so soon 111111711 Those Figures Are For Blood Pressure 311101 ruosmosr Ion DIIr 0r WI Why do dimmer ml mostly taro loo nmnrre Wool III halo Viol tho prowl unI And lhsl does It moon to Inn lornul 9min out Is nor IulYI dont Ihnrk III Into IIIII Ilirnmrr Molly luII our to prosouro RIIhrr Ebro In moro l11ry tn III Inh blood pressure It pm more prruuro to Iron Ilmtlollorr 111mi Ihorr Diner Miro Tho urnright ton in other rlIooIs III III norm 1an hit blood rrssuro In the tom now be dad at It Sellout to thorn my point In tryin to raise it ThM numbersHm or 11 our Mlndirnts the rose at prawn Your 11le ymsuo IIII mum ll llurA Innis betlorn presiuyr II III lament the hurt ls pumping Ind Tom 11mm that unto Moro11 hem boots The lrruro Sou note rhoI ymnrn tlul loulH roll rotnrrn oI mor lury to lot rrilhmrirrs who your hurt II thn hoot Ind onlyin helm air Italiny of mo Is ponc ally royardod II the upper limit lay motor Idul lDdm aod youI nrnpley Ibon hrIlllIy hole tom yrusnml Thsu your Illsl II ha 4h out Iould be mlmtdr jar In adultnot rrrsrlt but It amid be visa In try In 01 II data 1111 II 1171 ms rrdm It Isbuulh lyy mII lino Dru 1mm 11y rm il1udorixmmpu=kl hm Inkn III to moral ye rulridnnrnduddodnbl metonrldonyuhasixrb loud lni hols rain 111321 REM and In 015111 43thwa Tandowawa to he Isl Ind Inud rmd TELEVISION ImorvoonIoliorhlrII 11 WIII do think who him till Prohohly loo moi Ituth tor III or oorrl Iood Ind you wont boilers IIIJI youlo tron told by oovrrol ocdlolrl rims dont tool IlIy you mu export roe to romo up otln wmo Innq mule Ior hlo ormolyhl III all too work no pinhltm In rhildhmd rIn persist Into Idulllrmd Irlh MIL1m Irlyhl problem Door Dorir Mend nl nilno had rirrhoslr ol the Iiorr Ind nllrr moor dirt IrIl Indiu lion the lirrr rrsrhod norrrul CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER bit dulrr Both Ilia rulnrrohlo 110ml AH VAR OAKIIMI In develova Ilnrn turn IOUIII 50110007 131109 6A THEMIll In Booth 11 DNA Opening lendun ol dis malls North IL Dur llr Drokrr IulIrr mil dochxrr mrrnrlln Iain you rrturns mu Imm ni nuru hrIdr II III Would our he 9111111 tor mm 13 hmumm NI to In ourrinxdrrmohrrulholdthe Ilonal drink or oould II he mmdm dlymhg lIInnlullM 31 My my mun rid undo 111 no soul 11inth bid 11 old tillon today but oil Inadrs ohmoooa North rants turn to Idriro your lriond lo him In oh double roomm Irnld Ihsl dnnl Illy Islinl pom to mall on rrlrrnr lo normII lilo Ilirr unusual load Ind West him on Illxk ol cirrhosis oi 15 hrrL rtslhornrsuyo Ind lrsdr Iitrr war 5050 proposition to the drumuls burn nth Union he lnr ohgt liltl To book lime odds owl Kill mum then Ilmhrd ohouil he would Iran the pu 1m Dru Dr Tholal load hyxtmomy lly Inmh nol mind hi my Kuhn and nuns Im not