Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1972, p. 5

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In as at PREPARING FOR CANCER CAMPAIGN ltuetbmrotcwdirnm Surlet volunteer um pgigp en met in Tw onto to plan their rti at the lands The leftle or Ohmic Ia 933363 Ihil Higher County Grant Asked For Promotion An Increase In grant tram ID tm to cannot has been ask tram Simeon County corrncii to me tourist and peanutimp on tor 1m was by report introduced by Reeve lion Stanton ot Drilila township chairman The grant will be considered by the tissues and general gov ernmeot committh headed by Item James Wales or Tosarvo tto when marina budget rec ormnenda Othrrmemberret the countys tourist and Indus trial committee include Reeve Cveil French at Ebnvrla Deputy iieeve Jack lteliey ot Wasaga Beach Deputy hvevr Alan inlrn slots at Verprr and Deputy Reeve Ed MacDonald ot Fun 131 rorrunluee itaetr has ee dorred the request ter the high er gram the report te county until said The members re ported they will be meeting with the baud oi directors at the ilvrenla Tourist Association at the end at the month tilt TOTAL bud from the tourist and tour In comparison to mm last ed veer Actual spending int rear exceeded the budget harm to the and minty the torrent group asked the city crease in grant tram Add to gesoo and the city at Orlilia to raise It $00 to $5200 Rant oi upon the same as last year was listed as anticipated revenue will be down from nylon to es Wu it was Iorecast industrl association vliowed proposed budget ot titted tor wnronsane The Ith anniversary at the tint sitting at memhcrs oi blue one dittrtct council will be ob rerved at the musty budding on Tuesday Feb old records show the session was held to Toronto on that date In tell with to representatives taking their oaths oi ottlce At the time thatcourrty iorm oil part otwhai was known as the home district and repro acniatlver were asked to attend the killings oi the Roma Dlrhlct Council In Torono Churchill Named By Tovernkeeper CIIURCIIILL tSIaIil Once known nitt Glrnb lOrmerlsl thlta commits till My Ea turcsquely located on highth In lnnbtll towmhip was named alter pioneer tavern accordml to old newspaper reports The ertgtnrl name was givrn the place alter pioneer named John Glmby in last when he moved to the Owen Sound area the place was renamed atlrr tavern on what was then known as the Church llili tavern The Sixth Line Frerbytrrtan church was on hill at that time an the resent cemetery site It was news as the church on the bin and the tavernkecper telt Church Iii litll tavern an appropriate name Subsequently the tavernleep or moved the building to the Fourth Concession rile taking the Church illll sign with him Is them more than last year iack threat maddest at the labelled Disukt which to rludes the area between Allie ton and North Bay represent amomltng et Novem herldes the honor iiiim the of Benin tnr an In trom the Ontario govemmeat vblle provincial Coop income attenuapr revenues will be up trash 00th to 10000 the gum aulantlted to the coun tillers shoved while them Is ex pected to be raised trom its her pltrliiy program Site or map spacer will rrha that record log in calculations Advertising placed was Rated at more down trom the int budget at more Actual upto the end at November last year was stated to amount to tidbit GROWTH TRACED Eormer Reeve Oi Tiny PERMNEH istaiil was mm at retreat tor recrwd years Michael Audit Iurwud Le celebrating was deputy recvv Iur two years and veeva tor for the other air be war mecttinr was also clerk treasurer oi the township tora in years he added with smile The rer erds showed he belt this other ht it years IUGGY us Mr Asrella rst entered mu nicipal service in tilt when he was elected trustee no the Roman Catholic xe Irate school board In ad the local branch lithe too its eminence ltere lir the val hangs poster reminding supporters loser Can he Beaten Examiner Photo Whatoweshtprmuho To Mark 88th Birthday ed his home nnnhipaiii as reeva In mid Brian had been clerk tor run but was rem tor it yet ear lier be explained Asked abwi MDT adninlr trails to the Na Austin smiled WI didnt hair the studs you have today but they were