Fishmg moxattceurhlae tran Iityh tlnIllydarIIred the lee hr the Iain leoLrirdI ct llesrrpuleit thy rate and utthearrerepomdpodin moot areas then are null new to II any treats the lit ulelhleh may mimwlamarryplrm Af Ll the Allan Iho rum Allans sh Iluta rerka In Shanty tar rot mutter Bod Kellie Ictlla to do llltla lhlmselm AT NGUIX Whirlish till thla Isnt It ll In the NY In Barrie Practice with Ibilethh It to keep titans trons hentar berm theyre too hard to rule on they eel hard Iter Allan Bartlett ear eauxhl tIhiax the rut widoon approach to Ice tithing tie simply ebooped hole near tha toot oi Baytleid 5L and hauled in trcrriny lite this are Mixed Catch For Fisheen Ice Conditions Nil To Good lala Sldroeattll huat rarer hitheta Point and salary Bay has to to tribes and adds ehiteiish and trout au recent ever and in Ilsherrnea report eight Inth at blue ice porch to the hard and in Bes cold weather has ended tha prov MllllDAV JANUARY 23 in Youth 16 Killed On woo To Dance to the tale lune the Provin laor Shoat has good tlsh cial Tourist totonorlloa bureau ray Operator It on st on In Barrie Kempeaieu Bay Ind report about tour Inches at Ice attered parts at the tale era Irrityreportaoodlcebutrecent erarut hare mrdeparuotrhe bu they dont consider It rrlr yc Lalo Coucblrbinr bu reed lake tool erlr even when Intact Ice and Jacksons Point opera therea no lea beneath mowcov eted slush ton worn at the odd tract in oaly tour laches oi ice tieswirt and port total operators have been on Its been late reason tor art the ire ior about two weeks glued catches have been re rlore to bsrrle tllrbt near the rtiy tisherrarrr have re ported pulliaa herein in as last as they could but books Ftrhioa la the Shootp Bay area produced some airrind City Police Checking Leads already litrth to talk to local with Ilsllctlsll troin andberrtop vertoa operators report tool hlem at voter lying on top at operaton betore venturing no reasonany error to he raurht at In lira miles nitdrore the Ice tlrh hut operators who annually expert to be In lull openan by sea rL nut tile rli operrlorr theyve accepted their late Inventory Grant To library loyrarold lnnisiil Touri ship youth died Instantly It 191 prrr hirin Ir be round alonl County it near his home or the way to dunes la Strand Dead ls Brien tstanl Clark till llarrle who was titled in rtratly when rtrueh by car driven by ttsrold Ilulchiopr rm Slroud ionisill Township Police raid the boy wss waI lay west on north shoulder at the road The liulrhlngv car are eastbound Ind punter another eastbound car The boy Is survived hyl his parents lr Ind lira elter tiarl Ind brothch Waiter 11 and Bruce The irrain has not yet roar plrled toneral arranrcmeatr Coroner is Dr Illcha who declared the boy dead at the scene tnrrlrill Police are roultputog their investigation The Department ot hilast Into County Building Fire entrepreneur rle Public History Boy Knocked Down By Auto litre whirls elustd risoooo to $200M to the Slmcoa County trsttoa buildings on Worrloy at war not to tour dtttatto spots and pmdhly Nth Del Robert llcltcrrrlr ol the city police raid today It Ippeare he or she used thtIver war at hand There is no evldcarr oi neithch torso line rte brine used he said tlu Dothlcllenale raid three at the data were not inwhat would be the horanreat am no role they were rel tar apart and didnt appear to be directed It mpartotthehulldloyJie raid they norddnt have been at much memento by themselves earth the was art to die main lobby and Imestipatora think this rnay be the tire that raread into the umtrirs Conrail hamper area Uri lictienrio told III the tires were in bsliwayr and It did not appear that any partl cular aitieo rurh Is the ueltaio attire had been rrnsaclrrd or any articular documents rlrs allelic hIto tuned blood on the broken window where the arson Lrt rained entrp and on parts at the textile at building lie or the was cut but it wouldnt be serious wound he raid CHECKING LEAD He said any lolarrrrrtion rltiz be held in rtrlctrst roatwicrrrc Were ehcetlnp out several lrsds now he said Its raid