Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jan 1972, p. 1

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wholes recessions taraIaIIoI more gamed Minoan newt All on ram eunlagkstbasnnrnlas LII taointttsdrmmn lro thawsPull soon Yur no1 ossurto Thursday isnuary 27 Im Not More Than the Far Copy to Papa In STORM Alto smashes nu Attnrvuts PLANE HIIACKER Controllers To Answer Government Proposals WAWA CPI The air trailic eutrollera wtrl title thetrnnawartodayloasrta Is dodged to and their it by min in grounded moat commercial air trattlc In CouldI there was no indication as the meeting with mediator Noel At lint dance it migbtap thIt might be as rubbish Its the work ot liothcr Nil Lear also and display iirm butspots to temporary re use dill More storm Brandord lirlni bit to Its IdvcrtIaiaa as costly as pairs to blows out window However the srnasbing lob that bit Ontario oer Photo Ulster Policemen Die In Hail Of Bullets BELFAST CPI hall at terrorist roachloogun bullets killed two policemen my in Northern lrelands lrtsh itspr llcon Array stronghold ol donderry gttaman riddled the police car in thsitosernount quarter at side by side there or three other police Shotgun men In the us has was hit in the tool but was not serioqu hurt PolJc said the dead men were threshold sergeant and constable At least it bullets ripped into the WI dullt violenca to illllla illlin month Three policemen now have Blasts Demolish Bomb bthlliEAirCP boo byttrapped bomb was demo lished pollen shotgun bIasla In downtown skyscraper Wednesday and didnt go at the two bottom oors ol the tsetorey building at the Cona dlan imperial hank oi Com merevs were evamoted alter the bomb titled with two rrtoirse lrIpd wired to detonators wns gsupd shortly bclorn pm Bul tsunami of the building occupants stayed on the upper oors while police shot It tiltt dangerous dovico Poiieo bomb disposal oilleers toured the bomb might go oil it it was moved Pollen said that ii they had cut any at the wires in either at the two independent circuits In the device or larred either mouaotrnp loose by attempting to move It It might have ex ploded Govt Threatens Mill Takeover sr roans urn cot aaors Minister John trouble has threslcnod government takeover at linerbosrd mlll under construction at Stephen villa uriiess promoler John Moonela too mlllgn loan re sources so try million to advances ho pro celved from tit asi Int atiutinistrttlonlr Air Crosbio who also is eco nomic development minister in the Progressive Conservative government said Wednesday Air Doyle cordd retain his par tirlprtlon In tho protect or with draw voluntaril but would be required In cl er case to use money from the loan to repay advances received since June 25 till ila would also have to agree to spend the remainder oi the loan on the mill died this year cssuslties oi the bloody zuenilla war waged by the IRA to drive Britain trorn Ulster and units ths North with the Catholic use its out The IlIyinga allowed bombing Itacla across North east iselInd itstho last It hours War it wrwluohwmmt Midsmnrim Northern lralIad Premier Brim PIulkoer was llyinyto lander lodsy tar or cut Ilka on the situation wit British lenders ArnaabeiiovadtoboaniltA guerrilla Itaa kluedand com nion was iohsred in one oi the tIstson police station Four powerhii ex iosloos hit the sleepy village cl Csstlawei Ian CotmyDown to ll alths start at the attacks today iirr Idtahal ted by raiders he drove mm the neighboring lrish ite ublic do shuyed buildings in border town oi Neory Doctor Criticizes Vitamin Ads OTTAWA CP litosa loll cartoon cbIrIclera who pop vi lornin pills on childrens shown may be setting the kids up for illness or even death suggests an Edmonton physician At least one and poaalbl two Iedcrsl agencies are tskihg look at this iorm olbroadcsst advertising Dr iampolsks In let ter in the iedera load and drug directorate predicts with Il rrtost certainty that adverse reactions will occur as result at the television campaign ills letter puhlhbcd in its latest lssuo its Bulletin monthly publication of the toad and drop directorate says the vitamin ndustry Is advertising Its wares In vIrlons leasant shapes ilavoratand ties as candy ilhcsipy mantles il eou as me poen lethal to an umpecdog child alleeI be iiall udgovrrnrhent represent