II mm mm urnInn turtm rm Io Hm WANTED ms mm to Plans ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RAIES II JILIUJTUI 5111113 OMAN 19 Iillllmh 3W mumsNI tine Satan mm It my IE Imuimun north IIItde Cuddwmlordltt 1tIddtttoIItordoocwndt my EIIIIII gt III CmIIIIVV IIJIImIIInt too vmi motpucwntttun mm IN UNCEMENTS WK qul um KWARNICA $513 WT mam n15 PHYSICIAN munmm SURGEON WWI IWW of Moll om MEDICAL Mm mm up mme IV IIIMLUJNGTON EH1 Lommutmtaum CUISSIHED nAttItIt In um Imam IIIIII In mom In Tor IADVERTlSING CLOTHESLINE ART warm IVIIIIIIVIVOII nu IWJII ItuIIcI Imus dothuilm with III III Iult It II Im IIII Ilisirninx gt DIRECT PHONE IIIIII II IIIXIIIIII at am It noun Imam II link to uutptun tcu IM won otm mu om am In ma on Inhimd by Ipmtn her man Mn Itnnur IIIa turn Idl 1o Imto lllfll atom or Mm In um 7282414 SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS State Department Reiocts zmm on II CHURCHILL mmgtmgmh Canadian AIIaits Bureau cums mg Ifmla II Emir It VIIIV1735th SPAGH WASitihGION the tvntrrsslntul ttxard ntd mm In um mm It SAUJITEII no GIIIVVIIIIVIIVVIV III Mk Sdamd ItItI doportmcn hi thntlln an Iuompantihg Itnlrutont mMIWlII SUNDAY JANUARY 30 Ian at mmm Iltzr IIII constitution It Thundny that he not Iomn Sandi PrvsooroISholbum on Ii fl IL qu tata Inmmm III wt cnn Imam CanIthII Wm It Indium It waited It Incl comm Imus ILILII momma um mmmIVmIl VIIItuIt IndVVInaw IIIIIIIIVIIVthIIntIcththVIIVVWII mfquInroIVIn III IVIII III II mIInIt 5mm It III or II on an It Intm Iw on ll II Jow MI Will gym IV VMIIm II VV so Fm Wm hm In Suunltr Iunply Ind ue lIlrI Although It will continua Inuld be Wm or III to ntan WWW rutMum MILL15 11th Ilnltton trot Inf VAVVvaV LID MIXIme Eiassgng IIIVIVVIV VIVVVVVVinIV VVVVVSVVIIUIII IVIVIIVVEV SIIIIKVIIIIIVVVVMVVAI toV mp tho uituItlon under In IIIh IcgostVVVoI nulIVtIIIt orcrsrtrry are whom mounts Im rum Peacock so mm It PM 51232 CLUE 7333 All tnlllloll rntrrtatned In honor at rift Allnn MrIIE IIIIIocI IIrI IL WI MUM 1M Ih IIIW wvfu VIIVVIIVI mg MI an mmgn VI 1mm nutm pntt It Pull money mIIIIIL Mn II dottInmont doc tire CnnIdIIn IcpIrIto ottitoV oi Canndlnn 5g MM mum muting ht blMly Simian MrI IIml Johnson IIIIirI the tail Inrt tIlr tmt IttIlrIIhe CnnItltnn brat II Assocunox who mm mm Mrs linQnIrrie IodII tel meat the dalllvtl wroto It tailedInt ullblishul In rm VI II run rI Iv ro IoIIInII utt IAl ntohhrrau IIII Ydylngo Iltt 14 IItngL 23333 PSInow Id mm VIWIV In mum Vr mm III III III ymyathy II ulrndtd to tho wnrt Mn Brownlnl ItIlo mmtuy Ior ronxm oi humonn nttatn Mmkd by mm II II mm an whom my no mo um hm 013 