Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1972, p. 2

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HI IA um SIYLIDAY JANUAIY JeIirI laudat in the Temple oer stow GOLDLV rear not use tried by lilo baled them lathe some he devastated and the inhabi lootlag aver lemolem Jesus rants slain bah tum wept lor the citys past pts Atier eieorisg out the merch aoat and hruro when it would ants and money changers into 1331 tvmdtous reception Pharisees Just mt be lite triurrphal entry demanded that Jesus rebate erusalem Jesoa sent lilo disclle lot roll no Ihlrh to ride into the city his lollowrn Instead lie re hBYoarOltl Flying Parson warm MEDITATION Christian Church Needs To Heal Own Divisions II TT DAVNL Daisies Posters Ciaryo We were ealpylng cup at coi lee the other day when intend Ished CID the Gospel which you bellow aaro tho woridt stammered out law words Yyyu vrby do you No matter how dilllrult the rosd to reunion is or how ritaay obstacles we encounter on the vray Christian bill to Rod each other as brothers and sta ters at the one great God And it our Gospel isnt strong consign to unite us then how can we preach reconciliation in tr Tbs partition that dlildhd them um mm mm was so thin that they could hear each others breathing They ate at the same tohle and prayed in the same chapel One day one ol them died and according to the rule at the Order the dead nuns body was laid In the chapeL htr lace up Going Strong Alter 36 Years DARWIN Australia Retrierl Walter Eccles puts It ouetlncb little rlerrer or lodge leso harshly where they cannot see God that tricli would draw lltlla nearer little nearer to one mother theyd he nearer Tore and understood Australias do year old loll llyin parson Is still going at otile eRcr id years ol bringing spiritual medlan to rentals area or the Northern Territory The drops at Rev llarold Sitrpardseas Cessna was is larrtlllar sound to tri oI ab origines scattered over ti soosguareriula reservation In Arnhem land Stiepplea sort ol loiter day ministering angel with his own act at wincehas become ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Caner oi Owes Ill Henley Sir Illsloter lies lies item Director at Praise Cara VII llsmeri llidd am hierIIag Worship WITAI CAN HAPPEN WHEN YOU COME TO CHURCH Church School Senior Church School loll am Primary Chunh School ST JOHN VIANNEY ROMAN CATHOLIC cHURCH mourn mortars sowirrv Leon Contessionsi Sat Arts to 515 pm gt72l5to 015 pan Holy Masses Sundays erso am Hit 30 on Piano 71W WESTMINSTER thyttrtal lama tie Steele our Pageg strainer Rev rent 00 am MORNING magma momma nrsncirtyy Dim ADVANTAGE harsh School and Nwrsory liod prvi iIyI lay my lllbls sissy All Welcome === IT IIARYS CIJUICB their tascbsrI sdvioer and tired as orell as pastor Flt end tailored he ies sup plies every day to lonely out posts and transports missionan covered The listen all tiled past but as the next door neighbor caught sight at the dead nuns lace she gave shriek and trial ed She had just recognized her dearest iriend lram whom she had posted In anger years belore Each had misunderstood the other and thwgtu the other im alteetcd by the quarrel They had lived side by side In elolr iereat Isolation neither haul seen the others lace nor her the others voice Print tragedy llow alter this happens to tile and we go our dlllerent wsyr because we do not meet the condition at so canclilellon with God and with each other OFTEN FAIL Lets admit it we irtatious ollen lall la Interpersonal re lalioal We suspect each oihcr Isolate brunettes trons each other Iasashl It was the wrong thing to say became he immediately rlobhcr ed one with You Christians do not really believe the Gooch it it to not strong enough to heel your divisions and overcome your nletabces with one another what rimt have you to any to the world that It can be reconciled God My irirnd had rest orgsr ment and answered see what you mean but believe that the centre oi the dearer oiGodlsadlvloopourrw ch our lslliirea cannot wholly Inu irsie lie exploded Is that all you hire to oayl to whlelr ooald only answer Yes Illor nowl liersl alliryleg to think at better answer and lrIi hard pressed to llird one We who call metres Chris tiairr saint take my trieoda colt broken and tormented watldt lets be personal How about the grievances us have towards others and the grievances they have toward tia Dara mention two hard say tags at Jesus it therelare thou art altering