Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1972, p. 4

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Ollie Mattie Terminus Published by Canadian Na papers Canpany Limited 16 Blytleld Strut Dania Ontario Kerry tumble PdllisheIOenlral Manager It McPherson Managing Editor runway 1va x1 rm Panes Walls Editor Emeritus County Faces Problems Trying To Hold Tax Line once to the motoring public and the econ In their endeavors to hold the line In county tax levy Simcoe County council lors are laced with dittloilties which may not ultimately prove tnsolvable but could be trying Its eluted representatives ot taxpay era the county mnciis driet concern is to the electorate they have the re sponsibilliz ot making certain that serv lces whlc benefit property taxpayers as whole throughout their area at jur Isdtctton are maintained review at budget requests shows that various departments asked increases some oi which will be ditticult to cut back In an attem to hold the 1071 tax line in other paces It can be done it there Is genuine will to serve the people who have to pay the bills Currently the countys tinance and general administration committee Is con sidering the pomibtlities with the purl pose at making practical recommenda tions tor the entire councils considera tion about what to best Like other levels oi government the county has to be realistic and the econ omic ditltcuittes ot continuing inna liohary era have to be recognized It certainly would not be practical to cut back the weiiare and social services budget In view at present conditions The roads budget also will require particu larly close attention since the extensive county road system is otrgreat import political terment is at work among the subjugatcd black copies ot Rhodesia and South Aides ch ts etentlrlly ot great slgniticance tor the lure oi the southern part at the Airican continent The new mood marks break with the assivity and inertia oi the middle and to OOI an Inertia brought about by rilgorous repression and by the banning the black Alrican political parties on the arrest ot their leaders threc events In recent weeks have shown not only how close the torment is to the surtace but that it will bubble overat the slightest stirring at the pot The wave of violent protests by black Airicans against the Rhodesian set tlement terms negotiated by Britain and the white minority regime in Salisbury The unprecedented strike at 13090 members at the Ovambo tribe in South lvesl Airica Iormer German colony still ruled South Atrica in detlance at United Nations reaolutlons The strike has torccd the South Atrican Govern ment to modify the detested contract lahor system at employing African work era The independent stand at Chiet Dutheiezl the astute and intellt ent lead er oi the Zulu tribe in South rlca The Zulus are one ot the African peoples promised their own homeland under the South Atrtcan program at separate devel opment ot the white and black races and the tribes territorial authority is discurs ing drait constitution tor the home lands tuture legislative assembly Chlet Duthelert has retused to write into the drail an oath ot ricglance to the South Alrican Government In all three situations the spark that has ignited the acts oi detiancc Is dltter eat in Rhodesia the rotests which spread like bush tire ast week were only tor increases might well be thoughts importsntutou There are other whererequests en second and trade promotion is to the area there might be some to question whetherthm Is over lapping with other agenda The share ot this burden which should be levied against property ratepayers generally ullt so might be argued Organisations which receive grants from the county all carry on useful pro grams ttrpse who question whether all are just responsibility at opcrtycwn era may not be entirely rig but it is point which has to be weighed it has been pointed out betore that the county responsibilities have been materially reduced in recent years due to shill in powers to the prov natal gov ernment which has taken over the costs ot maintenance oi the jail and courts with administration at justice as well as assuming responsibility tor assessment These costs wereonce major portion oi county taxes While these responsibilities have been shitted it must be remembered that the county