Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1972, p. 11

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OHA JUNIOR Gens Move Into FirstPlace Tie pa play into the third Drl Illith Ind Jurt Kudrerr reomt tor the Item In traction the titer Itnti rIIitrd Irlh three thirdmrlod rrun Iof their rictrxr Rob tintiulzn Ind Put Shots retired tllu rerh It the tint Ittb tinder pl tr lorry Junkies Jet or Int Mlle Biounr Irui Nlrholm rented III In Druntr Vertnrtert itrody an Ind Dore Ilutdtrson onee rrrh tor the Trim Goaltender Bunny tumour tept the Itr in the rImI It Ni atrn hits The lem NW UtlnIr em rrrl hrd bl edge trtrhy rhrrtn the inst iro pe but broom oi knew the S7 held IrId trio in the mood rertod The rm bottled bark to lie the mm truth Itte nttnuler ten in the nine Then Dirt Duttiep got hit moat It the night tor Ulll Ind Itth hit third hole In empty net ln Addition to Daniuur three Irwin IIter l5 Ind ItryII iirthcilery mind one Ipieer Don lever Stctn Stone Ind Duirh Itilltrnrr rooted tor Nitr Irn Iriirr Tinre err no rnter rrhrd ttlnl Ivr today but Sundry iltirhrutr it or St Crlhrrinerr Otlrwr It liotrtreri Tomlin hi Chuvoio Easily Retains His Heavyweight Title until GtoIIio it hurled don lhuuio Int lhIl reedtd in tort In th Ihtnttbh Iith the Herrold Gut Ilrbouxh the ebriienzer raid Iiirnrrdr to tonight or III noun bit Itod II Iith DIM Ibo bu reormuy Itth the DID IIId hr phoned in brte Mrrhrurmuilntinlbe rrrly rourtdI Ind titer tirp up the pm In the Iourth round the Ihrl lenrce IItd bI hit thunk on theherdlndtbeprlttlrntnp my Irrn Uh In Ileetrle Ihoct 1m eoednrrod toe in more rouodlbtunidthepelrtrru too rnrxh uuinr hrd ImIil rut under hit right eye ruliered in the mod round Ihite mu bId rrpldiyrmiiinx lump uttdrrhlrieti cyr in hit droning room Gturrle Irid he thought he III in eon litti oi the light iior tind oi IrtrIrd IIII VANRLNUL CPI CentDu txrvyeeirbl mm piorr Gum horde Ind cur dtrn reitererlsht ehrnoim Clyde GrIy hId Itllll dtittrttity hide nJIht in retIlnlnI their dumlmil Duvrlo Ibo he held tin Dill Ilttee toil not our toll ierrxer Dottie more Ibo III rotbio to continue Iner the rixlb round Ihlle GrIy recorded Imrrthmtod tooth out our outrirrrod Lonnie Strict Tho INIrpotmd 01m brute er Hml hItld lit the Iourth round Ind decided rtier emittin Inr Ior two roan threerrrinrne notions tort it In ltrttle to to on rrrlrtsl the lled nutrio who lobed DJ Wad AI the torture rtirrrllon lor mer herryvretrht ehrntpirrn Ilrr brtnmrrl Ail WIN tro Iplt rind prrtom irrcy Summon title Ind Jeti limit rinkort It niiL intro nru exhibition bothh totti oi mt IInI IrItrhed the tutrieppiny Ali rnurrlerite hit two opponeolr with blr irriey USSR Poewoes DropOut 0t Quebec Tourney mum Genrrrtr Inhough hail nutrhot hy linolrrrl Jute rrr median rune Iny Iith rummdryrntroorrdido lintpinto tic rrth Toronto IlIrthrrr in the Onion Iiatcy Atroeirtron Junior rule in other rrmrr other er drierird Nirrrrr lIIiI SJ Pr irrhnrbrrrh Irtre Ihipped hrirhenrr Runyon 51 ml 5t CIthIriner titre Iiam downed tuition Knirhu restriu leil tntru Ind Peierourourh rierdlortnl in third plrre Hill point HID nine behind Toronto Ind 0th rta Nitrhenerttrrrrrr IIiir Ionian St Crthnrrrrrs