nutritionist JAN 29 BI WEATHER ITARIO ll Mall to terror ll drum Riga Sunday to Itde gen Charla or tlsrrsies Some clout lesrsonirwr Details crisscross memories Geodetic mm mm Martinis mull AIIOtM W3 We who Metric diatomic DIIrlI Ontario clean Saturday Jammy is im Technicians Strike Twice In Toronto tq the country mm Ipro the It pm natiuuel new with rot CANADIAN PRESS CBC txhchJIns continued their spindle VIIAOW Friday going out twice In Toronto In their dispute with management lm cmtrIct negotietleos The period itrtte In Toronto one at elm centres bit errors lecturer more by CBC unocitobrtogIIIiiuolP in hlioiiter Men In irum Ol thI The Film was Ahot by manage ment In the prime relutsterr ol ltce became the Nillonal Asso option or llroschst Employees Add Technicians were on strike to OttawI his Inideau rehssrd to cross picket inatto hold scheduled news coniereore It the Nlilooal Press Buildig When management the film to Toronto to thI It trans mitted Irons there the Toronto lechnIcIIns rchssed te Iccept It Then when management him her In Toronto undertook to to eelve It lhcrnselsu NABEI It both rIdJo and television outlets ilihnd oil the lob the tschnlclsna had returned to work lost three hours earlier Iitrr being on strike since noon The progrrrn was choirs on Knowlten NIsh director ol the readsug the uncut lie raid the Assoeialion oi Radio Ind Television Employees nl Cro Ids and the CInnIlAn win Service Guild also rclused to prepare the prompt In Idiitino to Ihrphto Int 0b tan ntherrrnlres hit lriday were tiersan cainry VII couser Winter Prince Rupert RC Incl Lrltvih NWT Sum ol the strikes were brirl while others lasted up to nine hours or until Iorlhcs notice Hockey Telecast May Be Aliectod VANCOUVER ICP There wns on Immediate bdicstioo today how long CBC technicians will be all the job In thiI city or whether tonights NItlooIl Hockey league game between Vencouver CIniacIa end Torooto hilpie Lenin will be televised Ia scheduled apotesmaner the Itrtlinl NIIlnoat Association or Broad cast Diploma Ind Techni dansiihiehhu been calling rotatlep strikes Across the enun tryorgiealty wu dilated II stating llally that the gene $30 0000 or other Issengers to get Ind Iorc saying he must be taken to Elie rope airliner was hiinekcd today hy Iaikniilcs pusrngcr who pulled gun Irons pluslcr Arm cost Ind Ihrn demanded $300010 tensom pit Ireedom The black militant Arircio Darts In trend In tail to Better wanted Iur lwn Csnsdlan rub bcri plus in commondeercd over Illinois when It curried 101 sw sons and then wns land or its lchcdutvi desllno Itos New Yorks Kennedy Inter nniioisnl Airport plnne lsndcd again at Kennedy the hltncker requested new crew nnd snore Iood hecouse he wnnlcd to to Dollar to son suit with his psychiatrist NEW YORK AP let Is7 neit ertdi lie was IlIrnliIiisl as is man CS The trans surid Airlines lord III It 510 Im saying rtrmiit lo and sell rent The hilacker then showed the oil Ant the crew to like oil Soon lhrreailrr however the 117 The police depsrtmenl IIid The IilIacIcr was Idcolilicd oi that name is wanted Europe end at one ereIoc shopping pins hoidups Florida Iswyer was reported It Isyiog he had represented Trap several times In the pest or that the cores Included Canadian bards robberies Ind lewrl thrit In the Bahamas Trapncll look command oi the Ilescirig tulilner over lirast he had bomb Pouengcrs said the hijacker concrch gun In on area cut lhst he apperenlly cut him with rarer blades trying to our the plnstcr The Right erlysnnlcd In less cits it tnutpm tridny with It passengers mpneli tonsil thesis to leave the piano here shortly slice Irrtvrl It Im mid20s to go to point rpecl Authurilics said Iropneii de scribed us while In hs Ind eicnnehnsen spoke to them Irorn the cockpit ridio In long rambling discourses Ind otten changed his demands He shit be worried ANSOM Police to Toronto said soon lcnloJver by this Federal Asin Lion Administrilion Is Ourrclt Ilrook Trapnrll Gave Sculnier Gift Confused By Fuss hIothlEAt CPI Both the lit the police captains men who give color television Iot arid the me who delivered hlr Gilbert said the hotel It or tlontreni police morality owner hid celled llAyor Jean sound captain in not were con Drlpsnu to February 1007 lured by this loss It