yumdey Immgmmw myww newly IMIIliod Ildent ol Simeon Front United Gourd Wm III Stilton ol IBIM II III oodiation oer JAIIYJ ITIILTON ot St John United Chunk Aiiietm mood tronI Intt con mtnlnten IIrL Everett mu Mrs Emms New President Of Simcoe Presbyterial UCW Here the no women niteod II There mvnlo elllunnhlp Id tho lath Innnnt Minn ot IlrI PIrIrr Perkin Cooke Linnea Pruhytcrtnl United town cooperation to CE Ind lurch Women held to the city IIE Itrn Daddy Bnrrle leodmhlp development It cam United altitdh non DIM Mo WWW on the nettlnl tor the dry pommm mum 1qu union Porttoillo centurion Inelth my xyyfg Ilrr Keillor Brndtord liter MW Nm Mm m4 ntnro nod conununicetionn Itro Itu Leroy Toll prenldent ot gmmfyquv Toronto Cootemce United gs WWW on metal nutrtnnce Ilrr SERVICE DEDICATION umelL Ml ll pllniell The mice at dodlentlnntend amine Ellyn but inotelintion otexecutlto on per my fund Itrn hey Berirnm Iormed by Jemee Shtltoo Oro htrtlon nrchiven at St Juhnn Uhllhd attach AP Without portlolloo Im II hm hm Everett Inna III Inn nanny tire to lock Herdbud th uecutlv II out tundra IltI one prenldt non Allinton ILGIIIIICIIRP Other olilcern Incinch IIrI hell BliIIIIy tiny Itrn II II 10 mourn with out out Ooodlclinn0rllllny IlrIIIeott um Illlicruttndye teyrucotntivrn tint vioopruldent IIrI It tiring nrntilord Iooond Ilcoprhnldentl Lire Al Porter rim Butte recordtny ucro tnryt IIII IL locum till genie eormooodinn IIcretIey trteo trom III pIrtI at nod preolt Itrn Thornton thin 01mm Interim or omitted choirnten cm Itro proleuloooi optimum AMENITIES wood The noun ntoetinn on hold It Control United Church Itou IL yenterdny Eunun er Photo vice Ind Ltntllllllon mun ony tooth on no Itrn Evo lynrrneeElmvnieiett nnd Ilrn Betty Mht oi Collin nre Mn Iltct Iinrrio Ind ItrI Carton Phelpotnn II In hire Bldwell Or tilln Itrn tuyh Ilenlnm Bnr NEW PLOS or true momma HI OFFICER The Hut moctiny at New Finn Iii clnh No on tho unit Theme AI Barrie scarierIII lrorn Knltn we held lnn It It the home It NSA Meet ltltn Morena Iln lIktnroid Smith irnnrportnllon will ho the too ctnithernnntthelehninry meet Hilliard Jims lnp ot the ltnrrln Chnpter nl Pl lm Elm mp2 Emmi mm Im Anne Kenncy Secretnr loulrehiorenqucuurer The month at tehruIry in den crtn Itewo Other eluh morph Ignited an promm It Or err IIn Aono ltnwn Jnnct Wen IHt Ind the whim iI entnh chnltiln IlorenuJiIry Kenncy lLIhod by tho InternINonIl ol Bhoodn Wnnn meter and Don Transportation It ed noon cm Tin View Dnlry on Feb It I110 yeIr In ltn Innunl Bony om hlnrtet content tor nnIIteur Ind lice All ehnpterr urocn mm III In UIMI In Hill III II nature no required to mnke um um ll lane Irtlclo ot Iporlwenr Ihllo tteenh ltlt hId Elm mp mm the noon in previnni Icwlny prolchI will meet It the Sky Itoorn tnto to my you No5 eentntew in Berrlo with trn Allen llr end Ihlin wu sheron Srhomloery FilmI dullny with the topic will he Ihown Disroblng In Closet or In It ntnndn to Iron thnI noythlny on display rrohntutiy tour III motion In Ind rend thnt mumrlthinhhtlm kiddie ourutt From the tool oi your Keller your rcintioonhip with your husband to In no er pt overexpneun dam normal map Iconmt mo nnnnrr mtum