Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1972, p. 6

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sins uur were reread lrnrn rlghl shipped her visit to vieiory at yesterdays rpeil to win the Graodrisw Ford Trophy This has been lucky urron tor lira Webb libero SQUARE DANCE news Dancers TakevBus Trip South To Attend Jamboree busload oi danrorr Irom this area travelled to St Catharines to attend the January Jamboree Barrie square danro Inrlruriorr latrne and Betty IIIy were on the program along wiib Norm Wilcox and host lender Orpbio asson The trl to St Catharines Ira harleod by games eontests and aeleetimr played by His Iratellera own little orchestra Frills were won by Mr and Mrs Dr With at Allistou Mr and blrr Dob Colds lir Mrs Doug Eartsb Mr and lira Ernie Bond Mr rial birl Elmer Parent Mr and Mrs Larenrs Wiggins and the emulation prue went to Mr andrltra curt IIInir The orchestra was led by Mac Mrreellus no the ddle Tony Teeteshall guitar aetompao led by Mr rind Mrs Vince Nick iiesronthsbongosaodtambor ine Rrirtr Eccleshall led the singsong VARIETY OF SKm Alter an afternoon at wort shops on mum and rounds hot dinner was served var lely oI akils were presented lol Iowing tbe duner Programming resumed saith mind dancing led by Mrs Ray The square danrera eulogy Inll evening ol darrcing by three callers nd Otber oorrplrs who travelled with the group site Mr and Mrs bob Ayelrile Mr and lira Dee Bentley Mr and Mrs Jim iambic AI Evans lit and sin Fred Error oi Iluuririll and Mrs Irwin Peacock 0n Mr and lira Ros Reed Orsitra and Mrs Ltura Thompson Bus driver Harold iialtorr who has been on many trips with the square dlncers group wound up iilaIue 0i Cardiac Care Unit Stressed By Barrielniernrsi Dr Zerny Barrie its ternlat spoke on AlIsIrI oi the Heart It the January meeting oI Simeon County Medical Secre tarlu Aasoslailon Dr lnny stressed the rain at cardiac rars unit In his diarruslorr oi the term beast attack TREATMENT Dnlrrg the question period the Darrin inteth discussed elec tourdiograms pacemakers and cloud eimrit TV monitors and their troporiasce in lrlalmeot at heart patients Dr Zerny was thinker by lira Doreen Hoison lie was In trnthxed by Mrs has Inch The Simsoe County Medical Secretams Asocisatirn meets the third Wesiaaday oI every month and membership Ltnprn to any woman employed by doctor in Emcee nutty During the business session ureahers voted donation to the Barrie Senior Citrsens Social Centre Fund COOKSTOWII M1 LEADER Mrs Kirby is the neuylearl tor the Bethesda Ilnii ap inted when the ladies met at $1 borne tor their January meet mg aith Mrs Coulis as see msry The theme at themeet in was Faith llrs Htitrrd Ill try and Mrs Garret lay cosi dusted the worship periodb ehapirr Irom boats on Iailh healing was also given lira William Carr was re rent ITSIIK with her daughter and soninlaw llr and lies Porriii Thistlerosa Mrs Eer Carr syent it days In Call with her augblrr and minlaw sir and ltrs George Gould tIho II the proud par eats pt baby girl tChristina Leone born on Friday Jan lira ti Murphy visited recent in the Breton area with her slaughter and mainlaw lit and Mr Carl Stewart W1 MEETING lies lien Prgg will be hoe loss in her home tor the nest institute meeting on Feb at DR ZERNY The nest meeting will be held at Royal Victoria Ilospitai School OINIITIIII on Feb ll rammencing at pm Irom leh are llrr Irrkle Hellman Irad blra Cami Wals iee lira Pat Iarrimer It eburcb supper while the dancers Iere prrlorroing JANUARY FROLIC Georgian Bay square dance