rigidity In the brutal tor launrhlng an Olympl but the reenlratloo on youth and the end product who hrirht and tItrohito proclaimed the Garnn otticlall irnme 1300 clot tell the ttatonisnai tee tint proudcr pine riding oompetttlona table to win at In thtr hintteii and Goddecidedly will TIM tiryear oid bigbacboot hey rm up the metros In the Statorr4 eat Stadium to Iran the cauti rm which writ burn tbrvuth out the hills Winter Olympic Games herr during Tburadayt opening rrrrnioniu IAP Pbo lat IWINTER OLYMPICS Emphas SAPPOIIO Japan rCP Tttrre it militt lllwtll at Japanese organizers tooir the rlarrhtnm out with their rear eheery opening ceremony today The Japaneae displaying thrtr riiinta hetore thee em pernr still kept pomp and pa grentry in the Tomlnute aere rmay that ended with thouranda rot oiingrtera statingsortie tell jIn the huge rtnt Ihrre more than 31000 people natrhed it It war It iiigross and windy III the athlitrr Irnni It rouiw rtrici DJtStd bolutc Emperor Ill ruhilo and hit rmprria In the ioiorlut parade normal and turn when they arrived Now the battle In on or the It lungle lim ls Ski Hope SAPPOTIO Japan tClt Iirn ltunter it known It dy namllo alder who comes out at the gate like bucking Iterr Ilia nltIrkinl alyit on the Ilopra which has earned him Ii the nickname Jungle Jim hIa carried him to tame Imprre alve thuwlnu In various Al And the toyrarold Cat gartan says he hit to be yeara Olymplct for Canada not In that order tor ttunter believer that implicit latth Ittowa him to turn energy otherwise need up in nervousness into playti cal cherry Ceremonies ize Youth gold rnrdala to be awarded in hockey strung lirure itatlnz speed itatln bohaiedrtlnt lure racial Ind biathlon The Critics were under lrtni rail today or rented hockey teams played their lirit elimina tion matches to win plare in the championship Icetlon ltus air the drlendtne champion did not have to quality tor the air country title ruundtnblu Ten nlhrr countries battled tor the live remaining lop berths FULL PROGRAII EIIIDAV Full tail was the order at the day or Friday when the lull pie ram It unietlrl with two gii medals at state In the mens to0oornetre apeed strat Ing event and the Willamette eroseeouutry all race The Itrrt compulsory school ltgurrr will be titled Friday In the womenreomprttthro and the Canadians banted on Karen tttviuiien at Vancouver to some home with medIt at through the lam tooth competi llon troni two American girls and world champion Beatrix Schuba ol Austrte whit in tha compulrortrt Czechs Quality With Hockey Wln SAPPOTIO Japan ICP Cetrhoaiovatln allver medallist tn ml eatily Iililrd tor the Itll itlntcr Oymplu hockey chantpionihtp tournament today trounclng Japan The teachers held the Czechs to one goal In the Ilrtl period but then the root Iiit In on them In the second riod when the Czech acorod all their goalt and added three more In the heat 10 rrilnuter two tap Czech Iurwarda ac counted tor live goals Ivan tIIInta drilling three and VIeIav Nedornanaky two Jlrl Kochta get little nervoiu ltunter IIyI Ivoryone door EIIIIII Iant big thing with me llluard Nutalr and trIntttet Porptrlt ecorod the other goals tor Crochotinvntla while Roll twamoto and Youthln Tanalia Icored iiir Japan SKIING lentil Ilium Iylllhll X11 Expertt AVALANCHEDANG ERS Eventually the dty will come when you will have to all lentil polemialavalanchctlapeJnmod are writ matted and you mutt pay major ittrreae evaiaueliettoper apectaiattrnllrnlethrtc IItl II It beromrt neeraiary to traverie an avalanche atope yoa should Iiratremoveyour pole strap Itorn yoururlrlt and when enndltioril are extremely dangeroua remn blndingr it you Ire caught In an lem again the snow tn dropped and lately IIrapr removed yqu equipment to your lately atrapt train the avalanche try to lace uphill and die Iarhton With your pole ItrIpr hovld not be hindered by your rtl BARRIE SPORTS LTD saeros our to 5079 AND MORE rr centrenun Door Arvmh rt maritapaloteopoiata salt and to Iutatr this year Ihen be atarted with the limit min In the Ontario llorley Ar totiation Senior series itet got good chance at rrathleg that trim or even IIIF pasitng It Viith Ila rrnrtar tea roegurierreiaatsa Ldeornb hat mumbled linear leading WUenliWJopeln the terror and to artists Teammate Ron Ilobam Ia rltht brhled him both In the league and to team tearing with to points harlndiag aerleebt ttaubtaJtoninnln anilio doan third root In rob arrrlng with to who while John lie tltltan tt nett with to points Alto Innichrd anion the iradere