$2000 Theft our route In tumr mum the thettol Iimt moo ct televian IetI Ind YI un iron the Bumm Litre 0o MIMI rn inch occurred dunner the what torched um rotor Ind two hint Ind white trlcrtooot Ind two miles Alieth merchlndue wII pa b1 until Theater Iiore menur id it wet put NEWD Ince oi IinrllIr thrit on Nov it till time thleru took month oi nnhndho tlr nrrrtlty all tht entry er ed tlrwth rut window unity the nine route In need tut time lit Nutty told it III lp parenliy thI work It thI IIrnI thieves hut IIld tht ihtI tlnre they toot little more Residential Plan is Recommended For Adoption City development committee lrrt nirhl rocommded the city adopt the halcleotiIl Dir trtrl flu Ind Idd it in the diyI ilcitl pin The cit plInulnr hoard ior wnrdcd pith Iiite heIrlnr romplIlniI tut went irom dew eloprr lteory Berotct who her ieded to Ichool IltI tht he IIld would th ht property hurt to develop Tho plInniur hoerd decided to me no lotion no hit complIlot Ind the comrnlttec remnunend ed the pin II preteoted WANT LAND The city will uh OntIrIo GETTING READY FOR HOBBY HANDICRAFI SHOW tin lerrr Jory lieutenoht oi the iourlh BIrrte Girl Guide Comproy IhowI three Alden how to meld plIy douph TM or our News Till lide EXAlltLtEittUEDAV BINARY IIIH Development Committee likes 1er Ice hie illllrrurr it Penny man to Guldrr Brownlrx ll Gir mu Ulric Doh Scoulrn Ind tithe Ire buoy Who mutiny erIiLr tor the loot InnuIi hohhy Ind hIhdlcrIit Ihw to he held It Trtnli PIr iIh III on Feb ll til tnrr Plato Future Worries Board Chairman The huerd oi Trusltrr oi hureImrIilc rrd two It tt hu tinyIi litiorII itorpiiIl hII Iuthorlred hoIrd chIlrmIn it CIldwell to contact the pro vince Ind reoiiirm the recently oi locti horpllli bounds it uh throu IercrIl lVlilt merit mom to Iccomphrh hospltel ourlnrss llt rIld the out it concern ed with the pootthlilry dlIdtsitlv construction the city new tenooo Ind poutth more irrmiceseorcpieroolem pawn no tht iIctlttlet Ire Ile ltd rtdcd Ind whit problem In PUBth SERVICES COMPLEX Six Architects Go To Bat Before Works Committee Ihix Irrhiicei tut edrht out More trip Adminintretnr hood the method they would use TInhlyn aid the city tI erpeet howl htlmeierthe untied de ployeee to more to trim Sept ln coordiuhn the denim lad to the Width in Their remark Iddreucd 0W1 L1 MilMilw lo the riiy puhlle wtth connui their Irthitect outlined the lee repreceniourrt ot the Ptrtt wort he he done in the pest mi llrcmiton Commluton Ind the Public Uiihdet Communion The puhhe renlm rem let it to he drained to mrttthe needs oi these depertmeolr with pmttinn mode inc expansion to Parking Committee Gets New Members Three citicerrs line here Idd ed to the city pIrtlnp romrttil lee Julnu Quinn SImICIhtiiil IItd Cord Ilouch were Ionounc ed II membert durtnr IIIt hl htI city derelopment com ilce rrwttint Aid lItIIhiIrLoren it their turn oi the eommittee not other xtmr members Ire hid David lerly moot end All Al tipm Tho rommllteee trill meet on or be torn Pet is the report third The parking committee Into It llIlron Ind Idrtrory rouo bi iriiiirhiriiiriir riiiriiii OF SPEAKER Aid lieClynwht uteri tht the committee he continued our til shcrIrIIn IIthiInt pile tirltlhe Nmrfdilee no room menerrr oi th erroneodrtiort that it wool he CIrrIdrIn Chtmher oi Com lItrn our hy the city develop metre will he pueri IpeIter meet committee The pnrllnr It the Berri