callers and leaders will sponsor January lrolie on Jan ll Irom No to Mill pm the line year dame in this area The location will be the burn Build Ing at Dave Borden Dancers are reminded to base their ear insur Inra identiraiion which Is pee essary to gain Idrnittanee to Bare Baden Callers or the evening will be master at ceremonies AI Cal houn Base Borden Ernie Drown Orlliia Mae Marcellus Thornton Rye Iieoi Coiling wood tame liay Barrie The next troll is khrdulcd Marsh II In Barrie REAUX DELI5 Barrie Deaux rr Belles will have as guest caller Norm llil cox on Jan 11 Dancing will commence at liil until lnzlo pm at the nylon REVIEW DANCE CIicb Up Rounds will be held on Feb with Arne iIry teach log new dance and reviewing other datum Time lzll to 1030 plm HORKbHOI The IIIonIt Workshop will take place on Feb when many new ideas and gimmicks will be taught The dancers will assist the caller In deciding which hits dances will be Intro duced Inlo the club The Solurv day event will be held Irom no to it pm tor Program At EastEnd Churches AI rise party was held In bratar Mr and lira Joe Tu eoaa on ibeoeeulorr oi 15th wedding anniversary Party mangenreois were to hr of their annlolaw and da Ier Mr and Mrs Gordon lleanedy oi Minding Ital Mayne harm lbs eeletnnia son Ilr rod ltrs Tumor wen Married at Winnipeg Man on III II It The round to Barrie In last and re ltvrd in their present borne on Welling lm 5L since IISI The anniversary party In held II the loa rcstdenee nu SItnrday er ug DUTOFClTY GUESTS Gueril Inrluded Mr and presents the trophy to Mrs ltrbb lira Jean Ssrleaal ra cond Examiner Photo Third Annual Inlerclub Spot The third annual Intrrelub ladies Bonsplel was held It the Curie Cossatry uub Wednesday Rinks eorapetlag were irorn the Rrrrie Ouiiag Club and the tiar rie Oatlbiry Club Doruplel curvenrrr wen lira Jansen and Mrs Bell Ii rideni ol the Ladies section or the host club Chairman was Mrs Emms and her committee Included Mrs Wallwln lira Ills Iey lira ll WIIIIhllll Tbornlry lira Ellemeni lira Rristow Mrs Needbam There were two draws It and ti am Prizes were awarded It the dinnrr party which wound up the days Irtiritlea run ornate EXAMINER Must Be LONDON tAl II blu band nds his all In bed with mother man she ehoirld just deny II and keep on do nytng It despite the evidence new book advises women on up always claim you were trying out the mat trrss the author says As long as you teep sense at burner and sense or proper lion youll be Ill right The book The Art at Livy Ing Etiquette Ior the Dennis Ilve Age will he published here today It Is written by Princess Rcris Klodaotirall lbyerrold Errgitsbwoman who married In emigre lino Potatoes Explode Because Of Steam Dy WIN PACKET Drrr Mrs Parker has happened twice this winter My brked potatoes have exploded in tbe oven what meal What am doing wrong wash them Ind stlrk lork irrln them roupir oi tierer and out them In Ibr oven rlesu helmMrs The reason potatoes explode is because the steam builds up braid the potato and II It cant get out will bunt its way through the conning akin Evl denlly you are not prlclslrrg the potatoes tiesply mouth more puncture ol the skin It not rrrortsh no spear them well Into the middle Heres lrkk oIien use nit the potatoes In hall length wise talirr they have been Icrubbedi bnisb all surlaees with all or butter Not only will they cook to ball Ute usual time but the rut nature Ia uiapy as sell as the skins theres no rhrnee at their bursting and theyre really deurlosrs Planned For World Day Of Prayer Womens