Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jan 1972, p. 8

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III Iemen to ll II III KIWIMn II nu mm thlt ll tan ull Area wkth Inner to your qua Om In in an ankle nWrth mm uII II VII rIIIrly IIrntlltI III my mIIy przdldIbII mm It IItItI II the mlmlne II th pmdudlre Iran ol IIII thIt Itutrd hIrI Merl Rtlh IhIt II oItIn rule tIltrnIy erred II II tha mIlI rhnnrn at tile LI Ilrnyly ml Inn at the wage at Um Ian the Iwurh at man It Mend Ire TM me my credence IrrIIln IlIIIInInx quII In uml um um ha Idntnd to the medlclt LLIlller ult rnIlI rIlrnIctrrlL II In thrIIlen II III In mm ButthIrJIItoccunIlIILIII uldmlthlh Ind milled tn LLII dttllnrt IIlIIIrIty Ihrttyt durum In body Ihunlrtry the Inmln Ilperlrnm Altrun IyproIrhln lhI lIttI lull allure Ilttt nh my tor IIIlmII mrnhn azlrII Imam heIIn tn In new set detthl Ind me Iltp out eI club In Imam mnly mud 31rd IL my Ivm enttr Mc Ind Inllenoed In Inert dIIpIIy some tha Implem InoclIted In the termlo mcnvpmc In IctdmtIIIy mm II that me ympteme tn the new my be II much rIlItId In Iatnl III chum It tlIe II In an IduII phyrthI chInm tnuuthuIImptutIanIIII in nmtlan II III the IIrnI IrIty betIre the IIIIIIIII II nele Imnepauu Ind tho mIIII poelvmnturtty amp ll one nl lnttnr ml Both Ihottrl hI recognized doe lemIAIO on ID the end IltnIIlen II IotmdlnhIJIIIhmgeedInh mm but InnIl rum thIl lb Numb II MI veryhl Dm DI MIMII Cu bleed Int III II run LI the IIDIrdlIhMManqull 1gnulw hl Id tI we uuy perm hm hmeeyed thud Shouldnt chlld hI hnnI IIlh Illher pIuntI un ton on InternA Elm Illon You hm ll buth Bland Ian rhew IMher rcrtIIn mm mm be mm It rtIln rhltd huI Innat tell WIIIITIIy thIt hI II Sum tau an It llrnu III III mrle TM be thc IILIur YII hluuyed Plltnll Ionw llmel hm htnvrnered dun AI to em Ind allln ItIr IdzrtttlrI ll lI remrnen Ier IIItldrtn te thI name lhlllc terIItlII It IIIhIr parent or belh hut than IlIe IrI run In whlrII prrtlrular lulqu un he mernIzedtnunlnl thII III thltd hII picked up lCIllLllkl tram urIIIr Imdmlend let Ilul they awn contnnct name By JAY IECKER Teeth deIIer tum new NO VII OKHDIT AA Jllll 0A NWT AKOHIH OXII mm In II Null II VI PII scIteucr rat the III II tum Ind Ihen But armed Itlh III Ice II diuuded III III II dlIdet 1hinII1lhlch In dlret bub Ihteterl hem lerrr Ier III et urend 1mm tnrrrnntl II return Ilnh Ind IIIIA III ledme IterveeedIIr er III bound II thI duh trlrh Ind the nontml n1 MM cAIIeIzu mRUATIY mu lam II III Inner In the Inll lrern tho tI nIrnhm Ind three II Gown IIIII Ind shnely Robert Bell mm cem Imnr lnrtltrne tn OntIIle the NI rrxnt Itln hy llrI Chuln deteple tobnhIrI Garden CIId Badman III quIII pIII IIII wIlh ltn Calla II II lure emu Irem IhIrInI III mute