Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Feb 1972, p. 4

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01o Thane Examiner 16 BIyilIld Strut SarrII Ontario Kerry Lunbie MilitiasGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus t1 HuMePbmon Managing Editor TIJLBSDAT 1m PAGE Tb Barrie time may mean more than money this summer Time or more exactly the lack at It may mean that this city oi almost 21000 people on the shores ot one at the larg vest lakes in Ontario will not have boat repair and service taciiliies The nance committee this week do sided to urge city council to do some using to ensure that such service tacit tiles will be available As tinance ehaimian Pliersey noi ed its ridiculous that city this size abouldnt even have place where boats apesk plugs can be changed We agree Aid Iioss Stephens expressed much the same sentiment in September when he told council that such shortage would represent rerIous detriment the cit as tourist and recreation eenire Last tall three hearings were conduct ed in centres on the shores of lake Sim coe on the recreational potential oi the lake liow ironic it would be it the Canada0iiawatlideau Trent Severn riud committee but to report in Ila tl gs that the largest cit on the lake has no marina within its tries There are marinas nearby brat they are not especially convenient ior city red dents or waterborne garnets The city is dismissing development ot boat service complex near the city mar Ina really boil slips One alderman has so gested that oil companies he ask ed to id tor the right to erect res taurant and gas oil and repair tadlitles near the city marina He made that suggestion last tall The city is dimming it yet The time tor action is now When the iinince committee report ls presented to council liionday night urging council to do something it shoud not be shelved it may already be too late this car tor the city to ask ior marina dove opmenl proposals but start should be made Otherwise it could prove embarrass ng Prices Keep Going Up When we make comparisons between prices we usually compare last years or sit months prices with this monthsor this years pr cer en it comes in indexes or some stable basis ior comparison or showing the extent oi change we usually rely on $000 or 1001 as 100 and lake It rom ere this time we can go little iuriher ck and see how prices behaved it we duels price index rose to 2365 and the textile products index reached 2057 The wood products index in Decem her 1071 reached record 4137 iron products 3210 nonderrous metals 2552 chemical products 2404 and the general wholesale index stood at 2050 The lady or thietiy manufactured goods wholesale index reached 0100 Prices have really been going up since the good old days in the midi030s Youre pampering yourself get up on your feet and log around this great land of opportunity unusaxxwmmz Juan ka Ju QUEENS PARK Fasi Off The Mark In Wooing Chinese ray DON onnnnrl Queens Park bureau 0i Thu Examiner NNDNTO The government Stake not the 1000 or 1001 level as the haste 100 but the 100030 average It you think tow points increase in this or that index talent or that now what real iniiatlon is read or an education Tire price index oi vegetable products wholesale 100 in 190030 in Deocrn 1971 etood at 2305 operate amusement machines at their aces at business Barrie hiayor blacbaren Reeve II Buchanan Deputy to YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Feb simcoer Victory Loan objective set it 01450000 Ross llllhorn unit organ izer announced Brigadier Frederick 13 Worthington promoted to majorgen cral to command Canadas newest Arm ored division The war eitort and snoriage ot tarm labor discussed by iiceve George Ranting at public meet ing at Essa Township residenia Bur ton Warnica elected president oi liarrte Agricultural Societ Rev James Fer uson conducted iirit service as min or oi St Andrews Church Bylaw passed II Smith as medical my $1qu By CARMEN TISSINGTON Examiner Ottawa llnrran OTTAWAlion good Is your member ot Prriiamenti brav Ing partisan consideration aalde just how well do you think your tedcral reprerentee tlva performs both in his riding and In Ottawal Thousands oi Canadians wIIi be considering thlI question In the coming months as the next general election draws near it your present lill does not men auto no to your expectations you have couple oi choices The obvious one is to vote tor candldate oi Another party but you want to support your 54 Mi party but not the bill hlrnrell the problem is mueb tougher Only by getting together with smother members at the party In fyour riding and supporting In other mIn or woman th nomination meeting can done And In Canodian polIiIrI it Is rare occurrence when In 110 does not get his partys nomination as oIirn II he chooses to reek it In my view there are three general elarsltlroilons at MPI them is the iil who speaks trequently in the Commons who Is active In this daily nucailon period and who piaya leading role In committee and In Iila party rauvui lie gets lot at puiilellyl ir irerpicnily quoted and interviewed and In short