Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jan 1972, p. 4

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useth 247 Purl as oxi ti ind dis lot in bet du Rb Icr pro ilrt OU far Bo in twi tsi tin vic It of oil an tic C4 in or In via 1l Clip Norrie Examiner Nailibsd by Canadian Newspspm Company Limited 16 Hayfield Strut Emil Ontarh Kerry Larnbir Mliahsrdnnaral Manager McPherson Managing Editor asonoav rnrvutnv er in ran Welfare System Needed Waits Editor Eansrion In Canadian Senator David Croll in speech last week attacked Canadas welfare system lie deicribcd it as so outdated that its like driving model on super high ways lie said welfare is hangover Irom another era which has no relevance today Senator Croit chairman of the Senates report on povert beltevos that guar anteced annual ncome would be mucb more acceptable than straight weUare However there Is virtually no drance of such change being made in the fore seeable future especiaUy in view of re cent statement by the Prime htlnister iir Tnideau stated on more than one occasion that guaranteed income would be too expensive at this time if the government declines to make change then there is no alternative to welfare The welfare system today is far cry from the unemployment relief at the depression era During the 1030i poo pie ovrt of work were given vouchers for food clothing and shelter Eventually the system was changed to limit straight relief largely to uncmployables As the economy improved jobless ablebodied men were sent to Manpower centres Others when they were laid off got on employment insurance in Barrie ay B5 per cent of the people in receip oi weilare pa meals are products oi broken homes it most of these cases fathers have disappeared leaving their wives and children to fend for themselves These women are given Economy welfare and within three to four months they may go on mothers allowances Other types at recipient include aga ing people who cant work because of physiai disabilities and turn or women on partiime employment Paattime workers are eligible ior wel fare subsidies and encouraged to find steadior employment But they are helped as long as need is evident The guaranteed annual income sounds ideal it would be new deal for the poor and the unfortunate who cant work through no fault oi their own However it is significant that top civic and provincial woiiare officials are little chance oi such system working out sat tsiactoriiy As one ofcial said guar anteed income is an invitation to man on borderan wage to give up and live oil the state It would also be an invitation to maltngering despite Senator CroUs convictions Actuaily welfare is very necessary part of the economy People must have shellsr they must be clothed and they cannot be permitted to starve If they received welfare there is an implied understanding that they will make every effort to find work Perhaps the women left with two or three small children would have to remain on welfare In definitely Perhaps too the man on paittime lob would need help fora long time But many others wit ability to hold down steady yobs would be expected to find employment The guaranteed an nual income would make such ciiorts largely unnecessary Ending Marital Intrusion The despotism of the iopmans wife whother in Industry the military acade mia or governmenthas been theme for humor and not little individual dis comfort as long as organisations have existed This kind of wifer inuence can be used to get after maio undorllngs in an or antral on But especially when an organ tion tends to make up its own social circle it Li the wives of employees that most bear its force in this regard then one must cnm mend the US State Department for do claring the wives of workers at foreign missions off grounds to the dictates of the wives of senior oiiicers Reportedly the junior officers wives not only were rubect to draft by senior wives for pa lea and charit work but even for mental chores run as laundry Of course the important point is not to distin Lsh between male or disinff exploitai on of workers wives it is to see that respect be given the privacy of every cou ies marriage pact The use oi or on rospective workers wifeas if she be certified as sec iaily sanitizedhas been another tr ticuiariy offensive means of msriia in trusion it Is well to see such practices coming to an end Christian Science Monitor DOWN MEMORY LANE 36 YEARS AGO lN TOWN Barrie Examiner Jan 30 1930 John Sumner Drinkivator reeva of Orillia township elected warden of Simeon County on first ballot At meeting of Lions Club Archdeacon ltoiilton paid tribute to memory oi the late