Arrhtttrt will be Mn tIrk olonrl trillions In icttrr Int AssLttant Smetary Martin um um In In mm rm my utte who pm my It hit cm Id 5mm mm mumbmd mm mm titr Itth Itnolsmftmt at tIternlI who hu tuttutm Spent nDcnIorrnt Inn math MIIIWJ um II to rIIJ II IM IF WWII IMHWIFII nn titrrF5lIrIlJtrIItnby upIrIto CInItllnn MIqu It hi rugsostlon In SonntI oumutm ImoItw mlvml II gif Bgm BIRTHDAY PARTY tuttrIIIIInIVIptIIIVVIIIIVVIVIn IIISII IV VVVV 3an Ind thII taller In ItItI tIrI IIIII mttayt tutu we ts oont moo It tIoI mIIy tttttam IIIII1 IIII WWW wxthrtoxou $33th him mm IIlrr public by Insortlnt tt Into Nntrmbor EIECIAL I5 GAME In It ml hrr mother Mrs Ihornu Duh 1th Itrunttiriton ulth ttrr Lu Wig IVIlrtmitIICmI It MIL not mm II 111 to II mm mm Gm ullllillioAIlytlfllIllu cm SLImLVSIlIzm 55 IICIIMTEII mm wltv lmrl VII It mtttn 1211 MI ohm loin mu I1 out Itrtur Mrs Irnhnm IIIAI Mir tom or or tnimolm on May In IKVIVIIIIIVIIEIVVJIII DVcItIllVlVI Vim Gum hm mum BAIGNEAULI NAMED win tIIrnrtnr at in IJIIIIIIIII turmannnwt TV no 1m wmrvttn Irv TM to tow mm our umm ii no woman tout III Iahu It to II CLASSIFIED USERS um mummu Itnnte IoIlowInl natton with QULBLC CPI Jtuticn try mm Eu mttmtttttmm Imm th MINI rcIItltutn Florida ttinhtor Irromo Chottuntto IVWGIIIIIII Palmmgbfhfg mm WWW Wm In It on no mm Inn at It mum ItItIn non MI Int Am LDIVIVIIMIM IIIon llV rmttom IIIIIIthy 5110mm GIVIIN hm mum Um pottnti In the tIahrIJ mm min 1m III notoro you call an It Mil mm mm twtit Citurrhltl rink ram horn 5mm MI Wm IIIlIMII MIII Mu Kw IM Mm mm In In VIM l0 DIM yourI Wm wtncthtn Inuit limit In om ti mm MI II with mm mm mm the In IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII mm II Commuititl noton antotrIlutt Iorco rIIy Mr DI ntnttit IIrI IIIh Into It to rotth Cgmidu Thir III and win wtnniimrnto Irarn WGI ILA wort Imntttm oot 5mm arm Ith mm It 4me dz mot II unmto mm WWII um Ito Imt um In tom mm no about In Intrat money Imiy It thin day nor It borne at Mr Ind II III Int III tManII Maroon tar In on Ind we wInl to uh WHOM Him In 110 ItIrur IInIom rt mm WW 51 mma my stmn IIIIIIIVVOIIIII Jack mm mm mm otttontmtImttrotorroantrn The Fouowmg Immt It mt cuntI mm mu Iran bicndI linrn WIIIAGIII NAM mm Cnnttnbio Ina nntd Allan no tlilttd in tvtt WWI mm mm dud to to wit tomur it nrcrIIIry Iur you to TELL mm Wm IIII3IIHJIIII3JI 719 Itmts vim tho middle Wm Itovtt ntounun hunt me Wll Wlm nuIIIth will II mum MIL mm 1mm 01 hamcnI Storm 23 11 It mttwnl mm an or no 11 to Iunml III II Im5 IN ImmNm II NIIIIII AIIIIMI lanl viz DIIor De turn you dont rtIIltI to II but so tintrt Int tutu III momma