Chlmhero Iri rommilite report to council huIl dinner Ind dInce tomor thrnuph the city development row It the ContineolIl inn rommtitrc Tho metilnl ItIrLt It pm end my ionoullnn hI midi to pet the pro completed that church rerouted tome pattern wrih round It in It tho Itte hut Itr TImhtyI IIId lhtI ll not In Ihle prvtlem hint at the Irrhitcctr IlIo M4 nuurd the problem oi petite the pooled completed in Ind mtrurtioo time rooted mild trom three WM to In montht The city our line Irtedtocontdr rIproiert reun Ixement Iyntrm Ihlch would perrrut the Inhliect to tender urn oi the hruldru II drIw IN reed to wield delIyI ultin irorn indrtionIlIn tern eomplcllnl Ill drewinn Ind then icodertny The limit Ippelnnl were hi it Dillon ltrl oi Toronto IIrirr IrIi Anocltieo llInil ten tlInln Giller oi Toronto Itlcinlrlt Ind Attoetulee irnm lirIrrtptoot Seller Ind Aliiton oi ttIrrte Ind titrry Neebttt limit The public Inch committee will meet Into next tioodty night Ind dlrruor the choice at Irehttrct Iitrr Idminltlreiort hItI hid thence to verily Iome oi the Interim mIdI lrtd min recommendttlon The PUC Ird ltrtt Ind hee reItion Commluton llti meet Ind lonerd their recommerdl iiotu to the puhlic work rom rrrlitre ior tht meetior llcenure oi thI Ihori time rnilIhlI tor elllnr the hulldlnl up hire TIm In aid he hop mined In Ippmrl In Ircht lrrt Ii it no it meeting yv itii EXAMINER WAht AN PHONE more Hutln Cor rItion donItI pillmDlitiitildiiii Si OHC Proposal Si Ind we oi St Vincent St it to pontihle the bond will lion ei communiutlon lines at 33de til it ouiirririerruiirmd Ontvia llouslur Cw ration condition on the developer Iuhtteriillte thin third with lei ltlr cuotru rurrcuro there rot room1 in urincloe trom nuenunr the lot it it trrr oi endorrcmelti irom the lr pottihitily tht rm rn frmcfgvaugwlnlfu the rityderclopmcui committee Imptnoit to eounr IndIIIle mum mummymm mm ya Immune int urn tor tsuniu oi reni IplIhhlew uiiiimrtoororro our muoiclptliilcr they the curse rum ldtir mm incoml houlnr It cd At the ruin occur oi the cm the dirtondlur oi locol hoe the corner oi Duclworlh Ind tir ciiit told the proporti is mm Mm WI MI ham MI We QUE ml 15 mth luv well rpotrI oi chInre irom trrr irom hotpliIiI would help Aluhll Uttlil contour out iouc idthd ih ru hrd Its my it too or II ree rte roomun hunt to he included vc won recnblo lot that eight inurrtxdroorrr uuitt The Wm mm developer hId orltinllly wunied on III mm nirqu only to rutdlvlderr It with it lIeIiih opcrItion litth hotpilll mmu irctIproposIliorIiIurrinyth to build to unrir on the our hut mm My muum um unite thIl met with the commit the city plInulny department II II mun III to tho my leoI Ipproyol told the mulmum Ihould he Ilm Muml mmnl utlrlrr liotpiiIl AerocIIiion hII oi the hotptiul to early Ihurinn oi new All Iculplum My goItIIIIIoIhInIIIIIdIIiIiIIIIIIIPerKiIIia III MINI rciIItiorr dond 3th rIoquty wIIrII IlleiIIlIttztItItIiIIgtItrongnyIrin hiIruitIIIDIIIIpiritiwlllllIIghb Hum to own prIcpIrtoI dth document WEN IIII IIIIIuIIOHAmIm mmly mm tlruerI Cnrnltnl lrc Irulpturinu trrhtIIIeIIIIIud wk Imatter on Or CllAN omdor hi in hire 7mm Burns Students Are Winners you it mow in the city ltd the urol vnl rommltlto tr urtiup people tiIiernentr We wanted to mow Ictr oi Ipcelilrhtirmr oi the the 0y who to rum llh tho rldlculournrst oi the It and rupert lti iriht tour or live the prupeurlo yuu Iuny pay