Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1972, p. 3

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Crisp Mainly Sunny Weather Is Forecast For Barrie Region Saull Ste More Signs sturdy my today in that rtes our late Serge upd iag ever taint periods and in Downed Suadly Highs today no nightwear am ltithSianilylssthl CITY NEWS 1115 IAINl MONTI TUBDAY JANUA evil HA Fisher Will Discuss His Boolt 0n County History reanhpoolectahohaayoomoi ad Also at the Feb Inertial the Isaodl do will tom the Nine stile Porters tithing hall It hopes to build this going The association has spoil tor asst tones tmdtr Podualalnm Incentlva program yet heard what radio the in mm mada on the app tlr Timers had rooslais at him rudian In roime history and The trail will Idlers tho testis mainly sully weather Our lot the hassle moo lltsi my The weather cities to 21 it Jew cloudy portals scattered mowiismcs in this am IA Ind ll d0 anoole blastiy atmny today with the chance oi irw itin nea iew etaudhpenoda to today ml mid teens lair ea WW iiartuitrxr Lalo St Clair talc line Niagara hlnstly sunny today with the his tail will term topics oi terror to round to his own re search as well as student se in oi the portals irrxra lieiripesilelt pay to the liloqu Sllmp area YOUR INCOME TAX lpald It in sUmony to my tormer wlta last year Can claim all at this my carts in retrirtti ATberetanadotiartlmilon the amount at attorney that can he deductedYoa may claim the toll mint paid in the year as long as the payments are triads on periodic basis let the minimum oi your erotic and ohititen and are in accord ance with decree court on der or written agreement it otoaaodarooeeuirodleoupply thotinllornswurttsnd trap In It siesta then you that deduct the coeiot our iiniterns and the caste yeleaalngltbutthia LI anti It you arw ma commit aim iyouarson atrsight salaryyou may not claim tor the root at pionhaslng or clean log your untlorm lbavetb travel miles to get loom my homo to my place oi employment There to no hits service Can claim trav cllialg espenses when tiling my tags chance oi too hurries ncsr Lats Tale low eLasdy periods tonight Ind Suntay lUgbs today In the mid one less tonight on the mid teens ltlgha Sunday in the law Tits tendon his Ontario Lalo llama southern Georgian Day Stmy inlay with iew rlumes the lairshoto ten might and San day Sunday in the laha Nolan and southern Gtolrv gisn Bay regions lllghs today note rJ tows tonight role It iii Sunday is to Bay Sudhury Illllllttl inn northern Georgian Bay Mostly sunny inlay lew that ties merrily nosr Croatian Ray and Sunday liighs today 5L Catharine Tomato ltcniim Kingston Peterbornugh ltiltalue North Bay Sudbury Earlion Timmins Kapushasing atom aspirau tibira Rlier Gcrsldtero Hoosersee THY EXAMINER WANT Alls most matte yrna and your wlls were recon oiled betora the end at tho yeeryoirwotildnotbeohisla claim alimony but you mild claim butead such persarssl es cruptlons as mldit he Can repairs to property he claimed as an Income tax deduc that Not talus the property la being used too miners or rental purposes it tho taperty is private dwelling is you would not be allowed in claim lor the tool oi repairs in my employment am expected to wear imllaxm Can Income tao return No For the till in it THREE OPelgbt surveyors the eanense or travelling to and ehechlng lslkriit shelters la 51me County ass aeatad Fallout Shelter Survey Soon was lrsnsierred to sooth er city in mi and we decided when they coma around in many cases people will to rent our hours rather than soil It understand can do duet capital cost allowance tram my rental Income but what do use tar capital cost tlgnrar guard lube hoarse lot yehta made worthmamlblgloltltnauthah lrnew alreIdy that their building we paid lot It originally Is on the list Some people might You are entitled to claim hole purchased the property For instance when they and dont hnnw or the building made up this list they might might turn have been demolish have measured the outside at ed he said the building and computed the The Iedcral government is space lrom that