Notom Wk III SIV mm AIIIHV dull WWI HI Slam tItInIun III plunorr oI the lam muttIt mtt HI Imam nny at the Iuliuwlnl rum that no It III mum Itllitwt ALI mm Itm rrbarnugtr an litI holtm motion plctara industry In un mm zontuo mm mu ma Ln Camibit uprnrd htr ham to min dlott WounrutIy In Palm Dont Omit 111 Address Invnrtmnvr arm WI tho rriatitrt Itrilawlnx Iito Ith WWW MI WI mm MW Inrratt Slim ll WWW III III trtttt IIIII I1UMIIR VIan arm patent1M hm mm th Nnmmn me mm dummatt um tIItImrctIurIIIIIlttaugh btxtrcntnhlooutraIhtowrro or unit pattern tor III IIIIMIII Ihmr III WI plumImnmnmuum III nruidont at Itclnrhoitt IIIiIIIIIIIAIIIWJI Dont Omit the nut IIIIIIIIIIII III II II untotuzquIIArcIttIIttttIIII Iatulluylitcnnrlcuilunlloridy wontlntrrotctmutntmm Iota ltnliI hn rottrrd III Itso ttn hat 9W Ihonc Nurnbrt hind WI HWIM It WW at Jordan toodmun prior to Jun201rlttwinntrlcumvlmm MM aIlIrto mltlll mt thotr Inorrim April Noutnn itahlnInn Thnrnlun In WIN ll WY atrttoto tut Mr IIIm mm It 54pm gwmfmmmmtm ntn In Print plainly Itztt no shout and non Ilrarl rem IndtvotttlthIJmarmtmn 3I Ummmlm WIVVVIvunm man AymwthyIchlrndMloMrl Itttr nttntztIUItN MDWIIIIHUULLS IInrgntrl SIIIIIty at tirnnttnttt sympathy II the tnmntuniiy OTIAIVA lt Tltn Cuttn month woo emu Itr Int IIMVJIM by mt Inte Desired and tin Hath titlidnt Aiihutt II txlrndrtt to Gordon liIclttInt ItiIn Catholic lerrunrc IIIIII MN MW ISIIIInIIItrltitIIIIti potion Srndorutr to it ADAMS LIIYSIWILTJIIWMIWZ In ot micro not 151 Inxm me at The ninnk Examith Hm 1hinhl Wh mm mm Inf WIWWWIIWI In Id film the wire It won IIttrm WI Front Elm hr Mum WWI Wd WW on iIIWIIIIIIIMMMWIII Dont Mm Hume on WtIITutonluI Ontario 11 IM WNW Ill JlII 51 tooanootor rottrtotuantlndosh not the rim you Idtortite rm OI It W1 no vaInItIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIunowVIIIIIm rtiusm About Imam uI tht NM 0mm the IIIIUI Him In been Irnt In IIIUKIII In 3III IMF uuiIIf IIIlm WIIIIIIIIIVIII IM IIMIIIIAWIIIKWII JIIIWJQIIIHI IIIIVIHJI min In Indl It WI IL WT IV BltWIthttlbttthmd mm leo wurmtr WW mm thumb tntrrmcnt took him In Ing ff VEOmIIItJlWIIIFI IIIIIM IJtmt Utntt Important otthe IttIthI It Itmoy Inuit mlwIMmmh II II IV NI WUrtIJ To Sm Itonoy tumor some nonto rut with gMItuIIttrIII III ttthrttrtIII DottiIrvin nuns Inn to run non on ore In rcu out in mo pntirnit in AIlIIIntt summwoKEV MI mp at wVItVVVtoVw III wanrmw VIV VVVV VV Hunt II II LW gm wit ltrfsntlf Irtmrtr 5th NINA IVItVIIIoIVrIVIImVIIVIIIVIVIVthIVrout IquttIt III home It MI III In mm Vt onvrrIIIIwwtmItmn IItn Intvmtttttoytmn IltIt to war mum on 1mmugmwugpmtm