WEI 111111 rt mm 11 rny tubalIn RETAIN KIDNAP 11111110 8111 111mm Pain had the abandon DI brim154 Larson 1351 LionJy dolIiIed Ibo 50 1317 york loud in In 14 nrnr bar 1451 no rclrased no wwday nor his my mood ls rehnro In no Laird Ina nIonIl Ior urn pm 111 strokes PROGRAMS BETTA HARRIS TILTYAIIJ TORONTO BLITAID TORONTO II HAMILTON Ll PETKRMROLDTI MORNING VIEWING MONDAY 10 FRIDAY TI IIodry mom Lu 01 Iifomln 1M ourumlry or IM Air ML mo homom maid 1nd Imom Howl um ism1 rim mum Him mun Drum om anrrooinn noorrnrr mo rswrrr my VIth 1121 Wonlo leltl Iorso Will lam MITORA Hm Llllrm LOEM IIEo Alton harm on surelrlo IIII Tontlnlnllon AMY 171m SW IIIrlom OM Lyon 11 1101 MIWI I1I 73111 OI TN tom INScum Ilrool oromwy AIIIII IIloll le Ilrso 7Nowo TLvtllll Ilylll lrrw Dsnohuo THnll own mo lI dot LlloW THURSDAY JANUARY 21 EVENING MI 70111 Von Dylo IbIInrnn In 7MIAI Dovnllo 007 Xlldlro II VI Tllg VIII HM or autumn 13m my Ho morn nor IImmm Drum ol JIIanlr VM WIN ldru 117M Motherhood mo IIolrkorl Junction oIrum or unso qmuu LIIIn TN 71m II You Llll ILormlml All irllo worm HIT0 TIIIIIXV IBold us llvDovld loll IJohrow form How Grlllln Him TMoull 1m Vlllnot lolll Dummy rumI Irlh the 111 THORNTON By 1111 TIOLT his horn on Jon Iller he in in Royal irtorh Ilospdol II III muL oi Irar Ird III in Ihlrh he on Ioinlred Jon It on lliglrrsy near Holly Norma In played on hrsr thou his book injurror one not as serious as had hm nzr Iroinly rryxond oh 111 Bronhil no On it Ind son to llr and Airs llril hm Triadlit on Jan it In Royal uurnn Ilospilnl Tho Incin baby buy on urkvmrd In the lImily rirrlo lry hi1 lIoo Iirlrn CAN YOU QUILT The Thornton Quilltls 11 11 slanld llltll Iintrr Allilll 11 glin Anyoni oho uould lilr to ruin this rwp at any iImo would be uclrorued JIM come to tin lrnn Coldwrllo homo any Tuesday or Wednesday Congratulation to Ross Bur1 roll uhn on the Iinnn 111 the IIW trill uhrn the draw 11y Thomlnn Ilinor llorlry Aosoo lotion look plots on 1111 Ii or the mmmunily nrnnn Sympathy lo ulrnilid to Mrs Dalton Itontinp uho rmimi Torn cranium rolonxd lo ho rlln hnle horn Rpm ed that oil soon 1111111111111 oil oil In Mime Inmuyr am vFiII tlaylro NuIIinp Home Grontrl ohsrpo so lho St Judes IhIh II ru but no Imwlrly oath and Tiny hurt to Ibo rodslhouooldhmm No norm highly distress no choice but to ploy lho In on my omnrro 1111de not only LIIII but om loom to return rluh Iooy Irnrn III ting Smith IluIyI rush Ihe 111m rhIIILiy up rod um points Ind uh un nonunion lows would odd ml II II plIy lor my Lin rum Ind Ilmply rInI Illnrd Ins no II no TDHIm in my drums lrnllrr Ihsl H111 my ohsnre rould mist doubling lor tho dmmnd Ind my part rIrr Iould open his unxlotm rlubInd 1r would then wind up bonito Inc 11am trirt but