Ill the union In awer be Inth eahinotmwchtnlgta parcels MIDI whether it would have to Issue In order recalling Parliament to legislate the end at the strike on could be the stop decision lie has refused to recall Parliament up to now President Itlcbard Cam belt at the Canadian Air lrailc Conhol Association told report ers that his or solution hss reached nor usion on the NIH proposals But neither honor govem Hopeful VANCOUVER Cl Blocked rail and road lists and continuing power shortage laced British Columbia today or the seventh straight day Work crews were bopelul ol clearing orator roads and rail lines quick but there wu no retlet lo ll tor power authorl tics engaged in deliesla lug gling set with ulltltles in the northwestern United States the weather oillca forecast continuation oi the arctic rem perIlures which descended on the whole Pacille Northwest to the wake at last weeks winter storms The cold aptii coupled with breIks In the two motor trans mission lines supplying power to southwestern BC has put as were strain on the northwest power pool which links to us utilities with the BC ti dro and Power Authority and West itootenoy light and Power Co iViaItaIIa Jackson Dies Of Seizure CHICAGO AP llahalla iIckaon gospel singer and recording artist who performed throughout the world dled today oi heart seisure hospi tal attendants said In tailing health the int low years the ooyesrold singer also in liltlo Conipany oi iisry llnspltsl In Eyergreeo PIrk Chicago suburb if or Addict Treatment Report orrtwt co lleroirt the first oi three potable tad laurel lit per rent or should be available legally reports it sketthcduaprlority males and 107A per cent tor under tight medics controls to need community service pro females trons loss to lots and allow treatment at Canal Is gram to meet the present its deaths were recorded In mrnt negotiators would com meat publicly on them Mr Campbell raid the conclu sion was reached alter cooler cncs telr no rail with the as aocIIt ons regional oitlces Wednesday right its said the association is ears eerned about what action the cabinet may take Asked ll be was rclrrrlng to veroment tn elrventlon he so this hIs at waI been possibility Air all had set to Ian E51 deadline tor response to his secret proposals which may be the last chance for tnltmtary settlement at tho atnlr tits CBC Strike Hits Quebec By THE CANADIAN PRESS CBC technicians In Quebec City and llaliiIx wcra oil their Jobs today Is the Nations Assn elation oi Broadcast Employees and Ikchnlclans continues Its srries oi rotating strikes against the corporation Silly Quehcc City em ioyccs stalked all at pm ion lho lit perms tartar wrnl out It ll am EST and there was no indication when they would reiurn Halifax ilodioCaoads said Quebeearea residents would not be Illeeled much by tho walkout local news programs were cancelled but CBVTlV was receiving all network shows while CBV radio was broadcasting network and Montreals local prograrns in another development magnum pinging ac mediatorIm icrllenstotha unions conitact dispute with lho pabliciyovmed corporation T0 CALL TALK Neivo technicians In Pksdrn Chutes Polrlrr labor do irtons CBC radio outlet walked partmrnt specialist in broad out at tam but returned two casting and ll Doucet rhiri hours lIter conciliation oillcer lnr Quebec All those who went on strike region were stint to arrange Wednesday except ior Quebec portal meeting between ncgo City have returned stars tor the CBC and the biootreal spokesman for blomcmbcr union US Flexible Negotiator Says PARIS iieuirr Chicl 115 negotiator William Portrr said today the United States is pre pared to be exible on Presl drut Nlaooa now eigbtpolot Vietnam peace plan and the sill secret ninepoint Communist ro sais Nixon plan was tormalty presented attodIys itlrd ses sion oi the peace talks by Sai gon delegate Pbsm Dang Lam on behIlt oi the United States and his own government the piss which ilIocl brushed Isido Wednesday Is on acceptable altered North Viet mm the complete withdrawal ol II US troops Irom Vietnam by Aug Wit plus genersl reasellre in exchange tor the reIcsso or wsr prisoners in addition South Vietnamese President Ngund VIn Tbleu would resign month bciora to ternntionaiiysupervlsed lions open to the Vice Cong would he held Porter