Ire Bob Baird wit potato Adam wiLh 52 points Aromh returned to Irrialeur ranh thia year Ihtle rorn let lnr hie schooling tt York at unity to bit that with tho pros he played In the Toronto Maple teal nyanitatioria Diiaa and Phoenix turn trams lie quit he said brcauee wasnt getting anywhere re rriainrd at the nme leret and didnt want to male career at playing minor pro hockey do sided to go hark to school liea third year psychology motor at York NP UNIFDRALI The FIyera will he outlitted In new uniiorma Friday night when they hurt the DelietIllh Quintet It the Danton SI arena The unllomuarilt lo the tram trom the lttrrle Flym Booster Club are actually to be worn on the road but manager Jim Short hai decided to break them in be Iare home road dont want to ill the ICiit at Death to the other club Short raid IIut weallt IHT them lhir Friday night tiocliey playrrr by nature ere euperllttloua lot and in their ttatvdaid white home unt tormt they have it It at 17 lnctudinr coats and Corby heealdlttbeyaroagood ll afict rii llmahan start It the Barrie Irrna ttovcrer ainie tildnye rattle Enter SomiIlnals Twertnti learnt train the tiar rte Curling Club and tha ttar rte Countr Cluh entered terni final play II lira District pliy plt Inc the Southern Ontario Ire Curling Aaioclallon Ontario Tankard representative at the ltlrrie Country Club today The curling club rintir atipp rd by Lilly Webb and Sheila BrtlIOWdOWIICtI the Alllaton en try at tinhi stripped by Jenn llugton and Janet litrCarue do it Ilrdnrrday and met Attilaod thtt morning The ltlldtand rtnta shipped by Dorothy Spicer and Lynn tiell downed Orttltat eno try shipped by Claudia Iehano and Vi ttarront tttt Wednoa ay The country club rlntr Iktpped by Grace Ouzlt and Iteten Ior Colts vs Rodmen Tonight AI aioo the Barrie Calla will be out to extend their unbeaten client In Ontario Itoctey Aaaoelation lttdOnlIrlo Junior plIy to three gamer lonl when they host the Novrmar ct lledrnen at tho ltnrrte arena Game time It pm The Colta beat the llodmen to Theodor ntrht in Newmarliet rind OWMO ltollon ltrulna lld Sun Chtrk lhlt out you ever teen any othEr boot with ntl there Ity Ienturca It such low hrlcel HEAL AT All thrae Ireturra can In Iuttlld In boota Ilitint tap to 01069 Barrie Country Curling Club Rinks Frances 51 nmant ltth ltDtt lAlltD Ibteh rtarlr at no pm Ir tllds Night the club unite to pit the heme Iana look at the unlIorme which are green with Ihtle and red trim end while numerals They replace the clubs old rntlaway unIIormr host at prim Ill be given away It the game They Include pupplu bleyctra and nulogra rd hockey stlctt and par Tickets which entitle child to tree admission to the game at well II chance at the prizes are available tram more than tolo iorat Dillilttlttl and Ioduo trrs The league leading FIyerr currently hold thrropoinl Idle over the aroundplace GIIt lior nets with eta garnet remaining in regular reason pta One might apeeutate that it the list rle team could beat lteltevilte Friday and oatttltc Oats their oppae tlon GundIy In Oatvlllo and then split homeandhome series with the llometa Ind Ortilla Ter rlera during the list two week end oi regular season play tho ltarlrla club would rema in top rpo WIN ALL GAMES iiiit playrr roach Darryl Sly 0i Tankard Play den doubled the score on Elm vatet Audrey Columbitr arid tiartrne Turner 2010 and met Item border tolay Tho Itorvon rlnte shipped by Itaii Itrhtrcman Ind Vern Spatki heat the PerilL tang ontrliI el Win titer and Tan nals his being played this alternoon Georgian Durham Battle To Draw The Georgian College Gonor ab Init Durham College at Osh awa battled to to draw In on eahlhlllon hoetie game play ed at the Itaitv to arms ttvl nerday night The Genernla got tirrt period gotta Irom titian Young and tIin Saunders and Ierond crlud marker lrom Jack llowa Iota giving up lire goals In the arc ood trams to the Durham ital eri ltowe got hurt another goal tor Georgian hcloru the period ended In the third period the Gentr III outlcorrd Durham T1 to rnrn the tie Final Irarnn Georgian goals came tom the ttlrtiI ot DOUG ANMB listing to win all at the to anlng games It he takes th rtrph Into the senior Irrlu play Hes hrrun to etrrsa delrnslta hockey one area at phi where thecluh bat been met treat throth the tram Iboth they hold the hell atollLott re cord in the league theyverelled more an tearing power that pre Iventing another club Irom trot nr Esposito Boosts Scoring lead by THE CANADIAN PRESS Phil Boodle at Boston tlruina Wltd Ilia