the trend Ior the vaan ere Inc Other mun II In nurse The re III II be It hmufhlrrnrnglenlthnhehhlor And In Llihe CenIdI where Mhbn Inch Id hm wer In weld no end why led npeu tut III III lured to In lnIIrvchr with 51mm Am pmldznt Ind mun of WI ml InItltum Ftb In GuthrlI Commenlly lIIII open In Ill plnl lnlemtrd In the the IM wwld III to hltla It Ore ramble IN In IrlrtartrIl IIIdu by Peter eIII hrwshl ruled In SMILII run The rammunlt IIIltoII Itundln thI JInnIry Bl III II IanIId In Ittmd Inrdtu eI GuthrlI WernrnI In the IchrItIan tn ntIrI rlltute the heme eI IlrI the 15th Innlvcrury II the We The lIhruIry mullnl II The mm when Itrr GmnWIIIon Drench Itll be the third hm nruldrnt ol Shanty llny III In II nm It the home It rnenI InItituII domemlrnlcd lIrI TIMI IIrInIIy wtlh cttlrm the Irt et mIlIn1I hIIr gtn IIIIpIM Werld AllItrI nenvcntr BLONDIE SECRET AGE DO NALD DU CK LIKE THE ONE YDU RAVE MOIIi ANa mama WN MA5 WA FINE BIKTIUQ Am NEKT TIME LRIVE YOU on recently Durtnl lIII DIIIIM Wind the damtlaru It prlu money In beltr ore Ind IIIrrII IIIr me DONALD IARRII numw TORONTO IUWAM TORONTO ll HAMILTON mud on by III For 010 By MM FRALICII IIII clIIreIkIIue lll lIrr Kenneth GIIlrn II Dred Men rm malt turdpen Inert tlme wtth hrr Plnuomvuu KNIT Kmlttle eI Vlltllhl In lrIndeIlIldrcn while their mIUllr llORNlNO VllllIOt MONDAY TO TRIDAT OUMLQAIMV uIrww 0M Hm urns aowL on CHERRIES LETS mum mm lunterl In EIIIWI Fllr WNW Ind tether wen In hIvrIdI IIIIII Amen to deplri the Isth IV IItotlItAIII InnIrmIry et WomrII InItItuIe On Feb plum rememhtr In mum to WIlch 230 ernnvem en CK INN mu Delu In remember Summ VIIIV IIrI Jack and Mn Ner tan4M Irybnrmtngtlntwntu nun CItheII eI Guthrle WIN enIIIIhoIItIItIInt err n1 rtInIIth MIRA Hamel II we pm Well on tab Innttemry II the Iwndlnl eI mmllll It pm Chlnnet Ier the mm In IUDIMI WI HIth new ILerrrn Irtt Mum III dmllh Imn IIalu ENIIM ml HEW lllI Ill lemnluthn tInIl aIII klllt TM bu My Inm lw TllUlll AND FILL IN AIll CHANNEL WINTER OLYMFlC GAME MONDAY JANUARY II EVENING ltFlIm IIttIIr IIuntIII lIDlvld III III Ium lurIIt II TMHMIIIlNIM wumr IWII INm TIMIIIM IMO IUnlvmlty I1 ALI Lin LIIIIM Ill IIIII 0mm WULPLUlLPVOU TI PLOATIII II HELP IOU WAN IIIN ttm Mmy cum III Im MMIIII IIILILHNINIIIIIIIIV MIN mm III rota VIII Dvll IIIIomm 1MIII Duvet xtuem It Immrt mm Hm Munwun Llllml Ievm tuatt m1 VIII NUBBIN TIM HW vrtny DTMR WRIIMI IIm out wtrII mwum III 0mm OI JIIMII Your report reItII Itlte wmtlhlttg my tenycnreld Ion NW hlve erIIInInd htI upllnx Enlllllt DAILY CROSSWORD lOlmlmnll WI Itmea IIaIItttIrt Hm ml ItIIIm IIIII Iru MHIIMI Ung Vdwl OIIMI mm mun IYIIIAVMMIIA mt mu IInt twtm mo FYIIIIIWMIII 1Wle IIMm tmrettu Im III III MWIIIIIA InMI Mml Inmn Mm kIIIIlI my IENNIIII hIwIt