said the Nixon plan was lIir to all concerned iio addedzfllly comments are In tended also to emphasise our desire to be as flexible as possi ble so that we can speed the negotiations the Us plan Is designed to bring to lasting peace Knocked nitqu renters throuphout lndoehlna through negot sled aclteicment he said this proposal is comprrhen rise to nature covering Ill mlll lary and political issues and would be negotiated and signed in complete torm Is an overall agreement in principle be sold Down POUGithEEPSlE NV AP stocky man who blinked let airliner and Its crew tor mum revolts manly hI rol ioctod was shot and tilted by an FBI agent today The latter was killed with shot blast alter he got into we tng get my car when the plane mood the band gun he earned turned out to be only atartera pistol and the bomb he claimed he had us only two watenhllnd canteens the actrr was tdenliiied Ii Gyearod iornwr Prekskill man Heinrich you George Peeksklll police said man by that name moved irom there to Casino blasa taro Von George moved with his site and seven children short time later to aladeiamiiy house in nearby Brockton bisss Ilteil Elli agents were Investigating this morning Neighbors said that von George hid been unemployed and toss rrlerrtsi by to employ ment agency to dnt store in Albany but that lob ell throusb At one point during the to hour drama that began trdnes day npht It the liestchester County Airport the hUactrr said intruded to main stewardess parachute trom the plane with him Alter the Mohawk Airlines let landed at the Dutchrss Coustt Airport here the bliaekrr wt the ransom rstoury and his captive stewardess wrat to tho VANCOUVER Cl Carr Idas disenchantment with its policies at tho inrdcau govrrn ment in such areas Is the econ omy and unemployment is re sulting to increasing support tor the Progreulve Conservative party Opposition Leader ilobrrt Stanfield said Wednesday night People are getting behind the Promcsslra Conservative party as the only credible alter oIllvel in the Intdoou govern ment he told about 275 pen sons It Conservative nomina tion meeting In the iedcral rid ing cl Burnabyitlchmonduelta Predicting spring election probany In June ilr Stan itcid attacked economic policies at the liberal goltmmrnt and said er the good at Canada we assist drive them lrorn olrlce Economy Feeling on dutlabio scoot WiIiTBY CF Orinstablc rIrly Wednesdsy morning Berrigon Granted ngnted parole clicclivo ich it 11 monl Police Investigate car be bad crdrrod plated the end at the runny its put tho woman to tha driv rrI out then sent around tha reareithaearand Mist passenger seat It In lilt agent approached from the rear said John blalme Isc sistant Fill director in charge at the New York City olilce the agent tapped on the win dow The hltscker Malone said produced pistol Ihcreupon the agent blasted him with shotgun The Ilewanlrss Eileen Allister urihnrt sold the hi lackrr had kept gun at her brad ior seven bows but she shrugged all suggestion that hm had been harrowing or deal leel line she said lust glad to be here An FBI agent described her Is very coolshe played it ivery cool dealing with this man ac no Albany to New York flight was hiiscted Wednesday night and iarced to land It the testehrster County Airport near White Plains about so miles southeast of Poughker sic lotrghheepais is on the ti and River or miles north of New iork City After letting the to passengers oil the gtmrnIn kept the pilot Capt Carl llleth aral copilat William Ollsrl It hay in the cockpit while hI held tba stew Irdrss with him in the rear cabin threatening to blow up the piano it his demands were not IneL Stanfield Cites Growing support lit Slaniicld charged the gov ernment with In lneiirctiro It tIrk on Inliatiun and with croIi lng policies that cause hard ships ior oidrr Canadians lIELP PENSIONEM lie said the guaranteed In nusi Income lupplemehl tor old age pensioners should be tied to consumer price Increases so that it the government does not sea It to grant more money or spending pours at least the government doesnt cause our pensioners to wnrit with its and less each month the ledcral lC leader blasted Finance hllnlstcr Edgar Benson tor nonanctlon toward the pulp and paper Industry which he said has been partieulIrly hardpresscd since the