Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1972, p. 4

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ms elht ideatr Extortion SEE3 WM Mliabad by Canadian Nowrpapan Compuly Limited II WM anmu mm 16 Bayilald sunu arrrto ontrrto 1y rattle ohmic Kerry Lunbio MinivanCanard Manager In II in Wallx Editor Emeritus In McPltanonIMrnqln Editor In Slim lll l5 MIMI it ll lot toolbar WWW drtrrrarpaaadtm who mall mllrr Ar rouhotonu III quilt mldulill rtrntt my oh beaten 51w dim anathema For erating Bus Service mono annual an in Aid Nelson Garretta proposal lor open yrara delay in finding another contractor ieau tan anorinobdu trorn Border ation ot the Barrie transit system it wor with proper cilpment thy oi earrlul wruldrmtlon by the oily Certainlth couldbe door but there YW cuglncllh It Ire ogvlloug dlsdvangaea lna ahorltd arr augesa ecty erm eat meat uneasmanwou ghogld slItotlld oiliilllfie pugs an rallligr wantIa Itwo he or inny on are one any em eonirac to unit at toa uire and it plan has merit First the city would own keep compeltt stall to handib1 busear he glottal assets and that would he in ilasiully however lir Garretta pro go poation to control service and on somakesumLAsowneroitheiaiiaca paasion oi bus routes Secondly people he city could proceed with expansion who submit bids for operation at he plans without tear oi contract deayr spniem would be relieved oi the heavy more lrequent but aenica on main lines llnandal responalbtllty oi autulrlng and would encourage more people to learn maintaining large number at costly their cars at home buses The successful londerrra tub Downtown parking is big problem would he to supply the host sibleseh expedally ior women ahoppera it more vice under contract wtliit ottin buses and more routes were available leypml In ltlr Garrett raid the rtiy could purr many oi iheseahopperawouldheiueltaed chase btlselchotiperthdriapiiraleopelr to leave their cart at hornc And lhla rho aiudrnt rlota In Calm aenl aa Iwamln loPraident ator hlrthcrmorr he held council could would produce more revenue tor the tunic damp contract on yeartoyrar basil and ter transit system and help to lighten the re bewmla inoraarr IIEiIrImIIuIII Im III III mimic the Irrangernrntwlthoul tear at chronic annual deficit on but operations Probably due to the fact that you had iaryngttts iorawee astmont avereunion now utm trrrrl Sdat lull Irrlnr tumult Deniunsts Keep Up Fight out th laodthl dba low da ago the denturisli at 0nd oi the people rather than extraetion alum Em conflict with liraal tano voice complaints to the neutral iront damaged and diseased gurus which mt opt public by mearasolaluilpagoadveritae result in supply oi dentures lhe momma IIIWIIIIIIWII dInImMs mm MIMI II III more all the II atria am or Illoconlly anothertull page kept up the protable than periodontal work GI bynidliulbhlliwmiirii Mill With dtmii NOV This it grave aceusallon to make and IIIVIfmfuggI Th9 mum 10 mtdlilliiii we are sure the public would like to hear skilled men who mamalaelitre ihrden that my mun My mum tmport immmw arrapaa as war highly pharmacists and opiomelritla mAIlcighaglygogli uprnntiriltllsslhlotd drain to lay tho rabiatt did But their la plenty oi aviI call Wis outlying own up up eman diidiigdoiinhoirwhitingiii $391thpruppmd by doc 032103 mxm micellihbt binabhjbbhc icoa umenl repulrdiv issued by the