Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1972, p. 6

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THE METALLIC Look arla Oultltll laro Rat pretented this blll ANN LANDERS The Entire Human Race Has Secret Thoughts line An mom Im la yrIrold mother teedale danditer ty htubarrd Is earthy and were never had my serious ylohlernr thin leyeIrold boy rentertn the house to see my drughler They no not win 1qu out with they were he eIuseld like to him more ottedl am Itrooxly attrartrd to th to phyxleal my hhlelt rrIIlrI tr rldlntiour No one hum about this but me Apt Intel Ilava you ever heard Inch lhlnrt Nothlnl will ever come ol It but And to write and III II am olt my rockersAddan UIIrun um All No you arent nre enerlly oII your rocker youre Int honest mom touia Sir renIon Hidt All ol or the met lhouehtr that would IhIma hell Welcome to the htnnan me RED CROSS AERYICE lira Au LIIdrrIr trou like comment on the letter aimed llrrt lnlIntry Fresno CIIlIornII Tho ntllerr on pit Iny advlre to the your hrtdr whorerhurhond Ir In Velnnm Her mother dylnr oI oartrer Ind aha nerdrd to stay with her lather hut rlta also needed her huahaod home lIa advlred her to entrust that her husband Ioply Ior rom parroruta Irrlyoment It post near her pdrentr home cant underrlond why In Ilmy ollleer would give that Id vlrr Ilow rnth holler had he IIIdI Go to the American Red Crexx When Woodrow Wilson was Id Ind their Iamllier It her ren lore dress Ihkh II reernhrol drred with Iteel II part at Air resldrnl at tho Unllrd Stale NI Inked that tha American lied Crou be set up as IIIIaon between servicemen In the tield In this uparily ever rlnre The nIIterr Ihoulrl hare od vlred the young man to run Iart her Inert Arrtrrlenn llt Crntx They would the signed Home Servler worker to leII the mother and Install yota the sure lhorourJin IiItotrlrnt would hnto then re quoxlrd lrnm the motherI ohy Itrlan Ind pnmlhly one Irom her rlrryymnn Thera vrtllltl llonl Are essrnllol The Itrd IJro would lhdn have sent tho lnInrmItlon In Worhlnplon vII Irieprlttlrr and the army In Washlnrton would the rrluvnl ll try wlrrlrtt to Vietnam The Ilrtl truu run Io POPULAR WITH FAMILY Casseroles Fill The Bill for Stormy Winter Days Culiirr dIyI eIII Ior mrIIr that stick to tho rlhr CIueroIrr llll the hill ilhin you Ire ItlltlURI Ilir tomothlnp now try IItlI letorrle Iork Chop and Potato Rollo II monploner Ilrowrtrd pork rhoprtop pnlotnvonlon mix ture motto rnury and smooth with ryrporIlrd milk ronrrcrror and fIOTATO RAKE link to Irrtluxi iiiInstr lhlcltt pork rhopr SIII IIppr IIrtIl melted hullor II thinly IIIer we potnlnrr CORRECTION herIIA the Front Tolrrno III ileIIInrinn III were hannrodItIrurprirI urty II their homo Int Satur Iy night on the reunion ol iitelr ttth woddinr onnirerrory Ilory In ThurtduyI pnprr lneorreety ldrnlilled tho rouplr We regret Iny emhIrrIrtmeni this may tho thinly Illred onlnn wItre IIII IN tlonunre Int ol pnlnln run urtdtlulrrl Voltellrrrl Errp orntrd Itilk pepper Ii IIvnry narrlry Ilnkrt Echelon pork chops uiih titll cream proper and pnpriku Ilrowti purk IAupt In hultrr In Irylmt port RlmtIVtt rhooe rrwl pluro on ah Inrhenl poorr towrltnp Ilnea pololnor ottlontl water In utt In three Iouropnn Rent to horltnp Cover and Inuit until tender shunt to in minutes DrIln thoroughly More In tort Anil uniunt In hutlrrr III Ii tInuh hnklnu rlnlth ilix Ioup esnpnralrd milk pepper Invnry urwt pnlnll Four out pnrntorr Arrnnru hrowuod pork rhont or Inn rl potnloer Color with aluminum Ioil Role In moderqu ovrn 1150 tlrrrert It to minuier ernvo rovrr Ind tnnllnutl In hukh ll mtnulor luntlrr or until pork IRON ore wrl elone times at this great IntrrnIr eldrd to keep going Within nine love my rltlldrrn and we Inn hIrIIr luppIIra llrl II rum rim an ylh rotor revlelollhetutleldryro on room little eohlrmplation Ihm you try to