CANADIAN rm Airmthctomlduukl mu looml otter olo dI stethoIIIrtrItIIeeon will ms to their ditpute ever not rorhlnt condition to Ir union And the rod em none too Ioon Ior anxioul pIarenreI In llatIiIx Ior induce Air Curd reported All telephone trie In the tint mimic ol nose min The Itrlkar end III also III Doctors Warned About Giving Pill To Teenage Girls TORONTO ICPI hearth to capture res Ior teed III III II counselling to entire her III tlie Ia mudioy LrlimmtlerltnthRA Itineti raid Friday It eoeter em ot the turret trolleys ot PhyIleIInI Ind Silicone CanIdI Dr lllneh protease ol ohate trlrr Iod unecotory at Itthll Unirrnlty In llrntrul Add mnny doetore ery they llLl Ive trip the III to prevent pre naoey uh min ea re dont undone tth hehaylor lnrplleli to think thlr pl tlent ronIraeeotlvo Idriee and orrenlrlnl eontrIeethte proteo tlon Ior her II the Int thIt you do condom this bethtor Ind theretoreyou Ihould he eldlnl Ind able to mIkI Iure thIt this to mudln experience Ior her phyIIeIIly Ind emotionally nu ll uhIt all premarital eotuuellloy nr Kinda and the doctor mould help the hi explore her relIllomhIp Ind her motives to Ind out whether the la IotIIly hIony about It Somo Air Fares Will Increase MONTREAL CPI Alr Cen IdI rIld Friday Iorne ol ltI transatlantic lure rrlll Inmuo by tile per eeot II result ot In Igreement It In Interm ttooII Air lrenrport ArsoclItlon meeth In GenerI The Ilrllne IIId Iome IueI arms the North Atlantic Illl Increth tlvr per cent while other wt Increase hy Imel Imountr The lATA Ineemenl was re quired by luteroatlonrl rur rroey reII mmrnta nude In Do eerntoer An IATA Ipokermnn In Ge have In Unlod SiIter dolIIr iIrrr will lnrrearo by up to seven per cent ItIriInl April MAY RARM TOES EDNDON AP Pantyholl rrrIy improve the looks oi roll leys but presltlta Irom thl stretch mierIII rould land to cIudI were railed And thatI the our It not men the rotmtrr Air mm In honour re ported tnmmdotn vnlurrtl ol le eIIlr or hootItth rum II thourhitsltl tha 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highest interest We offer competitive morlgugo rules And colluierul borrowing retirement savings plans solely deposit boxes executor ytlirreivvr vvrnv LAOISS ELANNEIETTE CULOTTES Arsoried pleldr and prlotr sires SNL limit In MDLES TUNIC PYJAMAS Flannelella Auorted pIIIdr Ind prlula Slur SIML Umiir LAOIES OYEIISIZE PYJAIIIAS F1Innelelie Pink Ind hlue prlnLt Sires to Ll UIuIIIy LADIES TOWN AND MATCHING SLEEP COAT Cotton Mauve polka dot and print dealyn Sires Slittr limit no mo RENELLI MOTORCYCLE or or two ryelo Inrlnr Knott hy tires I00 ll welrtti speed 100 IhItL Two only Usually MM IOSPEED BICYCLE II have only mt models In aloclr They no It hlwrlrht loroeod men to he only UIuIIIy ms ROYS SPORT SIIIRTS hloe poplln drlpdry machine washable preshrunk Gold blue or men Sires Ht anaIIy MENS AND IOYS TOOUES hltehlno worhoblr acrylle Irnti tool Ienllh with porn pon Ono Ilse III III limit LII end 321 now storm Orniuroy Ilio Ihsed will but ton troot Ind two Irom pork etr colors Sim HE UrnI1 II to 5L0 Iers Sill rANTr Double knit Itnlth with rtp pockets drern hIIrk Allie belre Slm use Usually No MENS meme Corduroy llle lined ruth button Ironi Ind two Ironi pockeLr Green gold or brown SlitL unruly our CLEARANCE OF COORDINATE lIrttI miditests steers Ind sleevelesa Iona rklrls In or lon Ind Itrylle Ilbres Broken sires ValueI rent to It MISSES Ahl JUNIORS IIOT PANT DRESSES Short Ileotet scooped heck Ippliqtud dealer on lrortt Nylon Itelnle luII rite rInre UruItly no CLEARANCE OE lIOSTESS OORNS One end two piece romo hot VALUES T0 2500 Arysrud rtllnrll Ind puiIovrrr In Ierytle or ml my machine wuhIhle Assorted Ilrre SIILXI USUALLY 299 Vinyl Complete Ilro retire Brown only YOUR CROICE 500 Help and that titled bedspreads ln rlyon or cotton Some permeprers hurried colon Slrtila Ind double tire Ullllily to 15 Now 675 to 1299 SPECIAL COAT CLEARANCE MISSES AND LADIES OAT SALE Cleoranru oI Itsorlrd ruIlr Inrl Jackets Inrludinx Ikl tickets midilength Ind our com Broken styles and mu MISSES AND JlNlOILT PEA JACKETS Mode at worm wool molten in noisy my or hlaelr Sires Mdtrtilliy 00 Int 1103 ADI COLOR Ill Dynochrumo regular mm rotor trim Daylight AS Utility 050 One Roll for mum 15 MM COLOR SLIDE FILM Dynorehrome it exp Itlm Price includes processlnl LInllly Ll One Roll For Culornrr 1zIrl00 1000 91 970 were SELLING our or nor WHEEL sers mm ACCESSORIES DUAL LANE SPEED llltAIll AND ESSES IAK 571 Value IIOT CURVES RACE ALTION SET II Value nor nrrnrt TRACK 0mm ttoo DRAG CIIUIE AND STUNT SET Iltte MP ILlll COUNTER TILESTI lAlK UruIlIyIl eIrh JUICE MACHINES or hide SUPER CHARGER 177 VIIue ROAD RUNNER RACE SET In Value DUAL LANE ROAD lttNNEl In Value QUANTITIES 150 200 525 150 440 EACH 150 200 200 v50 AND MUCHMUCH MORE ROOLIIORTII PHARMACY OPE JACK AUSTIN DRUGS LIMITED RATED BY DIVISION OE DOMINION CITRUS AND DRUGS LTlI BAYER AJPIRIN lor ellretire rehet Dollie at too NOIIZEIIA MOUTNWASR 10 or bottle NICE AND EASY lIAlR COLORING 570 510 130 Wide variety model and estate rdminislrntion servicesIII In mm yours at Victoria and Grey Wide mien oI colors Bro 12 MW no rrnlor hurl Contoon dc rd It VG thrill54 Wm Enyoy the things you want today CHARGE II WOWWWW THESE 00003 IN rumour srottrslulliss CANADA TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1069 naurnunnrm nurturingt