Ontario raipartlra are already and ifitrniilmttdyrrotl=$rhi htuhr 13Lpirtririrrdrrn inn hreonvlarrd to pro mufn II Dental Association and marked court rottwerrrlniltrl It the Commate who dldalu will bail to dlrlprleV vrto bailout or proirriiora with its mm truurhi made Nnh tlli election Whirl mid it tarp the bi rat taalt not out mora onlbrirawn rrtod ti remlaa tbry wont rim lybo Dentusu dalmthey could duldlpm EASE Nor FOR PUBLIC 1m tailed any time in Hui to replaces larxh amber oi Ihtlltlu and to all our Elli Inothar baakbvthdter gm sm nrelrr of mantle One at the roaring ntrr but to lipid ennui the party whi with little or no chance lor ad on mum to mmurtriiy mm mm ii Main 10 mm iniUTiWS illld moat important at til till date who can win in riding with how uild dwlthacantlaiiu mm of en Wilden merit dentures since the previous aurit graphs against the dentists oi the pro taalta ll to line up root rtrona ililaii they do not now hold its tlllal wlll am could lctll work oi extraction and port opera my my should hamme randidatra Tory troutbench to hang dtei admit hut thta laot In marina to it ontho other hand ihayeunr the are hot peril attended to by iha DIIIIHIII IlIlm III III II III VEhlanlIonhdtl anatad by ralrnutgtnrnlall Ema hilt tolde mmapom pointhrbrcroinrliInonbrlooitrrthtoV up on who my in dcribatiirmiigiiisement rubheaded by my denim mum 10 mi Eniiliwii yllHliuiv labial mbtm ehhridritdwrebihil iii panrlttiioitulgg it it may liliotvtt lit willPhbiildamdrtiatibritm MM mm Pm III mum repaintdentists do group ol MP and party oral material in the event pl Cnn rnrrui not to trr on the tort pointed to the orbital or arm 0W The on mm who look mm the rlttmr arrvatiya win ol lotal rldlna uroclntlana named at port It guitar liloWAY lNFLUEhCE inamtea open lottera to the people lo we inlhypldlnxtantaoialhoput ppm thlnit tho importanre unlharuuppoaultonmthrlr nienlat Mullryt Tolomlulrot the annular oi Ontario concerntn on uniuat and an him in lyaahanceaaadtoernmiMW oixettlaneod locnicnnutdatra ow Ihawloalar retinalInn turd catheroiathrdrlirato and to American hm rr women kw whh mm youm heart arid the pocketbook oiliinrealdehtl tmtiai candldatea there in an lhtmvhnhmrm Imp um um upmtrImlup or min It my coolly hadItranoulllialn lnttw dam 01mm with mm to denim ol the province hlrtti in do lIthla ln Iiieziih rlslIliiIthtc particularly in the admin CiM rand IItIa donhlhoidll ngnow then glcmigelr NlIotlgiVIauVIIIiIddio mono erautd tlon in recent aara we have an um um ta on la merit in an early porn ailan It Exit service Unlerr those statements are explained MI IImIII II II II III mm MI NIIIIIIII IIII or rel edthn conlidoncc oi the rule if in this message to the public the den it rtdinpa with people who won in lion on two aepntala ortoronr executive can wield conrldro orremawrtiltrnwnpriortntno rvmwnwrgm pummratm thump gtrhnpmvtnce oi the province in their dentists might be tpaannd who intend loacrkro in tort the niclrnnnter male role inuence and can help to election call Newapnprrr will III my lorlousi nudemined election So the main attention eurririi many Coarervaltva MPa brill preaauraon oodmen and pay little attention to eommtnla Hi Rm mm pub it turned to that rldlnyr which Into the Common whoprohahly women to alter rmatlvea at trout John Doe private eltltrn Slm Am Willi lm rm ouartrra to he this the claim would eat thetreth