ream Saat it tornk no nu and In It air Wh II the or tr IT tip In Iourht pri try Itir to 1110 Soun roots Ball Gordlallo teana Itrlkny for darned Howe Is Youngest On US National some lanes tari In his Irontidarr Inlitifiodldnotlilrlholilr lth rich nose Trim oiahodry Hark Er IbIeIroId Ion oi tilm Detroiter wtnp ItII over plan oi Idm irons did today as be timed up tor thI Olympia with the U5 Nalimal Boom raid IIrkI hi Imhition Is to in pro hockey ItIr 1th did It under present National tlorkey um rail he not become Brim tell torer ear ton in te listen to everythinr the roach raid and to enjoy Ion rel link said Im into to do both these thing Im stator 1o eootr detect all tho woe Iheyra well booth ol run on the round and hope no help them to do we Ilene Is the youngest player em to line up on the US It tlorat term than romrthinr his tamour tether Ierer Irhlerrd GordtI war ii Ihro he rlrnsd pro and rlartrd htI lontIaUc Byrarold esrrrr with the Itrd Winn Team manner ttrl Trumhir said your lion won his plare to the round on rmriL know some people will think he was ehonm because heI Gentle IlaweI Inn mm hie said Dont Trotters It We needed tett win out he was the host It would he had policy to arlrct any piner Drum oi his name anyway It the other players had thmirht that they would have rrsentrd It and the morale It the Ihotr team would hIre lIlIIltld lint they know It Isnt true The whole squad has tremen dour respect Ior link More In ployrd three porno tor the National team tau to he hockey But Im erpior so open about it Dad has laterals In rah rr Melanoma and mi estate Scores Iean Itatrlle oi New York itanrrrI moved III first piano tie to the Nattoont Inger storing riioe Wednesday storing two oats In New York ltnnrerI victory over Iris hurries Kings Rateile Wild goals No 29 and to tie PhU kkposlto oi Irlrcr Itod Gilbert ot New torh broke throeway dead loci movie Ilenet ihi plooo with root and two assists tor 65 points bposlto itotrllrp NY Gilhrrt NV Iladiicid NV On II it Ilull IlIrUn Ilui Perrrouit Bui Stantteld htnliovlleit ii Avonlea Rinks Meet In Draw TORONTO It vin More eoineidew two rinks tram Torontos Avonlea elohl will meet in the tint mood oi the Onidrio rurUnr rhamplon Ihip at Ottawa next Thursday Tho draw the Ontario tirl In Assorlrtoo Iondr Ken ttowrn et Aionlu ainnst Itosa Pearce representing rental home that ctirlr out It Avon 335382 53332888 52 tiniest magau non timittealnbtllml mother to restored to hartna both him and his elder brother my loitering to CordieI Iootstrpa So to spend two years has donhts Stark raid hints at roUrra hr Iald litter inetmd his rhnlhuu In pro hodry rains hot helm nish mind mIsIndihenIhIrotworrted To Tie Es Boston Bruins with or points Into role posses Player Team pro Ittharo oopor Back home In Detroit Marks ttavhro Ia rot hurt IbI had In npenlioo on my rill hm tour months ago but lit and mtidrnt Io Parent Talks With lawyer ms Anews ICP Goall tender Burni Prrrnt and his IIw Itowmt Corps oi Phil ade maimed Wednesday in out Iirp In the Toronto hoopla Itrl payers nepotiae lions with Miami Smamiot EI rles oi the itrdrtlnr World Hockey Annotation Casper Irld the otter Mada Parent one ot the National lloclry leagues wistaodinr roalteoderr would make the uyeabekl hiontruler one at the top to paid aihlrtrs tn the THE MUFFLER SHOP Banks 0n Incision hr INNISEIL PIIDNE IIMB OFF TO Tlr Barrie YMCA urea tIrI III my Iaeeesrlol you II Itll add rotting the eopitri dth nilter JEAN ILITELLE IV Esp It It SALE ii we It Huge tire selection Premiumstst2nd line ntgllscontinued and 197 stockeverything goes lrr page 65013 775ld 18 do Izsir oasis Test Track Proven to In olhrr tintround match ups Jtni Orel ton ol Toronto Boulevard nire tohn Seott oi Grarrnhurst Boo Wood oi To main ItoyIl Canadian meets 11rd Drown oi Klntston Earle litiahnren oi Toronto Itumtrer Illphlnnd rots Iralnst IIrtan Adrian oi Ilanorrr and dim Walla oi St Thomas takes on Ottawas Eldon Coombe trained ItIIi Do not he SKI PANTS lies to pinwtreri double pin Standard Qtl Ski Paola SAVE 30 All roidpoiriil on IDLEIII II guaranteed and Is ronslderrd lhI heat dollar value All product an hrIId IIIne nirr rhandlsr and In rIrIIolIy Ielroled Ind Iltteri hy our uprri Australian made over the boot pants title 19 Spurnerin and Ovrtina over the boot moat Iiatsun ZIOZrorzn BIRREII nun up by rod Irntre We do all prtrer SKI PACKAGES looted by oihrr IantIed sates HALF list IIIICII CilSItiltI installatier wheel rk room 41 moo to MW 19 our list on this pkr trio so itooir 1yroi Unililo iriialoni IitIedi lieu 6133 3995 it Is only harrIII It It Ills rolls the Pnrposr Inn is backed Ioott Skis Ductile Boots Dolor Bands Solrty Straps Boot irrss Sicnln Bindian and Itvmirnol to liherrlas Sleis with Solomon Slot 95 IIstIllrrI this tor you erra It thrrr sntr rnieo Complete AI traits ith NW On Nancy Greene Colin Spinnerin Ext and Bonner darkrlh with over 00 Inahoes troni SKIS laminated wood skin with Ten Itase Tip Pro tutor Steel Ildger Our reridor low price Tyrotta Skiiiiierter Stcptn was that Now with Visions IIstIllirtlrn 39 5495 4490 hlaritrr normal in Ind Simpler Toe union Supp List $5896 Sate tntersport 5rrr IirI 1996 Ilindings Nevada Grand Prix itll7n Slidi list 0010 WitTi models Neg List 205 Ill i7 Dynamic limit mod Ilosstilnol tin Another root it our list their BARRIE SPORTS ltd ltrid onto Eihrrrlas sin List now Vitl7 Dynamic Tho liontore hiatlttnr aU sires Balr irkr an no iii 134 00 Sale Price ris SAVE ON TH ESE AND 0TH ER GREAT hrzh perlorrrianro In Irlrr SKI PRODUCTS WH THE SPORTS PEOPLE COIIIER ST BARRIE ONT All Sales Are Cosh or Chorgexl But ore backed up by our service ILE THEY LAST AT iiiiiirovnirnsrnnit 78 SERIES BELTED POLYESTERFIBREGLASS TIRES OTHER SIZES Ernie FIB14 15 oreir is insi4 15 ireis Liais 2458 2683 2988 3188 3788 Etntnrl Willi WHITEWALLS EXTRA COST SPRINT UNITE TRACK 10 SERIES BELTED POLYESTERFIBREGLASS TIRES OTHERSIZES rroto zone FIG15 zone yorooo zone E7044 tho15 3088 WHITEWALLS INCLUDED Cearance MOT CAPRI 109 JLO TWIN REG IOIII ZEPHYR 316 1355 TWIN REG IOIB IEPHVR 440 ESE TWIN KEG 1098 CAPRl TAU JLO TWIN REG 95800 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE 749 799825 025 110 Bradford Street Keg 7285965 littIVItL