curlty Iyttem lb weiIInI its iiIlI mm mm tlrousmuls oi dollars in income tor lune min more JIIRIIIIIANINlIziiIUIiImI llIrquIrIi oteni rorrtitrn tire SIiurdny rose in is ilondey mmsv Ilicr rescue wortert recovered the hodch oi two IrnorII hloct mlnrre lrnm tho Itctt Irition IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW Nor ritetlrrt timrlievrrl murmur 1or the committee reeommeo WWW giImIIm WWI 31 III IVIIIIEIIIimmngII iii ORIIIIUII CitilOltS OSi Vtt Says Americans Purchusmg mm mm In New th ltlrrtIChImhIr Mum erbiumnewline IIINII muniquIItIm oi Nail iitu mIIrIIrIcIII III IIIIII IIIIIIII re or content Ekgg$bhcfhmh ectihlrt Ind hogtst De trlhutlon tn the wor rfnlor tillrim ltr limit to whim Hm ISM mmth mm won riot oi St Joseph hlph IIchoolI DoVriIu lIliIttId can the II III MTOIMINIOiCPAlIlhe iohe GlobeIIIyIII the lend is de rIcurIIIlIoIrIrIIchghjrleAIIimIrI IIIIIhrIrdvrIlIIIea IIIIIlIrprIIy DI 1mm 01mm or mmmI tell ll uno rruo Itr it our urea me ANN MM dinsiircoimigiiii can mm huylnyiloiririnorthihitirn itud tout that Mr mil Wm Mmnnlkw fill il city with Irv Irilrr muhlcttlons mum mondtry iIrin mm min Ir prim up irom lire worldlImouI oi memory not mount nod to Ito rculrum hour IndemIrthgoI oi IIIiu In MEI minimum Itdltdl hit division It EIIleew Itcoodory Two Cars Collide um mm VmI up munmly residcrrlltl divlrlurr open to oil the most ereuiuI hIily be ob IneI Crum Ir mm lmnlihniinludumd mqu OuI comvlhy tn Throttle lh rdt tnIIhthInIIIhoulh which cnhnr IIII Ir Iproy cI my to herb or HI son to to turns to terror I96 inIr wlIhI moIIIIIlieoiIlIvIIIIiIilil miiihrruiriliuiviichiid amage 201 PM Ragga It eottoilho Inning Shanda studens orrIIirrIyinIIthirxtI orwIlIIeIIImIcIInIIttIry rerul Ice Itll lrd Aillrion 0riilln Ind Pcno It on DPmwl Munich tinnbheno were promul Iriiriioirurrrciriiiniriimlii hind ii Igorlhmnatiomreuilc riiirgiitiiuhiieioiiiiirimii by mmm mmm Ilrduwplllerhchillpflrrtilhlotk Tm Miamime 15 D310 ii Eskitoondm min Intertiscrirrnlr Inyiur the tummy touyht thit an lmer umlvu on no orru WW niellnilitluhlmr Ipelto lilo villaich involurd it it it WW tit My mu Menu my plump It cttlll Int tiltit Cotionruly hyuwr In In our ti cltrm uru Ichool in Million on The driven at the vehicles our rum In tho little it WW mm smut cm in on tr carnival to pr or In ouruu tollcrc at Art uu her decided to will until th tohril wereCor XcrIieorltolhlti mm Wm WM Vanna title wit lnrnkoniomiuuic color etitieuon liut it will Ilro to dfll hm Ill AnnelinlomIrr pruidcnt oi the Mr ltd Nit Turn oi er ttnlnl River or tit In til VI ltinr oi the im iinrrir Winter riwle tho rurumurrtlyr rcacilnru Trophch ior these dlrltlone Simcoe County ilemo Ind School llt In Mi mm Cutntvnliilhoy eon ilrrdeuourh tn Ind with it it illiV til it ill ti 11 My mm wimp Cwmumwm mm on up and municipal niiiciIiI Irrro IwImp three to tour lrct in mm um um mI Sculrltlrct in the rtttdtriIitli my minimum mam hnumlmmnmmumd III In titrt inaccessible tend to tho depth mm Wt ur the 1ldliudtnilh0hi0 he IhiI out on will he indeed on lot in Iron lite rrhtli hotltnllt hire tiurlcl Reynolds oi Breton my middle oi the mouth worth it quot In peel the media nits euurre will or to reproduce the rim tor irtlerr to by John Mitchell hIrIlI protect city reeldentr Iricd nI converter PHONE iiitilt Ind In It meuuwho kit notI to tIIo ldcu IiIroduretIIItlnilIgr the rirmItioIn oi rtleri IlIcltntllhu irr