OTTAWA lCII Tho Cm dloo trmport minim bu coiled public heonor or Ippiieotlon by tho noodle ho timi ttorlooyo to Ihsxion brooch lure hrtlm hmII Ind Penetoornsbeoe lorries out no tremor Boy The commlooion be In Iwoml the public berrht IILI be held Doth beginniox Teb TI The rIrlory loot more then ttroooo in opeutlnx the bunch Air CUTIE IRATE yod their toieet or port It port in hockeyI rinyclie IkIto Ji dLI orrnerlers Ind oldiimer took Ind roowohoo more during rho Itieroooo Wyoroio Winter Frolic rryer John hiodcoi It non portion eoouoitioo been set up which without locoipoliticiono on their on to promotion commuter ervi In tho Vorktntcoo lg lot tor ibl oeot elec eet the rodent ovemmrnt toI ponlor ihrcemonth trlIl pro under the winter work in rent run but hu out yet met oru iunds tor the pm EC ito told he Ind itoberl Silicon will be cocholrmeo oi the com mittee Ind they will moko liedcol hos been tryiriy to voilohio their liicr Ind copier oi tlorrio Winter Cornlvri rd witi Itort irom the on rim It mo pr lotuo Pebrtk erode orrooirero will line up bond Ind ttooti behind tho sec storo end the unit will trh dowd DeoIId Ind Anne poll to Duoiop end door Duo It to itemprotolt Dr rotiIIILol it warm eoourh tor trumeots be ulrd thero will throo hoodo on hood ho Yorkiltretlphtor led by Yortoite motoretie mp In tnierootlonel royrtotiro hood up the Iioil ilorrlo Buc eero will represent tho homo Ind irom Coiiirrwood be the Colilnywood Colic Bond lhIt prrtormcd well he lento Clou pIrIde Thio lorwood hood he been to Will Eydluate Politicians Commuter Train Action reports to my poiiticlorrs oer touriy intereoted lo the eornmuir er irIin rortcepi In letter but members ot iIrliIment the the void they would welconu Inquiries irom my HP Ind hope to her irom IlI condidoles betoro the next ledoroi election lwuiu Wan veryone Loves Parade to opted three week in rl next umlncr pieylor It Cllldry Stompch end in hbrldro ATI WANTED nyooo with tiort Men or who lioot tor the pond is rd to contort the Chomber oi omerro Ind tervo hi or her to so the orrenirer eon pion out iirieup lot minute ttort enlrlrr will Iccepted Ind Ire ortcd to no be It tho pins by Item doy oi the porode he winter Clrnlroi Commit oIId lhir is Andy rhrpln one oi the lorccrt ptrodeo yerro IlitI ihryr hopino to 20 degree plus wellher oo murieiens cIo pcrlorm optics will he prrrentcrl tn toiiowinu eotryorieer hlrh out Ind ticoryloo Colic otory schools tntiurtriot iodultrltt od hoot rvlrroll ii at Imonrter bloro cosponrolrd the iloyoi Conerlleo Lcrloo the Winter Carnivol commit to set ior Thurldo ibb Lenten IiIli or Vincent totri oi error will be riven it that nlyht with romeo rtln It oIdmtroion entitle ploy to tour cIrdo loud ior it cr Additioert cords or Ihio It re cool cool with gerimum It It cords oer he euh prlro in eIch Illil Do lit The mod IIckpot PLENTY TO WATCH AT THE PARADE ouster Bingo New Event orunlrcr IrI itmitln the number at pioyer Ind tlrkeio Iro IirrIdy on to uni rotor on will be two end ho to yo thrl nitht oryonlrero oey Cord oro lhrro ior ll tor lhIt romo more will else be hrrothe weIiih yomc with cord ellino It thrco tor 50 cents copiionItly test The ticket Iro IrIiloblo lrom ltunlclpoi 5Ivtnp Ind Lorru lo ilrrntop St the Chomber oi Commerce on me lrrni St the Winter CIrnlvtt lniormotlon trsiier It lierrlorioi sum or It the Alien liIil Tic Ito Iro cold on tirrt eomr iirri serv ed hosts The moorirr More is new Itldition to the Winter Coroivoi lineup mwmmmmwm In normed doeporrered ox hlhiu were motor port oi the weIlhermIo couldnt hove rooperoted more with the We vote winter Frolic held Sun Iy between tho oowilurrles lhIt provided plenty nt powder tor mowmobiierr oleiyh rider Ind the other outdoor otentI Slevo DeuIlII ot Cilitt ot tieioily opened the prvlrlro iol toulnr prrrdo oi Iiltiolvlh horredroon ttoris throueb the Hobby Show Will involve SO Youth Groups Siriy roulond guide troops Ind brownie Ind rub pork trout Dorrie will compete in the tint Innurt hobby and hoodicrott Ihuw Il tho Trinity Polish Noll Feb to Orb pork to the city tho poruored rucho