King George who died last week illeg lrtrate Charles Blclv Crown Attorney Evans and Justice oi The Peace Jean Canningiorced to spend hi at farmers home near Elmvale uring heavy snowstorm Alpine liacNab CNII station agent at Barrie went on pgmion aiter 25 cars service in city ornas llarxhal native and lifelong resident of Die Township died in his Dist ear llrr Cotes celebrated her 0th birthday Jan 23 at her home in Bracebrldge iiutlny on the Bounty iietroGoldwynliayers great sta picture playing at the Roxy Theatre new tire known at the ground grip placed on the market Edward William Jones Brampton chosen county engineer suc ceeding the late Freeman Campbell arenas was spent for unemployment re lief in Barrie in 1035 flhom son elected Vestry clerk oi Trinity Ang lican Church lira Warren Wligar left to spend month with relatives in Florida Acting on instructions from the Crown Chief Stewart ordered all slot machines in town to discontinue Lloyd Fitzgerald speedy lilldland centre leading intermediate league in scoring Entries poured in for Barrie Curling Clubs first bonsptel in some years in his lnnisfii Notes RGS re rtcd that the township council went to oderieh to inspect road maciiln in an ad vertisement Ii Sm th offered an li ploee living room ensemble tor Nib and ninepiere dining room suite for $50 Art Brennan oiIcred choice dairy butter for 28 cents pound and two pounds of liamburg steak for 25 cents OTHER EDITORS VIEWS POLICE ROLE regard this as satisfactory advice might carriers svorrv 91 Executive Assistant Vital To Notion By and DOltiIAN One of the most important studies ever made of Canadian attain wIa lord Durhams re port issued in london Jan me Although wealthy Durham was noted British rctormer and was nurde governor of the British North American colonies following the rebellions in lower and Upper Canada In IKJT hfany Canadians wert do mIndIng responsible govern merit better system of larvi distribution and correction at other abuses There was little cooperation Irclwccn Lowrr and Up rr fonarfa curb having its rowniegltlsiurcs Radicsi Jack at Durham was rIlted arrived at Quebec in may iris and tiryed only until Nov when he resigned over dispute with thi British govern ment Despite the trait of Mir Indrailwayv Durham manang in sea grroi deal of trendy during that short period and also met tiio leaders oi the More llimn colonies who went In Quebec However the Atari times were doing well in those days The difficult problem pairs in lower and Upper Can Durham had In eacrllent visit to help him and worked hard The result was that the Durham Report was prepared Lll itll than your perhaps record for royal commission before vr since Durham recommended the unlttn of lowrr Ind Upper Cans with one legislature Ind tlm eventual confederation of III the lirlilsh Nortli Itmorl can colonies other recommen dations lneludcd the creation of municipal govemmrnia Durham made one serious mistake its thuururi that lrcnchCanodlnns would lose their identity lhii ixtUTITl ring ltsir speaking when they were united with Upper Canada in sieaii they began to light bar iirr to retain their Identity Dur hnm also insulted many irenchaCnnndinna by describing viii ix WHILE them Is people withint his tory or culture other lsra ll evtnII imDuchua oi Alguillon gave 000 llvres for foundation of hospital It Quebec tinDominion Cont Co was formed in Nova Scotti rimPrice of gold was raised to Us an ounce from No itotllrttain signed agree relations with Canada Mamas Gladstone be eme first Canadian Indian sen or LETTERS TOTiiiIEDITOR TIIIIOTIIY BCIIOOI IIINK Dear Sir rrcent article in your paper stated that the city council had granted line to the construction and malnlrttance of an Ice rink at Timothy Christian School As rcildrni oi the surrounding community we appreciate this ice surface vc much for our chil dren to vary What dont in derslnnd is why these boards which enclose to rink al lowed every spring and summer to be torn Ipart carted sway burned or otherwlso dratrnyvd instead couldnt someone simp ly drive urnund with truck and twp men load on the boards and store thorn somewhere unlll lire following top season much more inexpensively than each year another grant for coustnrc iiuIIi As family on very tight budget we drplaro such waste Thanks again for the space to air our views hill purl MRS ll FOSTER 10 North St Darrin skolibfilhmAJXW QUEENS PARK BEWARE LEST YOULOSE THE SUBSTANCE BY GRASPING FOR THESHADOW diffs wimp SODIUM 550 is Key Government Man llr DON ORBARN Queens Park Bureau Of The Examiner The last of series If arti cies an the Davis tenement As he tries Irom hit efllto oI chlel