Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jan 1972, p. 11

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Ill III HORNY WAIT Xi tltl El Knhdsdn Fuller Short In San Diego MN DEGOttPAP Ole Iubper rounds by iorooleI Seem Sermon drug the weekend Ihot tint lnio contention in the lrsonoo Addy tttLtiIrnsSIn Dlern Open roll tournImenL But bit into drive III not with to orertelI trteren PIvt turner Ihe birdied the mdhttieSInIintoIinbiellnt iriory In uteri ytIrI Ind the moon tint trite tierney t1 pJIinI Iteeddy cloud with ller 70 tor Ind ooeetrote vietory oter boreerold lltlt into who bed led Itroite Iiter three roundt Ind hId threItened to run oi the tourneroent when Batebollers Voted round at To Hall Of Fame NEW YORK AP Len Germ tints Youan Ind it turrtd In the meet meet here thiniI tied at lIme It took out ot by the vet erIns remnilttee my to piIeo their nImee moor thI Ipoett lmmorttll Center the pllchlnx pride at New tort VInteeI durinl the lotus VII the most tiermrvu nIrne oi the three unInirnoIsi uteeied by the tdmIn otdtl Rally threeondeeoer 11 on the imtIlnLBut lnlththe hoiuontheheeloine marlinIth hidtr lottht hark with dlyiolihlthtledierelxthpim It In with little Berber Ind DIII new nedteee eleeln mods eerned hint cheque or met one oi his blunt noon on thettondlrlr nerxnhtG Ir To It err Bovernun ted Hottermood to re Inn cutter made or II no Ti tte tuned tilt heterln Gudoer Dieblnton who else bdted iota contention llthltlolldlulndlhlll dIy liniIhed Iione in third It In AuslrIJIn Bruce CrIrnoieo wIInextItrrltrithIiinIl it hot hlctitue who hed ton tlrI oi IiI ItIrte title into this one III welt bar It tied with iItItti hturIternl the JIpIrrete roller the led there oi the teed It the end It at holes htvtno took Roll it lo bolting only eiphtoterers Snead Captures Seniors Title PAUL BEACH GARDENS lead with three menu ollndilSlhldIlIndM MINNESOTA NORTH SternI Dev ItehnI it blocks New York RInlerI Rod Gilbert 11 mt It the net in the Ito Seals Meloche Records hnmm end period It Senders ptme it New Yortt tiedleurt uIrI GIrdeo ltInrerI tte tie itetd llll Ind North StIrI Tom tteid lull wetrh the port The NeilonIl iiortcy Lenxue yerne ended in it tre IAl ihotoi titer ludltdtleLll SANFORD Atetnuetlde Ileth peel the dtIonIltiieIuen oi Kiri Senna AurtrtII ierroer eerie Itizu mentors tenor Lhe rm timer Ohm Comes itIri Heist like pram oi the Antrion Si datum the Xian Shem by the totem Meet Ottrople Committee the Illhllhl hLI uroe In be used inreoamrrrieireueu ttelt iIuneh Int IppeILr tint Ire pouthie Irttnet die Klee Illl Fremh Itl nmrlIlI were met It the mime Metrite ttIrteL president oi the neneh Std Federation relied the deri sion III devlnrlhle Ind de mulled merino 0i tn to discus the titration proposed in St slants to both the AmtriIet end the tier mLrI ihst we Ihould IIthdrIw our Iii ieImt item the Seppcro ltinter times it only ooI oi our Ilim tr disouehtied IIlti leltl But they merely tell it reed ides Ind rry trodhhle but no decision It eIIehol thore hhte been lepan that Dallas Slur lures Lhnrge thomII thI rtutrrlru but who let hi hell etrtylrz Ipeet tor him II he led DIiiIs Cowboyt to the Netlorrll Football item Int heitm 1L Ill Dr punished DALLAS tAil Dunne in Semenhens amount Olympia vuumtalmtmtoMMI eIr hornet Itr weaken idnrAdeoytheto edhetrnbeiu Ihkh hith PM here Scott teyIreorI eeri lIilIed on pIrr el powerploy their Sunday to drteoi