Ohatham Dali Newa the party did outwith would not hand made it on their iha nomination mutiny There an matter at atala out John Wild if mm mm Bill tilt lob W111 ht lonelier nap in normal clreumalanret Ia notblno better calculated to Doe undidato tor tha xvz llrtII mi Ex Mimi ilhlltttllilililgimlhgggleli plurhhtltmamplhl one lulIlarIaIrala 1dIiplltraluctant lerlly illnliWINmilll lacuna mundmevlm Um tearornutnero or on wt ll ur ana can no anaper uruayraeretpecaaa VV tiera have voluntarily reI drau chllinll oi tom nal viallI or area trlephnno lanllon tom the new lnrdll msIImhnEiigdm ivtlt PAINFUL TASK warning to the third World it is all part 33 WM in the earninK tampolaa choir it inalaad they til in more dorlrlto rov Dally llaii London oi new kind of change blowing across Jump ernmta atatvd an tba larIail 61113thywllkemdppioymcm theUnItedIStateigmpourIdcfl in platid homegrownmrncrrhptol Hum coul tanned redundan awam rig earn mmurts mpera sm dooii oprrtrn mam rr pa rcul preaacrnaorahl hut sooner or later the airline at Heath and mounting distaste for the btltdtn mm conicrtln the election and thin kilthiaroun intuualy idrnlv row Airport will have to reduce their DLWWHWitadmmP manna tinninp new candidate htir particularly pinto tho Ila mm mm Already mm them BLAME iT ON TV iriimhmir diimdd mm woumumuy MW 1de are matting huge looser And the longer or the thrcn maior partiro is Cihrinusmndmi the New Damocratt appear to WWHiMHlWN they put all the paintul task the letter Some people blame labor when tlttrea um giilopwtthoni rpecrh jobt will he tall the union leaders 8mm om bum mmemm IxILHhIrImIm pm Yet unitrrrtty pollllra in the hllddle East am more than havctolearh theirmemhera the realities in all delinllo nan Then there arotlte laraella They blame mmm on tmm and set about ilnding new jobs for the Mansion Iiarler 1hr Liberalo are irnluu unlucky ones Fort however hard it Amordinz I0 II 15m My MIMI damn notniriy lrunt bonehrrt on port 0IIEMlN auintdonatwoyraltitmaoa Alon with this howatar ha not oi radlrri urndthtlona auch at Arthur Lnitigt Goulli harrna rarlr hurrah tract January it Dr Tlerk wlll niao war atlcndtnp to partners hrouaht about violently or other lrlet no trade union can guarantee em Masha to appear on television is one iieilrniih untilIrieltieruhaitlll or no amine to the top man on tha prulea lleaxparnirdhlalntarrttmlon win anthndornaallo actor imimmdi at the laciora behind larnells recent rash may at their itlln lire enmtiar atonIl rut ol the government the way brrornlnglmemher at Iwboln mm timer of lm Iitvrly yoantt and were tlrnl nilildnobilltrlilli ile uill hr tmportantant only land Incumbent praaidrntt at the II WARNING Whamm Strike breaks oull union elected in thud Ii in Ill WWW hrrauae at the man in detail worldlwltia Yottlt Iiraaldeuta SIIIIIOIEIIEM dim Prime illnltler Tr euu indi ranlaet with the premier how Organzallon qiittlllloellona mm wm mm III london Telegraph leadera involved in tho atrtkeare later my it it MW lit to The senatavototo kill the ioreltzn altl viewed on TV and their atalemonla arr ibclinliyntlaiirb hi Will Him ll linitiiittchdenim iiidfitrlirihiiiiii In tilditlml Ittvoltllitnltl the llllllhy rmonairalorr bill is clear indication at how lrupa broadcast thla enhancer tha alrtlte prerent cabinet malarial Ind viability much lea alonml ovarianant rat and the than lttn Fleck