AotlttculIIUItAiI tiled Irlttny II ltro thyl MIoutuvtturAuwut II macmum or two tIIIHIIIIIIlIgtlgtINNILMh 1M MUM Sittit Line on the armor Dim Iillnu wttl MIMI YIN WWII Win DullWuhan Innn Mu tIrn Ilrnt at Coottluwn Atrlruturnt hrootto nboat mitt out 01 wwn mum Kocirl It tIinnrr mcolln in Monlrnnl Konan owner IIIII Ihltt It 22 WM Duttl OIITIOII Uur mm mm MI hit Cnnnlttrtttm tIIIIIIIIf at It llnrttIIlhtt II lmmnl AtJumuharrhttntrrnont In tttonrnrt not able to not mm Iow Wurklr Itato II II II It II III MI IIIIIII IIIMI IIIIrI mtitwf than 7mm In um Im IIIIIIII With tho tnnmotty tm 1IuIIIVVr1IIlIIIIEIIrlmII lane olhrr puntm IIEIII out at chn tly ml IIth utnttm norr thonuttutnnotrs at that haltttlttt Ittrrttto tho hroto tut byntttttlity nxtmtott IIVquVI KVVVIVIVIVMVV WMIII IIIIIIIVIIII IIIIIIII Ir Mr IIIII AIII HIWIIIII ttlow III mt tinrttII tintnutt qae IttttI wrro ttitrn try rounrttl vtsttmnwx IAII The IUIWUIVI NIIIIXIIIIYIIIISKMYIOIIISII Iot mt Mr Inti IIrI ItrttllII tttttnItnmrntltoItItoIourInwn In mm Almtt ItrIIII IItI ItItlrd lo Iitttn Ilro IIIr IIItrtIcn Irnm ml by HIV mm um trnltt with Mr IntI It shanty tiny rrtmtrd reIllntI mum nruntu tht ItrIlIIVIaI the WIN IIIy IIinuwgtgl VRIIVVV cont trout our tent tho oro DEEIFRIMPS It uttt Itnv mm In IrttIII Itrndlord Ittnm Ind mm MI mm ed 1551 UMWM AIIIItun IlrrIItt Mll Dirk OI 150 III itriwn Ilwwniuz with Will tum II annular oi tho ura Wm MW IM III mIIIt Vol1 on rnvtttot nutty III with MW WW It MWm warlm AWIIId lu wutta ltI IIIrotttrrtltr IIIIIJIIIIIIIAIIK Itnlimlly rvrnInt Inn 71 Mr Inlrntlrtl on tho hentto at Inrtt IMIIIIYINIIIIICIIIIIMIFIHIM mtiun to report tlw Illl WWW BARRIE SEAFOODS tnhar unttiranto Iittrlr tunurnilt IImeMM II CIOCIIGI POHCIIO In Unit tumor AI Intrio ml mm at Inlet Ittann Ind Mutitr lII tit It WI Inn lnttIInVItnrntI tIInt ntltltt llmmlmuhmm It autumn ttw 1mm Atrium 11on at him 7mm Ily Alttt ltltomtA imtao rt ItlrntI IIII trUtomIni wt In mt mt In In MI Will WIIIUIII Ime warpturttladwtthltnrr wuuy mm IIi Ito IIIIIIIII VIIIIIIIIIJ IIIIIIIII IIIII Im ttmtul mm IVV mm mm AIIVAVVNIISVVIVIILIVI IIVI IAIII IIIIIIII IfIIIIfII Ill vuy In tom uttm yonrro III In other mm mme WI MI IWI Mu Inittt ttttmt VII amt Iugthumnwhg aunt In In lIiIrtI IIIurIdIylty what WM tot InIIIIIItIItIU It Itttm PIWIIIIWIIWIIHWW much In not tnttt1ito tntnt tittith IlntIIIIMIWMI It limit titttttliio IIIIINIIIIIIIIIlIItIIInltlItrItImt hm suto ttailrt ltiontttlrd tho AIIIIII TI Atttztr Iiwitltt ttutltrl until IIIIIMIJtIn tut II WNW ka II ntIltt rnr tin mm in tho rte Ilutlm IIidn It John IIttl rho Imto IIItoontm Att mm