iiont ml Ind Iltmlllon Ioiiw In that mitt The Junior CInJIitrnI whim 0ohm 4113 out the Generotr moment to trey the rent trrd Ittrr one period Ind rlier too Ilon Srlitnr tithe Amudtu Ind Trnr Simpson noted tor the tirnernir Ihtie David Loan Torn Stretrr Ind Jledues Cud rtttr reyiird irrr Iiouirrat In Ntirhenrr the Price MWll their rrronrl out our tho Room in nuny nihi GET EMILY HIM Iton tubule Nrii horrrtt Doug littwn Danny lilour and if 5M or trn ill riot lien iicirr DECIDE OTUVAIJ Iooteork Iod erIetiirrr into The tormrr world ebrrnpioo Ibo iottIht under the urine On Ilurcry drew rum in Iill bout Itth Merritt by rtryinr rood meterpunch tooth htoetdoun short Ind trim rooted Aii rrilod tor ght rtllt pretty zool he laid yior rent retire little while to iiod thI rrnzc mtoNl ol ptny oi eone ri Urtlrni Ind Cnii lerSmner Loiicunt IAI Ihotot trnd Coiuomtr Srotr Norm Ferguson durinz lint period TORONTO linptc lrriv orite Jreouer ilInIr iltctn poet lorry Irom roll mouth Fading Toronto Leois tlo hoe tit Don in ADd Irrmvx QUEBEC CPI RuuiIn trrnr lbrt III to thI outlet plied to th rnttutl ioiernI tIonIl pcewrc hoetey tourne rrtenl hIrr Ieh hit in bed to II out betqu iirrrnrlrt riiii tuition Gerrid Itoiduc Iotr nIrnerrt yrerident Irid Friday trill thI Iiuulrnr hrd expeelod more help trom the competition orrrnirrrr who he rttrred to pry the com oi the Soviet term in Outbtc It It Ib Iorbtd iho tour oi tiylrrr to riiontrcri Gurim my term will re oiteo tlio Ituulrn entry rmonr the too thrue thIt will eontpeto In three trie otter depondlnt on tho popuil orn ol the tiller or townr they rrprerent HOCKEY SC lty THE CANADIAN PRESS NrilonIi errtrI Elli Divtrlntr ll 100 tilt TI it lot It It In It to 20 It 10 Ill It 50 Iili TISIIISHO iii IT ltil roe Ji 1010111th Ilerl Diririon It 10 HIM iii EGIS TIJOIDHS I613 10 ItJlWlt SI Louh tilt Tiliiidtl IIttlo till IIMIISJI Itttrburrb 1117 till it Lot Anrrier IIMHIIMJG lltltllt lrldly CulttorntI Toronto Ir ttInrrI Tonirht Cnltrru It llilrburrh St taut It Ilonlrrul Iur Anpclrr at Detroit Toronto It Vancouver New York It tlinnerutrt iiurion It lbllrdripitir tirotrr Iuntiry iiitnevotr It New York Caiiiornir It Vancouver St innit at button or Arrcicr It Ilrriitrio litlrhurrh II Ihliadcipitll Delruii rt titicrro Rnrton Now York Ionlrroi NI rVnr lcr iltrlirip thicrro hilnnetutn Crittornln AmulrIn errue nrrtrrn Dlvblnn It Ir All Iitulon it It Till Iii SJ Novrt Settlio tlittomtiuw Suriorilcid ll 10 ISI III to Providence 1m Itniittt iiocborier ilzi ollrttttr Weltrro Dlvlrlor Iinlllmoro 11th lliiitiil riltlllloy Till 515513th Cincinnrll 2020 it Itll Cintrlonrt 20 20 IE IS Iiltirntontl 17 22 Till Ititt iidowrttr II III ITO NO TO iiertttie tridly Iicrtitey to Brilirnore Dorlon Richmond Novr Scotir Rochutor Grntrr Tonirhl Grhrwr Till DARRID EXAMINER IATURDAI JANUARY Itll It SAN DIEGO tAli Leo mvino Juli rnado tho lttl IIIk NIclrirttI wu tour rirotr oil the OREBOIIRD Iiriilrnrrro It iicrrhry itlehmnrvl II tin ieid Cintinnttii at dcwoler Grnter dundry llrnhey rt Clctrliintl button It Novr Seotir Tidewater It Cincinnrtt Illrhrnvrul It lrovldrneo Sprinriieid It Itotltutrr Onlrrio Junior IV LT Edit HIRIMM It 20 1505 it ITTISSI 21 to thIII