IRIIIIIIHIII IIInIdIIItIquIItIItItIcIrIIIpczoIr tliird hec ur no to am out oiprr In ruruo tree er en no terrier an33inrmIInnIImIa The theme wli he If rornto one who huyI thlt property mmuhtI Wm uh Thrr Council To Ponder Proposals Pitl lie it topeiiy ltliCUltliIi unouuN mrcllul ei elty items will hot propotIi to LYUN Franco lMi Tut eounelrhrtr been ratio or tr orrrrut Intlrwnr mlillontr who pom mm mm more In 1hr concept must he hrneit themselves oil as work to rot for tho old iirrhnli property in lo the community Ind could itr2ricririut our itittiliiriiiuriit ii ti idod nuclear Itrllro Iurro on Iy rirfk clrrtcrw lite drmohutrutorl no in Cllvoillrhbhmrim no will or commltr trlrr gold mine in South Alrch It mine IpoleImIrr tlttl one minor Itlll mlIoIrry ls prctumecl neon it to it ih rooted by tirilihOroIen Newtpnoeu ondlocIlrriIiicrr Bummg nodal ch his overleo rcl men or leIoIIlcnIItiIIIIIlIgIImIIII III III II Won If Wu mm buumlner Photo Itclretcd in Minutes lirduotn lleIllnI huhIlIneII tidinuhlnttt i7litC Couldnt Believe The Won Contestr unuur ludnm good newt It hnv liciloeltDnlion Crrrlt0r rcyllcw Ciliplioluihur ARM mm wmn mph IMlnitlnliinohrlivet liilli llr licCutehcou till nod tlrI liugcuo Kolltriyh found nrriiirtriuhiihi Shirley Ave were lotto thIrk never won ony Chrle hircrtdlront llt tlooIlt 5t Thunder tiny tlrIt out it ii tit rt my by wmn mm mm impillovlllle JAuheittie Jenn Dunbar odt TIliourd Itrir llitilnljtdintlpll Proplrthtn you Ionhe lodltlduIi mm mummmvmp mum Wm to it thu tNh it St StrnII ilrI title Mom tumorvhoi Thttltliuetnnehp ccrtnln oure received mm iiiiciinihiiiorui Church St Art turn ternhnirgmlurummirre mry poyuihie deduction Mum UP will not their the noted truiit ltouldrithelloveiItltrIt liutthtihnttlorlnitihli II II II hmHInlymiquywd on When ntd ihourht him itwiriiiint diuretic ununn Wr mnthum Guile mlunl hlt Nit Wtlt Tilt it roe iiIiIu price Yorkton TrulhlitdltihvttldyCrti Vci nu tucyntrcw iirtr In our rumour iIodrIiirItlicuttydtolluu13ttittthtrillrltlne The ildIy trip contut wu iiclitttt thereirrn Iir turn to IornoeIVIrnoqu irewtl ruinhtrhlhnd Lotto Adomltoth nIiIInilrIIIkrnll1$JIlrIll WW Willbl Tm Lumen mi WP 19 till ht mm in mm thin ilitpmvrmmt ildgd crrrne Air CorporItIon them iroth ureommortoiiuu the itch mm on mireli ltcnnctt hurph to iiiuicrwicit iilIco Hummmonlf INovIIpn IrIo Ind pcriicipIt rIorrI tItIIIlIrtotlIIo lIIatIltitIIIiIIP II Cnmphcll Goio tleorpetouvu INIudIITorgtCIIIIgIrII laugh IIIIIMIIIIUIMIHIIIM in Emmi WW hullonulrrr iiuii um hitherto itiiiiii intuitioniii outrun oilurin pitinutlviiirohyintio uuuuuuurhuuuwuu whim IM Al etctotur unto hoir lh three in Iliorprirrwiuucrr Lntehurlr Collccntrnrrrltd to In Home it UlBl ill IIIIIIIIsgIlII igiruiri term It ethic urtrui prize the unit ltobipwlh tooth St Col tidqu Wit Ant rlor tior olnimfIIIlltrrotIl iiAIiitlt ltttttllctt Girl in December nprluhn hrroumetwowcet iintwootl tiirhIci Lurterhror ercowI nrto hhfltltiei rIiIerIlrepmnmlnIA my router norm lilo Coneetrirm flit lrooio ArleenWrrllIre 2ititheliid Ii Iii dnurotorceuthitctlonue lo yI MI nu yummy Hum 51 OPI III thitlnlttl rIW would it merculrt IIuII IcIummII III aImmmI no mommy mm II luuterthoIIIphiwIwouldwln trip tor two to lorylun err rt mm CI IIIIIIII III IIIIII IIIIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII II VIII MIIIIIMII II II You Ilqu IeIr lit othce Apt It rctrrhorouct rotten