Royal Conservatory Results the lottoint is Eat II no resaAtlrandidalrI in urndoa tionr held molly by the Royal nonunion at Iturir ot Torin to to Barrio Ibr mm are tortured in urdrr nI tncriL Grade ll Piano ltrlt cIIII honors Elise Derorhu iron on Iiarrarct Wu Ends piano lint class hots r11 John hail Janice Burr hell David Cuncruu pats Beth II Lothbridre Grade piano first class hon nra int Burnett Doris Coop or run Kevin Streir Deb Neviis llutto Cowao broods it llcil Carol War nicI Catherine Ii waralca iequll Janis llootihs Mary iioyd tIquIll Grade piano lint eltu bon orl Vittoria Donaldson Gradai qu Iirst riasr boo ora lira er ItrDowrii boo SANTA CLAUS PARADE TROPHIES PRESENTED era John halmenr pass Catherine urlton Linda ll Kaye latt hchoarii Shelley Mason II Susanne Reynolds equal Grade piano honors Cheryl with the best moonlit iioat aurd Al rtgtt tr par ado chairman Douay Walton trophy lor the best student Host and Earl Bailey mart arrr oi Saytrtia no pmeul Ted lounx tell president oi ta Cirus Parade trrom loll lhe Barrie iaycees presented Kathy Kelly rice president trophies to the wionrro oi the hi Cellini student 1th and tIrious rrirlories in the San Sandy Ginsu accepted ths CITY NEWS mm Dam mm an my Grade piano Iirrt class hots COME lNToNiGHTi TAKE THE CHECKING THE ICE ON THE DAY tho tut oi chcthlnl tha thch it larth and everytth is go out oi the ire tor thI Winter tor the carnival matrer Carnival The reauiial id to Photo Tim ltctt cut through the in our the gunman dock on Kemoentelt or its and Outs Shepherd ltId fCooir Weather Squolls rie area Friday oay this year Will my new em jGenercti Through Friday Gunter temperaturet and roots Iquaitt In lomaai tor the list Alter In ateumulrlioo ol lip lo tour incitrr oi am today welt rot mora ovIrnixhi lhI weather ellch says no Nortbwcti winds oi loom Idto 10 mph are expected teulxtit lamina drilling Till mercury timid tumble to belwea mo and it Ibova to Lnlnt and but there tomorrow 1row lyaopath Snow toll to arts at nniarlo orerolrht rhea at rlow presaura Iyslent that has intend to clean Jobs and my ampioyer bu Iimdy made at tho Clrtlda Pension Plan tHCdUCllOM will he rcoulrad to Ipioyer rilll ho rcquirro to mate CaoIdI Pension Pita deductions Irobt my rIiIryl lot Each smpioyar must deduct the required contribuqu than such eiiribla employee to grudiesr oi what has been do ducted ior Canada Pension Plan by any other employer durinl aTTlI yur Howavcr you my toirtm reiuttd oi any overpay meat you have made when you Into your individual income iar eiurrt have been Idvirrd by one ot my nation that he could HM himarii to ho an employer and that am thcrciore requln Id to mild deductions lront his guy for Canada Pension Plan 1Irtd to rush emoluyera contri 1buiioor do not agree with tDlili What Ictiou Iitouid taltal It You rhould contact tho Can Ida Petition Pius oiilccr at tho lamest District Taxation ulllce Ind request ruiint or to who glim the worker lI an employse lor rollemployed liy inroma ll received by uwved out ul Iiiiuoir Aa tho rystem coatiuuu to moor uorth cartvrard into Ontario rauwtail amount at two to tour turbos can be expected in many totali tiu Southclstpriy winds hi it to miles an hour have rIIIrd temperaturct tnv liters arsas near we ll lulu tn low to and tho Iuotr has chanrzd to rain mirrors ol wet Iron and rain can alto be expected to other areas our the Your tIIer today West oi thla lyltcnt ceidcr air is heyinulnl to pmh out at the northwest this will hello to move into routhwutent ouiItto today and the rain will tout meant no Irom dividends Nowrver also have rental luroma trom two homes tool that should be permitted to contribute to the Canada Pension Plan to this income No You cannot contribute on ihia type at income Cootrl buttons to the Canada Pension PiIn are based on the amount oi money you earn either Is In employee or II Ieltem pioyed person Contributions based on investment or rental Income may not be made Illl waitress and rc oeire lips as well It seiocy My Canada Prntlon Ilan con trluuiions hava bcrn calculated on my basic raiary only know must report Lllc Imouttl oi my tlss Ia income Will he allow to pay in min Canada Pen rion contributions this would allow ml to receive maximum berrhis Yes You may ntIII addi tional Croadn Pension Plan con tribuiietu hand on tho income you have tereivrd in tint it will be ltcccsrar tor you urr 11 General as Return You ow moire contributions on the llionIi luroote you have rern chance boot to Tiltrrlrs this creator lrldIy promises colder wratbcr under nuiniy runny rain with the exception oi the tnoabeil Irraa shcro Tlulcs will continue Temperature wul brain to drop oil by thia aveuler into the toe with Irldtya values to tho ion locus Irma tho rouiit Iiolihurtuu ration Periods oi ruow today Winds easterly ii to It rhiliiur to northwest it to by tonight Friday Inuit ta parirtr oil to ten hunter and turning colder lilrb