limm in mm the roar impalidni tiinlor imam to irytoery adiiilnlllralor he will mt plump to mmIIIIImIIII um tientl disillusioned the American people iaadara prestigeanya hiaIrlv nnrlthtta uplmlimllIMI MI mm MW III In mu Ottawa dihilrltiiiitliii iihtlllitrtihtiir intrastate to it we or no ititillitllkrriltifirli neonate which in the main misuse it while at the commtilres to callaalrtite itiiiiriiirtiiiitnhi iiroubrnlurirnlrtbtth lieab ionituiohlifathhllmbbrlitthwib mlimam minim mm Iaama lime viciously biting the hantl that its at good reason lot strike at huainela tn the cabinet out ha llnrnulry av rrarutlveanlmnl rive antler 1mm chtrruroi in mm MW aillem tsto teed them There inatteaper some weve heard in this part or the IaidhohadnunlthIliiinlil rrIt VhIIInntIlthlrclrlpltxmtd rinaitaand moat important In orb ranlleaneo to the Senate vole than world mm mum mm tartr will probably ltnd type With And it Will lhoNilil raoraanlzltinn oi Fleck It ilr leet two hlr hair vi it uil it pathetic heIrtn in It lent to er in aaaaaat the machinery oi aovtrnmentI Li wrtl above hla collar but hit IImI mum II IIIIII liwmmrmn um mm In Wm ila was the oxenillxlrna director iitirbtlrria penalih below the ear III at am 55th at tho Cronynrorn tin and dolaylta baaaiaml oi ItIIIIII mm III probaby hhndte mainly the our will he the thiel pilot in utllnd tour and home in ona at or rural and willlcal tall at thl throuih ita recommen ntlonr onloaaawrlch thutrtchlneirh to Baylielti Street emter altalr ah barrio Ontario brim tltelpublitrl MIMI nlhrantrltmib riliiiea km mu mm Telephone 7mm The new premier 01mm Rum irom either dlrortlhai hln up or Emmi Second Clot ltldli poiltlrol perlpn hnri It in anytlltt that tho aiyin ot the math III II IIIdIIlIIIIIanII chniithiillz at political ultra nrgirtratlnu iitldbtlilili attrnetl he would hate hit 14th WWW Nil ol till apart hurlnetuman hut ireturn portapnguarantttd polttleai ntlmiiiittlrnliiin If mail 11 lm in waveraulion no can quickly Dally suadaya and iiaatratt In tho blah oitico ha mid minifinir ii Div letrh into the theorililli oi the statutory giddy dammed ta arruranre oi Rening iluliinulllhiztllm intellectual errcpl Va Subsui ton rater daily by I1ii will haltbohblIlant poiltirr mimibtglllixarodmhmcha Inigiozlutrriga In Wm Wm aarrler molly than new Wth alt 00 vu Paw theprarnteraottlrorndwa on aim at Gout Int the thaw By BOB HOWiiiItN lain Firm who eraa me to ltrlirt tel Ell mm he Sn up or ml ll the Die Vii Hi 0d Mi 111 aide in near hiooromin Sarita Country iiii wot able to ttf Barrie Nil itl This it ouuo mlli certain ii Stucco Hi It VI bud mii When Cal try litamptdeta JII 1m lmI trnnheulninnp nun men to came out lro or ml tnbaek round which mm mm mrly mm Wcmmm be WM rattled hilt in elthlrr ol lhrao Iy hot to be dlrmltatd Ti Mm mt learn touch own in their heart mm II III II itaid rider on hortebark al at CInIdI 500 Yuri It Whininit hurt within you and the mm min mmlm iiowvar Covlilh Pierre Itatl ligrmlinhlhntimribtitomboihbr mm mm mm mm lliuu moi ii man Ti oi watutiielitlitoyrlidlbmb Whn mm It Wk mum mm Wk wmv latrd turnout to act the rrniiioirtrr than turmin mt mm 15 tit Imam WW Toronto haahad axre ilottat aaa nl aoirr it imp th mm Wi liir had he wanttvlt When tto nr grant that more entrrlnintuzi MW Amunm 0mm wu thallith lofty tartar both at Illilllillvlllti total liltinpr pin hh Ii mm hut