Mn e1 only uh the other tau to others plum and Vlrloua midmt In rye In Toronto To Beat Minnesota North Stars by GIUII SVOIIODA CIIIIIII Preu Stall Itrttrr annoy men an rt ALIA dttaater on ten whales day night treated puneby Ilnd ml at tha team lonreeterrr tailor atrrah Nari noun aeuary that and the torrollitl record up In danger at bring matched In the eurrrnl National llodeI 1min teams had the test lost Wednesday night to Diane Iota North Stain hut alter 11an to pt to lead the teats came out on too at on Cam Monahaoa goal tale to the third period to end their 17 losing tiring at eight games and climbed barb late Iourtlepilce Ila pith Detroit lied Vital to the all Division The hastilyprepared release on the loot tartar atreatr at back Into the Nice and Inrontii roads Jdtrtuy llrlelian raid dont ever irant to to thrnuah stretch tile that again DitIlLhl DOWN RANGERS In other lines ldneaday Iidl Bulletin and bobby Orr vided the recital at ttrarloa ruhu clapped New York Ilanrcra so and Vancouver Canuela donned Cattlernte Eoltied$enlx 51 HOCKEY attain rain canaoinu rnsss National team last DlttalrI 35 Mil INTI SI 10 Hit ill TO 20 IS ll lSI It 21 it 103 ill 51 it It III 111 ill b1 tlil em ltISS 10 29 It III IV Well Dtrtitori it It SIG 507 ll 5117 Itlb IT 26 III ltd 195 It hit Louie ITTI 713E ISIAI Phtil ll 20 IS 151 St Ina Aurelie ltbl 5111200 litlthttllh 1129 IS 15053 Ilrenlta ttrdaevday ltoeton New York tbrvnta lllnnrroll Vnnmuver Calliorrila tantra Tonight ht itreal It boa Angclea Nair York at llutlIlo AllnneauII It llrualm ltrlrott It Philadelphia ttlbtiurrh at St touts American learns Eutcrn ltlvlatoa il Dosqu 3015 7th ll Nuva ScutiI 17 It 10 in tloot Springtictd 20 11 to lot III to Providence 1121 100 in Rochester ch dtthltllt Ilrttrrn Division ttallirnora it It 161 til it tlerthey it 17 it it Cletclertll SI 20 177 ill St Cincinnati 11 ll III 189 Si lllthmond 17 It ll 61 Tidewater rm tilt ttttt Iteiulta Iledartday ItItllmare Providence tterahey Cleveland Ittcinand Tidewater Game Toulrht Rorhetter at Nova Scolla dollhrrn Ontario Junior IV LT VI 51 ITOIIITM till Trillin let 01th IISM ltll 920021501 1929 am 130 ill H7120th Sarrila lIZT 1m 16m Iteilanrl itlh 51791103 Iteault Wednesday Detroit tlruitlont Gains Toalrttt at thorns at ttndsor Oarhre Junior LT Alt Cnmwall 3110 lm mat 011th Still 1256 ill at Drumtuondvltie 2015 imthSl Shawirdgau ztis maul Sorrel Jib Oidhittil Sherbroolte 1110 120 row TriiIaItlvlerea iDZIZITAltO it ildim 51 Jerome 1m oiaarwrt inhlll 657 010m Result Wrdneaitay Drummondvllle troirrtll vieres Genres Toettht Nirrbrootie at Cornwall Quebec Al Laval Outbre bnlvera tlra tVer AiI ill 01 am Botlon New York Montreal Detroit Tomato Vancoui rr butltlo attran ltinirrrvta Catilomta Guelph Detroit thalhnut St Thomas Windsor llrantlortl Verdun Loyola Sit Goottn Sherbrooiie blonlrcvl Ttttv lllshopa ltlIC AerilI People never read tmnll ndti Maple Leafs Rebound planation tor the lxals llrit victory abate Jan IL lrrrniag serious Strtallan at tnhulrd the vtetorr to aort watt were Ill have to ray ire did it the bani laybiotin Iaoreal leadthen no bad to work bani to yrttbe Ilrtntn rant Chain by Paul lkndereon bi the tint period and Jim Itarri ten early in the second gate the hair the to edge which quietly diupprlrtd Ihen North Stsn tori Nanne capitame an Inn mutate by tianahan toll Iie ItonIhIn tell Nanne un tiered to trans ot goaliellernie Perrtil Ind the Minnesota rirbt winger converted pal trout Dean Prentice Ihrn Heather Till MARIE AMBER TIILRADAT III Itll till Baltimore Clippers ltoost lead With 63 Win Over Providence lalrareboiic and Bob Rtrard ar the City in widened their dili alon le eirr ltorshcy Ron taarwaslith Dun ttiaik burn and tiny Cleararater scored tor Prurhitnre Gerry that led litciriter with two goals and scented on the other by ttola out Larry Wright and Rick ltrltith got Richmonds early goats and Dave Srhnllr got the tying goal by Itlb CANADLLI PRESS threegoal rrtorutanoe tirycarnid lie in led Bail more Clipper to victory over Providence its Wednes day alibi and tbreepoint teed In the American Hockey league Western thotrivia Tito other arm ended In ties with Clearianil Barons VLSIlv lag Hershey