lodaylo titI low tun tour tonight tteIr trro Iiirits Friday near to Northern LaII Norton south rm Gcorrlau llay Snow aecu mulation trnm two to tour lurhrs today Wind rasttrly it to is today chiliinr to northwest to to it by cvrnlnl Snowur ricI coniinuirtl iooirhl and Fri day with roualia tor the snow bet oommunlllrr Colder Ill dry Highs today in its run lrrnporatutcr initial to ma to to shore lnnlrht with Him chtnra on Friday Hail To High Todn Iontalti Fri Windsor Si til Sarah 31 it it St Thomu 10 Motion 10 ll Kitchrncr It It it Mount Forest 23 it Winrham IS it Owen Sound til Mullah ti Hamilton SS ill TS St Cathartuca II it it Ihronto SS 19 ii mnlou id it it Kingston in it Pctcrborouftr It to KiiiIioo 73 ill North lily to Sudbury It Sutton ll 15 Timmitts to 20 Kayuthatint to do Maria 20 Chopiqu it at White River it to rd in tips at rate oi ld per Grraidlou 45 on iloua Arcnds liaurrcu hidi ohry Ilarratet Ilolcau Shei icy Ileurlde boeon Woody Brubachor Latte Waiter squall Paul Richardson Gary Gonlier Patricia Illurh Katherine Burgess pass Shriiry liurweli Grade piano honors ttita Berra Suuu Rattrtcroit teourll irony Rupert Dawn Sutherland iconal Paul Ieuir Grad piano llrat class hon ora tori VIuvetteuhurl hoo nra Nancy IeIcoel Wins 11 Smith Itrouall Saran ct Grade Into iirat cllss hon ors Sr ra Seituryt Stacy Schuryl bouora Lisa hienrrr tall TTTE EARRTE ENAIliNER THURSDAY PEI Im Oriliio Mayor Says His City Will Outgrow Barrie In Decade Oriiila is not at tho Ind oi ha rod The tnvittor locus or up here liroun lot the Ortilia Kiwanis Club thu uret lie raid llla city can prov utth hard work on the part oi ellir rats and pointed to the money the city has tpeui to remit em on pianulur tor wantinr tho city to do carry lhlnr tor them and not beiul aillmr to work in rooperrtioo aith tho city llo said In order in art rnpra rrtrnuo the city must rrnw and he expects this growth despiia the lack oi industry lulrtesird iu marina or eroaudtor in Or ayorDIrld lio raid in peels Grillta llarrir witho Grade aloiin iirsl riasa bod nrs Lyon ihntiord GrIdI Violoncello puss John ilarper Grade button pass Surao ii LIIing Gracia Icilrittrl lirai that honors Judith ti Brock Grade clarinet boron Gra hant brydrcs Dude clarinet titat riots honors LauriI Rolmau llitlir urI Martha Itarqulr Cindy Dylcs Sonya Kid equal paras Coraleo Youur Jean ueiiI Drrwslrr Grade tluta lint cius hort orr Carol Bother GrIde nuts honors Sharon Smith Trade lrcurh horn subdivisions GradctS honors lier Grade ll honorr John ll itemillon llounirr crotrai tore surrounded by llo rtttlcitod Oriiiia merchants ciarr hooort John RImtIy Grade raxophonc itrtt class honors Scott Merlin llurray Grotto tntruprt rats Sloan Grade accordion pass Ai vlz odbouru Calhoun Lydia lb yeItI he er will have outgrown ut developing into MAJOR PRODUCER 1hr United States producrr uuulhlrd oi lha worldr oraules GLASSES SAME DAY SERVICE CONTACT LENSES EARRIE OPTICAL Prereriptiaa Dylirluts Cur Eiaoprrtea and editor mutt aropitoa trrtclass Sarleaut umpct lint riasr Palmer oass HARDY GLENWOOD BITE OUT OF YOUR INCOME TAX lat ROCK Iota you oil tII hooir Woil Rod ywr dadudioor and rneira woe thefts tits rmrinutu oh iooehie Youll nova lir lmbioord noyha more tlmutooolttoooeytopoy for our low eott renter Youll be glad are not Mother hum IlwItraIaa iK wl Clairtllbttliniutkthlhmbdlllltticttillotllllh DUNLDP iUISTAliTSl ItAItth moan lil PLEASANT BLVD RESTRICK INN OPEN storage Till All To Pit SAT TO DISCONTINUED PATTERNS It FAB gray oi interest on bonda and rent liooaonee tI MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVE SUPERVISION IN PRODUCTION SUPERVISION HAS CHANGED HASNT th But this it not rood rcuon tor ducardinr Iii oi lltI auoervioory techniques that luvs provcn eiicctlva in tits put The choker new mothodh ior improved supervtaion and methods that world heiorr provide many mobinotioor that the lrdiuidual auporvltor must choou tor bincell iltia coum will chow tho supervisor how he can rel reooite with rlyio ol mention that works the blot CONTENTI The Role oi Supervisor Principles oi Eliottlvo Supervision mint Proper Action Motivation oi the Worker Setlirr Objectives rod Goals Pinnnlnl Sohoduilnl liceaurlnr Results and Evaluation improvements Gottirtr Days Work Done May February 10 ll ltundayr tool not to ma tilt Udtttliln Goiiero Itain campus Barrio moo poyabia to Georgian Coilora Rerlater by maliinl the attached turns with your tea to Iir Ii Tlll molten tumult Durltvorth St Rania Iu SERVING TRAYS Jagtn BUY ONE ii TRAY REG PRICE 693 AND ttcttvr ANOTHER CHOICE OF POPULAR PATTERNS IN TWO SITES WHILE THEY LASTi TO TRAY REO PRICE 95 AND RECEIVE ANOTHER rxwi ALLLlI manna narrt ICNRDULEI wcArldNt rm IiECillTRMTONi IT PRODUCTION THE TRAYS DETNG OFFERED ARE FIRST QUALITY TSTT PATTERNS BUY NOW FOR LATER OCCASIONS ON SALE AT THE UNCOMMON TOUCH 55 DUNLOP ST AT THE CROSSWALK NAME rt ADDREII TELEPHONE RUSTNI vm RESIDENCE