WI LIVIIIIIIIIIIMII Ifrn IIIIIHII ttI litn Flatt Altoltlu WI Huh ma mm quII WW5 ttttmt now hutIntilnttt1htrntvn MM mum mm lelntirvvuirwd It Intmum 11mm IIIIIIMIIIIIIWIIW IltlIlrttiltttltttttriiitmlnt ttttttut lAl tIto No III WWII ntor tortttrnt at IIII Tawnthin tionIt Iturolu ot thIIlliIilan Ivlmti tor ml Itttm lm AIII Atut It It mummy IIIIIIIIRI midrttt at it Untlotl II now my It ltoctnn IIn I0 III III ht Irhlonto nn Uttltlil ntrtrtt Ity Ilov Irina Ihttltut Ity nno Ion Art nunllIiszlIWnlIIJI Inr Itta SHOPPERS DRUG MART ttttrntttnaltrtnIttrtirItrtnu IItt IIUIIIItzttV vim turnipt two Mg mt IQIII mod IrttII Itgttyto It IIIIIH tttnilittt not rulol AAWIII IN mm mm mm mm mm mm he IIIIIIIIIIIcr trwrllntt III the ml Ivttttltohtatittrytantrltttotno ttt IoItIAIIIIIom de MI II II tame In ttttrrrIttnIt wuttttln Itrtrtn Jntt It with Inlrttttrttt IZIIIMII Elkfscrllgvz IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII Iirrdlootnit mm mm mum IIIle IltmI Itmt WtII ntItIItotuIIIItIpInIymtm Wm III IIINIIAI MINIItININIIHINNIII IIlmtinllhtI ItW yrlllldIml Ami JMNWII AM PM II rt too Wit III III Inunr onto Ant IIIVMVIM mmm mm mm mm III II If MIMI mm III II cm III tttrtttnIItn to moon AM At Itltittn MW Your Itutlntt tlto nIIrrlnry on than Crttltni Inn in Itotttrt Im NUIIIHIII lIlIIog ItttorI Attlnntt than out tItIyttt Aloxntvtrr UIIIIIII outttttttlnlit IIIIIII Anton Intu Imam ItII ilttnhid AIIIIn Into III hrIttI IIIIuttIII Irttttt II to Ilttllll rttthtnttttyy III nontoainttttnalIltattnuutoItII Irntttt Imt Itnn ll tm letnil In mu uotdnn tttQttrrttr the Iottrtmt tttrretanttttnutrtrtratttthIAI rtrtttlrnt iurhrt lrntiorttttptturI ltrtan hm Into thiIt an int NHI lItolItrl rnrhr not Iiirv Itttotoy Ittutum turn to Hutu Iottttm than will It Itnttu dittoutmt tot IIY II yttll Itth to IIULIIII htttnntiy hr Irmrornt It IrrInIIIIttontI lint Irrnlrrt ttun IIIIntI Im ttht toortl liIIIHMI Itm Inn to tttntto lrttttts IIII ttrttt At Int In tho chnirI Itch mm Mr Intuit Ittf mi and wintrr II III tIIlI tot It ttnnrrt no III tho hurt that your IIIIII IIIIIIIuttI this our InIIovtI Ittlhm It It titrothl umIIIt InstIt not that non to III In ht tIIuttIIt IIIIIII the not Ittttl mm than too Ittttt tor III on with In tctttnr titurttrott of to int IIIII In tho ItltIIlttlIIlm IIIUILL Itrr In DVVV VVV IVyII VV rn rm none Vtttl IM WI WI le tIIIt Ilmptnrldani ItrI titurttr tttlcrtt lJI PM mm WWI LurnIt mum VIII IIJINIIIHII Irlrat In tho Nrtitrrtnttttt tnII MI It tttmtt Hun Itmo It dart Inthmint huh Min It In or IIIII IIIIIIVIIIIIIIVIIIIIIVIVIIIIIIIIImm IVIVIVVIIIVIVrVrVIIIrhllnIIIIIIWII otdothryt