Theta might be continually updaisn the list at Iurnsce in there or in the potential sitas an hlr Sheph case at rectory large piece erd says local taro ornciols herd tell and Warden Ueyd Prrdhsm ilzxamlnrr Photo Emergency Measures Organr trons loll hills Shepherd gt issuan coordinslar out Shop lsn Cook and John Austin all at Barrie Stoodzng bcbind are out list at all sites in tho touti ty but this list does not Iaha Inta account what equipment or partitions might he iraaltias the shelter area Federal llanpewcr incentive Program hit Shrphenl said all the Ip pllcants were screened by Elli County Warden Lloyd Prldhain and local police cblels and will carry idenltllcatlon cards arra sol by the local police shirt The survey workers are lrurrt liarrlc Orlllia Midland and The simcoe County Emergen sleasuresOrgonIsailen hao hired eight men to conduct survey at Iii iolloui shelter allot la the coimty EMU coordinat Toasters the lamest star la espenseci ourliIatiinel their ehoilyhep mulltlzll oira saolnp IIOCLYWIH mt sure you rarelyeverylegalda dutiiarr Thais walI putat nrrtae your sshirrt iar accuracy Why Roms or rtsuiidI llot BLOCK light so mm pruiecl are co capital cost Allowance an the or Onto Shepherd annormced to contract lots are on Crcemora and will work in the ml mm mull mm mm or equipment must evaluate those sites and is uRllitl the claim tor the cleaning oithls lair market value at your borne day when you started to real It This Tho men will be employed lar oIil lie said Elli late late account letters that ltttRi DbTAib general public businesl Indus tho original study may not unlloorai would not include the value at shoots month and iandslor the llr Shepherd said the Elm try and ptalcseinnal people to have shown Ind it do ends MINI 00 ratio the already has computer Rfllll QMPe ll MOST All DEDFUL The vast mllority at people resist this pmgrom whtta pas Shepherd said William Teller Leaves Homloaps Artichliremnaa oi iolloui shelter designations or am Last SD BARRIE RESIDENT receives ant PRESIDENTS COMMENDATION crash slit miles out ot Owe Sound lhsl Nov to in sub sequent letter to the company Andrew Bell Barrie cen tre bell Canada building tors man or the Newmorhei arcs received letter at common dstlon this week irons the pre sident Scrivener tlr litll rendered lint aid to badlytainted man and wire and their son iollowipg Ontario valnclol Police ats ed that Mr bell Ls grade snsn and certainly presented be tor the western area Mr relua commendable lnroge an hall at Bell Chords At the ear presentation ceremony at tho FOR OEEERII Roots modiriene guano otoglosiagyulhise odlllilii army pretend under our origin 1le liethetIoanayauget rdIIor oar poke at 11 Ootelll ogoora own the some cereal lttotAl Idltntlti lltllsrvaorrowirit up carrot OM All WWII TIIIAI NO CAIIYINO INAROIIIOIAWLL DAYS OP TOWN All COIIICT AILMW IrIoUsematanievrt ler one TO SERVE YOU Make Up Another Appointment HAMLOEIPS RC ICPI ages at Dorrie Examiner Denhoil has been appointed helare being posted to loan puhlislior and general manager loops iii The Sentinel llI assumes the position htnuday his Denhoil oorrics to Item NUMBERS loops Irom Prince Albcrl Sash where he has beon publisher at the Prints Albert ltcreld since April 1061 Re succeeds iiliism Teller publisher and protocol manager or The Sentinel since October 1969 who will be taiing up an other appointment taon to be announced with the Thomson lldRSpAFtt organltriion Fin Dcrl City ToUre TENS Ambulaer Sexvlea rrtotos OPP TIMI hlr Tcllcr was general man HEALTH SERVICES FOR THE COMMUNITY countrywide rlirdy or ambulatory health care programs health centres outpatient arid otbcr health service cllttios la baing made tor the Conscience oi litnlth hlinisicor oi Can The personal views and experience oicllircns msoclrlitms groups either as users or services or as stall membcrs at ooh centre or program are being sought It you think you can be helplul please write turtbcr laiormaiian to Community Health tentrs Protect P0 lint Station Toronto Ontario Roll Cansda Building In Burris tell to rishll Skeldlng Barrie