retro mum my errI the us me Junlol two hildOItIrlo Sundry nipht Bolton detendere Ire Dennis eiuhe It the BI Ill Ind Berth Youil It Grit iomrd Jim Ithherton Ill Brown trove to the he rebound Coite won the rent rte EIIrnlner Photo the Finn need It we at at Inid werth STOPPED rtvhne tithe torett to the Kingston nets Iito lIyed well in on it dirt in to perm store lerinx Irolo Irritrry lie It the more went hen Mn heeled Ind pttlllod Kingston do one Dustin the reed They were little down In lhernuttu 26 new to po glint mhul reIL Sly holy lemme DIvI Eider over the boerdr in the Burte end into the tint ed thll point on the ion chrh Ihieh hId been running It the men but ed oil tilted union the tone plIinir oi the tilt In It the ante Iboul Slye Ietlen ill Intro irorn the Kingston booth in lllhllll up Itier ItrIiinr might 10 null littl Itek thigh Ititt rent Barrie Tborn ltriplilrlhme um lighters LBW llrtlrliInlhrht on him In ielrdu no our Inllldx IlJll primIelldteoiatlyeiy ottgtut certy Dunne to onset we Io with Howieladle Peneitiuzhtrriuictlethey eroan Met to it iitt BIirdI root tune or the 11 more oer arm er IrnIn thort Ron Robinson it dude ihiitm the By Kieaton hit 34 Crescents Down hnch Lea ue Pla off ceilent eheneel to eeore the win tugged Bani who Shetland My own It gitninl the lad W1 ldm pointt IlieId hi the Ieerrnd piIrI Cut mm our itorneie in the urine min riINhnvnuheetltles terueeInopI in given It the top with 10 the Age were mused benrh mirror tor the protest tiettiltIe tIte tn the second period toeh tome more erer out oi the ItreI when he ought Woodstocks 64 in other SurrdIy teem pity Irrd ltIe Vierittte Idded one Owen Sound Creteenir dtieIied root Ipleee woodsth tteyIts whliI on Ron tiertolt Ind Bruee lteierl with John tierteiet who hed inurdIy lieit iiorneil stored routed GItt with three lhllll been the ltitllliEIl Kingtton de kM um Mk In homelee victory over 0r piece end llhlll mother wept My urrr term not nerrevrnt to stteterTeIlIndhittttlIy my Gm 1m and MM nulorperu yuvdrottherIrne 061 Will airy tilt M0Ihornedi perrie Jrrnier Colts IIrured tieyenii in pirt up two spelt Iltlt roeitirom tteePtrertorr Ind mm Ill vgull Ipumnhd The title ollllen BInnerrIiIn The tcrortd period we Iirroet ered the Better tie It iiicir Jim hinge IL OareeIzhOrlrtrditzzpngtzrx our on MolmlnlWllwe mlmumthL the rtl two Ind Burnermen lm um MW Grrryittyerelimred his tirtt amt the me one eerie uwwmm Colt CI Brien thrill net at the tune on poor pin goal Koohmalts otststod on the period lot Celts unieertrod Pilll ted bll frrIi soil oi tIn tn the mull Newman rind while the teInr wot pi 0ItIeto heIierA LE Ait Illlitd l0iihh105ll 201 illhlilli iti1 imitle 111mm llll lmldihl rm Iiiemzt Bellhtlllh ii truism new veto rink thloped hy Rewrite BIlIrdIy Gory three were Grit OrttiiI help belt etirnlneted by the Beiteiltio OIIvtiiet ituse tormome in in out it my BIrrie lilo torIt to emit rlub entry down on Mad wwmkt ed ihhwtcmm GIan lrldl per minute on ItI VIE ie the title GI mm Barrie Belt OriiilI