ngoseci Road Budget For County Reduced even be the the one rlronil ryqu Iyslemd has top efii bl Inanre War bruinsn mantis oar ow entered ovvi Orin in Is now cu niihiigl be said Di clthrr way his lntrntl on linyr title on some Hill has Iiul til rirrlr is that hig Inilurnce imporlriil his right IbII if to fulfil quite 10 have to it life in ski int surplus not spent last me TECUMSETH COUNCIL TO BEGIN BUDGET Terrariuer township council Ia preparing to start prelude Iry work on ma budgets Dep Reeve Allan Glassford now total road brad st of lites too dosn about 0000 from last year has been proposed for Slims County during in The budget which Is new be forc thr ftnInciaI and sdinlnln trslton committee for study Ind cornideration would require sperm to be Hired by the coun Iy while mam would be the govcrnm share year ago the land but get mind Irtlsio while the governme share amounted to 1m surplus from Mt amounting to srnsrr reduced the county road vy In turner In ten 1500 OURPLUS 0f the sonnet proposed for this car the country would Iaii to raise mum from Reeve Edgar Olrrln of Nniil Hwasaga heads the county committee while ileeve lamca WIlea of Tosorontio ls rhIirmIn finance and Idinlnlrtrstlen emrnlttee Largest Item in prupdltd new 00000 on Coun bs purchascu and 0000 on Sixth ends eslkd for budget of licence servin his seventh year no corinci discusses panopch vrtb Reeve Harry Croai The Marti is new in its last year lIko Reconstruction oi this rood has been asked by orists and Pics couriclis for several years Eapeatdilu of 00000 Li llrted on Cermty road it In Essa town ship when Reeve George Guer air and Deputy Reeve Dd tinc denald arc the county cormcil representatives Other construction items elude WM on Cornty Road or west of Coilingwood 0000 on the Grey boundary Road No it moon on paving Road as out and $15000 on pavv tug Canal road No IIOCRLEY DRIINII The sum of wine was al lowed for new bridge at Rock toy 0000 for Various land street corinetllng link It Col lingwood Administration and overhead The sum of curse was let ed in the budget toward Barrio suburban roads and NOW to ward Orillia With Its location It thI Narrows Orillia also his conncctinx roads in Ontario Crun ol an extended IhreI yeIr term nature trims Iill revert to turn yurs IEaaminer The to with the lake Couvhlrhlng city The financial distribution show ed the province would provide $15600 against IhI HIM of kill county for financing bridges Ind culverts On road expenditure each would provide MOO ot the financing while equipment costs lInd purchase vests In urban expenditures also area be ahlrrd equally The provincial government would pay treooo Ind the resin ty Low of the proengineering work proposed Administration and overhead would be shared with No00 paid by each sc rording to the report now being enruidcscd Members of the Runner and adrvdnislralion rommlltro study lng the budfnst besides RrevI WIles also clrarle ReciI Lloiv vi Dion Penctanguishcnc Reeve IPclel chnn oi Slnyncr Reeve George ilurtnn ni innit til Rccvo Orville Realm of West Owilllmbury Reeve Ron Stsniian oi Orillia Deputy llaeve torus Pclcnon of Port hichicoll Ind Inrvirn Lloyd Prldbairv Road to train Elmvaio Io Orr ORILLIA lStanl incumbent meor David Dawn is the oath to head the Orillia council since this Lake Couchlchlag city at tslntd town status in mi twas shovn by local records New serving his third year Is head at the summit ltiryor firovvvr was the second ilncn Or IillI became city on Jan luv llurt itclsaac Orillia bui inctsman was the first serving for oneyear First town mayor was Mel villa Miller who served In lllb To and 11 before he was ruc cccded by Sensor for two years Siam Wainer ht followed it two and their in lchosh served the first two it five Ifterrrn Booth Wu mayor from rain to trio inclusive Others In the last cvnlury included Robinson