thy gilt It the altar and theta rcmembcmt that thy brother hath Iugbi gslnst thee leatd there thy slit belore the altar rst be recon oiled to thy brother and then come and alter thy Iitt The only petition in the lords prayer to which any rendition is attached is Ute prsyer tor tor gtioricss We would rather tar get be said then but we cant have private rccenctllann with God as long as relationsldps with men Ire not or right as we can make them STORY OF TWO RUNS Some years ago the pathetic Idam with seriousness Think story at two Bernadine arms was published For over live and do not try to understand easier tor God and my triendt what would happen it the church ltaell mild discover reconcillo years these sisters llird side the motives and temperaments Start building these bridges lion by side in two adlolning cells bleach other today Recbaclliatlon doesntlust hoppen we have to do some thlng We must try to biilld bridges across the ehasms at our many suspicions asst mlsuar dermndlyyy Ies around network at hlemod care board preacher say lot opinions circa providing an The only absolute essential in air link with more populated Outrtlan behaviour to Melitta areas behind or miles apart aesslhstmantsus mortars In Anthem lane where also up on people not even on strips are unsophisticated Sher 00 And ISM 101 pie oiten lands his aircraft on 10 lilmt makerth strips cleared by his We my emails mi liter aboriginsl helpers more Ullll to God last so long II we retina my to clasp thehaad ol mother whom we here excluded item the circle at his love we rannet snow God You can see why my lriend not so cantrmed whether we believe what its preach Yet still maintain otir Iallurea as Christians cannot wholly TM trata the purpose at God tar man But Isnt we make ll 35 us Cams Worship With Us Roman Catholic nonporous Aroma no mass SUNDAY MASSES BZUU In up EDD am 500 pays Saturday Mesa 700pm ESSA ROAD Presbyterian Church Opposite horrors AveIIsi rllnlaterl Rev hl Paitlson BSc Orltrpt tire hL Mttol ARC FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH 22s entwined street MS Sunday School 00 am Morning Service 700 pm Evening Service Rev We Cecil Brawl interim Pastor Church Secretory resorts ALL WELCOME lirm am lilarniog Wonblp REVERSINO Till The hard one set the lord TREND hath tairn DONOR or out my oy Fahrlhry PERPETUAL new Am Mm my FRIDAYS WEDNESDAY EVENING MASS MO am 7tJOpm irsi torso Iouoivan er lie do appreciate the prayers ol the peoyls at this time CROSSROADS Oyea Sit Sat All Closed duo Tmlltsnottla hiidhutei llwy ri PLEASE new All church copy chan ges must be or The Ex lztl intermedlote Sealer Ind Adult Dept it years and up 1100 Primory and Junior up to it yearat noun NORTHSIDE NOVENA DETOTIONS LV Ecclesiastical Ark Is Symbol Oi World Council Oi Churches lu em NEWYOBK AP global aceieslastleol art the Ointment piles the worlds turbulent seas at human need hurt and conict seeking to heal and drive men together in the integrity at Christ Bill the waters are tough the esuseorreata strong And thunderbolta strike re atedly at that aoormuieds This is the symbol oi the World Cornell oi Clutches its Greer name taken Item New Tcstsment ward mean ing the whale inhabited earth term that bu come to too treats the ecumenical move ment tor Christian why The council Involves Vshi range at deaomlnadons in helping the needy in min stuns stories and ocumcnlchl Itudlex Storms erupt recurrenlly around it its programs by nature are controversial since they are dulprod to press all churches radl lly to change their slaaces says the coup ells chlet executive Rev Dr Eugene Carson plate at Go neva Switzerland an Ameri can Presbyterian Since this involves bringing longseparated onceaatego platic churches lntn increasing alliance the attacks coma titreely and ireoucatly Irom right to lett Critics denounce the council as too diverse the monolithic Is procapltalist snd proCommualai es paci tlot and revolutionary ACCEPTS CRITICISM Rat Richard ht Flgley at the Commission at the Churches on international Ai lIIrs which reels to lnleti biblical principles late inter national relotlonr earns mooted the teachings at Jesus are absolutely uncoinpromislng and you cant trite the gospel seriously in the real world siliiiout diallenglng the status our lla did that and we cant escape it We have to aocepi criticism Despite the hrlrthalo how ever the nyearold council has continued to grow and today embraces most Protes Iarit