World Day rrl Flee or organization meeting Ior the railroad churchcs was held Monday altcmoon at the horns ol lirs Myrtle Rscbar ltd Pen elrng lilrseI Representatives were present lrom six denominations and each was assigned part In the program The service on llarrh will be hold at pm In the Reorganized Charrh ol run Christ cit Latter DI Saints ass Ductwortb strerl arrie Mrs llruds Itoury will deliver the address on tho theme All loy be yours Miss Ronnie Fish er ol lioin and rcrordlanlai ltus Ilelen Smith at Ivy will be gueat soloists ultras an FEATURES SUCCULENT GOLDEN FRIED CHUth CHICKEN FOR LUNCH SUPPER ANYTIME ciiunav rumor ties are writes enter cart 89 their andltrs Than Dasry Toronto MARK 25TH ANNIVERSARY WeiKaolin Barrie Couple Feied At Surprise Parry llra Ian Kirkpatrick Mr and Ira Gerry Turssrna and Mr Mr and Mrs Sara Fliilpo Bun LITE lk and Mrs hail tied and sons Don rad Roger lllnurug barrio guesli iorhrded air and llrs Ray Fleur Mr and Mrs lteaiord Tbampsoo Mr and him Gilt Kelly Mr and lrrs and daughter undy btr lira Ios Tas rona Mr and In Dennis Tea eoorblr and Mrs John Rash esL Mrs Terry Ilrmliioa ltr and Mrs bud Knapp sad III and Mrs Dill RIMIIL Gurrts calmed bullet supper Wm Lawyer Illustrates Talk On Heraldry With Paintings Darris lawyer guest speak er on Mooday IVOIIRIII meeting at members ol the Quota Club oi Ernie and their guests llr Rosas topic was Iterat dry to which be Is teeon inter ested He showed three oI blI own paintings at Coats or Arms to Illustrate bit striated and ana orerod questions iron the poop regarding IierIId Everyono present enjoyed Inlcrutlng and Iniorrrraiirs pruentrttan 0a behalt oi the Quota Club lIrs Carol Lows thanked Mr mid age is no banter to WWd him Em token at appreciation inltdelity II no barriek to happy marriage provided Rolarians Hold January Meeting ien like variety man gets bored with the srmgdr dlsb oi loss beet perv loo olen women my roman home at lira William ctar ulurimwii mu Codrington st war it mcmbcrkd attending President 1er Bailey eorduried Met business meet Irrg alter which ID Ioiormsl evening warrenloyud by all Ilmber learn some aerobnt 1a Iielreshments took the lam at nine and cheers provided by the tort directors The February muting will be pot luck supper at the horns ol lIrn Ross Tirmbull Rotrrlrru and their wires will bare the opportunity at bearing ltr and lira Jim Gilmore aperlt about their experiences In India at the Country Club Feb THURSDAY JANUARY I1 rm Discreet staa prince and now lives in Paris The princess advises NUN HONORED QUEBEC iCP Celebrl lions are to be held here throughout rm to mark tho sooth anniversary at the death ol Marie de IInoamation loan rrr end Iirst mother superior oi the Uraniine Order In Quebec uhn died April so rm bpcclri evmts Ire also planned Ior her native town ol Tours France Rowe ac wellknown THE STARS Artur HIM IleAgell Ilil HI time when userpr odty bury demands eonra upon you omooslmlalc experi niurtr latter red may but to help and in part Isra situation Trlru IAIItI allay be wary at limowrrdera other peer pia who lack mine wellueaandbybomeaod you can about rather than seeking adventure Cranial may riders Dir PITA III IIme with eautiais mahodya mlod boeda puking up yet blllty or Iosed one may limit your scope oi action tor the time heist Jul liJIly Eli On personal protects you cant twillalorlul tbsulhotrullaeveollligoos against prleew hangs rppotai meats themme to avert nits uoderstaoding In tlnly Man an 1qu meats in keeping ahead oi so rial rivals are not layered