Thompson Steven ll llarvey Former Orillian Dies In Florida ty which are main traffic links George Thonuon Sanitar xnn II II Jupp Ind It Shop pard LONG SERVICE James Tudhinw was the Rial OrllllI mayor of tho itlh ccnlury This notabir industrial tits who founded several Orillia industrial firms was at one time member of the Federal Parliament also served in the Duluth lacglsinturc was mayor of Orillia tor three terms and servrd some it years on this Or iillI Power Comvason Robert nurse who was may or for seven terms still holds the Orillia record rv Geflst was meor for fovrr years Miller for three and William Frost for one The later the father oI former premier losils Final now of Lindsay was Orillia rna hr in mi During roaring his Dune an Anderson vltliam ll Dicllvnpe George club It brown and George Sinclair headed the Orillia council ilr lchean who Intel became years Is still resident of Or IllI member Ili Parliament Ior to itrrva of Sunnidaie incumbent Mayor 36th Orillia Council Head blacisaac was mayor In lbli and tilts and lbrn lr Cramp made comeback Arthur Truman was made Says North Sim NIWNE isutrr it is hard to will that disillus hnment ever the hoped or Society Mid becnrpl so rte within our years care Ioddsl elections it was narrated by Dr It Dynard NP In Isis IItesl Idler Irons Parme Hill in OtthI Why is it that dboncbant wt and dLuiMonmenl has re pigwed so quickly the optirtr oi Lbat besutiiui June It rarer tntrdy Isled the Cmsrrvai va member the North strum in referring tn the tax incresscs rise in norm or racist and airyva coastliqu to haticn Ith has mam economy during kir esus regime PAY FOR MISTAKE is it that are as people in ftvscd to deal realistically airb bir Trudeau who Is matter oi lart promised my little he Iakcd recalbog that the line minister was only mem Nr of Parliament IIan torn and lnistrci ulceration EDIHDMOOI Just corn the III lYNAID SIP Assails Government who then went on to biamr then ahIt drscnbed as huge Oitraell via the television other media The Inner should in shorter election prelim less brain washing less ovrrsell and more drop thought the elrctorIte In some rig shou think about because we pay for our mistakes said the Orillia surgeon who has been anem tlrnI before be the government Why then did the will rush in grid give this largely uni known man the maturity lI didl questioned Dr Ryulrd STRICT NEWS TIIE DAME EXAMINER MONDAY JANUARY ll iii Angus Program To Be Discussed in making In Ippeai for good turnout to the semi ing lr villlsrni raid ii there ANGUS lSlaIfl Future of the Angus community fairuly rec reatlan program will be dtclda It meeting in Srrncoe street school on Diesday mi it was announced by George Wil liams lupervisnr The future at our program will be placed on its line at this mreting said tir WllilIma altar placing himself on record as dsplnrlng the Ipathy shown by parents In fIiimg to turn out In support of their youngvlcrs They ny there is nothing to do in Anglia and when we try to do something about It we havent been getting the required sup port he sIld Ailcr recent publicity few more parents turned out for the narration program which in clude rloor hockey badminton volleyde Ind olhcr spatn but there was only nine It recent session and we need more than that he said rip interest this is It for pm IlllI lnsurancernan followed In MI Ind 61 Orilllas only woman mayor liahel Post new memoir of the power commission xrrvod from tool to loot Inrlvsvlvely Then came iluri lchrnIc and The binnidipulSnvin BB Dunlo Tel 705i for three years starting in list and Scores ll hfrlean Orv Once to Whats Goad pan ovary young rnan comes summer the this One Swedish Simmer commoner Our Complete Show the incumbent mayor Drown that Ilium not II in riviiiiiiiiibviiruiiiviri lllll uirari mu vii iIIIII modular IIII ng mcrb isnt something done to holder The