Anglican and Eastern Orthodox churches and has growing ties with Roman Car ilioitclarn From the outset the council DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Winnipegllama lilller 13 tumor vlcopresldenl oi Settle Costa Ltd and chairman at the Winnipeg Groin Exchange wblla vacationing in llawalt Hollywood Jerome low ll it character actor in more than to movies including Miro has dlsavuwrd alIgrorn any political ideology or portl saasbtp the email delIrieo ltaell as lellowahlp or churches which contess the lord Jesus irht as God and Saviour oc cordlag to the Scriptures and Ihereioro seek to tuillll to gelher their common ceiling to the glory or one trodI Father Son and Holy Splitt but with lot denornlnatlons involved existing under vary ing govrmmoaiat climates and with varying heritageo and styles or operation the tensions are inevitable While most at the councils work goes on quietly in areas oi education publication evrngollsm development mls slnns theological research and reilel It stands on cur rent Issues usually are what lead to the repercussions When it sent tisrooo worth at medical and other civilian supplies to North Vietnamese villagers In 1m American rrltlcs called II italloroua hut RUGBY lJy MRS ii JOHNSTON INVITED BY CLUE The Orillll Champlain Coin Club has invited the Ore liorli riillurIl Society members In their meeting In the lecture room at the YMCA Orlllla on liriireday Feb at pm Ellwood McLaughlin will show pictures on Close up or Iowera Tnsro will also be disploy ol coins and clamps llAhI BOARD Tar annual mccttirt tor the Rugby llall wss held on Tues dsy everlin in the ball with good alien once Dcrnal Johnston chaired the meeting AIII Gordon it to on secretary read the minutes and they were dealt with Norman Longmln treasurer gave the linonelal report Plans were made to have the cold supper in Au sl as well as other ncil vlies throughout the year Earl Robertson and Pet ilcCullau it were elected to the board at dls eciors lira ladies served lunch HISTORICAL PICTURE There will be rhuwlrig at his torical slider oi Ora township and also several slides til Rutthy Rilll surroundith area by Peter Scott Dorrie on Feb ii at Em in Rugby llatl it anyone as any historical wrllo tips or pictures in rnnirlbuic please contort Airs Jin lantrrian or lira Riel Didhopo mralhy is extended to iron lor lame and tariilly In the passing or his sister lira liar William in Willowdele on lr day The iunerel woo bold tram lluridells Funeral items on Sunday Glad to tea lira Oerrlon lloore homo loom hao ital lion triloer intrude llerev lcmirxiihelso pioliidtd Il million In such aid to South Vietnam villagers When the mineil decade ago hogan urring steps lead ing to sdmlsrien oi mainland China to the United Nailore lt ltndled sharp calories in American circles itll appeal tor tunds tor lac Chsnadlan Council oi ttrc es to help support mltilsir to US runsosya item dralt also drew ac euaattona ol encouraging slackers one US council member says its Divisilsn obligation to minister to soci etys urticaria and dropouts SOUGHT TEST llAN in ltil the council appealed lor SovietUS treaty bane sting nuclear tests In the air and watera more assailed by some American church men as undermining US so curlty Out to tool such treaty was cpncluded other positions arming criticism on one or the other side at tho Eastchst political lance lncluda ltia councils support in into tor the Untied Italians ac line in Korea naming North Korea the aggressor this caused Chinese president ol the enuncll to resign in protest ltie councils list denuhclr lion oi the Soviet llaleroenlion In Hungary and its opposition that same year to tho BritishFrench military Intervention In the Sues Tlie councils 1961 criticism oi the us military action in Cuba in root condemnation ol the Soviet military crackdown in Czechoslovakia lls persistent IllWAY SERMON THE 00 Pro nilhrit prayed oils on Thlrt dearth Sir neural lord Association mccllrig in Hill peter All Welcome CrlUtlsm oi it normality action In Vietnam hiany blasts It the council arise because It lnoludeo churches Irom the Soviet orbit Agents lorlllhe KremHn critics call them In reply the churchmen scvlbey are not Communists that this would he lncumpatlble with lolth although hey generally oippott lhety governments Also they area small minor Iiy on the councils derision msklng hodles The councils worli Includes approximately Lin million in cash and tr billion