divert It mm Bellini All llJIIe lTI in mono dml drdd ornate or my ell tooth up In old wortmale set all enter at you Mr not he uni it ou rot minis rum uwolorhootlol preeIre timely Ictloru to do this week end Vlrle IAII 21ka Foul on mental unultr dru tor hurt httle rom trlmdr In mluhlevwr Innodl thatem Iork youre at to do II best done my UhrI tSept nOel In all good humor you ought to en eourIre your trieodx to talk Ibotlt thiamineon hIte Itt emlient tinni rlphtlny In xprlnx summer shoIirtr nun dly IAP Pholoi Past memories Irerh extension rtro and Rh comment III on the alert Ior III op rtunlly to Ioorrlre rome th or old and odd SIIIItIrlne INIr Drr thl Yott have rood honor at we em to doinrr lumrlhlllt nearly everybody dIIInprorea Close Attention to home conditions yleldr Innslrttcllia results prrtcm DrumJen trit Clone arroeloles cooperIle well eomplislr In minutes what It IIkrI Congressmen Seniors and private elUtene mottlhl to do llundreds oI thottraodt ol people will Itlrrt to the eliro tlo nIl orronlzation Dr Dear Dr IV To My thank to you Ior providinp my reoderr with thIr Inlurmntlon ITS YOUR LIFE DrIr AII mum When where you Ire morrled ll weighed lItt Pierre Ilrh IIMIreh tltr pounds Alter to yeIrI Ind Soothe rIthor lhon met to three rhlldrttl doubled my erumoy hehevlor In it Ill turn out to know mmy helplul deiIllr given root question AonIrInI IJII TlFrh lSIl lteIIx avoid orhltrory truly mores III In mellerll dry Ior min krrn look around to see IiIhod leek Theres relay to he NM be In oulet wnyr older persons easy THE MRIIE EXAM SATLIDAY JANUARY rm THESTIIRS SAY AIM Mud liAMI IIII All their urlyrrxllll motor ot your houehokd will do no urn Get endeustamnuy The light IIIer does wonder Ier SIM See the beauty In hereot to ere commoner Iaotilter thinu Gerald lilay Elaine Friend eonlrudtd eIdl other as well II themsdm Cite or oieotr hrulhe Dent expect my eiou rollhoeatim Cum Jul TIJIIJ ll Do who LI normko dared to youlntheloulsmdlyemtozne olhlunyilyuand heololIkeyoutfliolrtotthrm omnttmlty See are Ilool Ind tool it you lill In their Mu all For once try held quiet Ind mod eat to manner relth on loner IOIHAUORI to protect ltr rtrrdeth Ind churn Wm Au Nest In You havent time to do III thats phoned Alate In eIrIy selec tion oI what to Iruthle Ict en rryhody know In order to ad lust Llhra mt Mitt Ittr GIther your best Irlrode and loted onrr Ihout yw Prohlrma Ior another time la IOrl EN lltt ltnal Al been told mystery erplIlnrd entity Ior you who no obsemnt Ind making the rounds tor the mill omenlties ol your community ltarltlarlu INIr ttrDer tilt Do your hit to IdtIrtee eulIttrIl Irtlvltlrs Never mird thlt other old traveltheres al um etr return to Iotlcloate Any very eomplex plIn term to loll people rrlIx IIIke you sell romtortIhIe Ind lake It IrInI Jon rorro lltt tour ot Iormullly eohanrer your dimlty Is you any your mm at rommuolty ohserte Inm today The oulelrr events quite IolIIIIriory PIIm Ilrh lHilIrrIt thll lnrptrottonal idoaa Iparkla Ihrouphoui both early Irui tIte Itttrel endless dlsetullon and tlllel tly hushorot horned ma Ears IImely Into contentment to no on diet but my Insure yereulrr much to do little to III In what Im Toke It exrlalrn About or lease It Welll he tell It Ind more In with some who workrd Ior him Not lottl III he asked Ior ditoru In are It to him one hurt and henrtrlrlt raulrlnt rat Tho Iirtl 20 pounds tell oil In two weeks In de Soroptimlste hotl In opport uolly II Ihrlr rnnnlhly dinner meellni to lind out how on It rncy dedlnlrd to helping their lrlIow mIn operator ti It Ilud lolly one It the counsellors It the Adult chplllrnnl Centre It Editor II run wlth In Itlta he would like to promote lntormlng the him mother chancel Youre membcrr ol the work rented or solo to derideOreo Julro at tho centre and the results anr 01 sorry hut in your ehloved In this IlveelIl