I3 10 It not IONS lSII Milli Id 19 GM IKIJE INT Gill IMO iionlroai III bitii til 22 Iinnrtitnrt ITI limit it ItrIuilr lrtdry Olloun Ninprtrr Inllt Iricrborourit Kllrltcltrr St Calhoriner Iondon thhrwr Montreal tirnreI Iirnriny itittircntr It St trtihurinrr OtiruI It Iiontrrni Toronto oi lAtlltlttn ilrntiiion til Orhartn Fruihrrn Ontrrio Junior Ver AN 01 AIWIIIGT Elli militia Ill 0106th IIiO MOUTH till 2100 mill tliR Gliiliitld it TO TilIlSTSJ tilt 7122in Itrrultr trldry Guelph Furttln Detroit rlnritorl Wollnrrd Drrnltord Error Tonirirl Ruuit month It Detroit urmrr Sundry Sruit INOIIAI rrt Windsor Vrilnnd ht Chnthom Surioury INDIIAI II 5t Thomnr Srrnir It iueiph Toronto Gttrwo Ittcrborn Kitchener lulll London It Cuth Guelph Detroit tirrthrnt St Thomas itlndsor Drnnllord Srrnir ticiiontl SIIORT LIFE Iinticr rrnturrrt conditions Icw whiioloiieti door exceed lite it better It CleveiInd time oi rlx yerrr GEORGIAN COLLEGE ADULTEVENING SPECIAL INTEREST COURSES STARTING FEB MARCH i972 Crane TELEVISION 11 IIDIIEIIAKERS SERVICE AUTOMATED TOUCH TVIthI AUTOMATED TOULit iYIINll IIIILOSOIIIY GARDENING ANI Iltiliti ItIiAIiTIiICATIUN ORT STARTED IN 1972 DO IT NOWI ltovrr ltd not till riot ilry Thurr Jul ilon wiiun Ttitr 700 PLOO 100 RIniI till For lnIormItlon Brochure Ind Reoirtrrlion Tel IVIIII the College It lot Durkworth Street Derrie Japanese Golfer Ties For Leod Iziloiiihitptlt tittliu Iiur ott peer iilily Carper In in the middle ol the art And Toll Iiutrternl nrr tendtnr the tournrmrnt Tito ieprnerr roller pinyin In only his record toutnlmcnl in the United States charged into rbIro oi the lead midwry through the mono Andy tl IirnrrSun Diego 0990 hidIy the 11yearold MurIkIan hiririlrry to become the tint Ori ruttrl Itrr to III on the Ultlltd Sitter pro rirruil chipped to tour Icet my nod made birdie on his Ilnri hole in the rerotld round pooth rod urn tlrti at retrnundrrprr iii with itrlo llttln Ind Aurirriito Druto tTImplon im on exritrd Mint hrd tlnttt to think Ibout ierrilnr iiurrkIrnl Illtl thnntyh In in trrottler Arktd it he were rttrprlsrd to be lordlnr Iiurrkrmi replied inr ro rurprchri dont be title It Lrllulrion tttcrIn oi it your on tho tour pitched in rain ID with ivr In curie ihrrr on tire iltir hole or in Int bit rhrro oi the top root MAKES DlllDllI irntn iorntrr Univerrily oi Colorado Ithrall plrcr Ind roii Iulo roll rhantyrtn wu Cruntylonr pinyin prrinrr lit put it trrorrd shot in my on tho itth blurted out to tour iert nwoy lIilI undo the birdie putt to rot rln In lie iio brd rocprrdround to Canadian Driver Wins 500 Miler ST PAUL Itiinn lAPt itvn Duttrnret oi itonircrl to potted broken cluttir rrvi then went on to win the H500 itrrt rito Erldoy in tho Willd lltltlptlSl Irui Inowrnooiio rueo iio wrt tho ttrrt Crurriiun to win in tho Iotenyerr hlrlory oi the rrtnt Duhrntei had clutch brrrk IlDilItL the Root ier oi thence Iiut iro rrplrrrd It with rperc ltliil tried on to the Iltllrlt lino Iltr iotrl cirpred time III II hour It minulcr rod II tro ondr itunnrrnp in the event VIII ilroiey Itrok oi SirrtheonI ilirrn who vvre clocked It lltlti irrcit won 500 tllIrttIl Time ire DIlo 050pm 000 Feb port Irroo FNMATl mourn lilo Milit 030pm 