itleulon Woodstock the Bertieitem Peewea Idvtneed in the Alt rule at the int Sth Stiel tournement In Port linen Itkh lest weekend belore belts dove ed It by the dritodiox chm plon Port Item rtnh in the Bantam eornpor titled the Barrie United Ruhh WorterI BIIiImI Itre Idueeed tn the their hetero they met de teat no It the bendt el PriroltI in the openlrre unto oi the tlentem rompeillton the WW BIntems enriched smile tot liIrt Gitlentiert ioni Blrhop Ind Scott ttohertton rot three Ioeir etch tn the punt tlrn itemiiion tented twice II did DIve Robertl itiii Siewtrt Ind WIyne Peniitnd tel ttn let in the mend nme oi tour hnmrnt lllrriltton Int BlIlrep Canadlan Skater tired IlroltoIlIrIchte Breaks Her Arm lend the UM eiuhlo win over ureetvitie Robertson not BAPPORO inIn tiituleri ltuth iitttrblnten toyeIroid the other BIrrle rruriter ThIl win Idvenced the Bertie CInIdiIn iIrIre ItIler irom VIneottitr broke her tell Irro club in the limit Iztintt Petroiie Despite outlltoolliil the in lreIt Ieeldrnt iodey Int out oi the Winter Olympct ieiroiie club me the mute liltt ilutehinron Ittempltd to turn wII unnhie in more Three OIrrie players toti tender Mite terror lettuce lump ever row etiele ll the nun Itlrk Jrrmev Int centre onlietitehlthoOlymFlonlll tlm ttImIiten were nuned to up ht her loot Ind ell hrIv till hat the lvitlon Aildtertum on er em MMd IIIIIIIIIII LIV ruorte new this on for hereto Retort Peeweee who InIriI ltrute It tIter IItionIl Sliver Weir cheet plenIblI It Poll item Bolihvllio It BIrrIe OtherenirieIlrri ieyetitn mm mm Elm ortvllie It0wtn Sound airline Club Goohtewe hitter ton tiredlertl Ind Sireid The limits rinir wil winner ei Subdivision up in the dlylslon pinoliI Feb It Eirtt vno Umpire tor the Eurwity much eI wee Art Endy IM lit lIouette Iced Owen DFIWTVNWW mu tint rev Mlmcutmrwgtmukt this turn needed we on ELVER 01 Bob Counter mg PM Mm would 1am on In ndrdwilh Colin Seottmd Brown toured ltll poet em mm vm um lmtonmm my lllwphll hth hlmhrllll Barrie tail titwrt ml mllllth lithe ieIiey Add my Curtie Iuonthekerriih do mile rottian melt in time 13 cm 45 Gwen Fm erry Iernn tour we or sieve IieGrIth ticGrIth ttoie Iii miles over the pity oiliire WNW Gm mum Imud NM them mutter tumult iiitiin2nm Subdivision iOA Colts Title WNW rm in on Bruin mite tarry Clem iie llirowrtl toetiniathernr Emu mom Mn wvm 10ft Will PM mill ot the hippest hrst nnt IlrIid Ilrnlitrhreeluwny embody my my My 117ml tlterrie ttoeettlhzrnn mmmwugiughh ml Id Bolton tied the Icore It WM never seems to be out at out $3 his Nicmlrltt mull mp Mum Dave lityereihtn the Mblllll in tlttd mi Bertie Scott tIlIrhl 521 TWO Baffle Glam illetteeondenditlth It itiii dene lnusnr tattoo Cantata their In Tourney Finals Commmynnnwmmmu Dorrie Scott tntorer Into llill me why play him he 1th Second Period Iwtwnm Irtd Inntly Ind does not seem to do morit tie ptIyI tzti hit potition well not become llnrrle ttermii Koop mIItIi hill out oi the pity Burro BIil thieothenon it he were lust mother itnnnermonle body