meeting has been called People Disillusioned coe MP her at Parliament has nearly ll pun la cartelch lit Trudeau and biaicadenbpDr RyIIrdsI id Ne baa Iinyl been in my opinion along with Mr Ben son tladgsr Benton er last fall Dr Ranrd reciti rd lit Trudeau ruled that in Ration was titled and all that Issleftlobcdeeiswuanna Inr uraerriplo meat The shock lng lost of matter is that in Raiieia rode last November and December well over what it has been in the past to years he pointed out You doiiIr of ion rents in November and Dcccrnb er oi ml is now only worth cents five cents out It every dollar bu been taken out oi the consumers pocket in one years To look II it another if you $5000 on food theiir or services the government by inflation DII taken mil UNEMPLOYIIENT TOO Ming to unemployment Dr to itypsrd recalled that in Septem ber mt lr Trudeau told the people by vuy of television that all the economic rndxalora showed that thI economy was growing an well Is the job op porturavies One month later Mr Benson bad to admit that the unemployment was serious muiiudgrd that it had made mistake that unemployment was serious problcm and that the Job participation rate had been unexpected thI North SimcoI member added Does it not make you asund er with all the corn trrs leg Il Idvisers and so orth that money can buy slay the govern mrni made this take ark rd Dr Rynard lfow can the government plan for the future in foresight is no clrrrrr ahead than one month at lime We now have the worst of two worlds unemployment Ind iri Ration Canada can not Iitord to keep over half million people unem ployed the Cnrutrvnuvo memb cr deplored Thuy would be adding thin million to the gross national product and as would not be rumg welfare Iunda minimum nontth balsan on our BONUS SAVINGS ACCOUNT gs dz Lorin Corporation Street East Barrie Ontiirio 7267200 ilenso cnli collect Our hours of business are Monday to Thursday 900 Im to 500 path Friday 000 Mil to 900 pm Saturday OrllO am to 300 pm the municipal savings loan corporation Aaubsidiaryofltunicipsl Rankin Cerwratlnntltfiiliimiird JIEIIDER CANADA nsrosir msunictci convonariorr Chdfilldsittliitr Plan Water Soiely Program For Summer At New Lowell NEW TOWEL tSIffl Bernhard and NI tartil No ed nsena lawsuits niainint cc entree will again assist in spco racing the Isis safety program at Milling Valley cw scion park be this coming anna user this will be our founb rue said lira Drunks of Brut IoorIIhoIIrochaarnanolthl inlet swimming cummiles with Mrs liub Barker New Low Iii corsairlire works tbmrh service Registration for the in clan art or ninecited tIiIr through the rematicn service Ind iea earnings to suppn meam hand one would II he destroying the diwa and leLi mpm pl mm pie Ibo want to work cannot find it be lamented In assailaa the gonrnrnents eennnnie tax policies Movie III II the advertisements II In cask arise sfnaaly clip Aqu Body Repairs Dlseounl Gas Expsrt Service TTbWIl Dorrie Terrors Corner Gas BIr est SkIaty Day Read For the Vital tail tw rue Dnlgn laurlurl TI borqu In Collier tit Wt TJdul TTHJTJ BUY LOCAL BUY FRESH Smiths Farm Dairy Ii IranIng Come Try Us AI RIVER GARDEN RESTAURANT Dining Room Colin Shep OPEN DAILY miles North at Barrie Ilwy II For Rrstrvlilota ITSIGOR Christopher IIummcr Flowers are for lkllt OCCASION TSMITO libtill MURIELS FLOWERS Tl ilayflrld St UNITED VAN LINES Canada IJmiird The people III III look after your moving Irrda Ill DUNLOI 51 WEST Sammy Davis Jr the 81mm Coacty nercsuaa We also had tO rerutcr again last yesr Urn llcCLthy ye ported meteors uisis club has spas sored day ramps It tbr D1 acre park The lndrca Ansiltary tn the Rural CanxJan leper sad the lesion have also hoped LEI chart The India raised trim and presented econ on All accused Ninrcrws other local arguin tiona Ind IiiilDl workers Ilsa luvs aided the programs Game ma