ttth goal of tho tee ron Wtdnetday Evlny him total at as pain at he re maintd In that piece In the Na tional Hockey League Ieortn Espoiitoa teammate Ito Orr looted his 21nd goal at the gear and moved Into third place ehlivd Jenn tlatelie of New York Rangers The Brulna blanked lto Rangers 20 The Indira Etpotllu ltItello NY Orr It Gilbert NY IIIdIield NY it Null ltshovtirh ht Merlin Ilul Staneld It Peiresult ttut tttlrtltt =8=Eg$=a 83538==S==gt sgzxsaz=n==g Stroud Novices Edge Crusaders The Strand Optimist Novices edged the Allan Cook Cruse edrrt T1 In lturonla lllnor Itorliey Lcarue tame iayrd illl weekend at the Eaatview Irena Torn ltiy Iriit Nell Campbell Ilalatrd by Lowell Taylor tron id the Strand marten Peta tosty emitted by Kevin Petra netted the lane Crusader mart er VANIIC OCT GIANT NEW YORK API New York Yantcca acquired veteran lnlleidcr ltal banter Wednesday Irom San Franctico Clarita on conditional haste Yankee olIt clelr announced lanter who hat been with the Giants attire lull pleytd In no gainer tail lesion and ballad Yantitu Jarti Tahey and Waxia Greg heve until May lo reIIIn Lan ler or return 1m to ban Fran Tticia boots have last about everything Par allot sole plastic out late from scoping In and break hoot ltclnlorccd fill or layer to prover mots nfg down the to lot the at Important lateral strength snow calls that really work Compictol pllaltnad which we believe still to hi the cat tor warmth Su cushioned padding for lentils comtort in cotton mould crl solo to virtually Upporr moulded to solo whichmatioe repara ttun virtually Impossible Swivel quaiin uciitor Itnvo IItilli cllmtuato sole carting 34 RAN MARCO ltllVlttlIl7 lltl IIIODlIl Sill MOT Itinde In Italy Solid oueplece polyuralhrne Ihrlt tult nraloarrwd Inner boot An opportunity to buy quality boot at real rlcnl lttt II 500 Otllt llll ERNIES DEPARTMENT store nun 6333 CV tIAtIRlE SHOPPING PLAZA VIIIIlllIIIIIIIlIl Flyers To Wear New Uniforms In Friday Kids Night Game 1brnlonthlloetnanyal thou in ma when we hit Ar the all he II by one or tare rode bu no preterm to Ihlehtrtm hed like to meet ptayollr AI tour at we tIeLIh In first plate dont rare team well have to beat them bttnre are can via this tune The meat ttyeraeortn ate titties GP APLIP Aeomb SUI TNT Robinson Milli oiesioabani TIES 605 tletitilen MING bob Baird strata Cathy MIMI 3116 it Dubaau ll tlll Inatahto 11 711 Poem molly won the blur tota Winter umivat Perm In Grairnburai do bridge In the lion Wayne Llltmct Grre Clmp Barrio Novices Win Semifinal The ltarrle Hllr Oonttntetion Nutirrt advanced Into the Out Irlo titnor llorkey Aarodatian anne linala this week by donating Draco It ma Innate trauma Invariant Stroud Sandy Covo Peevreas Muskoka Carnival Tournament The Struid Sandy Dora Coll bell and htaera and mu rented the 01131 call in the eharnptenrp lint Styoitdmdbbit biotin It It It and rriioebeo Baia ltaera uorod three the VIIIIOIN Colliner berry Rebb oolrhlng Arabut Data ttaen reared with Lemme hatter WWI It Irwin Clmpbeu and moo gelling the In an exhibition ante the ElmirIle AI tawreoeherii pair at goatt with mailndahdl it htrCIocLItn it It lint Titanium It 111erqu Jaok Smith to Bank lttneh ll Peru St 0an CONTRA GA Avl VIItthn 11 71335 Payne It CHIS Itkhrnond Ilill to goth ta Campbell Webb The win are the Barrio club tam the bestol reeaenitltnatlnllo ttretmt games lien Walden Datid lhrnean Dean limit and Julia Arervt Wed the Itartte goals Staten Stanton picked up pair or Irrier with Jim Carrier and Scott Guest adding an artist It piece REUIEATTON POPULAR There were 175 rotarnurtiy recreationet tacllttlet ot types in ttanitoba In with 3115 participanu leet programs randurtrd em MW Yours mlteaaheadae lhahdgholuiihating ypouorui hittiqu cavttyuuiinnoy agent Ourchein otSlorea add up to biovolun1e buying and aetltn When we buy bid we can buy tor leanSo you can log Westinghouse big 20 picture now at aportable price Get the bin pdttahlopiotura And not It Instantlywith Wetting houtna Instant On convonience Compete leeturoe end you II but Westinghouse Comparo prices and youll buy It It Firestone hatter hurry Westinghouse quality at Firestone pttcat will molt olett rollnut Dont be disappointed WESTINGHOUSE MODULAR AMFM STEREO IIOII or taller In oaautltul contemporary dsit SIId rule diet Unwaverlnn 7M PIIWI JICII lot phoneheadphones and nearirdlnp or pie IIIII yourtm ii recorder Two DWllIltltlll atkerIIorlde atabulouaprles llowontyththmb Imme Appliance Specials OPEN was FRIDAY tiii noo an 88 DUNLOP ST Barrio0nt 7266585