trzhhnge DIthd tum hed hum ml iitiellenirirrreIttrownlie llillett 755 it iiIrrie itrown iunnutrtedl Ververrrerlvbnih with their toth oats replied tor Lender Itllleth LED ATTACK WIlt Jobnion led Oshewet It uok with two nets while the otheri were thered by noon ier evsoo Tom Srrnpmn trInt Delis Mitre Amodee Ind riIe KintetiI fill CANADIAN PRESS Tortlilo litriborne extended lhlir Onterln iioehey Aged lien Junior undeieItrd um in to ennreentire Ismes hunter eldtt II they riobbmd the Knight or It London The win Ilimd the timber tee to tee tee with debt GenerIu Il lir lop rrl ievalio Dm tinrehy Pet their end India 5mm Terry linn repiiod or limit lmh Iiil hudwllthm vlm lDlrlnnirreil scoring we div New em all WhlllhlhtllluldtltilOll MN All Tiler 51$ EM 5mg oer one er tom pic 1trnibull Ind Bitlr titettsey 3s nlnim my om mm 51 my white Deni lotvlrr notched the Fume para wtf caudal lm mm nah Mm red twice tor mm umztnlh ml 151 st CIthIrian while tteh tieo inhglh WW itiiit renter liltli coin Colllnpwnnd detenled Owen VllllttomInrvdd mm Sound tern Coltt win coupled hr mt my 111 31 tum wIUIthoNewmIrtetiotItiinehed morth Fer en lite veered 00395 mm wugl W1 llthtlllm iitrrrillorr Inrl tinntrret to St mya Wendy 0mm Ind Dennis Clttlrtm there In no Inner The print wrreeli on by SirP Met liIrrie rettrteriir Vrryne Vlmlltl SKIING Witlt Al RAlNE rmillldwultinhulewr Xtt Berinnert PLAN YOUR RUN TO KEEP CONTROL Merry ItlrrI term to heItl down the hilt without rivrnr their run too muchihovrhi Try it thI Itood ideI oi where you In th to Ilii Ind the type at turns you In hint to do hetero you Iet nit Von Ihovid tire he were at ththuerdoul Ipeitort lhelrIII Avoid Iirilnt over illtltrl wiihmi itrrt hIrlnr not to Ire whll ti on the olhrr ride Never ttt out onto Inoihrr Iti mm We tile Keen Bout elteher no In at rrnrrlnr in rim place Whtt Vim tRenumI Inclh JobrrstonoiDon otbm lumen DIV Milli Ind Colu Conch iIut litter wII Mom SN mummy Dim mummmwh mh ereltltrGrIthliitl Itippodhyuhytll malty unilu toil It the nu iter on power pity reel with lion Imumhmmu itIrrlr it itIyerIit teioew litter Ieid ive hnd people It little Dirtl llitthhtrtl heI to hip heI hard in lutoet 50 to notion it hilltnn turrItrisL llVAN 1N Ryan rcptnrrd John Gully in the Cetit net It itztt ot the record period but did not yet mueh oi workout er Colts lrnd two power pieyt in the remit der oi the period Ind he only had to ere tee shot in the third period The Coltr detean hIrwilcd the rest herein the ltrttinttrom getting ritnr Ihol hztl It Berrirr Koopmnrtr ISIuo derti ttt ii ttorrie itennermtrn titte Pberton tintit itild Penalties Bolton Brown tel bow oztt Bolton Norrie thotd trio i3tt notion lniemty linteriorenrel 11102 Third lrrled it Bolton Vltlttoreit tuner Ilsttdl 010 in Bolton Brown iurteselsled 215 it itnrrlo ttnyrrIit IKnop rnnne Seurtderti ittrti PeneltleI Berrie itInIermIrr leroIIoireclr misconduett Irii ltolton iiellen tItIshi iirhi notion Prince llretdintl ttIrrio Scott trouthl 1135 hilOill 0N GOAL ily llerrie ily Bolton