um utterly unnho to Irol Urn Impulse to double Ior dLIIImd lead The mum Im letting you Ill lhu ls hruuselm hopniul lhu lettrr Iyposrs in yrnnl Ihnl por hrpo lho bsd drrnru lltl on IIy Ind III Ipnln he ohlolo lite prrlrclly norrml nul Im Thanking you in Ilium Sinrerrly youn Conilnnl Road or Moorllwnln ol Rrglno hId pmrd only on Jan Ind Il Io hrr Ililrr IlTorrntol 11rd Neil llzrnilloo rl Noon Jaw dial on Jon The Tnuu In LmmIry hint on hid enough dsnorrn out to mute on right not oI 1111mm an Inn 11 sumo vlrllon Irrn pmtnl irnm 1le and Allison 1hr rIlyninn rlJIshl um Imrul lrom klrny and Iltislon Nrnlynlnc couples brim lo the Thumlon Club On Jan It all urn prosenl on one mole hourtor Intro urn Iour ohm oouptrs oo III 11 Th ruh has hour In run to 11111 tIordrn Jon 3L loo Simooe County Bogiorm Rows tin lIIlinrn llrllorl nl Chur chill is the IIlcsl midino ul Iho uhrro she is ronralrsning Ironr lrrolm hyr Tho syrnlrr tor the Work Irnyrr Iur lirislinn Unily lor lire North 11m lornh III II lion Sooner minister uI Iho Lnilnl mun Arrlus gt Ulnpio tongroyalion worn prililolrd JIIL In how him Inlo olr ro yulzr run Iorliio ltn spoke on Iho Chrislionr plum In the homo rhurolr nrol community lch Olirrr Osmond ocrupiod lho pulpit in the Angus Unllrd word IlInI hrr lrrothrr llonoy Church ohnrno on lins exthanger JULIET JONES SECRET AGENT INAWG AND 170 55 10 DONALD DUCK BLONDIE HUBERT FJAT DO NGU IlllK 15 MY BlGGET NUBBIN M5455 5760 ADEEK HELLQ AGNES BLONDENUJ DIALED THEM NUMBER THIS IS DAGme THIS IS 11 GOING 10 BE onto CHAMPION 90st you WIITIOIUJWJN no FROM 111111 PAINTr OWL mucous WIMWWBJSOO No W51 SIN LEO HA9 one GLARING WEAKNEss 1d IAIN mm JANUARY II 113 MN yrs Imus to 01 M1 IS 706 wuNiL 100 M5011 om slur out scrum oomsmvmu or woman It 1mm ammo mum III mo ml soaltmm our Aw urns 11153 rr mum 500 ML twhlr LIVONT new rcc our our InSEKI mun CAN NEW II IM NOT AGNS WHEN HE GET9 HIT HE ROLL V00 Tlli THREE CEHT5 FOE our 5111710 111 AM In him no TNIII smlm 1nd sum Author nun 1111 $1240 1mm oMr lmosm tMy lhrro 5m IDorrr Mum lILolo 11111 but mo 1111 snr Smmhllo 1111111 crossword tLII IIIII Ionmo LIIIII In no Frmwr IIIII 7Longtlml Manolo All In Tho Flmlll Tho ernolt 1mm lIPlom Iurlon We cant goovor ll1n wrlllm suggestions you mode 1111 lrccousc the yanrior just cmptlnd my wosinhaskrt Imam or lho Irrll 12111 JMovlo lumen 1m oamrr lurl 1le yr 1711 AQOSII lLDhlorlo LNllld unsisiadhyh Illool ronnr or one Human 5111 vomoow lSloNonor nono 1m ugtr1rc1wwh 11mm InIsr nourish Momlovll ITIch 1112er T517311 IIJmu Gum 1m 17 Tommy sum mm 51 19 1111111 ILAlonxln DOWN Ilrrno mo rII low 1M your Anne IlIo 21 mm or 1mm IMrnmr 7411111111 yummy itd on bill Mom 10 Ml Ihlll AM 7To 11 mm oumeAlloo 1111 011 om s11 Mo anon 0m lliolnct