munchtr no rm were SnturdIy diction with Itrnitnwn III Ind IIrI Bruce Corbett at Toronto wuonccktnd mute ot the WnnteII tnmiiy Thole who nttendod the Fnrrn Ind lnduItrInl Equl ment Show in Toronto on Snt Iy included Cline Lnrry Ind Dnie Itnnn Tom Word Brien Plltey Itrn Ind Iturrny Altimo The YRS ot SInInIIIIle Com met Sundry eveninl It the homn at Mr nnd Ilrn De Garter Ind inmlly number at locIl Indlen It tended the Summnry Boy at Thu Knock ot sawing lth linllncnum It on old lion dny evenlnr In It Johnn United Church Elmvnle dIn you lit help not only the perv mother mod to Your pne Aim uracil urn IOII IIEAI Deer Ann laden Ive hero rendinl your column tor your not In concluded thnt you thin to printinl nod Iriler Inn with the prohinnr tpeople loyn nympnthy but nine othcrn who not than the nnmn trou ole We youre mutiny your time An my denr lnle trend umooln wont cure my men I1M dont cm to rend about mlm not print Lite tn Ind cnour no It II read Ann LIn dern tor lnttlhi It not to cry icnn rend my own mall here mother wholl crippled with nrlhrltln rlrler uho II llvlnt druee nnd non who went to Cnnodn hocIqu he didnt went to town In Vlctnnm So Iecp lt tunny In or PM Into to pen you hyttrrlnin luck Dene Vlrylnll hit to loop render hut think fyou ought to chip my column In no ntrninht to tho enmltn Goodbye and luck ACCEPT lilhl Deer Ann Lenten Ily hut thtle Inn by his tint mnrrieye In to yenrn od llI doeI not yet lion with hII mother on not It he could ntny with url told on until It pinto tohe tor the Upsets Her Husband In IuidooIlhun yeniinnoovod III dont Ite In line children at our on IInd matted twin no hushN oI III IhKI boy end III nEtcr unlit ruched It In nkh et hln Ire Ind tired at Mill him hnnxlnr crowd Plenu in me name lletloud Woe Deer mm Borg but think you nhould note thin buy into you home melome thon MI Jun In Iinole tent Gordon VI to Item my Ihern they enloyrd the Ice rotl contribution to your hunhnndn up IPTi Mdm whom nucnnt ier ny tor room hand no henlaot out the author Ind lreelonder III in nIIiny tor In improved condition nhont lllh drunk dnuphter on ot hln own no iound piece but two monthn lntor ho wentod to come hnrlt to live hrrn until hnunlny on tempornry hello to my opinion you here tlmpio worried tomorred with name women who write to mo Ibout tho pruhleml they Ire hnvtnr with rtcpchlldrert were out to the Sntnrtlny nltht cuchre In thorntoo Ornnxo ItctLt when everyone who nttendn onion the eomtort ot the no turnnc No euchro on ie but nili mun on Feb it THE STARS SAY JEAN DIXON Arlen thtmh ItAortl Iltr Got In only rtnrt to he on top at thin lull Ind htuy dny Itn nutter oi nheer nunntity rnlher thnn unto oi ounlitlu Tnnm April tohtny mo Brion cultural enthellc or art Into into Ihnroer locus uslc romance nrn linked nntu my not in time to purrue them otir Gemini liter Itiune ml So much at what youd thought coniidentiel turnI out to be com mon toowlodne some ot it merry into It thnt Cum Juno ItJuly my Co opcrntion In nny renIonIhto no on ttvity nhould ho rendily nvnilt ntIlcull not then youre In leonthnnaoptimum Ituntion Len nu ISA III Ctrcuc into many thmeuho no he hgiprul renew old nrnunint too mnlo new