Bettie Better ll Ind the remit oi the Amertrtrr lioctry tum co nutrient between the top turns in the Drt Drtirion dvlnt Irt Ieii lilll the curb oi the insert Bep Gttidniin iormrr Ne tiunIl Luzuer with the parent Bruins Imued the Non SeotlI riuh Ind its parent liontrtel CmILLrnt oi portion the teem to Iln the rhorrrploruhip Ind Ir1 hockey tn itIlitII tle In rrterrinr Ipeeiiiretty to the return torthe Sundry tilt at hurh Amend Churt etlcy Ind Bob tierde irorrr the CIrrndlenI Iithourh none oi them timed to the not Icor in other $rndey mes tirteiend Burns delrllttl llrr they Ours 5t CtnelnnIil Austrian surennnd From Winter Olympics roulette teloirerasne owner In other tented ite In new on near prtnetpte our tdrmokhhmld he attest et Ii rporum with no mud he he nee or with it ttr hnrndm Irec presi amulet Im not Ye he rrdrht here eeroint the he Guidolin tinhoppy Alter loss At Hands Oi The Voyageurs Semleltlsehed Tidentr Winn 1t Pmtldrm Rod trim 1tirhsmnl Robin 53 Ind Sprinettetl Kings IIiiopod Rochester ArnerieInI ll SIturdIre Istloe In Cl isrti drett iteeheItIr or Serrnrlleltl iep Richmonl Gt Trdeuler llphll ede Ind Beltlrrwxe Ind ttenhey struggle to ire ltIrtdy Ruin lhrry lieau Ind tturrny Aetirrtoo med tor the tutun Ixsinst the heme whose Tree root eIrne horn Steve htlrlinx the lie put Note SIVUI three prints heel ol the division irodml llrl The bolstered their pin on ihl late in the not with their douhle weetrnd Victorl tran tioihe who hteht Icored rinre Nov round that Smithy wrrh three posts liltrq but time Cherneeti enuhgelialnl two end Henley tut one rI thamlontltlp tree up must new Idvrrmy todey Thomnr end his younger Ihrothrr lirrtrInd It were In noted nenr Greeovilie Tet Sunday Ind charred with pet Iesslvrt oi moriJuIII ieiorty oiikert lllnhlnl tor Itpierr Iuiomnhtle tuund twn hI oi rnnriJrrIrrI be cIr beiri turn by the teller IiIr the pair we released on bond at 000 rurh pooled hi titrenvlllo lIwrr Vlilt Sets Record In takers Win lly lili ASSOCIATED rum tiit thIrnbertIIo it ttrll pet with tho Seals bvrsute tint mum on tiiit ituutli ro Ill runny and weve put thrrI thornhrriein brute into trvut Ipiril htutttd Ivrue oi the National llIItrlbIti Auntie tth Itlltll Sunday noeinsi the lion in test he ever reeotriitrd Crueltth at purtonneol htil us the IrrItrIt mm the ilurncownrrLiun5eutruwrttudtbrticroilyouil llorttly or hit tcrund turtlevie leuxue hId ever mm but vru thongterm tire llluliliil retuiIrty tilrhied in rvntptrl in tin third period when the rim with lltlitell the hetiwrther Corturts wrrrr prettindho oi itoslonI Nilit dynuty titted nut to hlillll end in the ttussoll wII belied II the lirst period Iithoorh Iioppint nutter thntblorttr rebounch only werrn tirots he made one Ind trnrrt lrodrr while Viiit try Iute while iuliirru reorinp minted to his tupcriur tleiirtlo rttierrtpt by Dale Tnltvn ettloee rt vnin route Surnluy rrlrhi thsrnheiiIlri Stun tlillltrlhurt trorrd lit the now In older hlulthllllllt in the iirst twrlud tor the Ernie and NM It 31 brute liutrrlis enr Vrrit ttrtirthrrlo in the third in or rubeundlrtp record nl liitt lttldmt tire tuiliurntu lttt while Lite Artfrirr tntrrs were trot 1rd hlclochp tor um tIrnr rwrrnrirnu iurturtd irtri lllttltn ltlttt It Los Antclet lAPt tiImrnin Bun Snead that toriround it Sure dIy tor tent at we Ind Idded llllh PM Senior loll iotlb meet title to hit incredible lltt iil tielerteI the ttyeteotl Snud