Deere and Fitch errntatod the puck near the mood ltohlru battling Tidewater alth minutes lull in the Canadian visit Lot Anretri Klan Pittsbuth Penguins meet the blue In til trails to troll tulle the Firm in Platter boards and Nanne lo teed hime tor pass that ended in the second North GARRY thNAltAN MURRAY OLIVER Star Star goat la lottirte action Montreal ilelpbia New Yuk liiLi littl lato Sabres and Minnesota It Rotten ins hteuttana tareltous er winning goal TRADEfllP TO BETTER CAR WITH ONE of JACKSON MOTORS Getting led up their days with hardstarting eari Repair hille beginning to get you down Well dont despair any Iongart Come on down this weekend and drive away In one at there smootharunnlng uaod ear epoelllt being Featured at Jackson toes PLYMOUTH llccneo 10002 lillcapc 33060 tied with bciga Interior ll cylin der 510 engine rear sedan automatic transmission radio whitowall tires wheel covers owner Sec Ed Sullivan I966 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN Passenger tVripon licorice X33103 ttuii In color dcyttiidor kngpio 302 Sin tori Wagon Automatic pttucr steering power ll 05 Sea Slgl l961 DODGE DART GT door hardtop Vtt speed automatic with power steering bin tsbcd In deep maroon and sci oll tIIIt black vinyl root Extras include blac leather bucket seats with console All radio light ctragc bumper guards front and roar and new snow tires For of both sportiitcss and reliability call Scott llclcan iotowusrauc Mileage 25000 302 engine itt with it speed console automatic gold with while vinyl root and matching biictict tntorlor tntras Include radio mag wheels Goodyear lotygias tlrcs chrome mttti guards and DCLI sldamounln IF woman is or caiscirwouucinrn I966 FORD GALAXIE door hardtop cylinder automatic transmission floor coit sote bucket seats radio poivcr brakes power steering licence 0103b This car It In spotless condition Driva this car hciorc buy ing anything else Sec George Shanaltau I966 ACADIAN door hardtop llntlcr automatic transmission power steer Ing custom radio arkhtuo spotless intertor mechanically or tool Upcacu SZIION Cali George Stiaiiahan on this NODOmCaI camper I969 BUICK ELECTRA lour tloor hardtop finished in Sahara tan with black vinyl root This car ls Iully powered vitli seals antenna windows brakes and steering Air condttloiitli and tinted glass Rear lclugttcr Sanamrittc push billion radio real beauty Lleonco IGIOIK Sco Gib Bellamy I965 VALIANT door tvtth Chrysler Iainuusslant the Automatic rush button radio and many extras This is one owner car an carries the balancu of Chrysler wcr train iarianty Only 32120 mtlcs licorice 301W Soc Itctlamy on this metal power back window radio wbttcwait Ilrcs mot rack Iotnas tlorialian redremnl hltrurlt late to the third period when he find hard alnpsbot tront about III irrt to heat North Star We prayed little harder goalie Comp Worslry tor the things at Norfolk Va llarc lhtluur tamed tour sulr not scored onto hintertl to aid the Baltimore reuse and other rants came ltoni tela need on It um Al tlertliey Grant llrirlson and Dinah Giannini scored late In the Intel period to give Cleve land the tie MORE SPORTS ON PAGE i6 Motors These are only law aaamplea ol the many eluu top quality automohllu youll Ilnd on diaplay at iertiaona big Brad Iorit St leealton Come on down this weekend and rave 1967 CHEVROLET iiiTON PICKUP With tour speed transmission Vtt motor sure grip differential lladio Junior west coast mirrors Areal sharp clean truck Lic ciica 545360 See Gib Itcllamy I968 FORD FAIRLANE door hardtop V0 automatic transmission iiillt tttoitlltt All radio Ihis automobile Is imrnntuialc IIDISItCtI In tool glacial blue set all with vhttowatt tires and whch discs Sea Zolton Rise for this one llcetlco 2104L ltltcage 41400 I970 SPORTS FURY passenger wagon factory air tOtttIiIiDtlIllf lull waiver root rack 303 engine Air original 10000 miles wit balance of Iarlory warranty licence X02106 Di Sullivan has all lntarmattoii I967 FORD RANGER iITON this top oi the line IIIOIICI is the Iliad word iii luxury ti cyliiirlcr aiituiua to power stccrliig and brakes custom radio west coast mirrors chroma bumpers lroiit and coat sweptlino body licence 02663C Call Ed Sullivan