Paris Styles POSES WITH OLYMPIC SYMBOL PrelIyPrssI Continua ployee Kaolin Yoshiosa poses yeIIerdIy wIib stalled bear tun LANDERS Friends Careless Comment Generates Feelings Oi Guilt PIeIsa sdvisaia Need at by Dear Ann Lander This Is Iur Maryland lionstbs woman who blamed beruell ior bavln miscarriage She went bow ag In her lllth rrwnth rod lost the baby friend told her that It the bad carried the baby an other eou la oI wear It could have run vad in aa Incubator experienced similar Ind dent and ho you will rtnt Eyleiierrowlrodshill rep etrs mouths shut was rightmonths pregnant and testing woudnrlul One evening when my burbard VII working Illa decided to get the house spotless bsIore went to tbahospitsloo got out ladder and started to wash the may nearly nished when lbspborrornngltwssm girl irIend when told her inner walls Irreamed you crazy you want that baby to bl born with the cold around his peers Melt thats exactly what bap penod two weeks later cant describe the thoughts that went through my head IIrIt anger and hats because thought she had Wishtd lt an me Then guilt was ccrialnt had killed my bah pearl went out at my mi witb grle It was my wondcrtul obstetri elrn who saved my sanity He told me that wallwashan had nothing whatever to do with the Itrrngulrllon that such ihlngs happen and no our knows why lid encouraged me to have an other baby right away and to did Thank Cori we now have healthy normal child So Ann pieara tell Irlcnds not to make such thouyhlless idiotic remarks And adv so hs women who have tragedies like mine to talk tolibelr doctors Im mediately Getting III the terri blo Ieellnres out Into the open Is the only wayCleo Did Dear in glad you did too Thanks tor the testimony letter irom woman who has been there is great deal more elteellvo than anything might say TITO TO TANGO our lDs andb two lovelylii Ila lilsT yearasgomybus ban was sidetracked andl Iouod out about it mind was more paintul hecriue ilra mascot symboik oi the Winter Olympic Games opening pert sleek Brckground Ls biakom woman was good lrlcrrd at or made up my mind to iorgira nuhaabandudmwr month It again love him deeply and didnt want In de rive my chil dreu or lather om they idol Ire it seemed like the only rem sIbIe thing to do and Im sure made the right deelrlon The problem Is that my this band ex is me to mum to bo lrlcn Iy with the woman and ter In extremely diliicull have relused Itth we meet on occasions try to be pleasant but its not esty test she be trrycol me and will never get over it simply cannot be so hypocritical as to invite her in our home and prrlrnd that thing In lovely between in Do have the siren DRESSES 135 Huronirt Cleaners lree Pickup and Delivery 715541 It Mary MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT HOW DO YOU RATE IN CLOSING THE SALE DIreover practical method ior Increasing sales In this course PSYCHOLOGY OF SELLING techniques to date Through group Emphasis will be placed on the most ellcctlre sales the Individual salesman or drseussiom at ease problems on actual sales situations salcswornan will be better able to add to or modily his or her approach to increase sales CONTENT Protectioan selling Role oi the Salesman la the WI Planning anal speed skating rtoh AP Photo tatlsa near to NeedYour husband Ls expecting great deal lmm yoHonsidering be was the transgression Wbllo some women are capable ol rrrrying oil the rbaradc iI you Iind It dillicult to do so he should not Insist As or your IrleodI be trIyaill took two to tango and you should not target lbIl el LON Students Sniifle For Experiment TORONTO CPI Site work era are rnIIIIlng tor science dents housewives and Show Stems EARL lAI Tbs ramnet hallo season begrn record ulnar today red oer thing Ieemnd eleIr women soul will be showing try again AleAdIFssIIIilbsmlnlls hank Irma demure tbros Iaehaahovatbahnealormarw prosoutitaibmloehuhelow lbshlpaliithltgesbeeratort bspandklgbtasimhlack ar rodpunpgtsmakrmorsola nodular Fund ls thinking in black and IinI toe Tm As eontrast bla models wore red ilptkt red bah III Ivert red eyeliner to mairb wide rashes wrappniynund the waist As usual ihladeslgnu is torn betear two and In his opinion visually ooatradielnry images at women Sofbia collection was spiltraimost entirst brlo birch and wbitI with solar pleasing attempts to reconcilial IhI two extremes Zoom THE lAlRIE EXAMINER THUMB JANUARY 21 rm Emphasis 0n Words ls Theme At First Toastmisiress Meet Drtpbaslr on words In tbs rrlnuta ruins the word abs had theme or the First Troslrnlairess been