lIrmerI Ind bol producer whero teed min prleeo hn not sruorrurs WORK ON sometime Ti hippy Itndentr lrorn orIII Sonora FROM LEFT Joseph hlnh Ieheol work Deirdre IIeComtul It Frui onthelrte mdptur Lantern rlnn ette 1J Do Grool it 5qu Watson It Ind Chin GIriepy op Inn di oi the lee Icuipturlnr ronteet IIII rent tillminer Photo ISatiSIaction Total Despair Expressed At Law Coniere no lie raid the prooi II In tho Ind more to meet ltto other oi or the utlIIIetlon Ir there In Uriel dUIIIcI muel heedmnn oI Illoltobl bl OIlATA CPI IulI road at opinion trom nitrite on to Ilmoot totnt doopnir Ill eroreued Wednudoy It the thnt olthnurh tho oyr Ilrel nIttnnoI nierenu on the behind thoupirnttom at the Inn uIeIItnx hour or whether people II II rrIovInl Iteodily to II nan tho min at modern Iurrdudho root at equal lunueo Ioeey Itrlden bolnr Intro In rurh motorin uhich Ienerntiy Inn on lntr employment and line then will to minority pollution control Ind It least rtort Ln thI nor on poverty thrown Iueh thlneh II Irri proved unemployment lnnur Inee In Iort at middle ground In Oren Dion polittul relen iInI It LIVII University who Enid eriol eII tnluen ha Atinen bemth Cllndllnlli MONTREAL tCPl Prtmo tho ilrrr In memory ho ho Ilinitter Tradqu announced mode that dIIli opocilienltl new lIrrtt Iuhtldtee Wednendny with lktlltlill nlrht to em the burden on No reeelvod entbuniutleIo eutern ConrdtIn ttvutaet Inns when he told the dole LIIIIIII utimnted II mit Ierosr the country no in Quebec lnrmern greeting to tho Ceeperotlvo line the province IcennniI tor ureodo Quebec the prime Ibout no per cent at CnnedII nilninter told the Ioveroment ho production IIIIIpIyupIoIIMIourb ho Under man Eroduculomm onto lot It heme tho lltltuilttto iron rim th tlr moron ration bonrd will pry It to each ll WWW 1m iIrmer tor eIoh aunlltyinr her At It In tlmo tir rrv opiumunnumorooonorn dqu Innouneod tho CInIdiIn Ilmtoeh teed boIrd lino been NINCIIEASI dUIISIDIES Iuthorlned at April to In The CInIdiIn Ilteolook trod ereun Ito IubrldieI lor the bond will IISD Inerruo Iuba IrInIportei teed mine In rer dies lor teed IrInIpert to pro totnrertnrrr ol Eulern Cnnodo uIdo relieI te eutern Livestock Ind poultry produeetn who have hrmped duririx the yen had to pay nirritllenntly more The prime mintilerI npoeeh tor the nine Corindlen wheel to mop detention II the eoooor hurt ruins thin to tholr were ItlvoI InnuIi convention nu em eouolerrarloi censure nevus vTraiiic Deaths Climb In Canada ortth or mine delthn to Clmdl climbed or III limited tour per cent In the tint nine month at mt In lIlIt accident by In uiimnted hi per rent the cunndo SIIer Couneti Ioid todIy YOUIII Questioned Re Fire Incidents IIONTIIMII CPI PoUeI today were questioning youth torrertod Wodnudny nlrht beodlnl over molt lire in the hen ment ol downtown department otore Police told the youth ltlI the dereriolloo at one oi three men they Ito neeIIInI In connection with letter at line In the downtown Iren Explosions Heard In Daren DACCA AP Loud expluiiona echoed lront Dnmno tilltert sector at Illrour todny II the novemment lent In lorrner Benrlll urrrilII Iirhtern lo relnioroo the re nr hnnrlndeih troops lCol Kholid IIorhIrrI Into the uranium were old mines bolnl detenlied NViainarn Adviser May Visit Peking SAIGON tAPl Lo Duo The the chin Idvtser to the North Vietnnmeee detention II the Perl peace talks mny he in he Inme tIIno President Nixon visit there tnlormed Pekln Itt toured utd today they wanted IhIt lho mInhI meet there with Ilenry Ittulnrer Nixons ahirl loulrn policy ndvlier who wIIInceompIny the IIS president Scientists Energy Problem Solved which Ihoutd be bored on hu mIrrtrt principles tends mero III III ISMSIDI III bait relarm opinions Al tho loretront at the loom Inddoornrn lll CIIIIornII Protester John Seetey who arid the tndivlduni Ii helnr pulver Ired by business Ind Intern roent runereyrtemn ihnl grenten LIttnmlotal