In malcrlhl aid It has poured into areas at poverty and disaster Also it has resettled rotted selugres Irom many regions work thpt continues with no Ictup in sight ALLIANCE illicit tie coir at Wayne litre IIaior Szti emfrosary canary School 1100 amv Guest Speaker REV ml NEWELL rroo piai REV Pill HOWELL District huptriatehdevit at The Christian and lllsslsnary Alllaare VVVVVVVVV MIRACLE SUNDAY CHURCH PEHTEOOBTAL ANNE st too HWY 950 am Sundry School Adult Closest RIGHT blind deal diseased Aets Silo Gospel Ariltie Laying on at Hands Rev iuiiits Parlor THE BARRIE REFORMED CHURCH Crown lllll Corner el rlwya It and It in St James Angdrsn 00 lionhlp Service In the Cnsllsh Language Nursery and Sunday Sohool tits pm llorohlp Sentce in the Dutch language Minister Mr Yerbeul Pastor Everyone lavlird FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMEO CHURCH St lnrest It Pastor rtev tr Eablals Ill Cedrtagtea it Phase TIMI WORST SERVICES title am llmras berries tilt pm Alternoaa devotee Tilt am Sunday Mornisgs BACK TO GOD HOUR Tomato CKEY ISO Everyone Weleenu FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CLAPPERTON II WORSLEV id to l0 BIBLE SCHOOL Classre lor all ages Ilrtd am lloralag Tiaralilp BROADCAST CRBB inert Speakert Rev rt troltulr Illli GREAT QUESTION Special ltosle by the Chair Nursery laellitleo to Electric lisara lirrryono Reteams amines oliice by Thurs day at pm Christian tielesee 1100 lm am Retard 450 pm Sundry CPOR tilt cycle Tris pm Tuesday FREE METHODIST CHURCH rot HATFIELD as Rey CA Boll RD Pulse January do his am luaday Seheet Tbs Church It Study ltrtt am The Church At Worship 7100 pm Gods Plan Through tha Ages series at messages by rural lions dtrvlag Christ In Your Community provided Visitors Welcome FENCE SO lliTY it Collier Street Church SerTlta Sunday School ll AM Testimony Iiieettag hid Wed each month PAT BIBLE CHAPEL loan Peel Ste SUNDAY asnvrcos Itit ma Rememhranee ce liiod am Tamils Blhls lloor Sandor School ism pm ripening denied Wedsieaday tilt pan Prayer and Ilble Shady mutton BAPTIST CHURCHI 128 St Vincent Sty Barrie 700 pm Speaker Mr Doug Parker Soloist Mr Howard Dlltll Irom Orllllo 810 AM IMPACT CKBB ldlll 950 945 AM FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL IIIUU AM FAMILY WORSHIP HOUR Sps Mr Paul Detoauit Music The Choir ALL WELCOME The Anglican Church at Canada ST GEORGES Station Grlurilla Streets Rev Darld Kaye Rector I0u am llon Communion llyron ring out am lilarnlng Prayer atlon oi ACW Oillrrrs Church School and Nursery You are Sincerely Welcome ST GILES CHURCH SJ Cool Street Raw Basil Torah hit lioty Communion toroo oeiroiy restrooms Church School and Nursery IVIAVOHI II WILCOMI TRINITY CHURCH It Collier Street Nest To or The KIRIIAVSI mtlltoTaly dirt am Holy Communion Tm am Moraine rorvlca Tin Ivor Church reheat Ioglneors suntan IIITBIITIITIW Till Mating it late saw Irenae Br Horatio drgaiiltii Mrs Moisturiser LTSLy Llrdt ALI All WILCOMI THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA ll00nm JESUSTo HEAL BURTON our No heeled all that were sleirt tMali dtlb SUBJECT JESUS CHRIST PM Master OI Miracles The leper alo lame They wish hoyelo everyone SERVICE OF HEALINO itlooy Family Countrr nnolntlnp With or tiring the needy tor booting Come Expect eratls Jesus Is Alive For liliormailon Phone 7205709 United Church lillaloltrr lira it Patios Organlalt No tlorrawsy ll am Installation at dtawards ladaettea oi Ettore MINISTERS Ol ODD Attempt great things tor itodr expert great things Irom tied ALI All lTRLCOIIB reprint Ross ht litlnlsier liov Deaold It Jay lit an Associate lllalstor liar ll Rorrltt thtoa liA Bil Organist lilrs leslle Waler Chotrnlaales David itlitlcl AROI ll otmcrt hlrditatlon PRORIIIBS PROMISES Nursery Iaclliiles Ivallahlo The Church Schools meet at lrld am and it oclock lilo pro CONOREOAIIONAL POTLUCK SUPPER AND IIHRTING Special childrens program COLLIER ST Corner Collier and Paynis lllnlatsrr REV PROCTOR BA Aarorlaie lllnlsterl REV bl IINLAY DD ltillit am liertilag llenhlp READLIOIITI lN Till REARVIEW MIRROR PART II Annual Meeting Pol Lurh Supper EIEO am ltshy Sitting Chaser rebooli lit ll ysora and liver llict Im 11 years and under warm welcome to all Um titular Drove St East lilorrilag deroleeoi Regiiiar llerolag Worship lltOiI Iitn Sunday Schoolt Brads and under it Over Grade It lllnlrteri lies Ari Storey BA The Friendly fellowship

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