show tor the not low ycerl but ihir will the tlrri limo oil tour group her puticiprted There will be 170 eIlerorier oi hobbies end rrtr dtrpioyrd in eiudioy kolttiny werieo rook Ilil photogrrph on work tr thee work wood work co pcr iooitnr Ind comp crotis er wtit Ilro be Ilomp rend coin col Irciion ootl ptInt grown irom reed or bulb Aurrd ribbon will be pro rented to the three bcrt individ uIl entrie in each crtegory Ind tropth will be Iworded to tho but trout outdo brownie Inti cub perk hrrrd on the Intel number ot troiividuel ribbon eIrh group receiver This in encourorr cooperotioo omen tho proups The roups have been working on their entries tor oeverII weeks now llort oi the erotic Ind hobbieo entered my ILlo be used by the number to tIIitIli ordyo require mcnls Seniors Choir At Hymn Sing ltrrrle Senior Citlrenr Choir Ecriormetl ot iiynrn Strip Sot Iy nirhi tor In audience oi bout to people itymn rlnp torrnnirer the Bold Gthrm said the choir vIIs writ recollect Iod oil were In lino volre To choir sent out old lover lie or hrrnlnr Proycr You Cort Smile Now that Thou All Beyond the hunrcl old love Llltctl tic The next hymn ine will tub ur tho it Nrylor torniiy with police end orren Irrom poolrnent They will pcrlorm It pin ot the Loyni True Blue llet on itiph st Body Of Man Still Missing were trnobto tied ony iroee mobile to woo believed rloln Simeon two week ago Dirrrr have been hornrcrcd by thin out drlttinn ire ebout the miles out irom tlr Scdoroo home or Juukronr luinl York itroionul iotlco otiicIIi toil they think they hev plo pointrd tho ore In which the mens vchlclu went through the Ire but Iurioro Ir hrs rinro drilled and the machine could be anywhere within mile at the spot liotcr til the Irene is Input to tcei ricrp Dirrrr tho been rent down on Ice reltl they will prohova elven don the norm until Iprtny GLASSES BAlitt uAv rlrtvrco CONTACT LENoSES BARRIE OPTICAL lePkiNBlNO OlllllAN Cor Clopprrtoe Ind Collier titltll DIltrl urioy rottII detector oi ttolond Srdore of or the now when he dirnppcomi or lake the port two weekends but put the Winter mile ponds in Wyoloio yesterdIy the porodo iiiere totiowlny the oornln ceremony Them LIIood III crowned mire oi the cornirol with prtncesrro JrIrr Compbe rod tono Webb the other queen rootertonlr were Vicki Buriine Conolo Boler Jeoniler Cuton Ind Wendy Downer IS FLOAT The dry we ouecor irom the word to recordiny to orron here here tho WerIt Itecreo tion Committee ltoro then it itooto Ind morchior unit root port in the porrde which teet urrd ouch comedy IttrIclion II Dr it itynord tPCSimcoo North rotted tho rodent overn ment nlxrerdiy In its Ireotrneoi or colored It lost Itchtr preli denlo dimer oi the Borrlo Army Nlty Ind Air Force AssociItloo Unit Add the olrrnrornt didrtl do lob ot ell hoqu oi the Wood report which we Itudy ot ov ernment veleroloo old proprornr Itow oiulrdt cut it be when they wont elven Io creole olor rinse in peorlon led in December the cost oi liviny went up mm per crnit llo sold ho lorrth tho Woods report in Portiomrot Ind sold the moment Iiill hornt imple mented it recommeodrtlone ito Iold rovernmcot policy to worrtsvetrronrleihrtlhe must provo they thI been It Ibied phyrireily or emotionoiiy reruitlot rrrvieo lio told ot met who hId been him out oi took three time not the lolernrneni doctor wouldnt roo ccrio lhIt thir micht hove con tributed to eurnnlry condition Wily chouid tho veterrn Iv were let the doubt resulted rotnol himt Dr ityIIrd Irked Weve rt to yet lirtio hodeoly Ind Intenit into this til opecc outlined the con tribution ol ooidiero ihroueh the Ice Ind tho contribution rrerl worrior like hlorco Dovid Cor IIr Ind Williorn the Conqueror ltIvo mIdc ilo told it medical oriean hIdnt dclrIted typhoid Ind mode it poetith tor ores Irrnier to APPOINTMENT vawrwvewveqw DOUGLAS ClilittllY lloxweii ttotrlein Prcrldrnt oi The tiunlcipot Sovtru Ind ionn Oorporotlon lo picrrrd to In nounco the oppoiniment oi Don tls ll Cherry llorluco tie tclopmenl otileer lo the moor lion lir Cherry heirs to his portion on extensive bockyrolrrwl book