executive assistant to Pra micr DI is to head Ute reorga Intention of the Ontario govern ment rind make It more efiie lent thorn are two key oueav tlona Ibnut Dr JImea Flick One is whethear will become mandarin Ttie xecotwi is whether it ha doesnt become mandarin he will be able to get the cooper ation of times who have been rnandIrlna TIIREE AT TOP hiarvdlriam is that situation where closely knit group of top rlill aervInla tend to control much of the operation of govern ment And It has been strong If Queens Park The key men in this rlllo dur ing the Roberts reglnw were Dr Keith Reynolds and Donald Collins ileynnlds got his power be cause he was the Ieninr official In the premiers office ending up as deputy prime minister port which now to be Ib ollshtdl Collins has been In various sen Ior positions but the almllicsnt one ms the chalrmlnailip of the Civil Service Commission which be held for several years The Reynolds inuence cImI iinftl his written It the main lino to the premier And there lore an adviser on many mutt irral Celtlru was from his ab lllly to make appointments Also importsnt wn ATC liIcNab deputy minister of highwayl IAlld site member oi the Civil Service Commie Ion THE LIGHT TOUCH Drunks Cant Drive And below the three there were some hall doiru men or more who essentially owed their Jobs to them and were part oi the in group There were some areuot ov eriimeat operations where clr inuence was not important tFer example It was generally assum ed thit deputy provincial tren iurcr and chief economlri ll inn iiacdonnid ran pretty well his own show But generally they were very powerful SYATEM IS ENTRENCIIED Whrlhrr we have Urooks Bros Icndcmlc or modern min agcmont style from Dr Ileck can largely depend on his so So entrenched not powerful manager might to break it up limit lllANI Then there is the side of Fleck and whether he might loin darlar or establish his Presumably he is theory and hrIndIrinlsm ways rlrong on theory Will he be great ivr iColllris xtnricd trrnal promotion It trained forestrrs as in tourism and finesse ways man in Lands An agriculturist In Public Collins also was proarh to them or Itlenit to niintstriillon graduate their methods Heck has been partly man agrment man and apparently good one its has rucccssiul record In business But he also has been partly an academic And again very good one his record In the field at builnera administration has been outstanding lie could turn out to be rascn tisily manager Ileicould demand quick riona less emphasis on mes dealing thought In committees ii advice secured whcrs need cd rather than resort to the wrlt dam of Insiders and generally make govunrnent administration more hardrnoaed if this il blIityle It would re main to see if the old elite cis feats him in ii Reynolds has now been promot ed to be the chief executive in the new provincial xecretaryrhlp of Environment and Resources Development lie is away from the prcrnlera office Ind doesnt have his old Inuence And Collins is deputy minist er cl Trade and industry with new regime In influence is les lined But they re the rest of tie group And perhlps important their system Ll around and well entrenched Will he follow the titrery at blessed are Irvilrhrni Reynolds artsoliico he was chosen colleague Dan in he were biosgists and Forests Omsnd Scltnco Centre Will he be coirrnritlrecr trivia those long stalemrnti fullycoushcd to any ON CONTRACT As of new it cant From what is knovn innit he could go It can he xIId are right its Is contract at 0000 would be in the and declares he his lab to be it career vnnli What we do know those two years going to be very BIBLETHOUGII Ital arch in itth donr of ind Ind near ilIll thraI ahallb dded nnlsyen thew if we want Govt promiscr it is we are going to prinliiitS of our flirmilton Spectator benefit from it Weve never met good policeman mm loymm themselves The oisman arr JKIJZ is Olir Barrie Examini This Pilot or 22h5252 =2Egs Mil5 n== Ezaaeew 25 who wasnt first rate social worker and an effective practlslnrfv psycholo st Uh til fairly recently pol cemen an elergy men were the only real social workers most people met CONTRADICT CLAIMS Widely reported claims that seat belts are being used about to per cent ot the time on the average are contra dicted hya new oiurly by the 118 insur anco Institute or illghway Safety They Iounri that ion belt usage of drivers in iiiiiMiiTi model cars varied from I6 per cent in large metropolitan areas to nine per cent in small cities Shoulder belt usage was between six per cent and one per cent in the same types of areas The Ontario Safety League rays that the mrs study re led on