impartial then tooIiI ecumenical The late Georg Davis txth Davta nl Ivy who warden was Lbs lieAuiey at inhale war war den CAM IY TRAIN There has been many thank ea In edmnh Italian Ihmu the years be said In rel In his years on meaty mil Un his still which included DIM tor ulrr es and benetI NM tor travel and expense and the remainder to cities supplies stanncry trl rpbons and so torth Budget tor various promotion programs ranting trons adver thing to brochure and card production was listed at 1300 We liy point out that the It Tutlrllt Annotation in tour years has developed tmna vigour year budget to tilt one said report submitted to the membern blast ot this in Crease ls Irem memberships and member prevention pmgrams and all at our sales costs have been reitliquidatlng in the users lotion programs It was noted that Ihe associa tion did not receive an Increase In budget that year and only to cent the year beiore During the past ms the group agreed to new and vibrant ap proach to tourist promotion raplIaIIrtng on the ltospliahty Ullrna The nevhorpitality pro gram Is the type at dynamic ap preach to tourist promotion that made litirouia the trrsmest tourist association In Ontario It Anticipated expenditures rbowa ed Milo tor general expense Simcoe District mustu 130 Robert Titus rxprescntrd liar rla which was chosen county lawn tor separate rouniy roun cll starting in text Dre was represented by James Adams West Gwililmburp by William Amara Tecumret by William Nammill and John Cars well North and South Orlllia by James Dallas lest Gwilllmbury by John Garbut Mills by Ilen rylleDiIIvum dlamcsltrcn an Tiny and Try by William Simpson Innlsttl by George War nlca and Modems and Firs by George Wilson llono township now in Dull erln was then represented by George Sncll whils lluimur and Tesorontio had William Camp elgn Thme Dull reprrsenicd the records showcd The council approved survey tor read lrom arms to eruus stated to be section ot the county rapidly increasing in elation and importance ch was acid to cover distance at is miles The resolution rpeclv iiocl that this road was to be one at the that undertaken In this district when Iunds will allow letters patent In which the provincial government declared Simeon Cottely to be serrate district under the name trict el Sjmcoe were Isrucd Ian It litl Dy provisions oi the act one third at the members ot every district council were obliged to vacate their seats alter the ex piration at one year with mother third alter two years The re tirlng members were eligible to said 91111611 th Ycrr stand Ior reelection It was poinch out TIRII WARDEN Jacob Aarrtlllus lrvtng becam the tirst district warden In till the county records showed Jam Dallas ct Ortiila tpiiowed ltr irvtng to tail and lltl and than William Arrrason at West Gwli Iimbury vervrd inr raven years Following passlnp ot the Bold wln Act in tail ected munici pal councils were authorised tor ecrl municipalities with the tint to Simon County elected tor the use term This was done In the hope that alter administration at the local love would strength en the democratic process John Rock llaava chairman oi th Illa tint year on empty council was to ma Tbere has been great deal at change on county maul since then be said recalling that horror and bustier were buck in the roaring hrs at ouglr there were also nulls law cars Cooksiown Plans Farmers Bonspiel COOKSIORN tSlaIIl An nurl tarmerr bensplel will be held at the Conkxtowo rink slur It was announced by Tommy Thomson treasurer Three bamptelr are planned Ior February dates The Lions trophy rent will be held on Saturday Feb it while an open mixed competition has ranged lraSahrrday Feb it The 01011th ladler club will New leweII Park Popular Centre NEW IOWELI tStaIti Not tawasagr Valley Iiiacre eon aervatlen park here has been pular attraction tor iristr township community since it was opened August at lose at memorable runaway The New lowcll Legion and other local and area organisa tions have helped In the darli ppmcnt oi the park Crcernnre meriime watanIcly program curled out It the zoom pond nudvntam Nottawrsrga Valley conservation board when ns have assisted In the au OUR ERROR in the Roxy