In end the tloooeiot world II he been Iecridtet ol herri tor tlvo ycoro Ind retire in The Chrmher oi Oommerre Winter Corniin Itld other community ellvltier The ltunirlpoi Savior Ind lore Corporotlon the cow Corgil lion incerporotod under the end Trust Oorporoiioe Act to hove its hood otiieo to slmcoo County since oornln its brooch It to Duoiop Street Lost in middul rvrt III dcperits hour cll to over Pour Ind toe hott liittioo Dottoro led to the community perk whcro county Ind townbp Soro wIlcr lot hrlh with your doc entry end the hurom princcrsro who you one The tnoumobrie elents Ittrort ed inn crowd Ind only one minor IrOtiry uos reported Fred Ellery hurt bio boch durino the lump comprtltion Ind III tIk to control ler lrrIyr tin condition not criour itIoner oi the Inowmobite pickup roe err Illil Truu Guy heicourt won the lump loss with to ettorL DritooAoderron Iron tho tlck eilrolnotion con trol Ind rhiidrtno Itirk eltmin Ition woo won by hiurrIy itliey TIIE IAMIE EXAMINER MONDAY JANUAIIY it In illi ll ltkNAltli the wor ol tilt in 10 thin GO bollete in more you couldnt horn lourht Ii raid the Interim rhuuld yet more lnlurmoliun or whet oldlero hrve done it tr ttudy ot cuuroye or ttrhtirrr lur rotor oiririelr look port in the oiticirl openlnr titrImloer Ibotort Wyevale Winter Frolic Hit lorry Bourrrotr won the try me Ind dre rIceI were Inn by Don Prrkrr but true Bob lbuu Loulr uhortciner Ind Gilbert Merlin HOCKEY TOD Wyevoto junior driertrd WI vetley lo rtnxeiie Ind lunior boyr hockey Ilyetoto boy beet Worrrley Iyrin in Ieoior hockey the Wyovoto Senior topped tho Oidttrnero Ind Wyerolo tirernen not up trrdi iio by ouituuiny the uten Ioioo theme in the router Limvoio council rotted their to luster rhrn the Tiny llp my end Wycvoie resident Glen tlumeiertt took home the one priro irom tho solo drew Ali evenlo were held in tho Wyrtolo Community For Ind or eenirer Irid they were pieIr ilh the rumors ct this ttrrr len ure Wed have hrd more people the we could hIndio it It hId not been tor the mother told CIroi itthrit one oi the behind lhcIceneo retrieve it to Iul ot people intrrertrd Io involv rh Itd DETAle TITLE SAN JOSE Illcutrtl II cordo Arrendondo oi lierico re lIlnrd hi World lotion Council world lunlor liyhtwetyhl title by bentinr Cori IIirIn rhIitenrer lose isoec little on unInt titer Saturday nieht MIDWINTER lobe in the ythrl toil themed roll the eommlrrton sold tones were error In In Him In MIN ll TO The Irno run betoeee Pent tInruLIheoo Ind North OptoelL Itotloo lust outside Dorrie LOCAL GENERAL NEAR IllIVALI There wI them donton In toocIr collision on Plno Ptidro lid on umvue sundry Irrer noon Polite slid cor drireo by June denim oi liloblcoho on derrendurx Itecp moo when it collided will cor owo ed by Jerrod lturrinr oi throolo which II Ituek in Inoohroh SNOWMOBILE Illle Inowroobrlo counht ilro Ind burned on Coo oi Fido Ibout em liondoy Donoid Lliond It lift Eirnrolo void the roorhino hIchttrrd hetero burrito into IImee Donny wI estrmoted It tron Tuitth SPEAK SherldIn erlriInt em out monsccr oi the CInIdIIn thornber ot Commerce will be yuert perher It the Dorrie thomber Inqul dinner Ind drnce WrdneodIy night It tho OonlirrentIl ion The new erecti Iito oi the iocIi CoImber wtli be renounced It tho election which run It pm ANAF Veteran To Cook Breakfast Soiurdey Ind sundry mornino on LImirli weekend irom ll to noon the Army NIvy Ind Air toreo return at Berrio wiit mom poncIto Ind slus Iro btcolllot It the boil It to Duoiop St The root or the hrerktrrt it mloimII end the men will do IIt the routine the brootiui will be tonin ttIir print decklon in qu TOY Ilyourlnni readthls art you may pay iltorlsnrrrls oi rioilnrr ill income tor needlessly MENS or LADIES SKI JAIKEIS loaned to Prrtrclion ior only to roll Illoool no rel dolor For Free Pickup TIT DUNLOP ST WszmIEKIrrf nu my men LsIan gunm rum omn 21mm WANT And ntrorn norrro SAVE WITH COTTYS OUTERWEAR SNOWMOBILE SUITS tilorned like now 279 EA nnrrnrrmr our CLEANERS LTD DIAL 1mm nri Delivery in Borrio Booo Bordon Poinrwtetr Ind Siroud E55 BARRIE PLAIA