iodirodoru are that one person was involve tn ret tlar the tlresi otticlois irom thy the marsh Illr other are continutaz their lrrvcstiyrtiens and damage gore should be yet next week Ireordlnp to tire department oitlelrls riro loss in the tint morth oi ter year Is already moro than double that at all last year To tal loss in Wit was about $57 ooo rod ertlrnrul loss to Jane uury to in tersumlny the county bulletin loss ls about srooooor will at least lilo eas wish to pass on to police will on Thu trout comes from tunds made available under the tort rrrt roverorncatr local tniilaa trrrs troaram and will enable the library to tote lull tavrot ory at its book rtort Constance llrrd ehlct Iibrar tan raid the protest Is man riro undertaking and rneaor tar tar aloe at III the boots on the rliulvu Inall the cirvulotlorr tile as well as the stack at boots In the basement the viiiaro at Wycvules mm him It nurl Wlolerilotle takes place no Other events Include rtoretia mm rm tomoeratWycvalclartrstartr boys Ionrawlu contest raid hliss lid and comes at my or um of tar It noon tripoiwur snows orlnz curro petition and learn rlrrtin year the tvsllulilts urit begin wuh WW Tho protect is not In coruuae parade with oats Irauitr and my Run my my lion with Canada ileum clowns It Snow Queen wil be crown atl applicants must iirrt he re There will be snowmobile ed later In the afternoon Tbtra tuned to the library through the lianpower ottlccs The Inventory will employ sevvn people thrauh liur ill The nurnber ol oolrs on the races in the alteration as we as hroombsll competition rlrutr rarer tor all ayes para chutlstr and ridcs tor the chil dren on both ruuwmoudrs air it will he prizes and trophlrs tor the tuners ol the days compel Itionr Wrevale ls Iorelcd on Curfnly limit 1o rrriIrs north at him or tile rlrlr Itoelry tor the In Sotistoctory Condition It rovers your old boy lnock rd down by rar on barely St at his nldoy ls reported in rut lsirctary condition In ltoyul Vrc torla llospltsl this nrornrrry The boy lastlo It Smith oi 5t Ptoeteaa St and pollen Idratllted the driver at the ear involved as Robert altar at Tliiln St The boy was Ntllll lirrry St ucur Queen St IIOY CUT Git Whiiruarr at lionnarrow was treated to lloeplldl or are cute alter he oil oil rnowrrro hlie operated by Grit Selig Downsvlew rhoul ltzts par Friday lnnlstrt police raid the me rhino was on Latin Simeon near Lillie trdar loint whrn the an cidrrrt hawmrd Sold IMAGE Arr oreuirnl at 750 and day on illtr St at llradtord St roused total at told damage to cure driven by John Itilrlrirs sure or strabano Ave and Starr lry Iiryhor llll tlnrrir Il litl There was 11500 danraee In rolllslrrr on Itose St about on pm Friday rar owned try Dorothy Folhcrhy war ported in root at Irer home at rot Tiara Si and struck by car driven by Leo tinteauI thartcsbura Qucbm Irorol Workshop In Barrie rhrlvrsmmzhonrodorararrre lllld Temuvely For Jolrn Iiodplns ctreullvodirec tor ot the Ontario Llrorrrl Fad we AlltllUll EVAN lPCrSlllt coo Centre It loll yesterday presented the city with lid our the or iron the province tor Ilsr Ira ot the root at sun nidalo Community Centre The rlly is renovating the iorrnrr poll clubhouse at tho purl to provide yranround recrea ion tucllrty Mayor Les Coole mounting the cheque said this will to our investment by the provtnrt that will yield more bracilts lo the averayo tax over than any other Ito rat the protect would be tru poasiblo to rarry out without provincial rup rt Cort at tho renovations ll be about tut ooo itlromiarr Photo Says Last Election Proved Regional Govt Not Bad lira tart election prottd lIiut rational ruvrrnmrul It not bad thin Art Evans llC Simeon cntra said yesterday Ito said It rorloorl government was but thin Conservative candidates wool never tha been returned In areas like Mama and Thunder Ilay where regional government has been tnstttutrd Irthlnir youll turd that In most vases politician urr flva lllu to the tea at irritant or area term at government ilo raid Siruvoo aunly Is the most couatp In the province could pro