proyrom IlIo Ind ynltre Kdltll Io deride he spoke more times oi the It you do dreldo Io rrrnIrry the heartbreak Ind Ionelirtetr guy you ran expert rerun ol some the residents mm mm They are people who never rrreiro vlsllor never rreriu letter pIrreI or any Illon Ilnn Irom Iomtone on the nulrlde Everyone at more lhinrr denied the porxon who her no one to show my Inter est no truth In lrlends no vltllorr llhlle not too mon oI the to ridenlt ruller Irom la unwanl erl lreliny there oro Iumn Iho would denrly Invo to know Innin one rarrrt enough to yltlt lhrm or would Invite them In their home Mr Letty would Ilkr In no group women men or even on Individual uhn would unttors toko tho dryanlrrtloo oI pronto ell ood hire II Noble ucret willing to II lrlernit In their Iry the Day trramrer your men Ind women They months lost 71 pounda DtIrIn that time met rrnl Tenlle men lie rrory Ihout me lot at attention to them whlrh their lather never did He wants me to morry hlm Problem The cxvhurhnlttl raw me Ior the tint time In rover mottlht Ind wont rnr bout IShould rive ACW Officers To Be Installed st Ornr Anrllern Church Women he their JanuIry meet InK In the Drum IIIII ltlrI CrIonrd Ind Net Day con tittrltd devotional xervrr Itre Ilrlent Alrr ll lmltIt rate re sumo ol the hlyhllrhty ul ml Tomorrow wll no tho ImtIIII lion III the tort otlleen ol the AIW lollowo Ilnnrary prrrltlrnt The Koye provident the It Smith vlrorprrridrntr Ilrr hlitrll good humor ACtoItllltf to root you hove been proiert tt lrlely Adults Needed AsFrinds For Lonely Al Edgar Centre vita them to dinner or take them to Ihow Anyone InterrIttd In 1th In urIIertoklny may contact Iilr tally It the Edror CrnIrr new member the Jacquel Ino Itrtnrhton uIt ianurlul Ind wrlramrd Into the rluh she was mooted by like IllrlI Cut Community nork ended on oy this club eontlnurs to occupy Ihr Ittenllon ol mtmhere The regular monthly meeilnl Ill ho held III II when plans or the mom Fuhlon Show will on dlsrurttd Dinner Proceeds To Workshop II the thourltl oI eltlrrl sun dIy dlnnrr Ir xettln you down dont lret Iltr IIdier Auxiliary to tho CInIdIIo Proyrru Club has Iolutlon Sunday Ilternoon the will my will ha rilrhlux up opal helll dinner Irom 430 to lrlt II the RoyII CInIdiIn Legion llllll St Vincent SI Proteeiit Irom the dlrtnrl will go to the huildinx prolret ol the shellerts Workthop otherhndndywumt only with Italian yurr eatIh routed otroomle then resolve or All he put over cIorleorI thee uJII lltr later In the dry IrI Ipt to he IIIL CLITAlhLY not not to more Into Eeis wohrsimtheremtorae Boxes Ind bore tiled hum Loot Ihat more II an Era assigns ACTRESS SIIEILA war II ahnwn made up torher role In tho CltIdel Ihutre pran E33 iii322 uni ll Dont Listen Ladies In whleh one Inn All spilt done to til lgtholoL Actors My Retribution That Is Reason EDMONTON CPI SheIlI ItIney wlshtl Itldlenres wer ent IclIroneelour and non tell more they liked them Thats whet up do it Ior you Itnow rho Iold In an in tervlen hetueen Ippoarnnrer In tho Ciirdel nteIlreI pro durtion ol Iront lJrIen he dies the lost um was here two little old Indler runs up to me Ittrr perlormanro In Ellraheth The Iron Ind rIld theyd rally on oyevi II hope theyre hIrk Ilaln ortd thnl they eomo no me bdrkstars nrnln she llllnkl Ieiorr end It Iressesrre III tremendous egolsts Thu Ioie to he told you enjoy em Its too bod Iudl error era In rhy IIIII llttnoy who he been oeilnr Ior yoursl wont ray how ntInyIooh hrr irIIrrlrr or In Irlrrrr at the tiny Academy at DrImIIIe Artan london durln the Second World WAr Now the her dropout who ir Interested In Ietlnr Ind would like to lollow In those Iootrtrpt lo tendon whrn All little or hlrh Iehool TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS IilIrI ll Cox plnurlm tiny wool ylxit them IIlre thrm Ior lrIlnnrt livinr mrsure IIIsI Idrlve mtrtlhem nttdIhann