eMIIvelfcneot Iomen us ItetilnllerurntdaSIIAdl hlm Id rrr intro to whom ih lnr IIIllld US Planes Hit SAIGON tAI United Shire and South iii no Inylnr III Soviet PT Vietnamese II tIIntI Ind tour Irucb wrro pinner hnIiered North Vietnom destroyed end It North Violi ere ruppty router throth eul ern Inns todny tinnose troops were hill ml the South was the Ieeond case at disa Vietnamese eemmlod reported erepnney In elilelnl South Vict It bonihern donlroyod tour tonlu and two other moored nnmm report on lnnti being knocked out In the eentrnl highv rehIrIeI in the control high Iondx lIridI eommunl uo told were oi hon iei born on Ittoeked Ibo Irmerod column Wednesday Itternoon in tho border renion where ottlclnln the North Vietnnmue Iro mutton ion In otlerutto in the htIhIIndI Itlllitnry Iourm In Pleitu rold enpiurrd North Vletnnnrrsn reported the Communiris hnd About to trek In than Aron we the min Communist IlIIiriI Iron lost over the border In tho hlIhIIndI The South Virinn use eonvrtond new eIIImI Intel oi nlno lInti dorlroyed In The South IieInImeon III the Iron oincet to lnctnrtlnI lurra burned IeoIrn rommult three lost 5de Sadat Expected HOSCOWtAPl irrrldent AnvIIr SIdIt nI Egypt opened telliI with Soviet lenders IodIy Ind lnIorrned Ioureer In ltelrut told he wltlpreu or lyFIOhII or hit troops in resume Imlled hotttlltlrr oerou the Sort eInnI Sodot II Ilse expected In III ten more military aid particle IIrl attentive weIporrn tor IlriIeI deep Inlo term to view oi tho United Sitter Irrrement to rervme IoIIInl Phantom iirhierbombrra to the Jewish ItIIr NIth antiSoviet ieetinr rLrlnI In Errol Ind the Arab world Sodot annealed to put the So ViolEruption lrleridihtp Ind To Ask For Arms rooperntiorr treaty bl Inst tilIy In the teat III IIid bolero he lrIt tiny that the Iloreow tutti will help him determine hen to into Ielion to manner the Tamiloccupied Sinai De Iert nnd thnt decision on In oilennivo will be made on his return The Iourere In Beirut Inld resumption oi limited heriitiilen acme tho rnnnl where owe the he been In eiteer time to rust mo would loeur Egyptian Ind Arab Ittentlon on tho butlle with lurIeL provide Sndoi more time tor monoruvrtnx Ind ro lurbteh hln lmnre With EIYPIIIII IlIlItIOIIIl demondtnr mlIiIIry no ton horror one Fobruory rm DELTA It Northrrn IreIIndl Remit CathoIIobIred uvil tttnhtn AmelItlnn toolth defied oopuli iromkgrtestr Ind politielnm Ind Gee ed to re mm with Iilrnt protest rmth Sundn de Ie the rink al morn bloodnhrd The mIroh Ir bo Hand In tinny mainly Norma CItho tic town lose to Lian border with the IrIIIh lie bile IIII eernrerI any II II In tended tribute to those ltd died lor demoeroey during nimitnr nuth In landooderry tut Sundry The Im mnrrh In In that In oderry lr iilernl under the trim III the Northern Ireland rorrrnmentr hrn on limestone Thirteen eitilinnn died In Lon dooderry In In oriburrt oi shoottnr ntrrr Brrriih pIrIlt Iroooe moved in Ind Iul Sun day rririrrh turned into riot IeCnry Ipotumnn er the Citit IttIhtn Association challenred In IdrIneo that Iny day WEATHER viihr Gnu Wurlmb reroute more For further detain Page Net Mm than be For copy in riot or hloodohed Ln Nenry nould be the moonsthLty oi the Rrittrh mm The British Ioteenmrnt hue lmtd the einl elm group thI it will Itieh to III lir ni hnnnhin III wrh om es Id In protert the Ulster etern mrnte lnteromrntlithouItrinl poliryotid Sundayn proerr Iion held the Ireurtty turner IIU break it Delrneo Secretary Lord Car rtnrten at Britnrn Innred III London thni Inch marrh Remains Oi Embassy Symbolize DUBLIN ICPI Thr ImouId erinl rrmninr oi the tiniirh rrtt bur todIy ruin the dept ul InIIBrithh Ieelinr In the Irish Republic Iiirnnirrd by Inndonderryn Bloody Sunday The Iourrterey building In let on the alter crowd eru moted It soooo eonrjerred or II tor the third Iurressive night at lnIIvRtltIIh demorutrntioos In the Irish ropiIII They pnehrd the