has new problems in preparing plans tor streamlining Its administration tor better ctiiclency and improved serve Ices The best arrangements tor the new county complex to be erected at ltidhurst also have to be given early consideration It Is only practical to plan tor what will be best in the long run against selliemenlithat puts all the pro eel ot Atrtcan majority rule to some nde latte date In the remote tuture It the hritish commission now testing the acceptability ot the settlement divides that majority ot the Rhodesian people are op ed to It what happens nexti Tthod In Prime Minister Ian Smith has blandly said that the present racist const itution he introduced in ltitill would then continue to lever lndettnttely lint how long would he be able to tree the stop per on the Atrican nations in which showed Its strength in the manner in which it llared up in the past week in SouthWest Atrlea the Ovambos made their protest because they came to see that wh te racism was hurting their hues individually and ersonaity rough the invidlous and aert contract labor system in this case parallel could be drawn with the bus boycott started by lilrs Rosa Parks in Montgomery in 1055 which sparked Dr Martin inthcr Kings civil rights movement In South Attica ttseli the irony tor the government is that the very system by which it intended to ensure separa tion ot the races is stirring political so prations and new sense oi black pow er among the Atrtcsn peo lea bung herdv ed into Bantustans or tbaI homelands The era ot decolonisation In Airtca south oi the Sahara began with iirltslnr grantinp oi inde ndence to Ghana in rear tgathero momentum withtorm or British Prime Minister llarold ltsc miiians tamous wind of change ecch in Itidu These dates are Isndmar In the history at the crnogence oi the At rican peoples trom subjugation 1972 may well marit another stroll turning point Christian Science Monitor tiazumwu ammwmwmr Ti Jamil THE LIGHT TOUCH Future Is Guees owl dlyp no um MINING mrppzmamr to new PAtende Mbarmreb matnu MImv wetWWW muwwae neumcmlhy Thesoetzebs Arte snu Tnvremro vetvauTTlsE WHEEL erasure STORY Pointing Factor In QueensthoICe by son some lenltraru ai tilt Hy Naninerth aaltl Iha she should send the painthrg to the Queen However what really bop posed war that GanGen ilrad made the recommendation and real home sketches that lady Ilcad but done he Governantleocral also made another Interesting writers at the same timn its lint It the Red Rivrr settle ment and sukaichewaneotnr try were to be amirtd by tions and tha Ottawa River wouldbe the lvrlcal muteto lake tlurm and Lain superior its was may years ahead at bir liens Canada did not re eulrl Red River and what mast oi west Canada until there are more experts who believe that the Ottawa River rotate weuld have been brller than the opium army Inveivlng also the Wellmd canal Queen Victrwta ehou clue to be the capital at Canada tor mtiitary and gural reasons It was teas able to attack that the otha uplrants except Quebec uty and it but erect title maul Poll Ottawa waa pot toetaserstnertootarwut bets on the border at the two party it also had mixture rr Earthb and more Canadiaol other In TI math intNatl ringer were estab llshrd between liontreal and Quebec mgrThe Pops roads Itinpr lon the See at Up Canada tanNova Scota led committee to at parties North American posts opera IlldGrrat Wulern Rum opened between loader Windsor ToutAndrew Carnegie bought Toronto binaries llllhtanllhba niopled voter tor warms tauCity at Montreal was authorized to build subway cost In on millions Rough Ride Ahead ELECTION YEAR AUTO SHOW Beaasacwrsnstrzmezwnmumrnrm nuns USA 132 in QUEENS PARK With US Govt OTTAWA ICP Prime Minister minds to ter elmpolic adviser or at New Davis Cabinet It DON OIIEAIIN Queens Park Darren Oi The Examiner This Is the tint oi Ilelirl eI articles on the Davis dov rmment Over the next lav months We will begin to et flip ol the style oi the evil admlnlrtrai tion All rdnrtnlrtrrtlons have style at their own in tact they have two styles political style and governing rtyla man when they are at the same pet that party Thus in Ontario under the PCs we have bad the admhrtrlratlon at George Drew Politically it Was aggressive an the attentive and liberal thoservatlve it broke many barriers in its governing style it