IIrlrldne Ind devotions Ilrrl CrIwInrd Other olIlIrrrt Irr llnll nullllnr Mrs CIlrt Unlt Iuppllrt Mrs Mirth Smith dnrcnr Ilrl Ktlrr Clltll the urine and phony Inyeommilteellrr GSentord Iilrr Ir Ilrland AROMII lt Ilottr Ilominy Inn It Is the Iron II Vertry Alreilnp Feb Ii trill he the Parrkn TrI IrtrI llIlto lrhle Irom to torn WorIIl tiny oI IrIyIr wlll he held In St Georges Churrh Ilrrrrlt It urn Iln Ill Tonkr will he the Ilurrt SIIIrr Ind Iilrr II llIItk will tho lol oiII PHONE norm rennin CLEARANCE Reductions up to 50o he loo Is Iho enjoys It end It preprred Ior III III Ind MUSKRAT CHINA MINK BLACK ORAY PERSIAN LAMB MINK STOLSS ETC They Act hord nork Its all right niih my She Ind her hurhand In ed lIor wllh hrortlcnl News In Toronto hovent diseournrrd the Ir Iiut two ADDS one who now Is lnytny protessional hockey In urope Ind mother who II newspholo editor thent enrourlrod their older She lost IeItr thorn that pro at these dIys theyll have topoon see her Iet Iltsa ItIneyI deslra to enter the theme mm In warmly roeelved hy her Im Ilyhrr parents were animal It Id bed proItaunImy IrantlIIlherI rulerwho had your on the Itlu wltIIMrl Potrlek Carrt be company 33 WAOEOOXLRCCIYPIIOO $3355 oor to ram emtthtnnnr dmutrr mid Itnlrhl IodIteepe II quI met II III hm ehIoIod Ind per hm hy the end ol the week thC will he retttna to the pine RE MANAGED TO GET llIO hitched bedroom and Lltm room out and tldhydhy th at MYLR day em preti tr ml Inlnr tthlok The out day elranln Ind no top end lduAUIONIIOngIM endr oorr we cant do muchm morn until the other elrpet Is In Io II least we In take hrerth er Ind out little It teem IO strum to eoma not In In dillereot pert oI lhl town Me to let tired to diI terent Itorv Iodoew RADILL And thee to et died to thI wind on the All beam erg why It IIImmsd the on our on my leg helorll could ret It Into the eu stilt II happy rout utd it mid have been my tloxer mo thouyht limpV ed Irra Ive yittIt remembered thI nuc enuIInoorlennrrtthot little rohlrm rotted Now It only rny almond lode Id be torn elely atroldtt Weir IlwayuoInd buy another wildnt ll Groups Formed By Angus Ladies It eslt terlIn LIdir um Ilan MEL ll the Ionlt rl re Winnie Ilnddeli John Thleuteetlny was opened llrr ltelerr Plaxtun rhttred the meetlnr Ilro eomrniitee were termed tor the year ltrs Iiertrlee Thomson Ind llrs WIO dell wKIII mood on the program etmmltee Ono member earh month ultt IIka on the responslhllitles ol the devotional eomrnittre llrI Ilelen hremtIn Atrr Perri Slum Mir Beti Arnem IRO IIrt IIIIrIorla Llooda will he In rhorse oI rrIreshmenls Ind terriers llrr Itelro PIIxtod Ilrr Sent rlee Thornton Ilrr Millie CI Ilr Ind Alrr Put Gutrlls will he In rhIryo ol proleetI The membership wmmlltra will eom rlta lire Relen llren unit and Airs Betty Arnem Mrs Ialoode will he to charge oI eardr Ilemhere drew names tor ihoIr Iocret le tor the yen Lunch wu xerved Iry Ilrx PIIxton Ind Ilrr SIeIro The next mutiny will on It the home ol Ilrr Brethren Feb Nohod talk to her or oven Ihoul art II pm lire Grlea ltors rlorv Ith prIyer Zhrnrsrrnishr linkevrew 185 Dunlop Ed res51st FAMILY ammo our NIGHTS Monday to Friday ROAST rou unit with dressing on GRILLED HAM SlEAll Plnoopple Ring Why not preserve whot youore erootlng by good Estate Planning FINE YURI AT BELOW COST IlIlCltS house and Tenant LIIa lI Irrraan Equity and Tel EI wuuus not it out run more durewnouuk IrSIII Furl Only TS Ounlop St North AmrrtrII Illa AIrIrInea to re Dunlap St in mm pm mu Iuet Went oI Bank at Nova Seotle tour now AND rIvn 85 oururro wruorus muuu cmtnotn or LOBSTERS ArIItIhte Now It RARRIE SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Air Conditioned Open II to IIIdIr lrIdIleIeItIO Moon AION Mm Iradtrrd II we moron Children under 12 $120 Complete maul Includoil Oomrt and Beverage

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