I970 PLYMOUTH FURY ll door hardtop Vii automatic potter steering itllll porter brakes radio hronro iiiisliivllttmatch rig vinyl root licence Iti01ti Cttt gpchDralancn at tactory warranty Ed Sullivan has this iiiiil tor i968 FORD FALCON FUTURA Equipped with V0 engine aiitoiiiattc transmission bucket seats radio wire whch rovers and vinyl root this beauty Is Iiiiirhctl in itch burgundy with white pin slit Out 0tVttCTttttltb on re tics llcento 153051 For more In ormatlon about this auto mo Ito ask for Curry Partridge l966 CHEVROLET IMPALAA DOOR taro IItltI lit 0de car This one is equipped with Vlt engine power stcorinp power brakes radio and whitewall Itlcs suit out 40000 or tea Finished in light blue with inatctilngbluc Ill lot or Licorice 00ttltil For more Inlormatton on this turn auto niobiIu drop to and sea Gerry Partridge or call 7200208 I970 MAVERICKGRABBER 250 cu IIt ltig Six speed automatic 30000 miles This braiin lsIintslictliiicaiiaryycltorv andsotoll with black racin Sttt and compiclo spoiler package Conic cqut port with ra to window defroster rltromu road whorls an block heater Your new Goodyear thus only add to the assembler ltnu condition oi Illztggghlur more tntonnation on this rare Iittt call Scott lchcan EASY BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED ONTHESPOT 0N0 Down Payment OContalIdotionArrengod OFinoncing arranged for 10yearold without cosigner IAC OCHRYSLER l00 BRADFORD ST PLYMOUTH or dolhoy OanienI OCRICKET FARGO TRUCKS titout PRIZES tot nit CARNIVAL aurtu courtsr 1972 Donated by local merchants Prizes Iar I972 Oueeri Carnlral donates SIOO pittl toque stain button and tart Barrle House at Fashion Shampoo and tot Sam the Record Mari Gilt voucher MCA ure membership aa Bow t0 Im gamer and rnaetr ltroctidaie Inn Dinner IorT 0A Cash donation Cottye Cleaners Gilt eertiliealo Pant Pail Coat voucher ONormana Shoes tilt rrrtiliutc Sayvalte Hair dryer Roxy theatre patter weotwortha Certitteala Dick Steele China Kaimar Cosmetics lip Shop Cottiltcate II or Home Certtttrato ne Etao Certllleate urlela Flowers Rom arid mic Robinson Hardware Certilleat Shopper Drop Mart Periume tel FlpurvMapir month para Ernies De Store Pen PItIdltI oIillt SPA month pm Zellert Sultrate ltaure Seeord Choeoialu Impetlll Theatre theatre pm Total Value of Gills $50095 Prizes lot 151 Runner0p Camtvat donates $7500 pitta toque eletn and button Maude Kolir Dinner di Cu Johnson Travel hag OK More Movie Camera Cottya Cleanara CIrIIIIeIte Sam the Record Man Certicate Carrie Home at Fashion Slia no and ul Barrio En monlht rertplton Th Ttheatre puree Null In The Hatt Setter olmar Cotmellet Jatir Webb Cartlllrata SIrInsmane Certiltrata collinear Tart CertIIIeIIe OMonI Llu Shampoo and III Garners Voucher OAllIndaIe Hardware Crrltltrato Webbe Jewellery Fab My Town Sloop ltllt Letteaul cry Singer Settlers Harpers Pharmacy Pertume sot Lu yo Flowers Rom 08m Glenn her Willardr Chocolatet Imparlat Theatre theme patter Total Value at Gills $30575 Prizes for 2nd Runner0p 0Ctrlnival donatea SIS00 plut toque button and tie it Baythore Motor Nolel Dinner lor 0A Cash OLIlring Rhotdu Travel beg Coltya Cleaners Cortillrate 95am the Record Mair Cerlllteata Barrie Home at Fathten Shampoo and tel charlie Examiner montha subscription Ron Theatre theatre paatu WaILara Certltleete QCInedtsn General Electric Hllr teller ottoimar Cosmetics Simmons Co CerItIIeale Lohiawa Groceries AIIandIIe Drupa Perlume act Fendleye Flowers Rem Harrle Sealoodi dinnert OWIIIIriII Cltorolatot Imperial Theatre theatre patter Total Value at Gills $I9l25 DARRIE WINTER CARNIVAL CARNIVAL QUEEN CONTEST IITII lOllhl IlUlili tintraatr In the contest must be it years or ever midrnta nl Ilnrrlu am married or single and sporty rntadrd ttigti trhoul atuitriila are not rlialhtn tor this contest All ratranta must he vrtttlnr to comply with the Carnival OuerI toatrat rutra ludgea decisions are tInIl EINTIII llili IOTI LtINTlIhT 00 nunnuuuuuuuun IIllNTt NAhl ltlLli Altltttlihs lIIUNIJ PAYOIIIIL SlOIlT IIll EMPLOYED um OIIN AGE All ralrtra to he tent to Winter Carnival Ouru Central ro ttrr hytrr etrabm Ara tlIrrte Pbene reroute Entrlra mi Ill intuition is later that irisy viii in