ahlip be rinsed as nylon by Its Were In author portion with Cearrrirrr tlay errors urn top and the llarrh or it butter to the south Ila raid the turnout llunlcl prllty oi York lust audit at tho rrurniy Ir cord example at tho rttlrlcary trrivor government run produce Their total trudrrt lost your or noun loss than when they were under rounty ryriem lttiliilY TO IMIIILIIAIE lluyor tics Coalo raid the City at Barrio has trounced it is readp to participan In these latte roover tho other model politics In tho rounty Indicate they wont to proceed We nro ready to loin with tlrnltuuuly In there studios hr tilIIt lluttr the Mayor and tie llltlll raid lilo name regional yovrrrr meet may have rrsrrvt ample In the past hula rrrore riilclenl ryrtom ot pallttrel boundaries needs to be devised they both cmpharlrrd the mud tor routinuonvi oi strond local governments but raid in route euros tltvre Ioral aovcm rrrcntr rhouid cover turret area For instance Urndintd and West tiwllltmbury Witt be writ ttlltd by one Council and it as been admlltcd In the part ltr Evans raid llryor Cooke rsld barrio and illle tour surrounding townships hare Irltrd tor provincial stray at land we and piannlnr prob temp in this area and the may or and ltr Evans srtrrvd the province should bu cater to art tirtr nluily polar ltrtootu nlllrl rroroliattont use underway to not up mailings whlth eablnet ministers touched in this study protest and hnr pppeiut the response will to per it Wure purbln the area study now because It is like tlrata something we am yet action on We rtllt Iro hoping tar an over all study ut the whole eountv and were ready at any time to join the early to thisr Getting InIormution To Public and trout being put on the wrong shell hook bccuino mis Even lire card iIirs lhrmrrlv er not out at date and must be rrrade to torrrsprnrd with the rtoctr the Job of ecorchiur tor those lurt books demands considerable demo at pollen re raid Airs llurdy ond hope that some at the people we him have tho curiorily rrcecr sury to trace them down UUUII tltl GAPS the urrrntury will also pro vldu the library with Inlormstiorr us to what hooks are needed to till your in certain may as well us to rtro some Indietattoo at what hoot must to reptacel Since most booths are listed on dur ruhIeet author and title three to mull rurdr must he process to act tho lilo rltalillt hire at the mm will be spent on salaries ior tho revert people employed and small porrlon will cover the cart oi nrstcriate and equipment The library is currently llth vlewina proplo tor the lob but is only rourldcrnrr oplulleuuts retoirrd through Curio lion power look At Offence Instead Of Person ItlllONtll tClI panel docurrion on low was told trl day that lodges ultra look upon the otirrrTu rather than the air trrriirr when handing down Ion tenorv liupna Ewarthair proseeu tor lh tho York County Crown attorneys oitlcr said now In criminal Iustlie Is that It Is all nrintslrrcd by persons with varylny pcrrdnailtlrs are all Iranian being with intent blinds and prelu he said How are you lu eradicate mans hinrrr unit pveludirrr when hes and Iurlyot tlowevcr ltr thrusthut te rrltid two rates It Indecent ar rault almost Identiul to their trclr where are secured who had hood re tattoo and was married was even sue rut rentrnrr The other ormrr conilvt our rculrnrrd to Ira years Is the Obtective 0t INFO 72 ileprrsrulalirrs trom It org autrultonr attended the Inrliat meeting oi INFO rt ihir wrrk Form or the turtboornlrnr program which will be bold tblr year at Central United Churrlr on Feb til wuy dirrrrsrrd INIO it In the second at what the Canadian ttrnlui stealth lir sorlatlon hopes will brwrnr urt annual event its lnirntlrn is to dlrsemtnato lnturnrutiun about riviul ugcu available tu tiar rio and rlltltlrl residents Suirro oi thr grcups represent olircr at the rotation uh oh war chaired by Kerr turdan mrnlu Irruilh ass lion president were lrlii Addiction lie rvnlv Without lnrt rrcru lire Ilrothvrs and tho Sim too County itcailh Unit The event In dcsirtnrel to ap prul to all are amps Rotorions