who won three Revolutions Got he Iodtttoo Ind two ttIttert titiu Rated the lottth round three Ilretee behind deiendle Ihlm an JutirrI eeroI Ind tomnty HOCKEY SCOREBOARD or the CANADIAN Inner mero comndttee oi the BI hell WriiIrI Anetteth oi AmerirI Yoonps III mtltu miner tn the Cobb mid end lelIhhlt Iiytitt with the old New tort nitrite lllnld wet pretidrot oi the Amtrteen teextre tor record 11 pure The telereru eorrtrttiitee Inlet on pLIyere Ind oitieleie who here been out at the note or Special deals for homeowners at Associates It youre buying your how new riverbie tor eteelll ilunveowmrtornn tuocttttuny umeyeu needush thulhllllrdulu rnbnlh The moon you eIntvrrow istrrrtitnd oniyhy the equiiyyou hereinyourhonte$5tylost0000r rruyhe $250Wumurc toe Anprtes Ind Delmrt played to It tie LIiiiprniI rrrterIi mam GIrry town hII pretiittrd Irt Illtier xoslie Iinlur tor merry Iriarry yren tor ttrloehr tt yearold the two yrer use not terrier player in rniurr er Alter Iperntirru rrrust oi Inst reason with that mm oi the trnripro international ltvclruy lenrtte Chitnun tolled rrIIhlnI to replete Doeltrrlins but the ilewtt inter pcdtiled hint to tho Bruit to eorrrplrte the Desire titersSmith irede Meloche who edrrrii lrc litter in Inether Ititmeort nine New Verb ltInrere Ind titerro totI North SlIrI pitted lo let tie Ihlie mndty nlrht tloriun downed Si LoulI Blues end Inoth le point that ill see nrtdpiere New York in the last Diririnn Chlcllo Iioprwd De troll ttrd Wirru ihliedri phle ltyrrI Ihut out Pittsburgh Ienxninr to end lAl Antetrt ltlan end lluilIin Sabres pined to 11 tie liAill llLAhll BLUE Ssturdey lilortlrtIl CInIdleni diverged the nine to enrou ter cet Toronto Minnesota dropped New York tt hlruto drttettd Pittsburgh or and Ry THE CANADIAN PRES During their NItienIi llottey tee trIinlnI urrrp tut Se tern CIiilorrrII Golden SeI Ippetred in deep lroulrie ivr wile Ilter duel with Lhirun liter llewts seemed to tum the hut hId liven up their tender neimlnder GIry Smith inr oaiie Gerry Besimlirtl ol the liewtt Ind two terwtnle iiut Destnrdlnt who llltltilld his teit one into tut Ieeton never got chance to ItIrt tor the senis ihrn the tint tent ostle thiu hieioeho to the See tn piece or Dottenttru Iiter it we titrcoverrd thIt Dvsterdiru Irnt injury but not heeled lieoelrrr MI tortsrrllon lor the Sent light my in hit tirtt Itrwo Oct to he Ihut out the mlrhty Bruins to in ttostori lie lite bed hit up Ind downs Ilnre Olen but my ntlrrnoort be etrned Inotiter Ihutout tlnp pink shots to leId the Sells to letery ever Vllitmitlt Ctnuctt it who tielorhet iourth shut out oi the tenor and the ter end in it row eomlnr en the heel oi tridny night to whitownsh vl Toronto tieple leek thIlrneIntwe mtyhethleioy Lowerrelet eriertycr lerrrte Providean Richmond Sprintlleld Rochester Revolt Ilium ClItetIod tttoehester Beitlrnore tierthey leriitid Richmond Meter Uneionttl Genres TIIIdIy Sprlnrileld It Boeiorr ttocbetter It New Scott Onue Junior Pl it Emil Tl 1113900 it ill uh lit liuiiili 20 CM 131 to 101 hiltmtt i010 UM tlill ll 11 155 IT tieotretl ll litl in It lithium 13 hill ll hetulte luedey 5t CIlhIrineI Kitrhener Home Otiewe itrroolo tendon Oahu million 50 it you lttte hiehintrmt blhlllkllhllntlls or it you need rash tor teeorrd rIr Ibottor my other New York good reIson tIit to Atrocietrt llyhthllthwrlllll tienireei ihrnnto Detroit VIncovter ttuitIie tteel DiviIlon Cltlello