becomes national political Iigv ure But the turtle man may he poor riding representatlio ataaaiaryoi $000 ayear Davld Jamleson Rayliold St and Ambrose Hamlin Dunlap St granted licences to Iii when the unemployment situation war not much better than it is today but oi course wages and salaries have gone up too Wages are iollowlng prices or prices are iollovving wages with the result at Animal pro 1012 West it Reeve as momherr Presbyterian painting Dr ealih oiiicer CAPITAL COMMENT MPs Can Be Plated In Different Ways llIa drive tor notional tame may leave him rcanl time to attend to the deli mundane rhorrr ot mad race leading to lot at misery tor many people Peterborougliklxaminer Clark Aid Ielahman Sinclair and Lower appointed at Court oi Revision Rania kept close touch with its name take the corvette barrio Walker Stores Limited advertised womens spring dresses irom 0200 to 0005 Loblaws uttered prime rib roast at 27 eents bond Sill Dyment popular Barrie lete joined the Canadian Ann orcd Corps Si lilorrison reelected chairman oi Darrin Board oi Parks blan agernent Gene Tierney was Iaing but looks Inside and liitpeeia tn Sundown at the Roxy and So ope In Louieizma Purchase at the Granada Iicv annual meeting oi Burton Avenue United It lino presldtd at the and the department at trade and development it credit tor init iative in mak quick move to aell to the Peoples Repair Ur oi urine In Irrln era 10 man trade min on to go to Peking in itlarch Trade illnister Allan Grorrman and Peter York boss oi his trade division were last oil the mark trIda tar on that negoilat rns had to be con ducted through Ottawa which in turn had to deal with the him use they showed lot oi bilat NOT EASY China potentially could be rely good customer oi the prov tiff As developing country at 000 million people it has big do mand tor monulaciurrd goods uat ililua area in which we need re it wont be an easy country to aell In China has reputation as an intelligent and patient buyer it wont buy irom the package CANADAS STORY the quailiy erretuliy And Il wants to make sure oi dedu erler and other Ilrlorr but once acid It is said to be an excellent client Among other tiiln It pays cash on the bar rel eod One distinction that perhaps lr not wider appreciated II that lhia mirror will be straight rater mlarion it will bI going to Grlna wilh order books Ind loeke trig tor soles There have been earlier mix atom to Gilda We had one led by Stanley Randall Iew ycara ago And the tedcral govemmcnl rent one Iaat tall but there were economic mililnnl They were explorat ory principally to see last whet Canada and Ontario had which It might sell to China and Ii lbe country was in mood to buy This will be straight rac delegation and re riedly the tirri irnm North merch to so in with simple cases and rotor hooks ll would he wrong to be over optirnlitle about it The chances at any great overnight boom in trade wlih China are not really to be considered But it II to be viewed with great interest and could open the door to developments at longtime rignlilronce Sympathy In Canada For Confederates manager to combine the best at both oi the above claralilca lions Not only does he take on By non ROWNIAN Although Canada and the other liriiirh North American colonies bad abolished slavery by laid there was great deal at sympathy tor the Coniederate rtxicr during ihe American Civil War Jelierson DaviII wits and iamily lived in itont looking alter his constituents special responsibilities irr hII ngggfggggmmmu lIe VisitI his riding inlrenucnily and when he does makes little ellort to meet with and talk lo the average Joe Then there Is the type at member who hardly ever speaks or asks questions is never Interviewed by the news media and rarely takes part In committee or rrueua dlieus IIonr liut this member is good constituency man lie spends most oi hli limo helping people In his riding with lots prnblrrna Involving the Iederol governmentcvuylhing iv pvtlilnn applications unemploy nivni insurance claims Immi gration prohlcml rush requests lor passports even trying to lind job for an outrolaworls constituent Ne visits his riding alien and usually hill regular hours every week or two when groupie can meet liirntnnd talk over their problems or nintn their opinions lie reads the local papers corn iully and keeps Inlly lnlormcd on what is gong on in his rid Ing even in tire client at rend ing melaugu oi congratulation on birihr marriages and limit lrr happy events lie knows lot or people by their iirai name unit It readily available to tho Ivrruge citlren IIEST AND liilllkiSl The third classicationand It Is not only the best but the rarestis the lil who somehow party actlnp perhaps as an up position evil in cabinet min lairr or heading up concur committee in some special iield he also does his riding home work and does It well laid there were three gen eral clnralllcatluns Perhaps should have said tour Unlnrtun ntely there Is also the HP at the low end at the scale lio trkes little interest in his 0t iewI work and is lazy when it corner in looking alior his rid Ing Fortunately this