Sponsor Fireside With Barrie Missionaries ilotury Club at tlarrl has on do that with entries to Country Club St Vincent Feb ltr Gilmore is on agricultur al consultant tor the Action for Food Production Uraanirullou in New Delhi lie and his who no home in Barrie tor visit The ttreslda ls lor Ilolurianr and their ruests only The Gilmorcs ttrri wont to irr nia In not returned tor year in loot then went back in tour lr Abrroat all the 11 elementary schools in this area have enter rd teams in broomhalt and ring nits events In this on Barrie Winter Carnival It not compeilv lions Spied rlrailna rates have been dropped because at protw tours with tho Ira tort year the carnival hue rrplncrsl thil rprtilslrutlna with ruruprtrllour tor Iurrlur boys and atria in both broonibail and rinretlr the competition has been set up as tournament wl learns playan tor consolation who and the chrruplorrshlp the schools boron the play oils to determine the acmitloat winners on Jan it It in too roon tantrum43 they were rent by the Unitrd tituth at Canada board at World dllystuns hire Gilmore Ls Involved Irt volunteer work In leper colony tro ot $125 per person in br rhurrrvi with protrrdu some toward the ilotury donations that help rapport tire Gilmorrs wort Uil lrb It the liolariarrs wt to lroldlni RuralUrban tunr rhrun Each number Is erpcttul lo Invite rural or urbnn yueut to treat rprcrh by William Sicw urt Ontario Minister at Acrlvul lure Most Area Schools In The Carnival to any which trornr will he re resrntrrl at the seminals till the hay Feb 11 There competitions rtort at pm The lltllll will taira place at tho name than Carnival sua day Ilnurrs will rurriro ltrrlr tror phy Iroru the Carnival Teen turnn alter the but rairre oir Sandro lire boys hroorrrhall eurrrpell Iious should serve to provide apttlIlors with solid entertain th meat Unlike the world Broom hall Championship in which the players wear lot tooiweor tor lrorttou hot the router and amine boys will ptuwtih rrau tor shoes or nihber to ammo eralion that recently with 15 choral directors or the limonia area to iliscurs the truslhility ot rpnductlur workshop in tiar rc ltcprrsrulaiivre Irvnr junior and ssllluf tlurrelr choirs clem entary and rreondury or rholrs and community choirs were Inlemttd and ready to dis raise the value at huldiny such stations here it was divided to Cotidlttl enmity session with clinicians supplied by the burnt ltdtlll lion tilts Joan Dobson was appolrr trd rhutrmon ot tho churul worlr rhop and tentative dult April Bill was decidivl upon turt rr Intormution can be obtained iroitrltrs llotrwu tit lnnlalil SI JOHN IIOIKILVS Block Parent Plan In Sudlrury StllliUltY itll it put rich in Its window and child you lost in Statuary lie tire is hand to children who may soon ilnil house on any not lost or Iniure thtrmclvcs block In tho rity wlrcro Ira run ubiiu tiny are away ruin it to or help home ilrals the root at tho and To outrun tr aloud ort buryhianltouiur iIrurrrenvy Will it Iblldu ltuVrlllnit htrarurrs Organization in up lound trout school but ottt rotinu what railr lllortr out also new It to prove lorent Ilan valuable in the summer when The troop plans to ilrrd one youngrlrrs disprrsr to play home on every biertr that will arounds across the airy valions ior Iunior events lllti lesiill chairman oi the school liason committee said that the lower number at tunlnr teams because it will ho the iirrt year junior teams will participate The rarnlvat committee ha third the rcirooir to ptutieipult In the carnival purudo Ivh it their will too separate pun ado trophy tor alonwrrturl ltln clip pane much lilro school so their can compete tloar ortcy rhouid also to err mung thrmsrvrr inrtrod at tortoinlrrr rtaeo both luniar and araiort hirh schools realor rirh will play the comet tour schools have indicated on rlrotrr wdlincnrao to am to tor Todatolhorrrnlvaltommlt and ltr Prslllleart be In trI has received about to on lerrds to keen alter time until ptleatloar Ironr achootr tor tho we have tow nroro partlpr rrnlor competition and it appll ante