tho putrro except me two tnhlo from In at wetcr Pour hnlt the hntler In well rented nod ourod pan lllx Iuynr nute Ind cinnamon Ind eprlntte halt thin mixture over tho hotter Pour In the ml at the hotter and 3tompornturo automatic dryer 17 ii rItwn lltpntitlltllt who mm mm drum Itttrwtttlrll IMIl Ilown mu mun ut Imp mm on top Iutomnttc no word drywpmunoolnrle on Viking wringer mi Freezer 995 All Viking lltrntola otu Joonynod to mourn total ittoulu Ily Ipehi Soturdry with Mr and turn Jordon IorrcIt It Roxdnlo IF YOU WANT TO till LUIIEII on my wtntern day to dollphllul drpnrtment ttoro where theres everythan trom iASlllONS lor the loudly to IIOUSEIIOLD NEEDS then youll leit SAYVEIIE III plennurohlo rim to broqu in and youll Ilnd many Valentino pill tor her Iuch on Prince ilntrhobetll Iltlotttl CRIIIIE IERIUIIE tor $100 no well In the newest CAGE UMBRELLAS or IAN and title VATCII BANDS or only that lheroI also wide vrrlety ot Iinpio or pnrtorui VAL nunvrn reactants Unity Bi EIII IIIrrlI TINIIS EICORPIO SODAIIDPI Till IAIIII IIIAMIIIII ILD IT IAIIII item It Ilrth jnm ot inh ENTINILS In their card department nlony with paper PLATES NATKINS CUIIIDS iIEAIlTS eta ior enlertnlmnp on ancntlnen dny too It MYVEIIE llnyllcld Moll Benin iI MUSIC YOUR IIOIIDY drop Into NEENANS MUSIC STORE which hen complete lino oi MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DOORS RECORDS SHEET MUSIC Ind ACCESSORIES ouch II Drum itenuo Strlnpn etc it anything In tho Ihove mentioned tent to Itoclr they can not it tor you In no time It III This nlro por thin to MILLION SELLER RECORDS well IIIIIle being their only buolneu tor yenrn youll etwoyI receive the right tnlonnntton on all type at hertrurer Ind proterolonnl mutlcni tnntrumcntn It you vxlt NEENANB MUSIC STORE Dnnlop It Went Berrtn IIIIIII To clean dutt mop head piece it In In old nylon rtockinr tie the too nod to together Ind then it In your washtny machine The mop will nutty Ind can Ind the machine will ho Irco oi tint tiyo tor now In lion coverapo and provont worm spots Condonsor coils are closo against outer wall tor rapid hoat lose and moltturo provcntion Accurntc temperature con trol within lrorn to 20F Foaturos easy cloan acrylic linoro quiet closo lids that stay open by themselves and look with keys tor oxtra solely Avallnblo in sizes lrom 74 cu it holds 259 lb to 228 cu it holds 798 It autonomic 159 luh Ind Ipiln no no wow tulr our Imuntly In it mm tho ottghtoot path or pull ptcbtem lento III yorlopo Mot IMIIInlletIIpltlltI Ihlnlr T284622