was bold and decisive the regime oi Drslla Front in contrart was quite dltlercnt Politically It was colorless and drtcnalve Ila ovemlrg rtyle was rmalltovn ankcr it was fatherly and cautious John Roberts save us Nadir Irnlively his style was that at can Avenue politics Adminiv trachly his style war that ot the corporation manage ment approach With Premier thlr we now have clue to his political style it might be termed grassroots Madison Avenue the bi veil married in back toncesson political method hut Davis hasnt been in other long enough yet to really ionn let alone present his style oi governing FROST IIAD OATIIERCOLE there is clue one can take however llost leaders at government have one or two men close to them who tend to reect per hops even more titan the lead Ir the style or their administra on These men are uiually not members at the cabinet but 211 L231 Otto Rosstr Expositor tr Daytietd Street Darcie Ontario trom the prelersional end the civil service This didnt sartIcularIy iollow with George rev Drew tend ed to be loner running one mon government The one man close to him In his administra tion was Attorncy General Les Iia Dlackweli Blackwell was torcetul man and bold ard or iginal thinker thereby being more or less on his at the government But still wasnt all that close George Gallrercole Now choir man et Ontario Hydro Gathax cote was thlel Economist ol the province during the Frost days And he was In close to Frost he eventually began to talir has him Whrn at Queens Park ho was tathcrty cautious blannced man very conscious at ins dollar in other words the Frost style ttobarts nhd Dr ltcitn ttoyl holds ltenolds alert at the limo ettlc ally was recrciuy ol the cabinet Rut he really was the deputy prime minister title which eventually was be stowed en him Reynolds was biologist who Nixons halts mu however Id Africa Alli Turning Point Devebpingown SW19 had been long In the pvae ser vice and he was and II rant patient nun great one or commltleu and sitting at Iaclr and slow to male up his mind The Roberts atylc ACADEMIC 0R MANAGERIAL These men at source were chosen In the first place be cause they had qualities which that particular trader wanted and which titledyinwltb IIII st ls They thus were mirror at that site And to this that gives ur our clue on Davis For he now has chosen his yight hand in his case men lie has namcd Dr James Fleck as chIrI executive site cr oi the Prime Ministers Do partmrnt and Clare II West cult as his speriaiasrlxtanl The choice ot Dr Fleck la the rignlltcant appointment And tmm it we can say that the administrative atyia oi the Davis government could be per haps Brooks Bros academic or mod mrnngcrial or per haps and probably most likely somewhere in between lllTEliPRETING THE NEWS Message manner is ahead tor Can adaUnited Slates relations Dittercnrrr in attitude be tween the two countries are likely to increase In number In the tuture writer lvan Itrad special assistant to the prime minister to the June Iry issue at Foreign Aiiairs New York publication Canadas resources geography will demand ot her responsibilities and decisions which may be contention ehewbere The pmblenr be sryrquob Ing llr Mered that liv ing next door to the US in some wayr like sleeping with an elephant No matter how triendly and eventempered the beast is one Lt Iiiectcd by every twitch god you Tart muchmuted remark war made by bit lkudaau In the spring at tees to Washing ton on his tint visit with President Nixon addressed to National Prcsr club audi ence llr ilenrl says it means the US rtivst exercise special re In Its treatment at Can When the vulnerability It almost totally on one side Users must be proportion aIer higher degree oi were nose on the other CITES FRICTION POINTS llr llrad says some at those diliering attitudes ch Canada to declare In Mr pol lution control zones in the Arctic seas teu miles oitshore move protested iormally by the US government Canadians It Is usurped are so similar to Americans tbrt they must surely share the tune grab values and desired Keep US Strong BIBLE THOUGHT It PETER RUCNIEY WASHINGTON CPI Presi dent leon longtime advo rate at negotiations based on strength has apparently de rided to continue that pushes to the ongoing debate with the So vtet Union about strategic arms lhnllatlons which constitute the