closed test dIys Ilicr IIcI opencd In police commlslon Inoiiiry was investigation the the TV Inci nsu misty 13 on that in on or IM mill which started pad him to nd week ago on orders tom the Killlti it Quebec isolch minister is to out what was htppcnlng The vesll Itlog the conduct or silver raid that lit hood or Jacques Snubdcr then the trio burritlcd that the gill could rolity agued cuptain Inc now Interpreted to main inns wt Montreal police inlet Ior toms ct Iivoriuarn tn CBCI Irinrsnallon IervIcII 2000 Affected By Inco Reductions TORONTO CPI InternA Another 090 workers will Indi lionaiNIekaloooIOIoada Lid rectty be Illected These are laid PrIdAy mi about 2000 contrtclors employees who will scrub Itire litgiDlil Ont IreI noh logger IIlsleMreouIreddigit lee Ieomploy one ehsw riurin reduces nickel on by to regular loco empoyees trees mm my per cent It rut In output Icrred dining threernnnth pe IoTIhlic months rind com eeii Nick hlrgirIrr president It tinuingdec In world nickel my um 5mm tales Inn to with or America Isld ha was inertial would not be shown tied Spain lle mIntlooId tstdllou Is ransom ister Benson as will as Robert Andres the new con Iumer ItIsits minister and Arthur lnitig the new voice Ins IIIIIrs minister Ire miso Ing CI Photo Shown are tell to right top bottom Bryce htIckssay Patrick hIIhooey new ltliitiIc manpower Prison tliolslsr trr oi stoic JeanEisch Dubs Trudcsu Governor Oenerni orbit works our last run hliclicnrr John Dtriier rin tlee Run Itsslord urbnn Ii sees and Dosian MacDonald lslrs hlartin OConnell labor energy The new Ddsnee illn PART OF Prime Minister Tltlthchlll new clbinet toot poses with him Ind the Gov ernor General at Government House to Ottawa Friday Ilter Wmmm JohnTuruerGetsBonsoriPost In Trudeau Cabinet Shufe per cent helochpAclly um mm PM About til employees will given notices layoll In the out low dm contour stole Inent sold Another s50 positions are expected to disappnur through norroAI Ittritlon the next several months Inquiry Told Woman Struck During Iiosygin TORONTO CPL Rodi rc porter chsrles Doering trstllied Thursday policeman oi the lielropotitan Toronto mount squad struck worm with riding crop while the oltlcer and his notes were under harrsga oi missiles Including bricks and riding hone manure durlng soviet Premier Alexei Kosygtus To tchto visit Oct 15 Tlr Ducting ol Toronto radio IiitIon CFRB told provincial Inquiry that It police hid not moved In lib horses Igalrut demonstrsto prerslngegntost Eciico lines they wouid have id Iutlecale riot on their hands The tolddieaged womIn was MONTREAL tiremIrs takes rest In In Iceeoveivd sahrpplng clrt during opera trons st In cutend Ihop log ctntrI struck by lire It by ed with her arm raised me up stains the wall and shooting hint hit hiaguin IIId lie said some at the beneltls will end open termination oi employment while others contlnhe test weeks longer Demonstration standing on the town it an Apartment building near where the objects were being thrown Iie said he saw mounted pollccmnn Ipur his horse onto the lawn ind hit her twice with his loinsiootrlong VP Ile said the woman went down and was helped Irom the scene by two men Icw minutes Inter Mr Docring was givusg evs drnce It provincial Inquiry Into the protest Ifainst the Ko sygin via which ed to dozen tniurlcs Ind 20 arrests Judge Anthony Vannini cl Scull Ste hlIrIe Out In presiding at the OTTAWA tCP Justice Pinioca Minister Bensons lob and nine other ministers Wm change posts to crhinet shuI its Innoirnced Fridiy by Prime hilobtec Trudenu The 30min cnhlnet also lost member in Energy II Greenes resignation end lllncd one with the addition oi Pal liahoney Inrrucr putte rneotary secretary to Mr Ben son as minister oI stale hlr hiidenii told news can icrence that Lire ahssitlc was brought about by the request oI hit Benson tor new post end the continuing illness cl er Greene rho sullervd series ol lith Ind heart attacks In the last three years llrt Ihiroersioovs to the II nrrice posha poiitIenIIy and physlesliy punishing Iobwos surprise In our despite ru mors oi cnhlnet chnnges circu istlng tor weeks Minister John Turner takes over Mater Nobody expresses desires to minister or ttnnocc con ceded llr trudeau The prime ininistrr said the