You could be Diriber ahead by but being youmi land doing load is Virgo Au MI 22 BI prudent in bore you select sis thing edslomeai An impulse at generosity goes stnrooi too Ire ttddonahrllobsnrnlhaih Isnessded lerrrlbeyL twrl nit Tendcudu In toward more thoroughly detailed more costly Irrangements Controversy should be avoided In career la sues Working conditions to elude subtle new Iaciors beerpis tort rather Illr Seemingly all those near you have locks at their own today Including bow money Ls to be spent You may as well stair your vim calmly and eoriia to agreement by mallde Dagtttartus Nev utter rtir Orthodox moservrllve apr proaches work out better now Relax let others turns to you you restrain an urge to splurge Cagrteorl Dec Man illl Keeping Iacts slralghtls more than worthy at tho ellortap polarirneats schedules encounter delays Dlrert yoursell and loved ones with some alrnpla en lertalmrient Aquarius Ilsa Tbleb IIII Comple list oi aws and IItllLr eomea naturally Ahstaln Irom doing anything premature about them while striving not to aa any on your own to the record Pisces Feb ILMIrrk it Share your IIvorlIs partlmu axpanl vigorous competition some generally Impatch moods all around you More durability lrorn cutchyardi IIAIII arr Rslardr rolling LLIR CHESTERFIELDS SOFA only SELIO by Contemporary with loose Pltlowbaclr Exciting Nutrla Jacquard lies pr Suits MODERN Iroisl inbrlc lull loam upholstery In Itlrae Reg noon Sale tlve Golden Drown Mannie Titration lithe Clearance Sale SIMMONS lb Fabric can sari 5399 52a III hardwearing RUGS FLOOR SAMPLES One OI Kind ll Patterned Nylon by HARDING Ilel Him iISculpIursd Nylon Velvet Caterina Hill by HARDING OricrAIl Moss Regimen SIII Maracaibo shag by HARDING Emplu Yellow nylon tor BEDROOM eovar steys elrsnsr lushsr newer looking longer More eomlort with deep willing to llsalyloam lryarr oI putty euihlonlng Ilitl rlaaplrrp on cloud More as Item bums ol airtia Ilrm DurrFIax eollr More Itrmnm trorn plilitird Duratiard Iourrdrilon rovrlonbsrdsslpn It more durable ghee rtronpar edge DINING room oedbutlo In burnished Cherry Fruiiwood by ANDREW ltAILOLM so it to criteria to to side chairs Upholstered lasso he DINETTE no Suite LIDtiItlY talich opens to hug 11M Sale TABLES iiy DEILCRAFT REL SIMS pr FRENCH PROVINCIAL WHITE AND GOLD lot the young tasty Suits Includes tl Panel tlrd Double drawer Dresser with mirror drawer ttest CE 6113 in $139 nu 5199 5399 in bard were Sale emit Sill Srls rrooarui wrrnur collar cram also ll llll IINI TAIllrll Wllli IiIIELl with lrurrttril rerhiani liai It Ilss Ito ninururrcsraencunasacurrssnraoourv new REAL LARGAIN MORE CONVENIENT TOOII PC PACK ONLY Il9 II PC PACK ONLY 299 III PC PACK ONLY 479 omolrriodoylor rural IIIIlllli IIIIIIIIIIIIIS vri strain usage pin Guaranteed to Ssllsly Frsdl tlilarters oI nut 46 lb 57c lb lists 69 lb PROCESSING Sc LB tildes rt Pork 52c Ib DYCKS FOOD MARKET Ill Callie mm HI Edit 51 each Transmit VSEALY HEALTH GI Iiirurinrrurrul trrrrrppnrrrlrmv Ilruyunu lI ymiirtultinn rr Strti Ilsrrl tI yrnl tiny ui uur lwnn rirlo Igr IiIIrit out CAIAIOITNIA Oil PAINTINGS Prom Primal lrlula reproductions at Iamouo Irtlila lill 299 399 ltrta In bird in IIII arrtrgi In III llrbIrlIitnIa ittlr Iiruu rlrsrlr turtles with rate rrgr Dorrie Titration In Wall Thu islurrlri lair hm rlarrlsr am Friday til pm iI llvlrarltr Ill livrl lsIhI library Illrelt in than irtr mum truvtrirmrri SEALY POSTUREPEDIC Unique Itselt Drppostlyrlaoi POSTUREPEOIOM lit bill

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