LANE2 IDIII VII MI Hum rm you mm In mu huntul uwItm IIIIIIIII mm 41 mm III III MI ttrury Im Emblem IIIrwy cm Loam time wnmt IL lIte It mm my III MI IlDIIII Ivttt 11mm Im at Im hum TRIM 10 III IW Md CHI IO Wiltle trmwmn mm MIL IIII MIRIAM Ill IUIIIIJAY IIIJIIIUAIIY AFTIIIINODN Noumea III at run neutth WIMM no Do 1min hymnle mom rl mm mwn 1INehnt Itan IAII MI MIMI TWhll1M em LLIIIIIRI WIKRJPIII rtn TURN rttnIncNIILAND II II MIIInoFINIOA ll IntIeII JAIL PARKING LOH InhII ILIIttprIII mm mum NW4 l0 III III Imwl wulm IWII IAIWI IMIII IW INII MM llLIII Ml Di II IIIIIII rumpultr mItcrIIt lCenttn rlIpIt Incan Item hawker twang lIIIIlIIIAIIIrI Iltreet IIMIIILI eIlIrln ILIInmn 0mm IIplInI lttIIdAeuI TTtEttrhIIlIl IMIIeettt we III may 11m 1er WIIIM Lwll gIIMMM mtr lulttNl tAII NM nut MIMI llIIIeIItM 0n In Itvtun mu Intt mum Imam artwnntl II ILuttItI Item It IAIMIDW WIIIA IIIIJII IM Mum Item Iomm IlMpIIII mu IIIIM llI IMI II III Hm 1va on mun IN Wmll IVIM AvINInDM 0mm ILIII AMI but It 1140th 04er MIMI rMIrun IIMIH LIrImrrt WIIIAIIIm In Inrt It mm III II Ith mm In 531 WWW tutu1w mm nmawnul JIII mm lm 444mm WI tI mot Imr III pvaeIerrtrtrtr It IItrlm IIIIII Hmm NW Mrrur hattelm ttpm ItlehtIntItn TUNNIIAY IKIIILUAIIV IIVIINlNIl Hunt wry IIrII tffltfmlg 3v IFlutl tut IInwtmr iMILG 0mm TITI WWW DI mm HIIuI III III ttm mmle IltIIA III mm wt mutt IN III Ivumm It IIIIIII IMlTlmltt Ml Ivtmtm ormm Nlll Acrlm 100K or turn we mmwn mm em attltim norm Im new IIIT ledtttrlullcttlllm IAKI TNISONI WIRIIRIYRTRMINI IVIJNIIII NITILTNNI INILTOIATLLII NO 100 Il llttd In hroeht Iulhor ll Mohtrn lItMI loll IIIIII ID New Mm Mm II Nanll Itnrttn mu IIIII In IIIIIIIIII III IuehIe MI IntM rt IMm Iihwg mm mild gttw mun enmnnumnnmI Ith to work rt Hufah rm Ill II II DONOVNTITIOW IMum Wrtny Mg ItltIm IInIn MW INII 5M1 In Ivllvf Ilmply ItInIII III Inelltnr In thtr IIIIIIIO ll ttIIdIIrtIteIltrIIUI xlertlletwn OIIIIJIIII III It lI ginnmaeoernr ttMnm IIAI Innl IN All IIII nItInemrnt mm mm AUNT LOWLCZNI ILL WIIITILLL IT Ftllt VII Ill1 lmOItmnIt IeItIII tettrmm nrlrolm thIIInII nI mlILIMII th at It IM 5W MIIWMH hIntIhuhLlIytItIIedIIIttINIrIdtlIIrrnL NW W9 UNIOUUNMD HAIR IN All Im Amelumrn eratIurn WWW um xenrnnen MI van one euuwu Ilownnrtu Mutton I0Iun ArIII IMel unllrttm mt trwmnnn em nounewe nnronu retrI VIII em IIINVAIW rot IILIIIIIVIII fngleilnntn TIMING WORLD IN LINN DUNN TIM IgtNIAIII le Iaee IIIIII Mum ulmr LIL mm Hut wen Ileur wuw MD gemgm LNI Ill IL WN IIUUUII NU UILLy LILD UL IL NAT IIN IMHOle erIm rem dun Ithtvum Nrmt IIM lIm lIntlent Elmng IIIllemIdI I4 hm nnLIItNm termlmlwu OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ma 54 DIIIM ol JIIMII Mm I31 mr III mm InnY

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