SALT talks ills budch messageitc Corr gress Monday mild Ior US has several advantages Its attics France and hrttatn rach deploy missile submarines And the American navy has long cars at practical experience hind it while the Russians are comparatively new in tb Ilcld because at the advantage that these and oihcrtsclers give to the US the Soviet negotiators at the SALT talks in Vienna are am he that liveth and was steady and behold up alive tar everrnnre Antenr and have the heya ei bell and at death Revelation till tlrr lord is not dead nor des perate nor is he hard at herr ng My ear is not heavy till it cannot hear my arm is not shortened titat it cannot save he lives torever and so will we Iiione place or mother con tta ent upon what we believe reported reluctant to discuss in doaboutltlsSor Josue million an the United States can mymlm 0n mm cm rte up the pace at Its research In development on an under water Iorgrange missile xyslcm thn next generation oi wrap oes beyond the Polaris and Po rtrartlon at this stage as urged by American representaIIVu the risk in the Nixon pro mmmmlm ntmrma it this assumption ts borne out in route Instances to rup rt tor the United Nations or similarities in legal rye terru it is not regarded aa slgnlllcant Yet when varia tions appear annoyance tol lows lta cites as examples to radian trade with Cuba closer relations with the So viei Union and China opposi tion to West Coast oil tanker route through the Strait oi Juan de rur and ressura to end all nuclear tea That necessary awareness on Washingtons part was missing when the August US import surcharge was applied to Canada along with all other countrieslltr ilerd tells the predominanli US reader ship at Fore gn Attairs Canada wu caught in situation not at ilsown mph lag and la censcquenre thru sands ol Canadians ruttrrrd grievotnly CANADA NOT GUILTY its reiterates the Canadian view that Canada with tloatlng exchange rate and no discrhnlnnrory trade barriers apnlrut US imports was not guilty at the policies that Washington opposed to some at Its other trading partners Our sin apparently has been to sell more to the US than we have bought in the past couple at years in tact he noise when to vrstmentv are added to the money now between Canada and the US Canada has maintained an increasing delr sit in international payments The router Canadians iaca whether the era aliurd to remain an era blv Some are even asking whether they can survive To the question at economic integration with the USand its economic gains to Canada lilr iiead rays Canadians have always artswered lover or Independence But technoto and mass production have rd to unprec edented economic links with the US The dependency can be eliminated quickly enough the militant Canadian nation alists assert repeatedly but an immense cost to Canadians as individuals and to Canada In Ita relations with the US mt more Australia exported lbmlllloo tom ot black coal In two MM But The Post Is Not pram would some it the two tries tailed to reach agreement on the Issue In the near tuture IT HAPPENED IN CANAD scidon missiles carrird now In American nuclear submarines Nixons budget rcmtust is 11 Scum Telephone H517 Second Class Mall Registration Number Dill by All DOYLE NEW YORK AP Th iuture is tuning some The trust to not Thats why an muny people otten praise II In the tulure The past Is tired tl happened The more memories you have the greater Is your Ilia Youve had pretty iuli lite it you can look and remember when tn large Iamlly there was always something entertain ing going oneven It It was only the baby gcttlng mother attack at hiccups hverytlme he gave blew his turn got such nu rlr look on all the other dren laughed out loud One at the delights little girl halt to scare ng through the stile was to tied and play pith an oldiarhlened printed an TIN DON KEPT IIIIATIEII Practically every other prrour mom had tin or In which he let his worthless shares at and mining rtorkkpsprr Iertl mvnlala et eellapxed getrich qvlak dreams One at the certainties oI ttlyearold boys litv was the hellct thatl II he plckrd up hopian under street lpht tonight when he woke up the next morning his tinrrra would be covered with waste Ilut trons didnt do that to Iciluw llverybrrdj In town tell sorry and kin oI startled when the undrrtnltcrx wile riled