oontnrlnI that lIIIh prosnccll Vireo Any IIIepl cre nte pernonll celebration tor yournelt mete tho but nppcnr Into you can Into the dnyo uhrn Sept Mot lcr fuu to you ASTultEWlliE attractor sun KNIT LESS lunnlnn nepotletion Iettrrwrtt toy require your attention pro duct Iomo results nay morc Inter Young people nod their concImI pate er1 question Scorpio tOct my Ilrl hrlel nod to the point but everybody henr Iomclhiny tram you Snrltlnrlnn Noni IIDee till Consolidate Ind culuvnte rirnlt lcnnt cooperation with col lenzuco Advloo tram no expert nn old hnmt my hip In per= Ionnl nrtlvltlct Cnprlcorn Dec run no ilomo end it nurroundlnrt your ntlcnlienIclrute time is lor Inclni nmeoltloi Gnthor good irlcodn nhout you Aoonriuo inn teluh Thlnr put on ditlrrcnt Inco todry sclt In loco You my lento behind romo old hnhlti you to lorwerd Plncen theh Mimic An Imlnhle word In the II piece no many down Seluprestlon com ucntiy It In only hnrrnin It it lite unite the pnrporo not In hurled to load nervtee We do nll thln try you rtennl the prince SKI PACKAGES Wood Skin Buckle Iloole ruler hlrt Bnndn tlItety strum hoot Iron Sltpln Itlotlnpn mi 999 Curtom lnItIllntion Complete At All equipmrnt on thin Into tn mrnnteen not In connidrrrd the tht dollnr ulue All product In hrnon nnmn rner rhnnIInn no In cuetutiy nelceled nnI titted by our expert iy trnlnrd ntntl Do not he tooled by other Iocettre ontu SKI PANTS Auelenllcn mode overtho Mot pnnu tuoo 19 rBIMtlll ml Cortlnn my the boot mart 98 In plnwheel douhio pin wheel etc toooo who to woo 19 tlmln Tyrol lluckle tcuIlottI trtttdl not him 39 on Noney Greene tnlln solnnrrln Ell Int Bonner JnrlrtI 549 Ini Illndlnu Novndn Cthtld Ifll mlIii Irlth ovrr no to thaw Irom Strap lint HI Rein SKIS lltnrltor llolIMIi ID Ind Simplex Too MIm 3995 tnminnled wood tile with Tet lino Ilp Pro tutor Alert Hirer Our regular low price LANOB BOOTS Itll inan Flat Tyrolle Sirlmlcntcr Alcplo who Note with nnlom inntntlntlon TANtlAitt 99 lteod tiltnt Ilhrrrlnn title Euro lint noon AWINONR llnte Price 510995 lill Winter Merchandise is On Sale Sorry no loyowoy or charge occountn for thin Ioln WINTER COATS ii PRICE SKI JACKETS Ii PRICE CAR COATS in PRICE SUEDE LEATHERS lg PRICE DAY oncsscs PRICE my DRESSES SWEATERSMLACKS PRICI COCKTAIL oncsscs PRICE FORMALS PRICE SAMPLE BRIDAL GOWNS it PRICE SAMPLE BRIDESMAIDS GOWNS RALP AAII IIIICE PRICE lIonlrml III Ptherrlnn skin with Salomon MI 16995 Itlndnrd our old PIntI Susy tint on title pkl little lnotnlied tntmmet Iluytt tint mo 39 so 1159 Vt PRICE Relohin Boole lMANY ITEMS EVEN LESS THAN PRICEI Amlortthlo out 5m run Llu IIIoo Into tunes SUPER lion llnl IIIOO Vlltt Dyntmle Tho nutty Itrrhlon III ulcer Midi modulo Iley IAII M00 VII It Dynnmlc man nudelo 139 Ilotelrnol Anothrr rout hlyh lormnnto III nun ilIt mono Ixin Irlro 134 ALI KAI ARI CAAII IOR CIIAIIORXI RUT ARE SACRED UI IIY OUR IERVICI 3995 ammo Ituttit nu lIt Iotoo more than 1495 RAVE ON TIIRBE AND OIlIlIR IIIIRAI ARI PRODUCTI WillLli TllltK MIT AT tum $14995 BARRIE SPORTS III THE SPORTS PEOPLE It COLLIER ST BARRIE ONT THISISAGENUI NI VIPRIOE SALE is ON SALE AT ll PRICE OR LESS EVERY SINGLE ITEM OF WINTER MERCHANDISE