Itrret lent itremert bIcl Ilth route and cheered Ind IonI pIIriotIe new In tho lumen mud The outldinr Irnuinted by it Itati durInI the motor Mr de Itroyod Ind dnmore uni unolit elnilr nIIImIIed Ii about lrsoooo the Incident hrounht In Irn medtnto nlrutnui pmteri Irnm QUEBEC tCPl Premier Nobert Bouan moved new blood Into tun hey mtntrtrlen tar 1972 while intriguing port at his oltt warhinnd In rIbrnri Ihullle announced Wedneed The premier created the new post at vicepremier end It the time time the Inter governmental portlotlo ihus becomlnn the tint Quebec premier store the dny at turn ten Duplrrris not to entry enb Inet pnrtlolio Govl MPPs Receive Memo From Premier NRONIO CPI tectet memo lrom Premier Iililnm DovLe to It cabinet ntiriirtrri Ind government IIPII hot on to drop lmrnedlntrly on Iellvity that could provide conict or Interest The memo marked private Ind eonilderrtlnl rnyr II in lmportnnt that puhtie eenlldenee in tho Prorrmlve Conrervotlvel party to not nort ouily reduced by the Ippenr Inen ol conict oi Interest In any member oi the Intern ment The memo published IodIy In The Sun ray Ihot whenever member II In doubt In to con ict oI Intrrrnt he Ihould Imme dIIter dinnsroetnto tell from the rnnlter Viet Cong Demand Thieu Resignation IAIIIS All The Vlrt Conn ended on tho UnltedSlIler IodIy to net Ipnelilc terminal dIie Ier withdrrwnl lrom Vlot nIm Ind demnnded tho Immed III renlnnntlun ni Prentdent Nruyrn Inn Thleu oi South VirlnIm Power Project Impact IirrtIin but otlieiIII In tendon were Inniqu to rtrur IhII they did not not my uorsrninn oi relatiqu brluron ihe too coun tries observers in the tire rnpltnin think the Ihootin delthr oi II civilian In lnndonderry North ern Irrlnnd Inst Sunday In hrourht Andlotnrh telntlons In their Ioueii ehh alone the See end World War when lretnnd re mained nrutrII Gangs oi vutII milled Ihmxh Dublin eIrIy Iodnv InuntinI tieemtn Ind hr Inr oonri halting the derlrurtion at tho emhIrIy Amhuindor Sir John Peek lieu In truth Rodeo Ind told he hope to see Irlrh armament minlrtrrr later In the day to nir our romperultion tor the torn ol the bulletin No appointed GerIrdD to mate previously Industry Ind commerce minister II vtuopre rrtler unit the new Intergov rrnmrrrtII Itlolre mlntster Ilr Levrorrue IlSu continue on government hnute lender Other major part ol the rind III Iro Guy SIinIPiorro Lined up In hurdle the natural lnmes tiny development protect IoI Francois Cloutier moved In In handle the rovinour explosive IInrunro peolor to he term Ioted this year hit NJIIIIIIITT In anxintet who worked as ronrultInI on the rust Churchill Flllx project in Lubrndor Intros our the In duslry and mmmoreo deoIrt mtnt alter two yrIrI II edurI tion minister lurrner vleepresidrni or Arreo Ourbee Ltd In enrto neorlnn limi he will guide the governments vest Jlmeo Boy detniopmetti which to expected to not undrr troy thin you Ilr loullrr tormrrly euI turIl nliItrI minister lullour him In the education portiollo but brim with him the allied do In Innnue Irnnrniseore riouily diuinlon ol rulturII II eling rt Irem the youths IIIIX In All at Ire new quiet in tho elty Dublin pollen Ipoturmo Id at dry break Prime hIInIItIr miltd Ilenths government In In oiillt rill prot id that Irish nu thuritien mInlIuitly lulled In their duty to protect the then try buildinr Ski President In Threatened After Ouster SAPPORO annn tAIi The nreridrnt oi the Amtrlrn Shl Iedorntion any he received Iriemmx Irom Auitrin with throntn to kill him beenure tho Aurtrinni did not withdraw Irom the Ilth Winter Olympic Unmet Iltrr the niutrr oi AN Itier ltnrl Schrnnx Dr Itan Ilrinr lileo told ri porters Wednesday still think it we rithl to stay here IlIer Sehrnnr mired us to re main You know wII In tenor ol withdnwlnr but boned to the wish at Sehrnnr Schrnrrr was burned lronr competition lor Illnuinr his homo and picture to be tried In Idtartleinr lending