changes were to take Iormul el Iect Pridoy eveningInd most It the ministers world be in their new elders hioodry more hlr Iieosnn lakes diet the de lenco department Ind Iormer deicnce minister Dontld hlntdonnid l5 TtrootoRose dole ItIIs hlr Greenes post PRAIEES BENSON htr Trudcsu probed Mr lico soo ior his considerable skills good humor Ind Ibliity to get the lob done under tire htr Benson had guided Con Idn through most dIlIIcuIt economic pcrlod and the coin rent Indicators will stand Ia tits tliicetion torvwlrst he did The prime minister Iald Ilr Ilsrner brings greet knowledge Montreal Police Hunt Arsonists MONTREAL CPI Police say they hove composite Iketch at two impeded arson lsts who may be responsible tor rush It to downtown oltlee buildings tires In recent weeks one ol which took leur lives Thursday DeteSgt Martin NIud oi the hinntrcsl police Irsnis rigor said that we Ire counting on breakthrough which may come troro this composite picture drown Irorn descriptions lur nishedh witnesses Item liontrenia hard pressed Itrcmen lougbt two more major blues to shopping centres Fridaythe eighth and ninth multiploslerm blues tn live dayl The worst Ore Friday ranges the giant Place YorIIIIIce shop ping mill to the citys east Inn Police Ticket Iitcrnoon No one was Injured In the punters tire which do magrd some to stores It the centre OP Photo Unknown Sex EDMONTON CP it appeer the city police do periment has In identity problem One section at the Ilc art mentt yesrend IIIII tlcg report shows that ol the 117 motorists nIIIed with truth eliceces 00100 were mile and tilt were Iernnin The sex oi the rcmninlng 113 Not known rays the re port shorin alter pm At least ol the 105 stores in the plate were damaged by lire smoke and wutcr Enrlier In the day threes lirrn lire heavily damaged twostorcy building cuntninlog severrd business eslrhtlshrnents in the SL iluhrrt Plaza in the northeast acctiun ol the city Ncidicr ol the shopping centre Iires tins htcn linked to the tire that killed two men Ind two women mum at the Cans dian Liquid buildingh on Shsrhrooku Street In the earl It iha city UKMalta Talks Are Broken Oil ROME IReuicrI Talks be tween Eritaln Ind little on the iulura ol British buses In the hledtterrlncsn Islrnd were ab rupily Adjourned lode when Prime Minister Dom it toil at little announced be we return Ing home to consult his cola leagues kiintult told rt lcrs that Dritain rcprrseiit shy DtIeece Sccrcttrry Lord Cerrlngton In troduccd new element Into the Intki which changes the whole charsetr ot the reemcut lie said that thI latest round oi neutilllons which started Fr ay there were nutty Ilcps Iorvrsrd but one step backwards cause by the British proposit Ind greet strength to the II nnncs dcpnrtnient The other cliengss announced by lir Trudeau AriJiur bring 51 Vancouver South to veteran IIIaIrs liens public works blotting has renounced he will not acct re election Bryce hiuckusry 50 Ver dun to manpower Ind tnsmigrn lion Irom labor retaining sci VANCOUVER CII The Brilish Columbln tinritirne Em ployers Association said Friday night It pines to rock court Iniunctlon to prevent l3C long shorerncn Irvin tciusing to hart dio curgo Arriving Ihuursl ships diverted tram sirskahound rts on the United States est Coast Assoclslion President Ed String called the nelson an nounced earlier In the day by the Cansdlnn tocui oi the inter national lengshoremcna Ind SALISBURY tileulrr tlrlt elns Peirce Commission begin today to review the kit phnre oi Ila Introtesting on the An ginRh cslao settlement pro posals utter wirning trim ricon nsllunalists that Rtodrsiu laces Io inchthle bloody reso lution tides while demlnution ends The Ipectro at ride blood Smith tender III Rligcsl Amity MIMI BC Iongsiioremen Reluse To Handle Directed Corgis Commission Struts Review Of Rhodesia Opinion Testing with the British term The en sponshiity tor the unemploy ment Insurance commission itobcrt Andres so Port Ar thur to consumer and corporole oiIAirs Irom seercLIry oI state or when Itlairs deanOrder Duhe II Rtsllc gourhe to public works Irom veterans IllsTin Run BIsIord lit Voncuuver Centre to urban altairs trosn consumer and responds IIIsIrs Werehousemuns Lnionan ille gni sympathy strike As tar ns were concerned this