type II low and or between but voters have responsibility to iind out who these people are and to make sure they are not re turned to oillce In assessing the value oi an lill ihn Cominonr liunsard re port is one guideline but not partlculari good one lirnsnrd as an In ex which lists among oiher things how many ilinrs each hit has spoken or asked Question It tiers give lair In Inailon oi the extent at an lIPa activities in the Commons It says nothing about his tom millee or caucus work her about the loss glamnrnua hust nesr oi lIkinI rare at riding mailcra WOODEN FLOWIilill necr atiIvkcd by tho parall lIc loranthus pinnt develop on their trunk what look like wooden Ilowerr iiiip tiersis Examine 10 Baylicld Street Rnnle Ontario Telephone itsobit Second Clair itail Reglitrallon Norther dint Return postage guaranteed Dolly Sundays and Statutory iloIIduyr excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier our weekly 01110 yearv Iy lilngie copies inc liy mall Rnrrin $0120 yearly Slmcos County igloo yearly balance oi Canada 52000 yearly All other countries tuliot yeariyi hioiar throw nil triad yearly National Advertising tiltlcea 05 Queen St West Toronto not 1710 Sid Calheari St Montreal hlember oi the Canadian Prerr and Audit bureau ni Circula lions The Canadian Press Is exclus ively entitled to the use inr so publication at all nawa dirpaich es In this paper credited to ll or The Atrocited Press or Router and also the hell nawr publish ed therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright In all original adver tising and editorial material cre died by its employees and re produced in this newspaper Copyright Registration Num her tuitilt register tl real during the coniilcl and he dined them there alter his so ease lrom priioii Contvdcrnn prironcra ril war escaped to Canada and were sheltered There were nlio Cone tederIia cells at aahnleura In Montreal Toronto and even In Victoria 0hr oi the mail daring ot the raboieura wrr Donnell iiurlelgh Scottish engineer who joined the Southern iorrcs lie ln vented submarine battery that could be attached to the hall at ship and blow it lla took part In number raids on Northern Iblpplng and then soughl relu Canada where hI continue his neilvliier in that Surlelgh went on board the Phlla Parsons running between liclroli and Sandusky City and arranged to have the ship make special air at Am beratburg 0ni to pic up it more paiirngerr They were tellow Inboteurr and helped iiurlcltli overpower the crew Then they used the Philo Par lent to rapture another terry and were lorlunaia io Iind Iisenger who was carrying 00000 Later they took part In scheme to capture lilirIiIgon but It tailed when Contidcrates coming overland tailed to meet them at the rvndrrvnus The Uli demanded that bar leigh be arrested and deported Thorn was bearing hetero the Recorder at Toronto Feb this and It was derided that burielgh had committed unnuu tul acts on Lake Erie lie was deported despite public outcry and is believed to have been ex ecuted by tiring squad DTIIIJI Feb EVENTSi tilllord Aylmer beennm GovernorGenera itlLCentrn llioek nI Iarlla mrnl buildings Ottawa was de slroyed by iire waist is Now Organizer OTTAWA ICPI Therel chance that Robert Thomp oon Is Illll ayin all old So elai Credit inane al debu but nevertheless he has begun slumping the country in new role organising the basic po litical machinery tor the Pro presile Conservative partys next election campaign Between new Ind Elrltr the stocky Iormer Social Credit leader will hold it run InIir II Int Cornervrllve rgprerenlatlvtt lrorn rll erll coniiltuencier how to prepare themselves tor bItie MI rliilcrtleu my be question on the basis So ciel Credlla spotty national history there is no question lng Air Thompsons nunliilea lions on the basis at his own canilltuenry oI lied Deer Even Iller rwiichln parties and campaigning in lace oi lrudeaumanlr he cleaned up in Red Deer in iuilt with Nitrate mainriiy biggest in history lIAD QUIET ROLE llui since then and until thia new appointment came glong Ilr Thompson had been sitting in relative rerrn ily rerIouI robeseyed indi uai whore uulei bark brnch role in the Conservative party has been In rhorp can trust In thrAI years when he and his Social Credit Iollowera held the balance oi power in Parliament iio has Innoiinecd he will not run again In lied Deer and that be will move to lirli ish Columbia to teach have no plans to run he InyI llul he does ndmll with smile that pressure is building on him to tackle NC constituency And with Premier tiennelt an old Social Credit colleague predicting Conservative vic tory next time around the temptation ndghi he mug in stay In pnIIilcr ily lrrt respenilblllty will he to see this organisational lob right through he said lid NEW EXPERIENCE One thing actml certainIi will he is lar dillereni experi enco has his Thompson to or ganize routilluthc is on be hall oi the Conservative party than Il was on behalt oi Soclnl Credit it Is highly unlikely or in stance that be will have to assume prrIonIIly respond bIIiiy tor some loomIr he was reliably reported to hava