to htI ban Ishmerii an prnlrrsionnl north be pctrntuliy dungeons About noon Roman CItboIiu Innembled in land Itednridny lor the lurrILI It the II Allied by NTILLSII unidirrn List Sunnh There urre emotionnl Irene It the tattnldt or women roi turned under their girl TITO AIOTITI KILLED There me too more donihn in Northern Irelnnd Wednes ILT snipers Ind ruerrrllu untrnued their unmoniu at nature In ttellnil IIII dritn nu shot In the head not Adlai II he rlrtteel battery to on III II Irenrrntty hl durinI In errhnnre nt lite between troopu mid rrnmrn near an Irmy out post In the tIthnlie Bollymur phv IIrI Just beture mldnirhl one man In Allied Ind renter oth erI inlurrd other bomb urII planted ouhido bar It Stow Irtntoun about so mrlrs nest at ErlIIiI Tiop drinltn Inside the bur ett MWlitl hetero the bomb went ell EIrIi soldirr III me three Ilmesln the that tel Ind IIOlTIItItvil he stepped out at In Irmurrd pItrol vehicle II the CILhoIir Foil hold me at BeIIIIt Iir tux Inlrrn to hospitII tn Ierloun condition Author Before Jury NEW YORK IAPI Author In tnrmzmtltle emultnnt Io tlownrd Ilurlrrs were marred to Iesrlly today bolero ledorIl rund iury Inteeltnnlin the prrplrninx nquhIorrIphy Iiinir Enurrrn Inld Irvin mnlntnlns that he earn piled dirouled Nurhrn IDIO blonrnphy through many bet Ionui meeting with the min Iire billionaire and published reports today said IuthererI have Ioonlrd parslhle try our MS to tile alleged mretlnrt Ilurhor denier the tritium oe eurrvd Nina nn Fallnndt Dunlnh Iqu itnror said to one wltv norsrd inertlnne between Ilughos Ind Irvlno In Mexico and nlilornin liar been Iourid by iodrrnl llilNOIIIItJ In the BI heme and given them ItIle rnrnt the reports Inld Friends In Luprnhaxen IIld the II IONKIIIIIL Irlarrd ol Irtw INK She uill be subpoenaed to ten lily bolero the irdrrnl yrnrrd Jury here the New York Daily Nrud says In Inothrr development the Chicano mounr rays It he learned that Irvinre Inwyer Ituurlro Neeren hne oilered Ir snoooo II Iroup oi New York publishers In exrhnnre Int drop rilrrx nil prreeeution orolnot trv Ina Ind hi1 wile Could Be Alarming Study believe they hm rotted APltOltllCnt who Ilhtlwet Itnr Ion eluded munIntltkloutwm ntoNtttEAI tCIi It In environmental etteets or the Inmnnttn preiNI provider In oi the run Dr to II NIIIII III llnnll il IMdld fret oi the Inmu hay leer lllO hopes the opportunitd to Intrmle ecolog hI Will IIIOIII Itllle IV eetrle pro on northern James tiny Iten could become trntrreenrch with Imnler en lth Quebec Ind Ill eould be ol no Inburolory ol Worldwide neerlrrr prorrnm In order to IonIIIIIy IIIrrnlnI preportioru nliieorree vetop dItI Ind oxperienro that rays lederIIprovlnelil envi It wni relemd In Enrlbh will be needed In tuturo re ronment IIUOy Tiemh Ind Creeltnneaoeon rourro developmenu In there It lay Ipptoprtnte action Iorenco Wednesday otthouxh latitudes mutt be lntren to mom to It troy recommendations hero to To this end the Itudy notes Ievinln the reunion disturb vented to NoniroII newrneper number oI otherecotortut inn Ineer In the native populn report In mldInnunry nitration all the pruleol Ind Amy 13m mg tionI why ol lite urIInI Inlenrnted rtvdirt mIliee retire ol reeommendn hr hu aetpm rimm on wooklghlnd he Hume But the rooorl by lederol Ind and running hoioro renrlruc tlonx nlmed Ii controller rattle ran some cinrn County Super warmth in or mm the lludr II the torment blinds Ior Court tor the Ieeond Ip hiooro Jr who one Iwnltlnr promote oi IIIII DIvtI tth Ireurtrut nonmaliouooehr in use or tonvtrton Ior erec tIte onto the trtII openl Photo Rose Trial To Begin Monday MONTREAL CPI IIeauer Absorbentold meehrnie bo Elm htr irlIt tronIIIy on ehIrIo oi kldnopptnn Pierre tnporte Iormer om lnbfrymllnloilgilin sctohblerbIIntwitre ii in our eroo wa or Ienldiied Iotwo eoneurrenl tlto IermI tor the murder and tild nopMorotIitJororto or 7W previnelnl eroertr on vortoue iten none