is Cunsdn not the states his Strong said Well have to like whet action is nvnllable to usto have our cuntrnct lived up Io Don Garcia president at the Canadian branch oi the iLWU Announced earlier that the prov Inces 0200 Iongshurrmco would rciusa to handle cntgo diverted Irom US parts where dockcra have been on strike since Jun IT bath was raised by the nullsel licrncnt AIiIcau National Coun ciiveeIIetyied voice oi what is described as the wounded ni Icnt malorityat is meeting counter may prove to Iinve been the trust at the ncccptuhliily list They gave Iirrrs No to proposals which would grunt Ln deprudencu to the while govern ment Bishop llth iiurorcwn cliuio men of this council orgucd that block Alricuns reject the trim because they perpetuate rno lam This Is the Iirst IliIlI lust chance tor the Ilirican people to para verdict on whileminority ruic hit said our rejection oi the proposals is unanimous ASSESS PREVIOUS WORK Lurd icnrco toll his three deputy cheitiiicn ore apendtisg lilo wcckend assessing the work oI the II eommiuionerr who let almost two weeks have trov ellcd the country reciting this views oi Rhodesier trs million rural Alricrrns They will resume their task In new areas Monday lord Pearce himseit is due to Sunday night to Bulawayo see Two witncscs lestiilod at Fri days sessionJcenPnuJ Gil hcrt who was city police chief irom 1065 to 1000 and Aliens Purse menngrr oi the malls liotcl It lilo time Its owner is recl Iluglel sent the 0700 TV set WASHINGTON AP White House dinner honoring the Ioundors oI the Readers Digest wns interrupted when member at Rey Canniili eleg crs unroiioi protest sign he lure Invited guests and chns tissd President Nixon tor the Unich Stairs bombing or North Vietnam President Nixon atop bomb log human beings animals and vegetation the young singer oi the Progressive possibility that merit shortly alter its scroll Feb 10 iotrly Japanese Stress Chi talks with Peking to restore normal Gripe In suitor oIity speeches is sold Irenk guvcmmeutlogoicmmen with any other country DUFFAID NY tllPl TJO bills EDMONTON CPI meeting In Jasper minister oi inlergovernmrnlti ntlalr hilnistcr Trudeau In announcing Tuesday be postponed Nine MinersKIlled miners were killed spokesmen or West Drielorsiein Indlargest city end about 200 miles southwest it here hospital APSULEWJN Early Election Is Predicted RELLEVILLE Ont CP Linn OBrien notional director Comcrvnliic party cautiontd Iotttlpnrly or ganizcrs ITiday night that live next chcrul election coqu be cniioi us eorIy or April IIu acid It was not Ilse Liberal government could proroguc lurlia holis Prvmler Eiso 5an and Foreign on chtrgci ot possession and rule II The omits ul Michavi Ahharno ti Ioiloucd sold by Sccrct Service Agents on warehouse wlicrc tiny said they seized printing prta machine and large crunntily oI pepcr Alli next week valved NNFIMIS DELIVERY Nr Passe conrmed the TV was delivered to the Snub nice house In December I006 silhougls CIpt Suuinier wu not home then Protest By Singer Interrupts White House Testimonial Dinner said Is the displnyed that tend Stop this itiliusyi blore than 100 Iurpr red guests at the dimer Friday night Incc eoiounders ot Readers Digest were silent or the woman continutd You go to church on mutiny ind prey to Jesus Christ It Jesus Christ were in this room tonight you would not dare drop leather bomb or tile Ind Dewitt Wai tors without the reuim ol and cell an election burned on Relations Terms lcultri Japanese lenders culicd today iur dircwt relations hciwucn npun odd he opening at partinnient hlinisttr Tukco hrkudn talks with Chinese leaders are an urgent necessity Itolh stressed howsvrr that Japans reieliuns with Unis United States are more Important than this to And John Pciiiticri FederalProvincial Meeting On Morelprovincial Iinnlice ministers Is on Don Getty Alhertts ssid Phidty night Prime mater cabinet shuiiie eorlter In the day had suggested the contercnee scheduled lot Monday In Fire Two Arrested Counterfeit Charges No min were charged Friday night 570000 worth ul custrslcrlcit photocopying CARLTDNVILLET South ATTIC AP At least nine birch today Ind hundreds at others were tripped underground otter Ilro broke out In the worlds richest gold mine mine said 68 miners wen to