it it ii ll zitterorrls Full thrown Meet VANCOUVER Cl lltitelt WnIdlIn open Irwi ntilvr meeeprds were Iet during the etepd It the tIeiite mill at lemrninI met It Simon jun Univertlly in Iuhurbnn timely mwlmmere Iet six at the meordr Sunday with nine other Lihtetlu llllllt SIiurdIy Ttymrte hopelui Donne tiIrte In VInernivrr not neilve lteorrl when the mm the womens mmrire heetttrote it met heIttrrr her old mark at MM womens twenties irre reley ieIrn irarn Venrmr Vrrl CInIdiIn Dolphin lern teem Iet In end nItlve Iretard ol roe etlinr the re LOMllllL Willi lRAMtS AHO SINGLE ViliOll ltHltS $1550 GLASSES AT ONE LOW PRICE in Rio often on Sensnilonol Sovln Illhrlllwonthrttv woysro oiiertnp COltPLElE leiorht tirength Inow cutiI lint really work MSSES hi traction time our costs tor iittS Corn iotol lielmtl which we believe tilit WEEK ONLY you can bu the itnest Netionet toblthe Ist tor wtlrmilt5u cushioned hunted itrIl qunilly Single Vision Glasses CON pritldin iorttrriiie eomlort in cotton mould rim wi hiho lrame oi our choice It the ONE ed 5015 to virtusliy eilmlnete tote curling LOW DiSCOUNi PRICE ol only 550 Uppore moulded to role which mikes tepIrI COMPLETE wows mo MW tvtwtllwtlwtiuuvtum marele Ampmlbh 511 ALL tLElJilAilAhltticgtlgtTucllooilt rnorrf viotre ttIndIrd oi into loh limit try in pet Iltenlion lllll no one it coming Iitd um um it it hit on Irti Wu held bytiie VIrrceuver Am wtterIIldIirIttIJeinyovrrIrt litreirrnttrInIrI rpIrIder tolerrdw or 21 mnuwnym iirtttetrrl iln ltoltltrdeturnetew rieeI ii Iteurhwlm Clvh TryiottopoitlnthIIideIndlrt liy Iltttethll nu view ol derrerrdiiil low mor ITIAL AT All that tetlvrrI iheto hooie l1th lust Ibent evorything Por atiet Ioie ptItiic outer layer to reven mots tqu irom toeping lti Ind break of down the boot tteinioreod itbre tor the It important twe roeerdt were rat in the unmet tilt All menu roemetre breerulrntl Itlm Itr phulrtt you me when Lynn Coiellt ol inrornI hndllllglvtlllnllhhllllly0i Whit broke her own open willhet merit in mi Iler old record we MM June Vrrithl at 00k vllie Ont Iet nIilre Ilnrwinrd in the lame lure rloeltine NM eellplin the 11 record held by hyle trotterlit oi VIrrrmrvrr be loud le 0th lllll up to note RAN MARCO liithtlLLh itll MORHL litiliOOi Iltwle trr iioiyi Betti emplch polyurethane theil item tuti preioIrrwti Inner hoot 6333 not run more mm tin opportunity to buy hlrh iDUitBAN Booth rran tor nullity mtelimi Iiett neuter tinlt BrliI shot DEPARTMENTSTORE Ieiorrltterrdenjuyit courtrrr rrrnnnr Stlitl tittttenri CONIAOT LENSES COMPLETE more orrwurtlovrr romeo trtrrturo rvtrorttrt PETER hirer Wed thorn GIL IlllhlllT loin IIII le Mt 0ritllI lint lrldey Mn ie pm Phone Itoml Cleted lloedIy lrIrttrr it Mtlty lrlnillel tltitt ei trim the Netti open pit eitrmpion with tote at tel two mum in the inurnemerrt BARRIE SPORTS LTD SAVINGS AND nil Htihwillli inxllih UP TO 50 MORE liter itnetrottnd 11 Ind iiriert White et Toronto Ihol In It to tinith It Ill notround it Etturdny to win BARRII SHOPPING PLAZA mmm