Irck are Invited ta rsaatrl movie star to vellum naIvle movie In ahaI below no to In be eligible III III Itn Idrrrtiuirical shelag the Earl star 1le belleer played leading role In WATERIDO and read your cabin to star Rafter fkr tint csmcl answer can each arnk Ilas LIST WEEKS WINNER lllrl Ii Hell Sthel EL Dul Daniela The Danie Eurasian the taco earl arise Aayaben HENRYS mu AND CIIIPS Th DIrrII Plan TIMI MARS GARAGE SERVICE OIL SERVICE ttllanr Tswils nan mists muss meals Msin Available BIG 0R SMALL EXAMINER WANT ADS SELL THEM ALL Peter Lawford swim AND INOWRIORIIFR5I nnon rrt rots arr chenii roi Avn MSTIIINUTI GROCERY SHOPPING Open DIya nosed lied DALSTON ml Slay one Fonds Largest selection of Drlgbam IIpra nrnplrib repair service on all main Ii pipes MIDWAY Variety and Colin Shop lll erdfnrd 11le Dantes headquarters for thilllI liUlLDIb MATERIAL and KITS available now II GARNETS lakevrew Rillill OltiLLlA tstatt Word has been received here of the death Swedish Summer sill piii CALI CAL NICHOLS HOBBIES Dunlop St MAYOR Elli YEARS um at Irccsbrirg Ha of Dr Now Ird thisrnn forsnrr Orillia res ident It the Ign oi Tl Until he rrtircd it years ago Illst elected in tilt Johhalori was Orlllln mayor for live terms four during lhn its any Pack was mayor or six lit and John Good for three Dr Curran was curator museum ol natural history at New York Iiu served in Wor when he was plain the Simon Foresters Seafoth limitn ders Ari entomologist be has written several books about in sccttlleonootwhirhisItSim coo County archives at liidhurrt Born in Orillia be VII the son of the late leorge Curran week ly newspaper publbher No brothers ltsrrlo and Prank Cup rIri reside in Orillia and sin trr Nina It Floral Park near hngo lib widovl Ethel and run liowsrd Jr of latcsburg lls Ibo survive Waverley Makes Winterama Plans VAVERLEY Stall Snow inobllo races snow rhoo compo rfjjtltlons and beauty contest will be onto of on highlights oi rm winter carnival which is to be hold hero shorily The beauty enntut will he held It the Waverley Oran hsll on Saiurday Feb Prnripa the Elmvale Diurlvi High School Edgar lily Ellis will be among four ledger Id Pack as mayor sawmill cheers factory Tco followrd IIIrry dilili the Mr is alli its former also resid nd ent of Orillia as is his success 0I Dr Seymour and Austin Gaels it Cramp an Orlllls mer chant served his first of four terms as mayor in list John DISTRICT BRIEFS IIII OIIO PAYMENTS 0R0 STATION Stall Oro township was asked for No tit as iII Iharr oi the county levy according to its records exhibited here This included tastiest general and litisoit towurd routs It Oiliespln was rreve George hiocKny do only and Walter Forrester don Csidwrli and Laurrnva Fra Ier councillors ONCE MILL CENTRE EDGAR staff This well known Ore township commun ity which new has general store and restaurant at onetime was the location for grist lrrpili ITO gincrsl stores trlcgrnph office iO DUNLOP SRW IiAltRlE ONT HEID out on With SHOWN NIGHTLY AT PM PalO PM rirr minus Diamonds MNYWIIRWW tantamount MATINEE SATURDAY AT ltlS PM iwe checker and temperance ball FREE LIST SUSPENDED 185 Dunlap Manda with GRILLED Pinon Complete mom FAMILY DINING OUT NIGHTS to Friday ROAST TOM TURKEY dressing OR HAM STEAII ppIe Ring has Children under l2 SIJO meal Includes Dessert and Beverage Alarm and Storm lelled TXSOSII lelvnr vim woumsr viir over Mr It ran iii vars Itlhliu McLeods Texaco Itv II Mlle II IIrrtI ttbonr Tew Servch Coming Soon HOT HEROES JOHNS GRILL Ii COLLIER D1 Butts Porno Tmil rFor BARRIE TY SALES Mm nghori Color TV Black WhttI AOS Slur complete line mutt Darries bloat Fascinating Store Gas In Sundries BREAD for SIOS atoms nonnvu swear ilwy nswu Open not to It pass we who illitiiii Exp lea Reasonable Prlea luster Loivovisvv Fried Chicken Restaurant In Dublin East Walter llatthau ssirvrcr CENTRE III NAPIER 5T