done alter the two election hcrnuss party tunds dry it And he wont have in lIIten Na yokna about tunny money Since Social Credit war not rooted In every part at the country there was nol alwavl national tendency in take its leader seriously For instance will lilr Thompson hlmieli doesnt know why alter more than 20 years In education In eluding lour ycara as deputy minister at ndurullnn in Elhio pro he but allow been Idcnll lied or rhiroprncioru pro Irrsian that Iormr only tiny riot in his 57year hlslory All To CATEGORIZE llut than llnhrrt Thompson has RCIII been an easy man BIBLE THOUGHT Ilerauae tin hath xri his love nnnn mr lherrlnre will deliver him will set him on high be cause he both known my name laulma livid Jithi nrulor an loving the Lord and letting lllm have Ills wn ihc iinivcrencr will mine He is alili asking Invest ihpui me more than these nooenr nioirrran locategorlre As the Calgary Ilerild said recently lie was trained or chiropractor yet never practised lie is devouiiy religious man et erchowr denominations is his been In educator but not In educationlsl llr has been party man but has crositd party nu lie Is an Interna tlonaliel who oilen worka nut Ilde the structure at Interna tInnrl relativnr his Thompson dedicated Canadian nationalist was born in the United States at Norwegian pIrenlr Ila got blI IIrat tario oi poll ties in the rates when he at lendod the terrorvllllrd meet in held by the late premier liarn Aberbart and he be came bustling young organ lxsr to help SoeIII Credit aa suma power In Alberta its star helped llaniioba Social rodIi when elect hall doren ll JOINED AIR FORCE Then came the war and his ihompron Joined the all taxes rising to night lieuten rni beioro being released In lots to leId nemun Cona dlan reronstnicilon team to warravaged Ethiopia Ito remained there or it years becoming deputy rhin isirr oI education and pen sonai lrlend oi Emperor rile Selassie lie returned to Can LETTERS To 10 BLESS INSURANCE Dear Sir One at the things like about our llIrrIe newspaper Is the way it tpeakr out on matters con cerning the citizens You will not be unaware that many people are being allecied by Unemployment Insurance Commission Since Nov mt there been trying in coma under the new not This would IncreIiI my benetlis lrom iii week to 0100 Now nearly lhreh months Ialcr am still trying recommendation by board oi rclerers dated Nov to tail thali this be dine has had no el es llilorta on my behall by the Si Vincent de PIul Society have had no eltcci ily own elirrtr have nally produced term on Jan it 1011 You cant talk in tho Manag er he is out or rick or In tonlerence lit the Miles you have to talk to the Ni girl Shea so nice you irqu in put pressure on her It you porilil they give you the all down while we pull your Illa treatment Alter an hour or two you are blxnkly told the mailer is In process You WM For PCs ada In tiii with several eight rhildrtn iniured irorn the AirItIn experience ill bIcIrnI national at Social Credit in test It hadnt one MP in the Will III the need lor tlan men In public service he said regard political Ierderrhlp as responsibility to God and men dont plre to position but to witness to God in ublis in the 1m elecNon Credit returned so NPrtt them irom timberInd cut th deede votes deleaied John lelenbakert Conrervaiive lollrrunrni rent the party retrnrd mernbcrr PARTY DIVIDED Sol sherin Itisrwardr Real Croueilo tbs QuebIe leader lhompron were at heads In the its Ilaclon there were two pullerSocial Credit elected live and RIIlllement Credltirir one Its real ed the leaderrhip in 1061 aler became vlnred it wa Impossible Social been to develo truly national pIrly bia because nI llnarnea impossible became oi oi credibility In some the country Alter ta lng over personal responsibility tor party he ran as Comervalivr the use election it takes about uirer to ilnd oner place In this at situation he says doesnt hill more auiernrtle rally into the conildener Ipnr leader bob Sianileid Wit his new assignment be may have invited some extent with some rua criticism ei granroots organising In the prrtyNr Thompson is nosing Iam tor the Job run tired oi being irom home ra much erwtre Int Ii happy ich today as was Ito have alwar raid except tor the Pope no higher calling lie doesnt round like one about to abandon meni THE EDITOR knew it wasnt going good anyway They pair the back claim Ir It liellevllle alter them They wilhiiold lnIormItIon who knows their rights new Itii was inlormed on mt that my prtleni terminated on Jan now have no money II all We got no money tltr tour kids not and bunch ol bureaucrats couldnt cure less It iriend oi mine got tits until he went to seven weeks latter being lady with three Irparuicd irorn her husband revenwreka dtrgualliiiallon the grounds she was uhie tor work because to leak alter the children There is real hardship worry or many people rie and district as your era could conlirm by them outside it Coll This Is not in Intel not proiul hops concerned hope you your concern roon Youra BOD CLARENDON fl

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