nlotol IIDoorn llllllAl JANUARY 21 AFTERNOON TLChodlho lDown II 111111 sou1 bouldtm 11w odronrool oxlnd 1Goollr Ill nl 1111 II II Tioonordy mm omrnlrry 1mm you ll Wortrr lir 1211 will own LNH INN std mm on UN ohIrIrlor MM IIIIIIeloId 11 Clio 1L Noon or 11mm nor 111 to Holt 7hommd Now on Wdrd ma IlGrrrt REM1h Ilium mm mm Lon ironrr llvldlllsh 1All AMI FIIH Moon 11mwrm 1111 mu Ihlol Vim rmw llwl or rum nor 17 rm 11m Bums WW mun lhlndlon TImro on Motrn IIIIII oh 3m 111 World 11m ASqml 51mm Boodle rorwonmo Gmmol 7Gmlot Nornllol yr uColIoldol HT 11m Mm our 111 1111111 rub Isamrr no AlllernolII ouoon Tmrnunrr 11711 11 nor 11m ILSquoro wood Drill ORFIFTEEN WELLJHIIIE PERSONS PERZIONS LIVE LIVE HERC HEREOROKUPI THIS DWELLINOT Hrloru Promill sortEu n4 lIlnhI Iiommondrv anvr lAbnglhlnq you 111 TVIIMUO lthlllml lll Dlllm OI Junnio 1141mm 111m 11 Mm 1111mm Thin lITrolh or 19m lunmi commas anm cm 111111 01 or om 14W ll In to MirFunny owl Tl 111m July 1111 tllllllrllll sMm WW llqu or 119 7Dootnvl oIImI an lnr Rmulah worn on you IAWQUX ussoruo honor his only nos vow IMMADEIRAJSVECIALLY 1115 MORNING MINERS AND WNT lAlLIO TAKE IltE 5111 RIPE WWII Illi BLLSIOIIE norms Anoilcvotculo noon IIIANKIOIRMRGI SA ER 1113111111111 50 Incl some on llllllAI JANUARY 21 IRWIN mo 11 11m v1 Doll 21111111 mm It0mm 44mm 14 ComoM mo IMIAI lullllll Mm 111 Han Klldlu Lll 1111 our 1111 110 HRer In run our Dul lDor 11111111 sunk TIl1VIllI1 mm Mrom WWW1 tumour urnr room or my m1 Cotton own 011111 WW iluoior Moon Ind leollo WW DAILY CRYITOIIUOIEIlerno how lo work It IIlowlllM 111 nrum o1 Jronwlo my WW 11111111 Moon 11 II II 1111 lahrrdv lvmh IMovlo Lllm wwm lMavro 1m won at Mr Ono lollor Illnon Ilondn to Mother In Ihlr urn lo to mod Ior tho llIroo Do 11 In tho loo 01 Ito Sinnlol r111 Inmnu ml 1H AllGot smm one 1an In tho lonlth Ind Iomolton Iho words 111in tho rods lolim Iro diluent II lollorno IL Incon Ido Humour AIAHLNlnl NOEL HAVE NICE STAN BUZZ SAWYER LMV no soul lIbon Mmur WW 1111111 Mm non luloblloo tliuomrr 5111111 It H1 101 llMoolo Irrwrnm ulna yme 1111mm on 11nllrllolilrrn hm vnuo Von om ml Rdodllamm MITTommy Monro LJII AMpylo 11 1111141111 lMovll II IIITIT Ehh Hull lm EIUMI Mllll iMuLl 111 70111 narrow mm 11 Mom or Joonnlo 11m tum Altootl but 111 L111 Arunny 111111 In mm TM 151 Tlmo IE SHOUID RBEEN OVER RT THSEONCE HIST NIGllTr LOWEELV LWUZ IN CONTRLT WlF TIISPERRITJ ALL NIGHT Crulotrono Quintin GAWII 11 IV IIQYXNRQD W011 BAWIBV WDT OYQDI IIATIV OYUNO TWO 19701141 IWBBYD Ynlordsylcml lllli IIINDNESIGOIIIAWR WAY 101 DP T1111 WI IT OUGIIT TO STAY AT 01111 WWW It dun Mm lilillll Armlron 111w rrmu my Wilmllumylrollolurlw BARNEY GOOGLE 11 lDolrrIlro lloryl 1111111 Iomoolol rormonorwrlfnrlotilvr to arm 311mm HnLnrynx who