oI pneumonia during the great No rpirtcmlr Somehow you had never thought drulh would touch the member ot an urvlertakera Iamlly Grandpa drought the younger generation had gone to hell when his son her it an alarm clock to be sure he got tp his Iaclrwy lab on time All Irdfl but ever needed to wake up and lace his term chores was the round at rooster In the barnyard vaiut log the rising sun The event man wax more likely to In erlt drhtr than dollars TWO KINM OT WAFER rural country cwrtlrouse usually had two groups rt toaierkthnse on the county payroll and those who would lye to get on it There were almost as many wooden iridlaiu arvund as live Indians When young tetlew came back home with college do pm all the neighbors won ercd whether II had ruined him tor honest work Come to iblnlp ci tltmhowsverl tpata pro ymur own talllts today isnt It II fellow didnt trust his local doctor he could always take the sage htlvlee at his local drugglri and buy at but tle oi curenil potent mcdirlna tor ll crnts tested to had he knew it must do him some iood liven it trIIow thought hard all day Ion it won hard tor him to thin up good reason tor staying up aiier midnight except on Saturdays Those were the daysarc meteorvi POPULATION RISE tthodeslaa population rose to station in June toil trrm less khan iour million to years ear or Ruum portage guaranteed Dolly Sundays and Statutory ttaltdnrr excepted Subscription rates daily by csrrtrr We weekly ttiao year ly Single copies Ipc iiy mail barrio time yearly Slmcee County trite yearly balance ol Canada tidbit yearly All other countries Slut yearly hlotor throw all iltdtl year NIIIODDI Advertising Otttrca bl Queen St West Toronto Adi ITIII MO Cathellt 5L llonlreai llembcr oi the Canadian Press and Audit Tiureati vi Circula llons The Canadian Press is exclus ively entitled to the use tor re pub Irailon ol ell news dispatch cs In this paper rreditcd to it or The Assoc tiled Press or ttruter and also the local news publish ctl therein The ItnrrIe hxnninrr claims Cppyrlght In all original rdveo it as and editorial material etc ated by Its employees and preduccd In thh newspaper Copyrixtrt Registration Num ber tidbit rcalrtcr II bearing nuclear rubs but the stance et being generally interpreted as an attempt in put pressure on Soviet leaders to negotiate limitation on construction at mtullr submarines which con vtllulo some oi the miller nrvl least vulnerable tools Ltl the ar senals oI the two Iiiperpuwcrl It so the Nixon move It gamble The two million It not ronsl dercd large by Fcntarou budget standards but it represents the opening move In program that ii canted through could lead to expenditure oi billions oi dollars by the US and the Sir viet Union While the USSil ill rur pasecd the US in the number ol ottvmlvr nuclear missich they are raid to have thou compared with about 1000 tor the USthere Is no acknowl edged Sovlrt parity in nucitnr submarines gulls the opposite In the view oi Irene military our parts on use sures The two countries are re ported to be spproxtrnrtrly equal in numbers at missile vernment wotrld then come an or pressure tronr Ila military to teams re scorch program similar to the American one and race Into new generation at weapon do telopmcht would bnon Once Installed In the two ills tioru arronrb the new under wpter weapons would bu with cut to disarm and their com plexil would almost rertntnl romplcnte negotiations which have already been going on tor two years There have bicn route III meetings at Soviet and American negotiators so tar at tire SALT talks The only prewar publicly on hourlch bar on two minor agreements signed IIrI tailto replace the MoscowWashington hot line with satellite cont munication link and to vrork out methods oi prompt ceruultalton In the event at an Incident that could Iran Ittldenially to he clear war Despite exceptional secrecy Irotvtd the talks published re ports to tire US have Included some details about the rub eurrent negotiations WAS 00f Ouuurkww wupoorsrmwou llItIthEtTAlitii sensuous restrict visririauwsnrr wormiwrtwiiaiol yorvamnsuruo mwouynuswvvnr Ktltobtl TAYttIiI Hormone one Atoiiollitotitbiwittttbt wttrbutetittuttbwml sonransom anemonewr rerun counter urrumn uhtuv pint liai iv the roll out cosmos WW uniyyyvv

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