dim as alien possible Club oi Ilarrta at their Wedarse lira PI Russia was eluded by day morning mesung held at secret ballot II trophy winner Sky Room Iaieview Daley lnr trbia inpiea The tint Tier pmldtill lIrr Alter the business service tsorratlebalredrba meeting Mrs memoir Introduced She also ltimrned guests bird the speaker IoastrnLrtreu Mn Csrsti and Mrs Millet Dell lirr talk was entrtlted lire Wallis was is ebugs will in 011 CNNm plea in keeping with lexicoyapby took the torn at the air of tbs meeting written nura Conducted by word with in driiniiioo was club lexicograpber lira giren to rrclt member who JanesAt the end or given turn was asked to speak tor one period at time correct aruwera this winter in University at Toronto experiment with the romrrron sold The university school at hp lhlviheigdual ascorbic aeldl to test the claim that large Imounla oi the vitamin will reduce Ihu ireouency oI roldaor place MHammy pills whose only cllecic Irb psychological The participants In ths study will each take tear up sales ds tor lhree months and recs their headaches snecrcs lore thrnals or chills and levers Involved will be Its aim rlcnts sl boutewrves zoo Irsslonnl workers as tee ral workers and others Nona ol the participants knows whether his tableh arr ltamins or placebos Driveir location selling to refrigerator Barrie Women Teachers AileirE Jw FWTAO Conference In Toronip One baked and My worsen Iexbrra mm at over Ontann Pmidenu II their local Iomrrr Irrebers associations Iltrndrd eaelerenee It the Park Plaza HoteL Toronto In It and 21 The rualrrem wu Ipouored by lhl MAO The Iedesatiraa represents mm Iomrn teach in in the pmyincrl elementary public schools Attending Irom this area were lira loan Undst nl Oak ley Park School start one pml dent and Mrs rirtdril law Oltley Flrk School Provincial goreer and dirrdar or Region NM 5A TEACHER ELRPLI The roulerrnre opened win discussion oi ths Irsrbrr surplus wrrw given by Mrs laser Ird discussed by members The mreirrrg us evaluated by Mrs Irvine Tbr rinsing thought was given by Mrs ltclirchan by Dr but It Mariano Ontano inatitine Ior Mar Education OI baiudsy rm Hdm or the Iron stall spots on roam Tearber Sbouid Ilsa Aim School budgeting Delegalea heard two mm mm tor the CupioymctII aurarrcl anmlaslm Mania he and erbard him the Inspirations Inr tracheal the an Laemplayment Iona Inee rehema Iltcb rovers than tor the tint um llerii IIy Ill oI teachers who are hers or Federation studying the matter IIsebbia were Margaret Beebiagbam al Peel County Kathy Owen oi North York Phlllil Edmond Iorr ol Toronto Margaret Robin ran at East York and Pamela lled at the Carolin ol York Deputy Minister oi Education Dr II Stewart addressed the delegates on the sublecl oI the Dcplrimrnla position be tim er rertrlreation No clown payment no monthly payments and no carrying charges till May 1972 on any Viking household appliance purchased from your catalogue before March 41972 Viking dishwasher 25 ii top loading was push button livl eyelsa and rotary Ilmll tor linul or double washes rhm rima tor ovary ryp nl lard On esrteta lee easy loading Steel ruby lrhtI pillstnlulalroh Viking 2spoorl4oyclo automatic washer 269i idIbrapreirylabtrrrrrra warrr tampllllltl dial highrmrdiumdamsoerd dth loo speed Intrbirsr tronsmyrlrdrrilomgulrn permanent press dairura and super wash tor Iarra duty icihes Viking 118 cu ft freezer 17995 All vain treerrrs rrs de IWd to intuit total rm Iuiaton courage and pro 1litnmpietswrlhird toms toys Undrrrtanding Listeners Communication Depth Settlers The Contact Discussion that Mottvates Handling Prospects Doubts to Closing the Sole STARTING DATEr Monday Fcbntrry 29 ii Those hoodoorlking refrigerators novor noad do trustingnoievoniniholreazersociionlnsidaihoras 131 cuIi ioiat storage Top freezer holds about SCHEDULE Mm 1151b Lower main Irldgh has 98 cu It lots of Locarrorrr Georgian College Mala CImpus liarrlo door storage iwo dairy compartments iwo 10m rm moo psyable to Gearglln more porcelain crispnrs liIioui egg bucket iwo lullwidth rtEGIsritATtoNr you Kurta lormGwilh yourcysls to 10posltion shalvosThlnwnII insulation mannscoms alDmmh mfmfeh pact outside size Just choose your easycars decor maichlng ocrylictiniah wringer washer 15995 Tub Ind Iqiiamr set up rurrran to rlean elottws lnrilnstlvu irtyatop wringr can old In as it notes tbs slightest push or pull problem rrlessa bar springs tyro lrshroiiersrpariioabtnh PSYCHOLOGY OF SELLING NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE BUSINESS EMPLOYER rim