50 MIMITl 1000pm trooo Icottttt epitone III105i or Ignian the Crnrtiirnr New York itanyrn piry the North 51m in iiutttcsotr Ind Cuirrro Riort Iirutr Ire It Plitrbtlyh iroruiru notion Iiruinr piry the more It ithtirdoipirir to In ttiirrnoon yrnte in rumor Sundry Detroit vit itr Chirrro itinnrsota it It New orl St inuir It Iioolop tor Amie It lluIirio Critior nin at tanrourrr end IIIU burgh ttl lhtlrulrlpltlr Toronto outritot lhn tiolden lrhit toil Irltitry niztrt but they erruid not not put tiriorhr lhc Ntar rookie roaiir Dy Tilt CANADIAN lltiio little its then month Iro Toronto tltpie Lento urn cont tnrthiy errooeed in lorrth irtre in the Erie division ol the IUarrII Dooley tongue 10 potato Ihred Detroit itrri Iinrr Rut Iinto thI octirlrrtnr oi the nhlio tho th itnrr hrte to omit on rlronr the but hrto rt Iitdtnu Ihnn in little the rotor und dniro Irrirui their rpponcrrtr LIck gt lire pourr uni ntrin ntlreiny Fridry nlritt uhrrr Crit Iornir Golden Sorts ulth turtle iron Iittldtrev Robby Shrehrit Gitier llrlurlte rrenrrtlnr hit NILI tuylto Carleton prorth or third rhutnut binnktd ttrc Luis tritiumir uilh Itoirttrevr port the only on the boots mini 30 hnndlnr them their Iitiit union tors ilro at them our ruining It 30 at tho run to In rlnee they eluted when my on that outlined that The tool canto ullrn Curicton Numb or klihlrri Dttin thi tin ho to or asrrmn Hm end uuldiiloirulshntyrnt Itrerl tho Lelir hora given up It xorLr uhtir reprint only the Irhl pi Jtttoute tlantr To letlii Three trI illo trmcn vtrro router poetic ihrronio dllitfmln tired Sol rhutouls Iheiouiridrynirhtrttliirtt upod rho went to rhoelr the Duty to lourth pinto on Shnryr ieit Duidirev open Ind point rheod oi the lied Itlnyr he look ilunyrr you with hit The Itrrorrlo trrnt hns Inothtr track to tho net ilolritrnv ehrneo tortith to ntnlnintn thui uhlrlrd Ind hrrthundtd the rilrn ieIti when it ntrelr the putt ptnl Ilrnie WEI ANNtiiiNltl rnrrlr COULD DROI lIIJIltIitid in the NHL lrldnvt The Red lringr tttrnttuhtle lot hurries Int tittlodripitlr are It home tonight to 03 An ennounrtd an Ilrhipin rr deal retro King instpinto term In Lot Anrrire rent Jotol the West itLrton and Dclroit wilt Ind TDIUnlu Inn ulil drop the Mole Into itilh pirre Alllt DAld In other ynmrr lonlrht SI On any try on out it every LouLt Iiiuet Ire In nI llernnrsrttrlrir Kingston Rink Wits Curling Al Servicewomens Competition rtnlt ritipptd by lultio int drrou oi Ciii Trenton tetron oi Condition Fortes liqu till Nlltlhlptt iriiryunn tho curling ltut tint Doudrruu Ind Itlor illio It the erenut onnuni Na tlyn ittCordttit tvnrhlnrd tninte tIpnoi Srrvtepuurrrene Sporln tho hndittlnlou doublet title tor Competition It UID Iiortlcn ltontou iiotiillig troy behind to the noon on durum RiftrlilllirrITTli ritlyptd by Itll Itnuuit oi CFD titii Cove N5 too in All Min mm mm In IIMI In treriOttuwn one item oi Lti IEI IIP NIIm IWII Dull iiururtt iiIrutiin Dtnlr awry Willtltlilil itll iiutllul our torts Lsnrrrtrrrt iinrtri aprl oyte Iiorr on look Oiirrr metubrrr oi the nirrrtirr II III III VI Ia Itinrrionrint uerr lruttro Itrrrt rm 71 Sol hm itll rechck trod Dotty itooprr Irer rmymj mm Geno itr II hrtrntytlto Iortrrruouten