Theatre ad vertisement at January is In The Darrin Examiner the movies Tar lladrtsab ed and PIIII About were advertised as lie xbieted Three movies are both rated the General Audiences tba Darrin Examiner nemvonvnnm llu vibe Undelcated reprinterroran IS SECOND BIO BONUS FEATURE 20in consumer pman with Milli IN IIIIRINEINI were vuldeat llr AsseJn laxt verv been ar thir Sun II til recent years the covme bad charge at ministrathn oi the jaIL smarts and registry other During the ate some oi the rmmctllorx bring at distance bands the trip to barrta tor cosm iy session by trrin and stayed at hotels until they war torn pleted Sessions then were held three or tour times year as required Instead at the present minty meetings The Oriilla representatives went by train in barrio well as Bradlard Penetasgturbenr liidland and some at the others Some in nearby places went to Barrio by horsedrawn xrhrrlrs wIIUe others bed can humans AhLTN not the line models we have now but they did provide good trans portation be remarked native et Tiny and ltirlong hell IIhonplel on Saturday Feb rs stroud Iadiu will hold ban vpeil on Saturday March it while ihreealmr Berton rom tttion is planned tor Saturday larch ll The seasons closing bonsplcl will be the Cnohtnwn median be on event on has been boo ed tor Saturday March it the park was nItIcIaIiy opened Elmrals Councillor Alex lirAulcy who was their supply warden Reeve Allan lleLern vl Om acted as chairman to the reremony and Dr it ltyn ard lll member tor North Slmcue was among spacial guests The Womens Institute cater ed tor bullet supper at New lowell hall allrr th crrlmony besides Reeve Prldham Sun aidalv cctrnctl members at the time were Duncan lichrt Ed ward hrtbam Martin Beyer and Wesley hates ID DISTRICT NEWS THE In mm JANUA West Simiee WI Branches To Hold Dinner DUNTROON Shit At Duniroon WeCuwb mens Iatrtihrtl brancheaet lest Mn Bdl nl Colliugwpml In slmeoadlrotcs wthbascsallng representatimede Iatobebcldbenleh Iain valuesulnqu trths M31 vibiebblobeaatdatlheloa ball on Friday stay Womenl Inatihda branches In tbia district and eiuwbere are observing the 13th anniversary year at the luman at the tint branch at Stoney Creek In ml The anniversary project tor Lita Federated Womens Insiitvdes oI Ontarinlatnniutsopottou list In honoring the expansion and development oi ltacDanatd Institute University oi Guelph 1va In tramded in me through the ettorts or Adelaide Headless Branches In West Simeon dis trict Include Georgian Cains Corners New lnwelt Ptna me Clearvtew Stinnlwoud Supper Arenin Tiers JubDee and the lira Watt branch of Cal llnrwootl in addition to etherx There are sorted too members In the diatritt Tor Simone area exacva LIVE ORCHESTRA which headed by lira lloward charge at rrxekittana The rm ma convention will be held In October probably at Dan TRY BANNER WANT one PHONE lMtlt EMBASSY HALL runs EY BAPIE Ranlrt tor Darren Movies lb nun equipment hinges Meetings Weddings 7268961 hornet Permit Available barn at Small Groups ONT ROYAL CANADIAN iEOION BRANCH I47 Members and Guests rum paves srarrirte JAN zen one To the AT THE NEW AUDITORIUM PRICE $500 Pitt COUPLE soon anonerrteshurrtrs nvauaeta hiedel ERRM Epitome at cooking ease and convenience Features Pyrolytle aelt clearing oven mithrg high rolling with tinted oven door win dw deluxe dour handler with die cast ends beautl itii control console with uorescent lighltxs Cinema trimmed recessed anllsplll top host at wanted textures IIIIIIIUIIIINIIIIIEI avers can use The Biggest Bond Of All MERIIII new private pin one on ALUtNt IIIIIIOILUII rIIMIIYSIIIIINIIII mitt mama ROOT preventnotion itnirdlvrntr pittaW rowan rra COLOR IV DILUII TWO FEATURES warnanour rot UNDEFIATED his ROIIII tl DUNLOP ST IAIIIII ONT SPECIAL CHILDRENS MATINEES ONE OF THE MOST ATTRACTIVE PIECLtOE FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT Sat lth pm Sun pan All Seats 50 carat thatth WI WONDERIUL REAL NWANOE OF ARMAND MENIYAIEL rains has rrts tin ulterior by allied artists AVAILABLE ON LOWCOST BUDGET TERMS pleasant place to deal asomnrsru 5r JANUARY IEARANCE PRICE 7166551 OPLENTY OF FREE STORESIDE PARKING 29995 orsvnrcr

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