ll 10 hldl itlnnuoie 27 ill ill Cttlllomll 1510 it St tout i110 1121 Mill it 20 Mid til llllthttrgh 1119 Bill 100 the melee rut Imm lteIeitI lunhu tiinriesnte New York CIiliontII Venevnvero to Anteiee BuiiIlo Boston St Lotti Phiiedeiphie Pilitbiiuh totem Detroit RrIIitI Saturday hionireIt 5L tool VIneouver throttle liinnetotI New York Boston thtedelpltlt Autelrt Detroit Chlcepo Piltthurrh titrnu lIcrdIy lienirett It St tout Toronto It Detroit ChieIIe It lets Allltllt Anterieen teem tittirrn ttlrlrioe Esposllo Boosts Scoring Lead He it it IT ltd hi 01 3130 ii ll 50 it St 20 ll 21 Sh ll 63 20 55 ll hi hi Toronto OIhIwI OtthI Phorvuph Kitchener Fells Mhtlha St CItit Erpnslte ti lloieilrr Nh GtibrrtNV Urr it llull tiertln tiul Iintlileitli NV liuhnvlivh Siertileld it ltttllltll But Mndon timiretl ItSl CIthrineI Southern Onlerio Junior 111 It lt Guelph 32 lli 11168 Detroit 30 ll tmtllht Chethem llll HIOlNW St llthmtte llih 020021041 Windeor ill 0113040 Brerrtiord rue erttrrtse SIrnlI lttd lillllths tietlnlt rots till ii 0th Md 5119210 Nove Settle nitthitdite ltettrlt BIterdIy Sprte Held 20 it 10 160 ill l0 Detroit ii Sluit lNOllAi mi euro It till 177 tieIIitI Surety Rorheeter it 11 116206 ll Settlt tNOllAi Vrltttlm return ititrttion Writer ChIthrIi nrtitmore 21 ll 115 ill or St them new lterthey re to 7mm It mom Clnetrrnetl tilt tiltteelt hemlna tlvripht CiIteiIod 1120 out to hit three Tonitht lllehmoryd lltl litOttlti Sudlrury NOilhl It lelold llileweltr ll ll JR 1012 ltetultt EundIy clovrttnd iterrhey New beetle ttesion CinelnnIti ttdrwtier Theioyota Hailliter What itdoes depends onwiratyoudo BEAR ONE The Soviet Urdon hIt neIriy 100000 brown bears BARRIE WINTER CARNIVAL CARNIVAL Ollth CONTEST ENTRY EOlill RULE Well nothing inn ttrrprltet ur With no lip tithllttdtl trrn engine Irrroutlt all iyirchrnmctlt four on the ilnor rtrgglllllrltle lroe tll tontltlttlitltt illttl all the citrus and orcenorirr rvrtrwtltvtyt ttetrIItt In the mint mutt be it puts er ever residents ol itIrrte IreI InIrrird er IlIin Ind Ipertt rnlnded lllrh Iehool whole no not etlrihie lee thlI cIIirIi All entrIniI toott he wittlII to eompty with the Central ttueee Centeri rulrI Judtrt deritlIII Ire iiIIl ENTIIV ilil hOli WNW it tdltl ntrthu up our trtitrrls rilmrri our liniflurr trnrlt For some people the llllrllK it pickup itll lrtrlr lilltl curry ltttllttlit otjnst nhout triyihlrrg Attritii uorrr unit on elm tilltl it leg doing it For others rtt willing ittrliltnrtt ilrltlt tllrlllgth littrt got till iotntu the Hun tIIllllort it tti verxollle thirdly rurtrthorrt evening Itrrl lrettir for tltt lnvnl tlrireiu indeed to lot when it riotr it what you do he lhert we know ure ll lot the tportlrig llle hAlliittrtltitttlttrtlrllltitt hunting lllllan ttmplttg Some even mag wheels racing ttripcr huvtct rcutr rtlitl pre terrtl its spurts cor lLEAdE litlhit ADDRESS rrrorvv lAVOltlTlt llOltT Wlilrilll LlilLOl tbyott cure Iod tnrcke Ito told not eervtced iromcoust to coast in Cnnndu iiiltl throuolrout the wor All entries to he not to Winter Cuetiti Quote Colletl eo lire Iytet StthIee Ave Berrir Phone mottt itItrtrI nrutl be tvhrnliled Ire IItIr thI him tell tlir cottrrtowoon no LEWIS weigh SALES trrrrreo Ill lllllih hirett 1Ilitll461l nr Molt ALLISTON ALLISTON TOYOTA lttt No Iet oestrr BARRIB BARRiB IMPORTS tit throttle Street In tilhtil ital

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