Canadian dollar was tested In Alsy trio mrMwmr 1m chrsusa NEWS Effects Nixon WASlliNGmN CPI President Nixon assured Congress todny that the American economy is beginning to toe thI eilccts oi the decisive Iellens he took lost Aug 15 including the wageprice horse and the temporary loproccot Import tax Policeman Receives Rabies Shots llcnry Noctsoo oi the Pickering Townspr police is receiving inoculation agulrtst rubles after he was Iltacttvl by on while investigating noise In his yard Parole WASHINGTON AP itev Daniel Berrlgon has been after serving slightly morn than ol threeycor sentence for destruction oi drslt records It Caloruvillc bid to than Bomb Tip CUPENIIAGEN CPI Danish police were reported today to bo Investigating tip that Croatian extremists placed bomb on Yugasilv airliner whleh exploded in midsir over hecto alovakls Wednesday night en route lrom Copenhagen In Zagreb twentytivo prrsons were killed in the crash Special Police Squad Established 10000 users the Debate com emergency situation created by ittl NEW YORK Ilculorl Police have establth special mission on nonmedic uslslsalfld imnesday am as legs rescri tion at heroin might help leean llsera to methadoneanother but less potent opiatethat also wou carefully administered The commission man Dean Gerald leDaln ol Osgoodaiiai law school in Toronto produced virtual ttxtbook on treatment emphasising the need ior eom munlt lacllltics to detect and rehab iltsto drug users disturbed youth REFORM NEEDED liut it added that our whole approach to the mental health come under scrutiny and be relorroed Alcoholism was identified as Canadas motor drug problem tlut most had success rates which are either discouraging mediocre or unknown Dean bomb in pass coo iercnco said out two at the report will be available In early March and will deal with canes hismarijuana and hashlsh yd problems at the nation will have mm volume mm cm plied later on the eitocts at can cuties the eomnusslon emphasised treatment larlllliei vrtvtnlltn it Wm volume It suggested often that the community isnt lacing real lty immunity Icrvi At 011000 Canadians Doctors tor instinct touad lit tenerally inadequate dung 1qu lmbttnlnlh they couldnt dlassoso stretch out or stone ants users an ounce on me untNts lam because many Instruct tor Ilcchollca middleagea pllh DAILYoi alcohol the report plans dont enter it and many takers the mentally Ill and re tardea the aged Ittdthepoor pulp in dcohbilll diameter In alcoholic raid hospitals wont Impi patient Spokesman Says NEON CPI spokes man for Ukrainian organisa tion says that Tomato on on on horseback knockedmco women and girls to the ground when Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin GERALD ABAIN was in the city last lIti Robert Itsksymcc president oi the UkrainianCanadian Com mitteo said It rovlnclIi to quiz Wednesday stlhspolleo us their rtdingorropa Ireer to club demorqu so during Lta yLIIl last Oct Ollieers on foot used their lists against crowd pressing against three police lines out sits the Ontario Science Centre otstry commission whorls llr Korycio spoke at dinner he charged llo litiglllttl earlier police evi demo at tho demonsuatora came close to breaching police lines In cllorts to rush the act snre scour where its Koaygln was addressing Canadian ilonulacturers Association barn am ilis committee had asked tor pollcoeoo oration week tore his osralns arrival to Toronto because It had plInnod an extremely peaceful demonstrstloh its list symcc an engineer told the in er sound to track down those ruminants iorilra bomhln the olllces oi Impresario Sol llurnk rtrr oi Sole enterta era One person was killed and t1 lnlor In the blue School To Operate YearRound sonottso CPI secondary school in the borough oi North York Ls to become the first here to oiiamyaurrmd education is principal sts tawln said Wedn that starting next September students at tho Georges VInier secondary school said he Ibio to split their year into three meters beginning Sept Feb and Jilly itGov In Satisfactory condition VlCiOtiiA CPI LtGor John Nicholson oi British Cob umbla was reported in satiaisciory condition at Royal Jubilee Hospital todIy alter he fainted and collapsed late Wednesday night during dinner It Government blouse

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