observed belt use in variety of actual driving situations not on claimed belt uie reported in In tenlows The study found signific ant proportion of people who claim that they use sent bolts ways do not have the bells fastened when aclurrlly observed in vehicles UK JOBLBSS Feenomistr are in be heard forecasting that Britain will have to learn to livu with an unemployment rate which would in the 1950s and 1000s have been to gnrcieu is unacceptable Politicians rvho SNOWMOBILES Stratiord city council has asked the provincial government to enact legisla Ion that would require all snowmobile operators to hold drivers licence and to wear helmet with Inner protection for he ears and visor for protection of the eyes Well along with the licence and the helmet iii wh protect the snowmobil err against the own nolrel if the rest of us have to put up with tho racket why shouldnt eyl St Catharines Standard NEW SKILLS There are Jobs going Jobs in new in dustries demanding new skills And when the boom comes and we go into the Com mun Market there will be many more jobs like this Britains success In Eur ope depcnds on traininf our eople in the ski Is oi the seventea anr eighties Ilut oi the million out of work how many are betny taught new drills in govern ment iri ning centres loss than one in hundred national plan for giving the unemployed something to do need not lust be piece of ahamninced window dressing it could siren then the economy and lm rovu tho qua ty of life in the country ta start now The Daily lilan ll llavald litrch Barrie Ontario Telephone norm Second Class Mail Registrntlim Number our Return postage gunrlinteeti Dally Sundoyl Ind Statutory liolldnya excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier we weekly raise year ly Single copies too by mail llarrle 1120 yearly Simeon County mm yearly balance of Canada rhino yearly All other iUiiIliilll th yearly hloier throw nil vireo yearly Natlonnl Advertising Offices to Queen St West Toronto ON lilo Btu CItlicort din liontrcal Siembcr of the Canadian Press and Audit bureau of Circula virus The Canadian Press In exclus ivrly entitled to the use for re pub lrotlon nl Ill news dispatch es in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or footer Ind Ilso the local news publish ed therein The DIrrta Examiner cisirna Copyright in all original Irlven llv and editorial mIicrIIl cro sled by its employees and ro produced in tirir newspaper Copyrltht Itegliirnilon Nurn bci snare reglltcr lit iiy IIAI IlOlLE NEW YORK iAil Things columnist wright never know hit didnt open his mail pilot car has been devel oped in Japan that wont let llIeil be driven by drunken drivers device built Into thil steering wheel rquIs drivers brenlh lost as his wife might ii the driver has drunk too much the devle automatically atnpl the cars engine Egyptians uro Imong the worlds top moviognen They attend an average of to Iiims year iitupermarkcts Ire becoming more like department stores hurt the simple grocery stores of yesteryear Of the mo items stocked by typical su permarket to per cent were nonedible and ranged from hair Ipruya Iifiti medicines to rawhide hours or dogs Know your language ilvirt la the art In of bvmgIIowT indie ls horns of bunga lows onestorey houses with verandns Our word for them comes from the llindl bangle which means Der longing to Bengal The mind It sleep Dont scorn dreams II useiell phan tastes of the unconscious mind Coleridge wrote his is nirui pccni ltubla tuna and Elisa llown solved the rob lem or making wnriIbla sewing machine as the result at vivid dreams Aint It the tnubtr Actress Eloise llnrtln says lliea nc cessitier tivcse days are lord clothing shelterInst credit cards Exit liner fl had strength to hold pcn would write down how easy and pleasant tiling it is to die said firmed Dr William lfnnier Why wecp your rIid lilng Louis XIV OD his deathbed Did you think should live forcverl thought dying but been harder Said French historian Frnevt items We perish we dilap pcIr but the much of time goes on forever Folklore Dreams during any of the 11 nights after Christrnu will romI trite It brings good luck to child to give it coral MeklIce It will aim have good luck it you rub It at birth with rabbits loot If you carry baby stairs right after birth it rise in the world ii HAPPENED IN crisps my ally in arrneon nilsoon Filmicmtva was mrmdiiiiiiiiiiiws sinner TilAlTOWEitiOJER Burrow naturism BUILDINGS litreutwortoitutvsstvwiutwivnttsr mmmuvneitmccuwnovsuasrwopu lthktAatAtifAltitEWiNullucoNtEoEllduoN mumwruvueorvooorwnvmmwmo more rsnuewrswwsavnssscwrs 3th

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