building manager tor the tampon control ares LinBoll an Blue Tur orilo district building mention at ones or made the presentation uovntriounitorier oarroutntiiirr Me lrosdlsonr umsdiriaml grams area to Island daoblo tho it stems in oaontlyouoonasysrtioaanur MILLION DOLLAR CHOICE TOR YOU NI Islan salsrmim not op plush MAXIMINI RANGE SA$ldSOY0 souli II in to heal tor mgr mm on tires as to or lot our our no In loss during BAHHIE no worvrrw on CALL COLLECT 7267471 WITHIN i00 MILES FOR FREE ESTIMATES 210 BAYVIEW DRIVE crusts waseuousr Open daily to am to Im lorurloy it am II rserisi any more would here his wish es respected Wed lust report to Ottawa that the owner didnt wish to tail part be said nut in the event at nuclear attack then would he emergency measures legislation that untold lurco pctr pic to let us in He said we areIgainrcmind ed that Canada ereri though not Involird in any conict could he lllrcted due to our geograph tmitrtmaiaimroiriaoysoooutmatoaiuu DUNLOP PLEASANT BLVD DARRIE KESWIC 7164331 CHIN OPEN NON To Till Ail TO Pulll SAT T0 N0 APPOINTMENT ttscrssrar PUBLIC NOTICE BARRIE UNITED APPEAL Escarpltitom Barrio Unitad Appaol Cenotitulleii ARTICLE lllI Section BThe annual Meeting at the members of the organization shall be held in the month at io rusry at such place and on such day and hour or the Resort at Trustees mag determine Watson at the annual meeting shall be given through pu liealian in news paper at general circulation in Barrie ARTICLE Section AEach contributor to the land at the Olgdltllite lion shall thereby become an individual member or the organization tor the your for which his contribution was glleti and shall be entitled to attend and vote at all membership meetings during that period II The allowing Procedure to be used by the Nomination Committee tor the selection candidates lor this Board or Trustees was approved at meeting at the Board on Juno itll iNEED FOR PROCEDURE The board at Trustees is Tcsponsihla tor all phases at the Barrie United Appcrl it determines policies and car rlca complete responsibility tor the success or tarlure oi the annual campaign The Board should not he group or prominent citieerrs who merely lend their names to the causes its members should be mature expeneuced capable men and women who are supporters of the Urtlled Appeal and wit ing to do their share at the warlr to ensure the tuture success and continuity or this surver to the community They should be recruited tram wide and brisnccd range or occupations Recog altlon should be given in their selection to sourccs at the financial support tor the United Appeal PROCEDURE Earn your the Nominating Committee or three trustees pointed by the Board will make up list at important classications ol occupations such as housewives retelling public utilities organised lobar prolrssional people teaching pralcssion industry etc When the olassllled list at occupations is completed and in reasonable balance the Nominating Comm itca will consider rultsblo candidates in each classillcalion To ensure that the best available people or chosen minimum at three candidates will he considered irons earls occupation To perrnlt public participation thc Nominating donors to suggest names for consideration by placing on ed in The Dorrie Examiner betaoe the annual meeting is held The Nominating Committee will have the power to work iron the names submitted an their own list to provide balanced slate toi approval at the Annual Alerting PLEASE TAKE NOIlCE TliAI it an annual meeting at the Barrie Unich Appeal will be hold at the Barrie YiiYWCA Budding 22 Grove St liscsdsy February 1072 at 730 pm Nominations to fill live vacancies on the Board at Trustees for three year term will be accepted by the Chairman oi the Namlattln Com mittee Mr Frank llurphy so Puget St Barrio on or beiaro Tc nrary 1812 Such nominations must he in writing and indicate the approval oitha candidate to let his name he used DENNIS CROSSMAN Chairmen oi the Beard oi Trustees Committee will invite barrio United Appeal

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