horachaelt riding In In mm CIIIdI mm Md its Queen at Viral Toronto Ill millng buIMImII III mm Wm and the midi our than an it Sllmrl truth to dlacovareti that tho um orttttuatlmnttvartra mm did lllI career alariod when he rurhuaaonaoo ttohhml ii ii it liltlvtfwggulelt pldlltdrnw italEidan rVrnd lpdiinaNlalt fmgIImICIIImIIm ni chm will he temp or araurtfd inwhuaIllieraUrIldmlnlir ballnvoliedhwlth trioralhantoo lmM trio Vrrr you it not aw my me nu in on rent mm vrrriv too Ila erotaro arnanirorn apod to not an appointment with Lulland reitiemrntt mm cm harkgourd pibiilirr in tort iia we told medallat whom it cant in known iuat lha Wertrrntrr come it hrJohnIthlatttnld ndtld naturallvrlhalilaztoothuhaai himbhulltililliilg Vrniuaiirnln bib iiihttliiglimhllittltiiglhhit liricfjiglmriifiiiu Wiijhifuwlitfim2iiiTi iliillioritlilliildrlimgtliiitaimiiizilii wiilabpbibhgb to government DEmlbihthAlllimfnbrlroli and other tired rata it an oath ltrh amlony that woult ul hnwkn In New ank at cotterrm tho pratnlera ptlice iiiiil Will iiWNWTK Willi W1 10 IWiM iiriillaranro local title at canon tor travelling many tract the at hi ie publicationolaiinnwatllrprlth at itihtwl trait talerah hi Wmiiiiriiii iilitiihit hiltrihttiiirtiiriiiit limitationmm attitiitttiiitt tantra titration cramp ra IV atn Ill narrnnlr air thClly hi itonthu riiwp to 51W rm to llarvnrdr to art hladottor itnrd mart Iimn in not hien to lilohimnminartallirowtloprn praanl willt tilt rrrt imilti alter Itllllmlilrkitltltltltbiitl gimp1nh$2uh ate in irtiaiuetwruditiiltintrhliuur ll aiwlwliiaraaoma rpplinl dihtrhmlliimrinihinmihhpirrh LY urtla2 11431 LvrttrahLluhLJIaAclwith thhaltiirhiv when ltrntlay at hurlt in llutir tar and day lhla wan all Cap ahtltux trout llaiilnx ed truth but lrorn that point he romhlltpd modern itlInI truth or area pun my and maria hi to rl lain llarco herded hocialrn tho roommate trtrptronr pm to llarria Examiner ttainta IfIIIlIIfgm Mn Ind Wm WM IIIIIIIIIIIIE we IlIlImlIillI IIgItIIIIIItIOIiIIIItpow itla tlirrctora roluaed to baleva land he rarith pihym went on alriir yrlaht in all orlainal Idvrr tip or mind the bulatnua Ilauadamlnatealtrott mt him Nominal var lltmtaa illBhIInllobii lapitiaiuro til at and rational material or Mi Ichoolatitrlolihlverllt ana Iatyirotllroeltlltroaabdldt buoirinrtitodinddiiiy bbnoriiio Ishma or tha aar tall 1pt era with trade opium Capllin prrred romprrrrrcr hrr and by ita rmpiueu and to ion in no IlEOll0hhlllE an lectured at iilriill taunt or root mliilatmrnlr todlvarlinl utlxnvemiot on the Pralriea alpaca per Plom lilpl Vld home can tailVlaceunl Atetandrr produced tn thlt mwapaprr ihta pinbath province at Dr in France rndlhrn brdlma aa Or it could mean rompro mata tratui auppori pt iram Enllliwi odtan lat alntttan intact brraa at lhdrd Icrvleo Ir Owernnrren Copyrlrht ilutairatioll Nam Jamar alert aoetata dean oi lhr achoel ol milhbeiwttlilbelwot resolutth cam in toning horaaa tor ri trip and trorltnoaa arrnaalaa horaa out at Canada lie war the int her malt rrxlrler dt ha chlri exnrttllta either to burlaaaa admlnlrirallon at York And it could alto maenocotn General tiolorr Anterlcan rprinp Unanittatn till Car run limit kaiilhil Govalnottirnrrni iront Britain the prernkr ha hitter ha ar Unlvaralty in Toronto pielrly lnulraied Jim alrch tora Indchryaitr Corp

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