in tho badminton rtnyirr IInA trout burrs norm Cnnndr Ind It June Iiunrohrito or Citt Iuhr trst ticrrnrny lwl van Cornwotiir downed Irinitl Dru in the the tiny oi rompeiiitort lid for homeowners atrAssociates ltynurr buying your home youre riigtirir torr Ipetiriiiorrrrotvner turn at Arroettloe Iny itrne you nrrdrnrir Thrintrrrtr we nrtytve tile in gloryqu better deal Lower nirr or longertrrmt or cvenboth The rntuunt you In borrow iviintlletl oulyby titr rryully you have in your home 55000 SittdJUr rntylte 325000 or nrrrrr hu illil ltuIIItiyltIttiurrtt drill uuliihndrnwr ttyou need thIt tort rrrunri trr rt tort or my other goodrrnton tail to Artortnlrs about niowlniemt Iiunteownrr turn Set how nturh triirroit youll lcIunglrrm Fmi GrInl Stroll tititio ASSOCIATESRRALTY CREDIILIMTIED Blonked By California Drii Ilcit Iluxs innsbtrr yrnd Jrrn duttin to the Then in rxchrrrro tor IliiI Letul Jim Johnson Sertr renter Inrl Lorry Brown tenecmtrl Johnson Ind Joyoi centres right pini Dorrrberry urre rottlnyr yourrr utlrelslu hockey players ruid lrtd the oldest or do Pltrr general nutnrrvr Dob tirrrtry sorrel tor the Im uho hold it irrd It the end vi the ttrst period and It rrtIr iirrtitry Ilrrrr urnt rrmprro IridIy nlrhi itroun Ind Polltn are UF on liclt and iirrnirr Ind trout Ind III wing We Irc rrry pitrtcd broom perr tn the Western DItLrlon ttI th Amrrirrrt Ilothry terror The Bron trho ird tho divi tiorr llitN oi the return rioerd IRIN tu uttlttn luu wintn pi rrturc by ntruiinr the Clinic plied ill too Iitrr lrniiint tI It pno lion Snei point In the mute clutter In other notion tlorlon Drrtrr donned titthntonrl Rohlnr Ind Nova Seolto Toytron do lilotrr htnyr tooth Juhiuon it the our It to it we wmdhinx to had to Keith Aierr rrtd Iic has been promlvinr bio IhIlIup ot the here uho Ire in tiltb plain in West Division tried Itochcrtrr Antrritnnr the route Itnrr SavingsAcoounts ltr Iiibeotusc oILhc Scotitbank Iloclry College ihcrcr no umpw no tuition no ritttroontr Jrrn open saving recount with small deposit It Iny bunch oiihe Bruit of Novr Stout Ind you Iutomrueriiy become member of the ilrettey Otllrgc Mrmbert rercitc handsome ercst membership cord spcciri peuboolt cover and montth bulletin paticdwith storiet onNIli strn tips on better hockey Ind rrticlee on tuners Ind iportrrnrnihip Spedri Prichl Member rnrlring regular deposits will be eligible for special rewtrd incentive Iilc iuciry tirrw prircsevco trcc tripr in Stanley Cup playollgrntcr VIII rrrrtl Soreirt rnrmberrhto rrtdl Fm monthl hoctey bulittlni Snlrlrl Sro lIbrnlr itrrclrry Cellroe orrrtooleovrri onion Ind IiIuriiion It Rumpugtng Hershey Bears Moul Baltimore Clippers The item uplodrd Ior live in their root In the mood period at the bid to utrrtlle Baltimore Clio rrnre brtore Iou tirltimore iInI Inrl the third Rookie Stctr Cutlerril Ioored roots or llrnhey Ind Iiritl ltitk Neurl Iotl till Gilbert rup errh Robin Dumr Ind Jrrn Orrtlon bed eoiiretrd tour more in Joe Stun Ind Jtm ilonirrn were to minor tor the on pm ri torn out ereb rbII tr Lrrlr Ioirlck unrt lell Lrirrnt bolrc mooted Ilnilu Whi young hockeytans are opening Scotiabank

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